Tier List

Reverse:1999 is a game where team building and strategy is the main focus, so take the ratings listed here with a grain of salt, as most characters can perform well when under the right team and circumstances, while conversely, most characters rely on a good synergy with their teammates to deliver a good performance.

To build this Tier List, we tested all characters both on their lower levels and high level, as well as both in optimal and non-optimal scenarios. We took into consideration their versatility, performance compared to other characters of the same role/niche, and if they grow or fall off as the game progresses.

Tier List Options
  • Overall: How the character performs ignoring the patch specific content - the rating showcases the overall character strength,
  • Overall (Euphoria): How the character performs ignoring the patch specific content including the impact of Euphoria upgrades on the meta - the rating showcases the overall character strength.
Tier List Criteria
  • Damage Dealer: Characters whose main function is to deal damage.
  • Sub Carry: Characters who can both deal damage and help the team in some way.
  • Support: Arcanists who you bring to the team for their utility or support aspects, be it buffs, debuffs, control, and so on.
  • Survival: Healers, Tanks, and the ones with tools who help keep the team alive.

  • S+ - characters that are the best at their role for this content.
  • S - powerful characters that are slightly inferior to the S+ ones, but there are some things holding them back.
  • A+ - strong character that perform well that still have place in the meta, but require a bit more work to shine.
  • A - decent characters that are commonly used to replace the meta ones when you don't have them or they have some niche uses.
  • B - average characters that have big flaws and only work as some niche replacements when you don't have anything else.
  • C - characters with very niche kits or that struggle due to low stats.
  • D - characters with niche kits that are difficult to justify, as well as having low stats.


New additions (2.6):

  • Recoleta [S/S+] Probably one of the strongest recent releases. Recoleta is our first look at a Year 2 Ultimate-based Carry. Following in the footsteps of Melania (by taking her as a Support) and Spathodea, Recoleta both smashes enemies with massive Ultimates, generates Moxie for herself and allies and can even force allies to cast their Ultimates with "Ficciones" (which is the first instance of actual Ultimate cheating we have). She deals and will deal significantly more damage as we get Ultimate-oriented Supports.

Overall Changes:

  • Regulus [A/Sub Carry -> B/Sub Carry]: Still does decent damage, not the worst 6-star character in the game but could definitely use some love due to having literally 0 gimmicks and just not having the numbers to keep up.

Overall (Euphoria) Changes:

  • Melania [A/Carry -> S/Sub Carry]: Bluepoch said "We need our queen back in S tier" and then immediately delivered. With this Euphoria, Melania takes on the role of a supportive Carry by granting teamwide [Fixed Plan], massively increasing Ultimate Might and allowing allies to store excess Moxie. When put next to Recoleta, Melania makes her S+ tier.
  • Medicine Pocket [A+/Survival -> S/Survival]: With HP Loss based healing, allowing your team to sacrifice HP, providing a bit of shielding and their debuff now also inflicting a Crit RES/DEF debuff Medicine Pocket becomes the premier raw healer that's not gimmick locked.
  • J [S -> A+]: Simply not on the level of Liang Yue, Tuesday and Melania as a unit. Can provide lots of Extra Actions and massive shields in combination with Ms NewBabel(E) but doesn't do much for the team besides that.
  • Tooth Fairy [S -> A+]: Unfortunately, with all the other Survival units getting Euphorias that give them outrageous sustain and the top Survival units having been at the top of meta for a while now, Tooth Fairy is slowly getting pushed out.
  • Regulus: See Overall Changes

New additions (2.5):

  • New Addition: Noire [A+/A+] Lots of potential, unfortunately struggles with finding team placements now. Due to her high AP requirement, Liang Yue doesn't really slot into her teams that well and while An-An Lee (Euphoria) does function, she didn't get enough from her Euphoria to really hold up in teams. Besides that, Noire doesn't really have proper teammates, and will unfortunately hang on the lower end until that problem is alleviated.

New additions (2.5):

  • New Addition: Liang Yue [S/S] While a very powerful unit with a lot of Follow-Up Attacks, top tier damage output and very good defensive buffing, Liang Yue's rotation without P1 can be frustrating to optimize due to being unable to upkeep Qiangliang permanently. Thus, without that important P1, she isn't as good as other Limited characters on release.
  • New Addition: Loggerhead [A/A] A fairly solid defensive Support with quite a surprising amount of healing who can randomly inflict [Poison], [Burn] and [Rigidity]/[Petrify]. This combination allows her to be used in the defensive core of teams such as with J (if no NewBabel) or Tuesday (DOT Team).

