A Crit-oriented DPS, Spathodea relies on having high [Burn] stacks on the enemy to deal high amounts of single-target damage through her Ultimate. While she can apply some [Burn] by granting herself [Preignition], Spathodea needs a [Burn] applicator to reliably maintain 15+ [Burn] stacks. While her need for [Burn] narrows down her teambuilding options, Spathodea makes up for this restriction with an impressive amount of burst damage through her Ultimate. Outside of [Burn applicators], Crit and Reality supports work well with Spathodea.
To learn more about Spathodea check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
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Spathodea profile was last updated on December 17th, 2024.
To learn more about Spathodea check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Stats & Build
Synergy & Teams
1-target attack. Deals 700% Reality DMG. This attack's Critical DMG is increased by 40%; If the target carries 15 stacks or more of [Burn], the Critical DMG will be increased by an additional 40%.
Healing Taken -15%(unstackable). At the end of the round, takes (the holder's ATK x4%) Genesis DMG (stackable up to 30 times, multiple stacks of [Burn] is regarded as 1 [Neg Status], removes 50% of the stacks when triggered).
1-target attack. Deals 200% Reality DMG. When in [Preignition] status, this attack gains Critical DMG +40%.
1-target attack. Deals 300% Reality DMG. When in [Preignition] status, this attack gains Critical DMG +40%.
1-target attack. Deals 500% Reality DMG. When in [Preignition] status, this attack gains Critical DMG +40%.
Before attacking, for each stack, inflicts 1 stack of [Burn] on the target (remove all after trigger).
Self buff. Gains 3 stacks of [Preignition], 2 stacks of [Exhilaration] and 1 stack of [Preparation - Spathodea I].
Self buff. Grants 6 stacks of [Preignition], 3 stacks of [Exhilaration] and 1 stack of [Preparation - Spathodea II].
Self buff. Grants 9 stacks of [Preignition], 5 stacks of [Exhilaration] and 1 stack of [Preparation - Spathodea III].
Before attacking, for each stack, inflicts 1 stack of [Burn] on the target (remove all after trigger).
When attacking, for each stack, gain Critical Rate +15% (remove all after trigger).
Preparation - Spathodea I:
At the start of the next round, generates one 1-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
Preparation - Spathodea II:
At the start of the next round, generates one 2-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
Preparation - Spathodea III:
At the start of the next round, generates one 3-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
Precast Incantation:
A [Precast Incantation] is regarded as an incantation of the same name. At the end of the round, all unused [Precast Incantation] are removed.
When applying [Burn] status with an attack, the next attack gains Critical Rate +25%.
DMG Dealt +8% when the caster enters battle.
When a 1-target attack scores a critical hit, inflicts 4 stacks of [Burn].
Healing Taken -15%(unstackable). At the end of the round, takes (the holder's ATK x4%) Genesis DMG (stackable up to 30 times, multiple stacks of [Burn] is regarded as 1 [Neg Status], removes 50% of the stacks when triggered).
Spathodea doesn't have an Euphoria update yet. If it will be released, we will add it here.
Lv. 1:
Little Boxer: Critical DMG increased to 70%.
Lv. 2:
Flame Flower: Critical Rate increased to 50%.
Lv. 3:
Flame within the Fire: Critical DMG increased to 70%. Extra Critical DMG increased to 70%.
Lv. 4:
Little Boxer: At Incantation rank 1/2/3, Reality DMG increased to 220/330/550%.
Lv. 5:
Flame within the Fire: Reality DMG increased to 750%. Critical DMG increased to 100%. Extra Critical DMG increased to 100%.
Spathodea is a 6-Star Carry of the Beast Afflatus. Her kit is centered around single-target burst damage, which puts her in the same realm as Melania. Unlike Melania, however, Spathodea synergizes with Crit/Burn-oriented supports and prefers to deal intermittent bursts of high damage rather than Melania's continuous ramping.
