He can do a little bit of everything, from delivering buffs to unleashing debuffs and dealing damage. Despite his main mechanics [Collection of Buffs] and [Collection of Debuffs] being random, it's possible to manipulate them since they will never repeat a status that is already applied. Furthermore, 6 can do most of his work passively, which makes him an easy fit in almost any team.
To learn more about 6 check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
6 profile was last updated on December 17th, 2024.
To learn more about 6 check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Stats & Build
Synergy & Teams
1-target attack. Deals 700% Mental DMG. If at 6 or more Eureka, spend 6 Eureka to deal 75% increased Mental DMG to the target for every [Stats Down], [Neg Status], or [Control] status they have. Increases up to 4 times.
Mass attack. Deals 120% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and applies 2 random [Collection of Debuffs] effects on the targets for 2 rounds. Gains Eureka +1 when at 4 Eureka or less.
Mass attack. Deals 175% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and applies 2 random [Collection of Debuffs] effects on the targets for 2 rounds. Gains Eureka +2 when at 4 Eureka or less.
Mass attack. Deals 305% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and applies 2 random [Collection of Debuffs] effects on the targets for 2 rounds. Gains Eureka +3 when at 4 Eureka or less.
Collection of Debuffs:
There are 6 effects: Critical DEF -30%, Reality DEF -20%, Mental DEF -20%, [Blind], [Mis-aim], and [Fracture I]. Prioritizes effects not yet applied.
DMG Bonus -30% when attacking 1 target.
DMG Bonus -30% when attacking multiple targets.
Fracture I:
When attacked, takes additional (the user's ATK x20%) Genesis DMG.
1-target buff. Purifies 2 random [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses from the target and grants the target 2 random [Collection of Buffs] effects for 2 rounds. If at 5 or more Eureka, spend 5 Eureka to grant the target [Incantation Empowerment I] to them for 2 rounds.
1-target buff. Purifies 4 random [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses from the target and grants the target 2 random [Collection of Buffs] effects for 2 rounds. If at 5 or more Eureka, spend 5 Eureka to grant the target [Incantation Empowerment I] to them for 2 rounds.
1-target buff. Purifies 6 random [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses from the target and grants the target 2 random [Collection of Buffs] effects for 2 rounds. If at 5 or more Eureka, spend 5 Eureka to grant the target [Incantation Empowerment I] to them for 3 rounds.
Collection of Buffs:
There are 6 effects: Penetration Rate +20%, Incantation Might +15%, Mental DEF +15%, Reality DEF +15%, [Vitalize I], and [Ricochet I]. Prioritizes effects not yet applied.
Empower Incantation I:
When a round begins, a random incantation gains +1 star.
Vitalize I:
When the round starts, HP +(Max HP x10%).
Ricochet I:
When attacked, reflects (the user's ATK x30%) Genesis DMG.
Max Eureka +1. At the end of the round, if any 1 ally has 4 or more [Stats Up], [Pos Status], or [Counter] statuses, gains Eureka +1. When attacking a target with [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses, DMG Dealt +16%.
DMG Dealt +8% when the caster enters battle.
Before the Ultimate takes effect, applies 2 random [Collection of Debuffs] effects to all enemies for 2 rounds. At the start of the round, applies 1 random [Collection of Buffs] effect to all allies for 2 rounds.
Collection of Debuffs:
There are 6 effects: Critical DEF -30%, Reality DEF -20%, Mental DEF -20%, [Blind], [Mis-aim], and [Fracture I]. Prioritizes effects not yet applied.
Collection of Buffs:
There are 6 effects: Penetration Rate +20%, Incantation Might +15%, Mental DEF +15%, Reality DEF +15%, [Vitalize I], and [Ricochet I]. Prioritizes effects not yet applied.
6 doesn't have an Euphoria update yet. If it will be released, we will add it here.
Lv. 1:
The Revelation: If at 5 or more Eureka, spend 5 Eureka to deal 100% increased Mental DMG to the target for every 1 type of [Stats Down], [Neg Status], or [Control] status they have.
Lv. 2:
Advocator of Knowledge: Gain 1 additional Eureka. When attacking targets with [Stats Down], [Neg Status] or [Control] statuses, the DMG Dealt increases to 24%.
Lv. 3:
Duty: At Incantation rank 1/2/3, becomes purify 3/5/7 random types of [Stats Down], [Neg Status], or [Control] statuses for a single ally.
Lv. 4:
The Revelation: Increased Mental DMG Dealt now at 125%.
Lv. 5:
The Revelation: If at 4 or more Eureka, spend 4 Eureka to deal increased Mental DMG to the target for every 1 type of [Stats Down], [Neg Status], or [Control] status they have. Increases up to 6 times.
At first glance, you might feel that 6's attack has low damage and multipliers, but when you delve into his kit, you’ll see that the number of debuffs/buffs he can provide will be very helpful.
