Last updated: 29/Jan/2025
Team 1
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: FUA
Team 2
Niche 1: Poison || Niche 2: Crit
Willow and Tuesday provide an obviously powerful core in allowing [Hag's Bane] to Crit. In addition, the Genesis DMG Taken debuff allows Kakania to deal more damage, who can AFK her output and DMG Reduction while Vila can passively heal and only needs 1 AP every so often for her buff.
Team 3
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: -
Team 4
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Burn
Team 6
Niche 1: Set Up || Niche 2: Crit
Team 7
Niche 1: Set Up || Niche 2: Crit
Argus allows characters that can't typically benefit from Mercuria enjoy her presence, and on shorter cycles Windsong can do a lot to provide her with stacks of [Pinpointed]. Besides that, Argus fills up the holes in DPT while WS sets up and can stack Mercuria at the same time using [Grave Digger].
Team 8
Niche 1: Set Up || Niche 2: Budget
Team 9
Niche 1: Upgrade || Niche 2: Crit
Crit included but kind of secondary, the primary idea here is to use a feedback loop between Marcus casting high rank Incantations and Mercuria generating passive stacks, which results in more [Adjustment] for Marcus etc. Vila and Kakania are here as the strongest sustain core.
Team 10
Niche 1: Set Up || Niche 2: Budget
Team 11
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Burn
Team 13
Niche 1: FUA || Niche 2: Crit
Team 14
Niche 1: FUA || Niche 2: Crit
Team 15
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Budget
Team 16
Niche 1: Poison || Niche 2: Crit
Team 17
Niche 1: Debuff || Niche 2: Raw DMG
Team 18
Niche 1: Poison || Niche 2: Budget
Team 19
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Crit
Team 20
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Budget
If AP-positive teammates aren't available, you might as well force the game. Barbara is great at this, having an AP-friendly kit and being able to generate cards for allies. In a Raid setting, Vila's +Moxie should make up for Necro's spam and her Crit buffs are amazing for KB.
Team 22
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Budget
Team 24
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Budget
Team 25
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: FUA
A very strong "HP Loss" team making full use of Pickles' [Rousing Morale] stacks and FUA boost. Fatutu might be a confusing choice, however, her damage share actually counts as 'self damage' and stacks Semmelweis' Array even if it keeps her at full HP. Can also use NewBabel over Fatutu.
Team 26
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: -
Team 27
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Budget
Team 30
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: HP Loss
Team 31
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: Budget
Team 32
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Control
Team 33
Niche 1: Control || Niche 2: Budget
Team 90
Niche 1: Inspiration || Niche 2: Crit
Team 91
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: -
Blonney requires allies that can allow her to take a lot of actions. To that end, Argus and Kakania form a solid offensive and defensive AP-friendly support Core while Vila increases the power of Blonney's Incantations, which are her strong suit, and can also grant her Moxie.
Team 92
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Budget
Team 93
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Budget
Team 94
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: Raw DMG
Team 95
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: Budget
Team 96
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: -
Team 98
Niche 1: Debuff || Niche 2: Raw DMG
Team 99
Niche 1: Debuff || Niche 2: Budget
Team 101
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Budget
Team 102
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Set Up
Mercuria and Vila here provide easy access to large amounts of Crit Rate, allowing Matilda to focus less on her debuff Incantation and actually perform her job as Carry. In addition, due to being single-target focused, Argus is a solid secondary Carry with her powerful debuff.
Team 103
Niche 1: Crit || Niche 2: Budget
Team 104
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: Crit
Team 106
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: -
Team 107
Niche 1: Raw DMG || Niche 2: Budget
Team 109
Niche 1: Poison || Niche 2: Budget
Team 110 - Reality Shred Core
Niche 1: Reality || Niche 2: Support Core
Team 111 - Upgrade Core
Niche 1: Upgrade || Niche 2: Support Core
This is a core Support duo for Upgrade or Crit Damage Dealers, focused on providing massive amounts of extra Crit DMG (+other effects) while either upgrading their own cards, applying [Adjustment] or facilitating each other. This core set-up allows Mercuria P0 to be used with any Damage Dealer.
Team 112 - Defensive Support Core
Niche 1: Defensive || Niche 2: Support Core
This is a core Support duo for general use. Both Kakania and 6 have primarily defensive aspects to their kits, with additional (not to be underestimated) offensive potential such as ATK increase, Upgrading and surprisingly high amounts of personal damage on both of the units.
Team 113 - Defensive Healer Core
Niche 1: Healing || Niche 2: Support Core
Team 114 - Burn Spam Core
Niche 1: Burn || Niche 2: Support Core
This is a core Support duo for Burn or DoT teams. Both J and Isolde play incredibly well together, with J capitalizing off of Isolde's debuffs and Isolde enjoying J's high [Burn] application. This core provides a strong application of debuffs but may be risky due to Isolde being flimsy and J's self-damage.
Team 115 - Poison Spam Core
Niche 1: Poison || Niche 2: Support Core
This is a core 'Support' duo for Poison teams. Support is an optional title here, as the amount of [Poison] stacks triggering under Tuesday's [Fear's Cradle] results in high amounts of over-time damage triggering at the start of rounds. This is very strong offensively, assuming you can stick the stacks, and works especially well with BoN-oriented Carries.
Team 116 - Debuffer Core
Niche 1: Debuff || Niche 2: Support Core
Team 117 - Shield/Counter Core
Niche 1: Defensive || Niche 2: Support Core
Team 118 - HP Loss Core
Niche 1: HP Loss || Niche 2: Support Core
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