General Changes:

  • Fatutu Tag-Change: Tank > Defense
  • Willow New-Tag: Tuesday

Overall (No Euphoria) Changes:

  • Druvis III [A+ to A]: With the exceptional additions to Plant teams lately, it's harder and harder to find a place for Druvis in those teams due to her below-standard damage output and focus on Petrify, which is not a well-supported niche.
  • Flutterpage [S to S+]: A maybe unsurprising promotion to the S+. With how focused character releases have been on Follow-Up Attacks, and with how no-brainer she is to add to any team that has a modicum of consistent FUAs, Flutterpage has been stealing team spots left and right. Do note that if your team is not castign 4+ FUAs a round she will be harder to use.
  • Isolde [S to A+]: Isolde has been a very powerful unit since her release in "É Lucevan Le Stelle", however, this was primarily to there just not being characters of that level that could do so much while also providing so much damage output. At this time, due to Burn being underrepresented in the meta, Isolde may struggle a bit to find a spot.
  • Tennant [A to B]: Without her Euphoria Tennant kind of just lags behind due to her low shield values and struggle to cycle her Ultimate.
  • Willow [S to S+]: With Tuesday, Willow is perhaps the only character who can challenge Windsong at the golden horse she is sitting on. This, however, specifically requires Tuesday, as she cannot remotely do enough damage to even challenge Spathodea or Barcarola on her own. Note also that this is an incredibly difficult team to run, but when done properly, it is broken.

Overall (Euphoria) Changes:

  • Flutterpage [S to S+]: See Overall Changes.
  • Jiu Niangzi [A+ to S]: With the introduction of Pickles' euphoria, JNZ finally has a bit of stability in her damage. She can't make perfect use of his buffs (as they're layered ones which JNZ struggles with using) but it also allows her to slot Flutterpage into her teams, giving her a strong offensive base.
  • Barcarola [S to A+]: While Inspiration is significantly stronger with Euphorias unlocked (Voyager and Matilda), the team struggles to find a solid base. Having to use a 5-star that can't be easily given Portraits and having no synergistic Survival unit is causing the archetype to struggle compared to more longstanding ones.
  • Isolde [S to A+]: See Overall Changes
  • Pickles [A to A+]: The best boy finally gets a bit of attention. With his brand spanking new Euphoria, he is great at providing support for FUA teams. He gets his own FUA with super consistent Dispel, can offensively buff the ally directly in front of him and also increases that unit's FUA DMG Dealt. All of these effects are enhanced if the targeted ally is Mineral. This does lock Pickles to a specific archetype (Jiu Niangzi, Semmelweis) but helps him in the long run.
  • An-An Lee [A to A+]: She also gets a Euphoria, and with it, becomes significantly stronger than she was before. She can increase the ranks of allied cards, grant defensive buffs, inflict Poison/Burn/Rigidity randomly and she deals increased damage against debuffed enemies. While her usual team is really Euphoria heavy, and she doesn't look as showy as Pickles' changes, there is still hidden strength in this.
  • Ezra Theodore [A+ to A]: Ezra really struggles to find a place. With how long his (arguably quite strong) buffs and debuffs take to set up versus how fast they're consumed, on top of Ezra's low DMG and low shield duration, it's a rough time for buddy.
  • Lorelei [A+ to A]: While still among the top of the 5-star category with her damage, crit and defensive buffs, with Euphoria a lot of accessible 6-star units have started to match her level.
  • Brimley [A to B]
  • Sweetheart [B to C]
  • Leilani [B to C]
  • Pavia [C to D]

New additions (2.4):

  • New Addition: Fatutu [S+/S+] Extremely powerful healer capable of passively outputting massive amounts of healing on top of spreading damage taken by teammates across the entire team. On top of that she is capable of greatly increasing the damage done of Follow-Ups which is especially potent for units like 37, Anjo Nala and Jiu Niangzi, though her sheer defensive power alone can offer her that S+ spot.

Role Changes:

  • 37 [Sub Carry to Damage Dealer]: Due to Fatutu existing, 37 is actually capable of outputting very competitive damage!
  • Kakania [Survival to Support]: Due to the use of her kit and the point of her usage in high end content (defensive supporting and ATK buffing) AND constant questions regarding her place amongst characters like Vila and Tooth Fairy we felt it best for her to be switched to this role instead

Overall Changes:

  • 37 [A+ to S]: Now that Flutterpage and Fatutu form actual meaningful Supports specifically for enhancing the damage of FUAs, which is 37's entire shtick.
  • A Knight [C to B]: We were a bit rough against AK due to his mediocre performance, he works fine as is (but could definitely use a Euphoria).