His main mechanic revolves around [Collection of Debuffs] and [Collection of Buffs]. [Collection of Debuffs] can include Crit DEF -30%, Reality DEF -20%, Mental DEF -20%, [Blind], [Disorient], [Laceration I]. It should be noted that it prioritizes debuffs that the target doesn't already have. The same applies to [Collection of Buffs], offering Penetration Rate +20%, Incantation Might +15%, Mental DEF +15%, Reality DEF +15%, [Cure I], [Reflect I].
6's RNG factor can be largely fixed and negated once you get his Insight 3. After that, when you use his Ultimate, “Eternal Revelation”, he’ll randomly inflict 2 effects from the [Collection of Debuffs] on all enemies for 2 rounds, and he’ll grant 1 effect from the [Collection of Buffs] to all allies for 2 rounds. With this additional application of the effects from the collections, it helps significantly avoid activating the same ability, and it should be much easier to predict what effect you’ll likely be using/granting from his ability. Another tip is to bring a character who can apply one of the Buffs/Debuffs from 6's Collections, in order to keep the effects more consistent and easier to manipulate. This work as a strategy to turn 6 into an enabler of “Blasphemer of Night” for damage dealers.
6's first skill, “Discipline”, is a mass attack that deals Mental Damage to 2 enemies, inflicting 2 effects from [Collection of Debuffs]. If he has 4 or fewer [Eureka] stacks, the duration of these effects can be increased. This ability proves extremely useful, allowing you to apply a plethora of debuffs on enemies. With the previously mentioned Insight 3, you are likely to successfully apply most of his debuffs, ensuring nothing becomes redundant. Many effects from the [Collection of Debuffs] provide a strong damage boost to your team by lowering the opponent’s DEF in various ways. Additionally, there are utility-based debuffs that can reduce the damage your team takes or even apply Genesis DMG.
Moving on to his second skill, “Duty,” it is a single-target buff that purifies a specific amount of random [Stats Down], [Neg Status], or [Control] statuses. More importantly, it applies 2 effects from the [Collection of Buffs] for 2 rounds. If Eureka has 5 or more stacks, these stacks will be consumed, and he’ll apply [Incantation Empowerment I], increasing an incantation rank at random at the beginning of the next 2 rounds for the target. There are buffs that increase specific types of DMG, provide healing, and even a counter. However, this skill is much more limited pre-insight 3, as it doesn’t provide buffs to allies.
His ultimate is a single-target attack. If [Eureka] reaches 6 or more stacks, he can consume all stacks to increases the damage of his Ultimate by 75% multiple times, depending on how many debuffs are on the enemies (stacks up to 4 times at P0). This ultimate is also the way to activate his Insight 3 passive, making it a crucial move in his kit. It inherently makes him a bit AP greedy due to his desire to use his ultimate frequently.
Lastly, after reading about [Eureka] throughout the review, you may be wondering how to gain it. The answer lies in his Insight I. If any of his allies are affected by 4 or more buffs, he gains 1 stack of [Eureka]. It's as simple as that, allowing you to passively accumulate it. Another way is by using “Discipline” when under 4 Eureka.
6 has the ability to provide various debuffs and buffs. He is a unit that requires investment and can be AP greedy due to his reliance on the Insight 3 passive, which, in turn, depends on the frequent use of his Ultimate. Despite this, his capacity to enhance team damage and survivability makes him a great unit to have in your team at Insight 3.
Kit is tailored towards being applicable to as many situations as possible. Has a wide spread of (de)buffs that allows him to sell this fantasy.
One of the very few characters with a consistent ability to cleanse debuffs.
Can output a significant amount of damage through consistent Ultimate casts. Great synergy with the “Luxurious Leisure” psychube.
The RNG factor on his (de)buffs make him inconsistent in setting up for incoming damage or burst phases from allies.
Can only consistently provide [Incantation Empowerment] if played in an AP-negative manner (by spamming “Discipline”).
He can do a little bit of everything, from delivering buffs to unleashing debuffs and dealing damage. Despite his main mechanics [Collection of Buffs] and [Collection of Debuffs] being random, it's possible to manipulate them since they will never repeat a status that is already applied. Furthermore, 6 can do most of his work passively, which makes him an easy fit in almost any team.
Overall (Euphoria)
Stats and Build
For Resonance, we have created a dedicated website to browse them easier. You can find the website here:
Notes: -
Source: -
“Balance, Please” is 6's signature psychube and allows him to dish out lots of damage against every Afflatus. “Luxurious Leisure” is a good secondary option, especially against Spirit enemies like the Opera Raid Boss. “His Bounden Duty” is a good general DPS option. “Yearning Desire” is very easy for 6 to activate and is a good budget DPS option.
Level 1
Level 30
Insight 1
Level 1
Level 40
Insight 2
Level 1
Level 50
Insight 3
Level 1
Level 60
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Synergy & Teams
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6 Lore information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
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