Having a wide variety of defensive buffs at her disposal, Barbara increases the survivability of her team while also providing Mental DMG support. The star of her kit is her Ultimate, which allows Barbara to essentially go AFK in the [Visiting Dreams] status. When in [Visiting Dreams], Barbara passively generates Moxie, her incantations turn into her allies' incantations, and she generates [Jumping Sheep], which modifies the rank of allied incantations. An AP-positive unit who can boost the prevalence of her allies' incantations, Barbara pairs well with AP-hungry Mental DPS characters who like casting high-ranking skills.
To learn more about Barbara check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
Barbara profile was last updated on January 19th, 2025.
To learn more about Barbara check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Stats & Build
Synergy & Teams
Self-buff. Enter the [Dream Visit] status, grant a [Shield] with (own ATK*250%) HP on all allies for 3 rounds.
Dream Visit:
Can only cast ultimates and special incantations. The holder's automatically replenished incantations are converted into random incantations of other allies. At the start of each round, gain Moxie +1 and 1 precast incantation [Counting Sheep].
Counting Sheep:
After incantations are cast and queued, grant rank +1 to the incantation ahead of this incantation, and the incantation behind gets rank -1.
Mass Attack. Deals 160% Mental DMG to 2 enemies. After attacking, inflicts 1 stack of [Scared] on the targets.
Mass Attack. Deals 240% Mental DMG to 2 enemies. After attacking, inflicts 1 stack of [Scared] on the targets.
Mass Attack. Deals 400% Mental DMG to 2 enemies. After attacking, inflicts 1 stack of [Scared] on the targets.
Increases Mental DMG Taken by 25% (-1 stack after triggering).
Mass buff. Grants a Shield with (own ATK x120%) HP to all allies for 2 rounds.
Mass buff. Grants a Shield with (own ATK x180%) HP to all allies for 2 rounds.
Mass buff. Grants a Shield with (own ATK x300%) HP to all allies for 2 rounds.
At the end of each round, if no action was taken this round, grant DMG Taken Reduction +10% to all allies for 1 round.
When entering battle, DMG Heal +8%.
At the start of the round, if in the [Dream Visit] status, recover (Max HP x20%) HP for self; then if own HP is above 90%, recover (own Max HP x15%) HP to adjacent allies.
Dream Visit:
Can only cast ultimates and special incantations. The holder's automatically replenished incantations are converted into random incantations of other allies. At the start of each round, gain Moxie +1 and 1 precast incantation [Counting Sheep].
Counting Sheep:
After incantations are cast and queued, grant rank +1 to the incantation ahead of this incantation, and the incantation behind gets rank -1.
Barbara doesn't have an Euphoria update yet. If it will be released, we will add it here.
Lv. 1:
Troubled Sheep: Mental DMG increased to 180/270/450%.
Lv. 2:
Chat on the Lawn: The Shield granted is increased to (own ATK x140%/210%/350%) HP.
Lv. 3:
Germ-free Bedroom: Now recovers (Max HP x25%) HP for self and (Max HP x20%) HP for adjacent allies.
Lv. 4:
Germ-free Bedroom: The DMG Taken Reduction is increased to +15%.
Lv. 5:
Another Jump This Way: The duration of [Dream Visit] is increased by 1 round.
Another new addition to the 5-Star survival character list, which already features consistent characters like Balloon Party to keep you alive and Yenisei, who boasts great defensive utility in general. However, Barbara is looking to carve out a different type of niche.
While Barbara still excels in defense by providing shields to enemies through her Ultimate and Skill plus Damage Reduction and healing from her passive, all of which are very effective at keeping your team alive. She brings something unique to the table. One of the statuses she can activate is [Dream Visit], which limits her moveset to just her Ultimate and special incantations. While in this state, her carrier card is automatically converted to one of your other allies at random, and she gains Moxie every turn for herself.
Not only that, but she also generates [Counting Sheep], which can modify the ranking of incantations. The way it works is that the rank of the incantation in front of the card increases by 1, while the rank of the one behind decreases by 1. This means it’s not a completely free rank-up, but if you plan carefully which card you want to boost or reduce, it can be highly beneficial.
This makes her pair well with AP-hungry characters, as she won’t be using too many of her own cards, since they will either be converted to allies or enhanced with [Counting Sheep] to rank them up. Combine this with her ability to increase the damage enemies take from Mental advantage, and she works perfectly with any Mental DMG characters in general. For example, someone like Melania who eats a lot of AP and needs a lot of her own cards to be played.
Huge utility in generating incantations for teammates and increasing their Ranks when [Counting Sheep]
Strong defensive support for the whole team providing shields and DMG Taken reduction.
Offers Mental DMG Support and once in [Dream Visit] Status, she’s a very passive character who doesn’t need to go super often. Pairs exceptionally well with AP-hungry Mental DMG characters like Melania, as Barbara doesn’t compete for cards or AP.
Grants healing to herself and others when in the [Dream Visit] state, allowing her to stay alive longer in extended battles.
Requires planning to fully utilize [Counting Sheep]’s rank-shifting mechanic.
Relies on [Dream Visit] state for many of her strengths, so make sure you get her Ultimate.
While her self-healing will always work, she will only heal other adjacent allies, if her health is about 90%. She also cannot cast shields and cannot serve as the team’s sole sustain.
Having a wide variety of defensive buffs at her disposal, Barbara increases the survivability of her team while also providing Mental DMG support. The star of her kit is her Ultimate, which allows Barbara to essentially go AFK in the [Visiting Dreams] status. When in [Visiting Dreams], Barbara passively generates Moxie, her incantations turn into her allies' incantations, and she generates [Jumping Sheep], which modifies the rank of allied incantations. An AP-positive unit who can boost the prevalence of her allies' incantations, Barbara pairs well with AP-hungry Mental DPS characters who like casting high-ranking skills.
Overall (Euphoria)
Stats and Build
For Resonance, we have created a dedicated website to browse them easier. You can find the website here:
Notes: Healing scales off HP, shields scale off ATK.
Source: -
“Beyond Wonderland” works perfectly with Barbara's kit because her passive healing scales off of Max HP. Her debuffs can increase that healing even further. “The Fighter's Best Wishes” also increases her Max HP while making her a little tankier. Since Barbara only heals while in [Dream Visit], “That Inquisitive Dear” allows her to heal during Ult downtime. “Long Night Talk” is the best option for a shielder/damage build, since it increases her ATK by 12.5%.
Level 1
Level 30
Insight 1
Level 1
Level 40
Insight 2
Level 1
Level 50
Insight 3
Level 1
Level 60
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Synergy & Teams
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Barbara Synergy information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Barbara Lore information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
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