Euphoria Changes:

  • 37 [A+ to S]: Now that Flutterpage and Fatutu form actual meaningful Supports specifically for enhancing the damage of FUAs, which is 37's entire shtick.
  • A Knight [C to B]: See Overall Changes
  • Voyager [A to A+]: Was supposed to happen previous tierlist update.

New additions (2.4):

  • New Addition: Barcarola [A+/S] Not really a DPS in the traditional sense, we decided to put Barcarola in the Damage Dealer position due to her ability to drastically enhance the effectiveness of "Impromptu Incantation". Without her, it wouldn't be doing the damage it does, therefore we consider her its "DPS" for the time being.

General (w/o Euphoria) Changes:

  • An-An Lee [A+ to A]: Generalist Supports generally struggle nowadays if they don't have some ridiculous numbers or gimmicks in their kit, something that AAL sadly doesn't have.
  • Argus [Sub Carry to Support]: She might have the kit of a Sub Carry, however, she is exclusively used for [Pinpointed] since her personal output is abysmal.
  • Avgust [A to B]: Good as a general stat inflater but doesn't have the numbers nor the gimmicks to keep up with newer Supports.
  • Baby Blue [B to C]; Just struggles in general due to her AP-negative kit, debuffs being split across Incantations and [Nightmare] still being a garbage form of CC.
  • Balloon Party [A to B]: Lost HP based healing isn't really that good anymore outside of general content and BP has nothing in her kit to make up for it.
  • Bkornblume [A+ to A]: Still decently strong, but her damage output outside of her Ultimate and debuff values aren't that interesting anymore.
  • Centurion [A to B]: Oh how far she's fallen. A comfy Limbo DPS but certainly not what she used to be, between struggling to find her playstyle to her Insights generally being weak. Maybe a Euphoria would help.
  • Charlie [A to B]: Joining at Centurion's side. Charlie just doesn't have enough bullshit in her kit to make it work. Her numbers are fine, she has access to dispel, but there's just nothing to make her pack an extra punch.
  • Cristallo [C to D].
  • Darley Clatter [B to C] : No gimmick outside of Moxie teams.
  • Dikke [C to B]: We were a little harsh with her. Decent healing output with some damage on the side, and [Immunity] is always nice to have.
  • Eagle [C to D]: Sad to see her go, but beyond the fun Raid buff and being an early game stomper, Eagle just provides nothing.
  • Eternity [B to C]: With a rearrangement in the DPS category Eternity (as one of its worst 6-stars) unfortunately just gets pushed down. Beyond her tankiness and ability to ignore annoying DoTs, she provides very little.
  • Getian [S to A+]: While strong, the low modifier on [Shape of Bones] and lack of easy way to generate Moxie for his Array makes him struggle a bit beyond the first 3 rounds of combat.
  • Isolde [Support to Sub Carry]: Generally, she isn't used for her Debuff Incantation anymore. Her primary use nowadays is her extremely high and consistent Mass DMG output and to provide [Burn] for units like Lopera.
  • Jessica [A+ to A]: With a shift in the DPS category, Jessica sadly suffers. With Tuesday playing much more nicely with Willow, Jessica has been left behind both as a debuff and a Poison Carry. Her damage is still outstanding for general content, but she doesn't meet the standards of endgame.
  • Kaalaa Baunaa [A+ to A]: Also suffers from the shift in her category, KB just hasn't gotten any attention from Bluepoch ever since her release in the 1.3 version. Her Incantations aren't too good, despite being the focus of her kit, and she doesn't have anything to help herself with generating her Ultimate in order to buff said Incantations.
  • Kanjira [B to C]: Just too strict in what she wants to do with no way besides being AP-negative to execute said playstyle.
  • Lilya [A to B]: Suffers from the shift in her category. Her Euphoria is broken, however, that just continues to highlight the importance of catering to a niche and having a kit built around it, which base Lilya can't do.
  • Lopera [S+ to S]: Matches Mercuria in offensive Support, who is matched by Argus on 1-target fights in turn. Lopera's main argument is her ease of use compared to her top-Support peers.
  • Melania [A+ to A]: Suffers from the shift in her category. Still a very solid Raid unit with some use in the upcoming Reveries (2.3) mode, she just... doesn't have enough gimmicks or numbers to keep up with units like Lilya (E1) and Willow(+Tuesday)
  • Mr. Duncan [A to C]: A very heavy hit, but he unfortunately just doesn't seem to be able to keep up with 6-star DPS units.
  • Necrologist [A+ to A]: Still very solid in Raids, but struggles to keep up with Supports that can provide more beyond +50% DMG Bonus and [Prayer].
  • Pavia [C to D].
  • Satsuki [B to D]: See Mr. Duncan.
  • Spathodea [S to A+]: Suffers from the DPS shift. Spathodea, while great, is much more of an Ultimate-oriented Crit unit than she is a [Burn] unit. Unfortunately, [Burn] hasn't been given much attention and her playstyle conflicts with other, better, units.
  • Sweetheart [B to C]: See Mr. Duncan.
  • Twins Sleep [B to C]: Struggles for the same reason as Baby Blue. While their CDEF debuff is much better when inflicted under [Arcane Stamp], their low stats and lack of Insight 3 hold them back.
  • Willow [A+ to S]: Through the new blurb we are considering Tuesday as part of the rating for Willow. Honestly, when paired like this, Willow should be S+ next to Windsong and Lucy. However, Willow+Tuesday is the hardest duo to play in the game due to Ultimate uptime and AP management, therefore we are keeping her in S.

