Sputnik is a niche character who specializes in controlling the enemy. Her [Counter] has a unique Moxie-draining property and lasts 2 rounds, making her less AP-hungry than her counterpart, aliEn T. She performs best against one big enemy, as her single-target Ultimate applies Seal and Disarm for 2 rounds. While she wants to get hit as much as possible to prevent enemy Ultimates, Sputnik doesn't have innate Taunt, making her Moxie drain inconsistent.
To learn more about Sputnik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
This character has no video guide yet.
Sputnik profile was last updated on December 16th, 2024.
To learn more about Sputnik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Stats & Build
Synergy & Teams
1-target attack. Deals 350% Mental DMG and inflicts [Disarm] and [Silence] statuses on the target for 2 rounds.
Cannot use attack incantations.
Cannot use Buff, Debuff, Heal, or Counter Incantations.
1-target attack. Deals 160% Mental DMG. If the caster's HP is above 50%, this attack deals 60% more Mental DMG.
1-target attack. Deals 240% Mental DMG. If the caster's HP is above 50%, this attack deals 90% more Mental DMG.
1-target attack. Deals 400% Mental DMG. If the caster's HP is above 50%, this attack deals 150% more Mental DMG.
Self counter for 2 rounds. When the caster is attacked, Moxie -1 for the attacker.
Self counter for 3 rounds. When the caster is attacked, Moxie -1 for the attacker.
Self counter for 3 rounds. When the caster is attacked, Moxie -1 for the attacker and Moxie +1 for the caster.
When the caster is in [Counter], DMG Taken -30%.
DMG Dealt +8% when the caster enters battle.
Sputnik doesn't have an Euphoria update yet. If it will be released, we will add it here.
Lv. 1:
NDA Keeper's effect changes to: deals 400% Mental DMG.
Lv. 2:
Revolving Momentum's effect changes to: additionally deals Mental DMG when the caster's HP is above 40%.
Lv. 3:
NDA Keeper's effect changes to: deals 450% Mental DMG.
Lv. 4:
Revolving Momentum's effect changes to: additionally deals Mental DMG when the caster's HP is above 30%.
Lv. 5:
NDA Keeper's effect changes to: deals 500% Mental DMG.
Insight 2 image for this character isn't available yet.
Sputnik is a 3-star Star Arcanist whose kit revolves around controlling enemies. She works in a similar vein to aliEn T; almost down to the letter, with a similar Attack card, [Counter] effect and an Ultimate that inflicts [Silence] and [Disarm]. The reason Sputnik fails over aliEn T, however, lies in how their Counter and Ultimates work.
aliEn T offers a massive -60% DMG Taken (the highest in the game) and Taunt with No Ill Intent, ensuring that he makes full use of his tankiness. His “Future Interstellar War: Prelude”, while lasting fewer rounds, hits the entire opposing team. Meanwhile, Sputnik can steal Moxie from attackers with “Silent Observation” and gains -30% DMG Taken. Her “NDA Keeper” can only hit single-target.
Not having [Taunt] on “Silent Observation” hurts her, as she can't guarantee that the enemies will decide to hit into her [Counter] instead of other allies. Her -DMG Taken buff is also only half of aliEn T's, and with her low rarity comes naturally low defensive stats, making her far more squishy than her UFO counterpart. Then, her Ultimate, “NDA Keeper”. To give her a bit of credit, in single-target boss situations, it is more useful than aliEn T's. However, that situation is incredibly niche and aliEn T can also hit any ads the boss may summon.
Can effectively cycle "NDA Keeper" through her Moxie stealing with “Silent Observation”.
Can pretty much prevent one enemy from moving for 2 rounds with her [Disarm] and [Silence] debuffs.
Using “Silent Observation” to cycle only works if the card is at rank 3.
Has low base stats due to rarity and is incredibly squishy without a good way to help that beyond “Silent Observation”.
Single-target control debuffs are really only effective in boss situations, but since there are usually ads, why not just run aliEn T?
Overall, a lackluster version of aliEn T, whom she shares an Afflatus and rarity with.
Sputnik is a niche character who specializes in controlling the enemy. Her [Counter] has a unique Moxie-draining property and lasts 2 rounds, making her less AP-hungry than her counterpart, aliEn T. She performs best against one big enemy, as her single-target Ultimate applies Seal and Disarm for 2 rounds. While she wants to get hit as much as possible to prevent enemy Ultimates, Sputnik doesn't have innate Taunt, making her Moxie drain inconsistent.
Overall (Euphoria)
Stats and Build
For Resonance, we have created a dedicated website to browse them easier. You can find the website here:
Notes: -
Source: -
“His Bounden Duty” helps to make up for Sputnik's low base ATK and provides some DMG bonus as well.
“Luxurious Leisure” works well for long fights where Sputnik can afford to build up DMG bonus by casting Ultimates.
Since Sputnik does prefer getting hit due to her [Counter], “A Free Heart” offers her some extra tankiness. This is best for a Moxie-drain AFK Sputnik build, since its offensive stats are lackluster.
Level 1
Level 30
Insight 1
Level 1
Level 40
Insight 2
Level 1
Level 50
Insight 3
Level 1
Level 60
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Base (Level 1 / Level 30)
Insight 1 (Level 1 / Level 40)
Insight 2 (Level 1 / Level 50)
Insight 3 (Level 1 / Level 60)
Synergy & Teams
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Sputnik Synergy information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Sputnik Lore information aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
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