By casting "Ignition Point", Spathodea can continuously stack [Preignition] and [Exhilaration] on herself, increasing the amount of [Burn] inflicted by and the Crit Rate of her next attack respectively. This also causes her to automatically draw her "Little Boxer" skill with the corresponding rank. This passive ramping using stacking buffs is required for her to set up her Ultimate: "Flame Within The Fire", as its Crit DMG is dramatically increased if the target is carrying over 15 stacks of [Burn].
Because she's casting "Ignition Point" in place of more attacks, her overall DPT appears to lag behind that of similar Carry characters, this is then resolved when her Ultimate is unleashed, as Spathodea quite comfortably outdamages most others in terms of single hit bursts of damage given how easily she can guarantee Crits on her attacks and ramps up her Crit DMG. In essence, instead of blindly spamming hits, Spathodea aims to make every hit count to the fullest.
Spathodea falls into the "single-target Carry that hits really hard" trope that Melania started back in 1.1 and faithfully delivers on the premise. Her kit is extremely self-reliant, and being able to essentially guarantee Crits is always a niche bit of QoL to have in a character that relies on it. On the other hand [Burn] is probably the worst DoT effect in the game because its really hard to get to stick consistently, but Spathodea solves this by turning [Burn] into essentially a counting system that says "if I hit this amount use my Ult and watch the nuke go off".
The one gripe we have with Spathodea on-release is that her only option in terms of supports to help her with [Burn] is Ulu, who is a rather weak character and not really someone you want to use in 3-man settings, resulting in Spathodea not really getting to fully bloom as a Carry. This is resolved later with Isolde's release in 1.7 as she is the primary Support for Burn-related teams (though she shines everywhere else too), but that's a whole 2 patches (3 months) later. Even so (and especially in 1.7) Spathodea is and remains as one of the primary single-target Reality carries and excels in content where she can take up the space (and AP) to set up her big hits.
Incredibly high burst damage, commonly doing over 50k damage even with skills.
Extremely self-sufficient as she provides her own Crit Rate and DMG stacking.
A real boss-killer, performs extremely well in 4-man content as she can eat up just the right amount of AP.
Perfect synergy with Isolde, one of the best Supports in the game.
AP-negative playstyle and and overall lower DPT compared to other Carry units as her damage requires a few stacks of [Burn] as well as [Exhilaration].
Has to wait for 1.7 to unlock her true potential with Isolde.
A Crit-oriented DPS, Spathodea relies on having high [Burn] stacks on the enemy to deal high amounts of single-target damage through her Ultimate. While she can apply some [Burn] by granting herself [Preignition], Spathodea needs a [Burn] applicator to reliably maintain 15+ [Burn] stacks. While her need for [Burn] narrows down her teambuilding options, Spathodea makes up for this restriction with an impressive amount of burst damage through her Ultimate. Outside of [Burn applicators], Crit and Reality supports work well with Spathodea.
Overall (Euphoria)
Stats and Build
For Resonance, we have created a dedicated website to browse them easier. You can find the website here:
Notes: -
Source: -
“Long Night Talk” is Spathodea's signature psychube, and it focuses on the other DMG factors Spathodea lacks in her base kit like DMG Bonus, ATK, and Incantation Might. Since her kit is so crit-heavy, this helps to prevent diminishing returns by spreading out where Spathodea's damage is coming from.
“Stray Off the Path” is the opposite and provides even more Crit Rate and Crit DMG for Spathodea. Her purely single-target kit works well with this psychube, except it lacks a FUA.
“Luxurious Leisure” offers some much-needed DMG bonus and Ultimate Might. It's a great alternative to “Long Night Talk” but also requires some start-up time.
“Thunderous Applause” is a good option for Spathodea because she has excess Crit Rate to Crit DMG conversion. Her kit is also entirely single-target, so she benefits from the Crit DMG passive as well.
“Tomorrow Also” is a great budget option for Spathodea since it helps to make sure her Ultimate crits and takes advantage of all its base Crit DMG.
Level 1
Level 30
Insight 1
Level 1
Level 40
Insight 2
Level 1
Level 50
Insight 3
Level 1
Level 60
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Synergy & Teams
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Spathodea Synergy information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Spathodea Lore information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
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