Tier List

Previously, we tried to emphasize the main strengths of each Nikke and assess them accordingly. This allows certain Nikkes to rank very high but only for a specific purpose, causing a lot of misunderstanding. Therefore, moving forward update, we have decided to also consider the impact that each Nikke gives and analyze their overall usage in various game modes, including the recurrent Union Raid and Solo Raid.

Remember that, with each new unit released, the tier list might shift to adapt to the new meta. In the tier lists below, each unit is evaluated independently based on their Burst sequence. For instance, avoid comparing Burst II units and Burst III units of the same rank. Instead, view each Burst list separately from the rest.

Early vs High Deficit story

Story (Low-deficit) is aimed toward beginners who are just starting out the game, thus not owning most of the meta characters yet and are forced to rely on alternatives. It is also less harsh when it comes to stat penalty from CP deficit, and the tier list should still be applicable for late-game clearing without high CP deficits. Note that this tier list assumes that OL is unavailable or has inefficient rolls, but expects proper teambuilding in cases like A2, where a healer is needed alongside her. This tier list is also applicable for Simulation Room: OverClock mode, since it has no Stat penalty at all.

Story (High Deficit) refers to any late-game story-clearing content where people attempt to clear stages, whether in Campaign or Tower, with over >25% CP deficit. Several features of this tier list include:

  • Some stages in later chapters have special mechanics, such as hitcount, which can be handled easily by MG but not other weapon types.
  • All units are assumed to have been adequately provided OL gear and well-invested skill wise.
  • Extremely high CP deficit leads to a massive damage reduction, which makes ATK buff more valuable.
  • This tier list assumes that people have access to a more complete roster, thus team building becomes the primary concern instead of individual performance.
  • This tier list appears to have more emphasis on faster rotations and higher burst gen, as they allow you to kill enemies before they can even kill you.
  • This tier list is a matter of who kills whom first. It's not damage. As long as the enemy dies before they shoot, you gain the upper hand. In fact, high CP deficits make enemy hit harder, so tanking isn't really the ideal way to survive. Offense is a good defense.

Special markings:

  • - has a Treasure available that amplifies their kit,
  • - is a limited character that isn't available in the general pool,
  • - heavy investment is required to play the character at their full potential.

The concept of usability in each game-mode can be different, even if a unit is good. Tier Lists tend to only show the strengths of certain characters but can fail to show how usable they might be in situations. An SS tier character in Campaign Tier List, although strong, needs to compete for a spot in 1 team for campaign which only has 5 units. At the same time an SS tier character in PvP or Boss (Solo), who are again very strong units, compete for a spot in 3 to 5 teams! (15-25 spots). Hence, an SS tier Campaign unit will struggle to find a spot for Campaign, while an SS tier Boss(Solo)/PvP unit will see plenty of use in Raids / Special Arena! This is what we call "slot pressure".

With the addition of Meta Lines, we intend to showcase the usability of a Nikke, and whether or not they really are worthy of investments or not depending on the user's play-style using:

  • Meta Line
    • Units above the purple line: Meta, Highly Usable Unit. Will not have a problem to fit into teams. The absolute best units for this game mode. These units make the game easy.
  • Best replacement / Situational
    • Units above green line: Either they are the best units to use if you don't have units above purple, or their use is situational (i.e. depends on element or design of stage/boss, requirement of heals/taunts, etc.). An example is: Maid Privaty would be used over the likes of 2B against a boss like Crystal Chamber in Solo Raids, while the opposite would happen if the Boss was fire weak and far away, like Stormbringer Solo Raid.
    • Units below green line: These units are often used when players do not have units above green line. If you have all units, these units will struggle to find a spot in meta teams, and are often used for their niche. (such as Ade's buff dispel, Nihilister being used for fire elemental QTE barriers, Admi being used for her reload speed, etc.)

Note: Meta Lines are more applicable for commanders who have most units already available. If you are a New Commander, using tiers as a literal guide will be more beneficial overall.

