Voyager is a very powerful support for Crit-oriented teams. She can consistently inflict Confusion en masse, making it easier for her allies to land crits with their skills. She also provides all allies with DMG Reduction and sets up a counter. She can lower opponent's moxie with her ST-Ultimate. Her passives are very strong. She offers an extremely consistent application of Silence just by performing three actions, and there is no limit to this; it will happen every three actions. If you get her to Insight 3, she also applies Seal to all enemies, making it challenging for the enemies to accomplish much. Acesss to strong debuffs, sustain, and crit support make her extremely valuable.
To learn more about Voyager check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
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Voyager profile was last updated on March 25th, 2025.
To learn more about Voyager check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Stats & Build
Synergy & Teams
1-target attack. Deals 500% Mental DMG and inflicts Moxie -2 on the target. If the target is in [Confusion] status, this attack deals 100% more Mental DMG.
Critical Resist -25% (can stack; each stack is timed independently).
Mass attack. Deals 150% Mental DMG to 2 enemies.
Mass attack. Deals 150% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and inflicts 1 stack of [Confusion] for 1 round.
Mass attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and inflicts 2 stacks of [Confusion] for 1 round.
Critical Resist -25% (can stack; each stack is timed independently).
Mass counter. Gives all allies 1 stack of [Interstellar Blessing] and [Sturdiness] statuses.
Mass counter. Gives all allies 1 stack of [Interstellar Blessing] and [Sturdiness] statuses. The caster gains 1 additional stack of [Interstellar Blessing].
Mass counter. Gives all allies 1 stack of [Interstellar Blessing] and [Sturdiness] statuses. The caster gains 2 additional stacks of [Interstellar Blessing].
Interstellar Blessing:
Deals (Voyager's ATK x100%) Genesis DMG to the attacker (-1 stack after trigger).
When the caster is attacked, DMG Taken Reduction +25% (-1 stack after trigger).
After performing 3 actions, enters [Refrain].
DMG Dealt +8% when the caster enters battle.
Enhanced [Refrain] effect: If there are enemies after the caster takes action, also inflicts 1 round of [Seal] on all enemies.
If there are enemies after the caster takes action, inflicts 1 round of [Silence] on all enemies (cannot be dispelled).
Cannot use Buff, Debuff, Heal, or Counter Incantations.
Cannot use Ultimate.
Voyager has one or more Euphoria upgrades available that amplify their base skills.
Improvised Incantation, Incantation Split, Incantation Orientation
Tier I
Max Eureka +5. At the start of the round, Eureka +4. When allies deplete Eureka, accumulate [Inspiration]. When entering battle, accumulates 3 [Inspiration] points. [Improvised Incantation] will split every other time it attacks (1st, 3rd, 5th attack…etc.), dealing -70% its final DMG to 1 additional enemy target.
[Inspiration]: Each Eureka depleted accumulates 1 [Inspiration] point. At the start of the round, accumulated [Inspiration] distributes among basic incantations (each basic incantation can have a maximum of 5 [Inspiration] points; at the end of the turn, [Inspiration] on unused incantations are cleared). When actively using an incantation with [Inspiration], an [Improvised Incantation] is added to the end of the spell queue, taking [Inspiration] into account.
[Improvised Incantation]: 1-target attack. Deals 200% Mental DMG. This attack additionally deals 15% * ([Inspiration] points) Mental DMG. When this attack’s [Inspiration] stacks reach 3/6/12/20, +1/2/3/5 attacks ([Improvised Incantation] deals DMG based on the average of all allies’ stats).
Tier II
Depletes 2 Eureka after casting [Starlight Sonata] and [Concerto in D-fense] to increase the number of attacks this turn’s [Improvised Incantation] by 1. In addition, this [Improvised Incantation]’s split attacks will target 1 additional enemy.
Tier III
When entering battle, Moxie +5. After casting [Galaxy on the Strings], Moxie +1 and if the target is in [Confusion] status, inflicts [Orbital Direction] on the target for 3 turns.
[Orbital Direction]: Neg Status. [Improvised Incantation]'s attacks will prioritize this target. When attacked by [Improvised Incantation], this target takes additional Genesis DMG equal to 50% + (50% * [Galaxy on the Strings]’s additional Mental DMG) (up to 5 times each round).
Tier IV
[Galaxy on the Strings]’s additional Mental DMG and [Orbital Direction] application no longer require [Confusion]. [Galaxy on the Strings] adds 8 points of [Inspiration] to this turn’s [Improvised Incantation].
Lv. 1:
Galaxy on the Strings: If the target is in [Confusion] status, additional Mental DMG increased to 175%.
Lv. 2:
Starlight Sonata: At Incantation rank 1/2/3, Mental DMG increased to 165/170/250%.
Lv. 3:
Galaxy on the Strings: If the target is in [Confusion] status, additional Mental DMG increased to 250%.
Lv. 4:
Galaxy on the Strings: If the target is in [Confusion] status, additional Mental DMG increased to 325%.
Lv. 5:
Galaxy on the Strings: If the target is in [Confusion] status, additional Mental DMG increased to 400%.
Voyager is an aggressive support and a great choice for Critical oriented teams. She can reliably apply [Counter] along with [Sturdiness] to all allies, helping the usually squishy DMG Dealers to stay alive, all while adding some damage output to the mix. She works well both in mono Star or mixed Afflatus teams. One example being a combo with Balloon Party (Mineral). Both of their counters can stack, thus delivering two layers of damage when an enemy tries to attack an ally.
When it comes to using Voyager in Crit. Oriented teams, remember that her skill “Starlight Sonata” only inflicts confusion on level 2 or above. This can be a bit tricky to manage, but on the bright side, Voyager herself benefits from [Confusion], gaining a damage bonus on her Ultimate if the target is under that status.
Despite all her merits, Voyager can be a relatively AP-greedy support. She needs to constantly act in order to gain stacks of her passive, “Refrain”, who can inflict [Silence] and, after Insight 3, [Seal] on all enemies every three actions. Try to strategize around that in order to capitalize those Negative Statuses on key moments.
Can consistently apply Counter;
Has several Debuffs and Crowd Control options at her disposal;
Good synergy with Crit. Oriented teams.
Her passive can be difficult to manage and unleash at the right time;
“Starlight Sonata” needs to be at level 2 or above to inflict [Confusion].
Voyager is a very powerful support for Crit-oriented teams. She can consistently inflict Confusion en masse, making it easier for her allies to land crits with their skills. She also provides all allies with DMG Reduction and sets up a counter. She can lower opponent's moxie with her ST-Ultimate. Her passives are very strong. She offers an extremely consistent application of Silence just by performing three actions, and there is no limit to this; it will happen every three actions. If you get her to Insight 3, she also applies Seal to all enemies, making it challenging for the enemies to accomplish much. Acesss to strong debuffs, sustain, and crit support make her extremely valuable.
Overall (Euphoria)
Stats and Build
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Notes: -
Source: -
Due to Voyager's high ST Ult, “Luxurious Leisure” becomes the ideal option for her. If you are already using it on your main damage dealer, however, the other options are still perfectly viable.
“Another Story” is one of these options. Voyager may not be able to take advantage of the passive tied to Eureka, but since she often casts rank 2/3 incantations, she can get a great bonus on her overall damage.
Level 1
Level 30
Insight 1
Level 1
Level 40
Insight 2
Level 1
Level 50
Insight 3
Level 1
Level 60
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Synergy & Teams
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