Euphoria Changes

  • Voyager [A to A+]: Swapped to Sub Carry category. The primary addition to the [Inspiration] comp with Barcarola, Voyager is key to making "Impromptu Incantation" deal consistent damage by allowing it to focus-target one opponent with [Orbital Direction] instead of it targeting enemies randomly.
  • Jessica [A+ to A]: Unfortunately, Jessica's first Euphoria is a miss. This is due to [Moss on Stone] requiring 10 stacks to trigger, and it only triggering on an attack (meaning AP spent, and limited to targets hit). In addition, the [Poison] cap on her Incantations, while raised, was increased only from 3 to 4, leading to an insignificant increase.
  • Matilda [D to A]: Swapped to Sub Carry category. In what is perhaps the biggest twist of fate, Matilda jumps from her almost ironic placing as the worst 5-star in the game to a genuinely decent spot as a Sub Carry for the [Inspiration] team by increasing the Crit Rate/DMG of "Impromptu Incantation" considerably.
  • Tennant [Unchanged]: While being an overall buff, Tennant's Euphoria is unfortunately too insignificant to make a difference. It boosts her overall damage output marginally considering the easier access to [Diamond Bullet], but with her shields still lasting 1 turn while auto-casting it every 4 turns, it's just not that impressive.
  • A Knight [A to C]: A heavy hit, but A Knight's output just simply isn't that good anymore, and he's almost exclusively used to farm Sharpo/Dust stages (though Lucy has him beat there as well).
  • Argus: See General Changes.
  • Avgust: See General Changes.
  • Barcarola [A+ to S]: With the addition of especially Voyager, Barcarola's value as an "Impromptu Incantation" damage booster rises considerably. As a pair, the two can even slot into other general comps to provide substitute damage.
  • Bkornblume: See General Changes.
  • Blonney [A to C]: Kind of in a similar struggle to Kaalaa Baunaa being an Ultimate reliant Incantation-oriented unit with both no way to upgrade her own cards nor generate her own Moxie.
  • Getian: See General Changes.
  • Isolde: See General Changes.
  • Jiu Niangzi [S to A+]: The shock of this patch. JNZ prides herself on her Follow-Up consistency, however, recently other units have been challenging her on that front. Unfortunately, JNZ lacks burst, and her damage output randomizing based on [Liquor] consumption makes her struggle on the consistency front as well.
  • Kaalaa Baunaa: See General Changes.
  • Kanjira: See General Changes.
  • Lopera: See General Changes.
  • Melania: See General Changes.
  • Mr. Duncan: See General Changes.
  • Necrologist: See General Changes.
  • Satsuki: See General Changes.
  • Spathodea: See General Changes.
  • Twins Sleep: See General Changes.
  • Willow: See General Changes.

New additions (2.3):

  • New Addition: Flutterpage [S/S] A great Sub Carry specifically designed around FUAs. If slotted into the right team (i.e. teams that can cast 4+ FUAs per round), can boost FUA DMG up to around 250% at P0 (~700% at P5!) while granting various other powerful buffs such as Crit, AP and additional Reality DMG.
  • New Addition: Brimley [A/A] A decent Sub Carry with some very interesting dynamics in allowing any ally to use Extra Actions by forcing them to cast skills. Does well in with characters that use conditional FUAs such as Lilya or Anjo Nala!
  • Promotion: Ms. NewBabel [A+ to S, Euphoria] Works better than J on an individual level, really powerful synergy with FUA teams now that she can fuel them more easily and also apply bigger shields.
  • Demotion: Satsuki [A to B, both] Is hard to justify using over any other Carry even in teams specifically oriented around CC, units like Anjo Nala and An-An Lee just perform better.

Tier List (Overall)

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Overall (Euphoria)

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