Story (LD and HD)
  • SSS - Powerful, versatile units that can be used to brute force almost ALL campaign stages. Either they have godly damage output, or they have unrivaled supporting capabilities. They have a comprehensive kit that barely has any weaknesses.
  • SS - Strong units featuring remarkable DPS and supportive capability. Best choices to replace units from SSS tiers. In campaign meta, they are slightly less usable compared to units in SSS, and are used situationally depending on stage design or element. However, they are deployed from time to time even outside their best form because they are quite versatile.
  • S - These units are much more situational compared to their SS counterparts but can be used with success if you know what you are doing (or have no access to better alternatives). They function more as replacements, but can be the main DPS when it's their own element or a situation heavily favoring them. Otherwise, their performance is weaker, and pushing with them will not feel as rewarding/comfortable.
  • A - These units are rarely effective, and are technically out of the actual meta for campaign. They cannot compete with the top units, but occasionally might be able to help progress in a stage or two. Tribe tower or early game meta units mostly exist here.
  • B - These units are very hard to use. They can even be considered replacements for the tribe tower units. In campaign however, there is at best one or two situations in 30+ chapters where they may be able to fit in.
  • C - Highly niche. It's improbable that these units are ever used in high deficit, but they are at the very least better than D tier units. Maybe in tribe tower, these units can rarely find a use.
  • D - These units are barely usable. They provide little to nothing for their teams, have harsh requirements for their skills, and have little effect even if their skills are activated properly.
  • E - Units with bad kits that should be avoided if possible. A lot of waifus tho.
  • F - R unit hangout stage
  • SSS - Powerful, versatile units that have a godly damage output or have unrivaled supporting capabilities. They have a comprehensive kit that works against almost every boss, and they are often the primary choice if there is no better substitute.
  • SS - Strong units that are often the second choice. Impactful DPS and supportive skills. They are very likely deployed in every season of Solo Raid. Some of them also function as enablers and must be present for their most optimal team to flourish. Without them, the overall usability of the team would plummet.
  • S - Units that have decent DPS and acceptable supportive capability but are secondary to their big sisters in the SS rank. They either complement each other, require them to excel, or help push them to their true limits. They are unlikely to be deployed alone, and some of them may be situational.
  • A - Units that are waiting for that one boss. Highly specific units that are used when the right time and situation comes. However, in other scenarios, these units will falter.
  • B - Casual friendly usable units that can either help with survivability, deal okayish damage, or can at the very least buff their team to an extent. These units are not meta but if the player has incomplete rosters, they can definitely make use of them. In extremely harsh situations, such as need fkr cleanse, these units may shine bright.
  • C - Extremely mid tier units. They are useful can be for players with incomplete rosters who come up against Elemental Shields and don't have enough units of the right element.. However, their performance is never on par with the top units. These units have glaring problems but are at the very least usable in their own extreme niche.
  • D - These units are barely usable. They provide little to nothing for their teams, have harsh requirements just to activate their skills, and have little effect even if their skills are activated properly.
  • E - R unit hangout room.
  • SSS - Units used almost everywhere in PvP. There is no good reason to exclude them, and if someone does, that means they are challenging the norm and being creative.
  • SS - Units with high presence and overall power. Some of them may be niché, but in that niché, they far outclass their competitors. Otherwise, they can be seen almost everywhere but are not necessarily required for proper compositions to exist.
  • S - Awesome alternatives for people who want to experiment with new teams, have no access to better units, or want to throw off opponents with some novel builds. These units usually have an innate drawback or are too expensive investment wise, or their niché is very rare. Clip SGs who serve as batteries also belong here.
  • A - Niche or second best replacements fits them best. In PvP, not many units can be effectively used. The remainder of units that can possibly be used to win are present in this tier. They also might have niche or "special" usage that is rarely effective.
  • B - Decent units for when one is just starting out. Incomplete rosters can especially make use of these units to boost their teams performance. For older players, this tier is more or less irrelevant. These units may be used to increase combat power for the team if going up against a much stronger opponent, since at the very least they can provide something to the team, which is better than nothing.
  • C - Will never be used by veteran players. May be used when starting out. These units provide barely anything to the team but can help, even if the benefits are small.
  • D - Bad SSR and SR units exist here. These units are unusable and are very easily countered. If you see these units in opponent teams, chances are that you can make something that can beat them easily. Of course, as long as you are not in critical CP deficit.
  • E - R unit hangout zone.

  • Trina has been added to the tier list.
  • Sakura Suzuhara has been added to the tier list.
  • Rei Ayanami (Tentative Name) has been added to the tier list.
  • Asuka Shikinami Langley: Wille has been added to the tier list.
  • Updated Modernia Campaign LD/HD Ratings - SSS --> SS
    • Simple reason. Powercrept in terms of utility and damage. Modernia is no longer the best off-burst unit to use in Campaign in the flex spot. Her main utility was that she was able to deal high amounts of damage by providing cover fire and clearing critters between bouts of burst attacks. She also provides nice burst generation due to her double hits and, being MG, assists in destroying hit-count Raptures and projectiles. However, now, we have Asuka: WILLE and Crown—both MG users who are more usable than Modernia. Modernia will still remain a situational unit crucial for a handful of stages. Despite her unmatched comfort, our old Queen who has ruled over the Campaign leaderboards for 2 years has now finally be put to rest by the new kids in town.
  • Helm (Treasure) has been added to the tier list.
  • Anchor: Innocent Maid has been added to the tier list.
  • Mast: Romantic Maid has been added to the tier list.
  • Updated Boss tier list (Burst 1):
    • Rouge SS > SSS - Really, there's one word needed. Cinderella.
    • Tia SSS > SS - We have explained this drop in more detail in Naga's explanation. The whole idea behind the drop is that core is much less relevant now in raids, and that Crown is the only true SSS tier support.
    • Dorothy SS > S - Our beloved meme, a victim of powercreep. With Rouge, D:KW, Liter simply providing more CDR, as well as more general buffs for their teams, it is tough for Dorothy to keep up. Her parts damage buff is a lot less relevant most of the time, and her DPS isn't high enough for her to stay at the top level. Her use is pushed further down in the presence of Tove, who has allowed SGs to be a force of nature. It is tough to see Dorothy being used outside her own element, but when parts damage is relevant enough, like in last Modernia SR, she can be a very decent choice.
    • Red Hood (B1) A > S - With the plethora of B3s being released for some elements, using RedHood has been a remarkable experience in the overall meta. In campaign, we already know how strong she is as a B1 unit, but it appears that even in Raids, she's being used as a B1 unit! While for most players it's probably better to use her as a B3, the top ranks seem to love her as a B1 unit, provided the main DPS is doing tons of damage. Cinderella and Rapi: Red Hood are the main benefactors of RHB1. They deal so much damage that it's better to use RH to support them!
    • B.Alice, Rapunzel, Noise S > A - Healers are much less relevant now in the grand scheme due to how the meta B2s provide a multitude of skills. With the added survivability of dolls, and with some B3s having decoys and self-heal, it's time to drop our ever loved healers. Don't worry though, anytime ShiftUp decides to increase the damage dealt by a boss by like 2 times the normal amount, these healers will be meta again!
    • Other changes have been made, but it's mostly moving whole category down.
  • Updated Boss tier list (Burst 2):
    • Naga SSS > SS - While this change is going to be controversial, let us explain our reasoning behind this demotion. Naga has been a crucial bossing unit for ages. Her core damage buffs have been impactful, and she has remained a top pick for content with high core uptime. However, with the recent trend of reducing core uptime in Solo Raid, Naga has become less rewarding to play. Not to mention, we are also recently introduced to HelmTr + Crown pair and Maids, who are technically superior to Naga against coreless enemies. Her ATK buffs remain potent, though, and her synergy with Tia, who provides an ATK DMG buff, helps the duo stay relevant in Solo Raid.
    • Blanc SS > S - Blanc's impact on the overall meta has started to weaken, despite her occasional presence. While her Damage Taken buff is magnificent (and Noir's Ammo Refill is powerful for ammo-sensitive units like Rapipi), the need to run Rouge or Noir alongside her has often been limiting. With Mast and Anchor releasing, Blanc's place in the meta is now contested by her rivals Tia + Naga. Therefore, we are lowering her rating by one to make room for future units.
    • Mari SS > S - Since EVA collab, Mari has been an overpowering unit. She is the only decent solo B2 Electric unit that grants huge teamwide buffs and has screen wipe. Her being a Sniper Rifle user also helps her complement teams that lack battery. However, as a Pierce buffer, her reliance on core existence makes playing her inconvenient. Although bosses who have a permanent core or that periodically respawn their core won’t pose a problem, Mari’s complex mechanics don’t evoke the same powerful feeling as Grave’s streamlined gameplay. While she will remain meta, we have decided to lower her rating by one to make room for future units.
    • SRosanna SS > S - Not only are her buffs inferior to the current meta B2 picks, but activating them also requires a very specific condition. Simply put, she has been powercrept. She might return as an elemental filler in Wind-Weak Raids, but not much else.
    • Biscuit S > B - Simply has fallen out of fashion, with B2s being much more reliant now, having the ability to heal or just simply are able to provide insanely higher buffs than what Biscuit can give to the team.
    • Other changes have been made, but it's mostly moving whole category down.
  • Updated Boss tier list (Burst 3):
    • Modernia, Noir, Maxwell, Snow White SS > S - A very simple explanation. With the ever expanding B3 roster, the game has more focus on elemental advantage. The S tier has become more focused on Elemental or situational use units, where we feel that these units are better defined. We do not think we will be seeing much of these units off their own element in the future, except on maybe a couple occasions depending on boss parts, and maybe on elements like Water Weak, where there aren't many B3s for their own element to fill out 5 teams. Noir's demotion is tied to Blanc's. By herself, she can still be used effectively to buff ammo as an off burst unit, but an off burst dps or damage buffer may be a better fit most of the time.
    • Privaty, Helm S > A - With Dorothy falling off a bit, we feel that Privaty's use also drops down. Her main use from now in our minds is alongside Crown, to allow for infinite ammo comps. As for Helm, healing in general is less of a requirement now since most B2s provide survivability skills for the team. Even some main B3s have self heal or decoys to help the team tank damage.
    • Other changes have been made, but it's mostly moving whole category down.

Mana has been added to the tier list.


Rapi: Red Hood has been added to the tier list - as both B1 and B3.


Guillotine: Winter Slayer has been added to the tier list.


Maiden: Ice Rose has been added to the tier list.


Flora has been added to the tier list.


Rapunzel: Pure Grace has been added to the tier list.


Grave has been added to the tier list.


Cinderella has been added to the tier list.


We have done massive rework of the LD and HD Story tier list. Here are the HD Story changes:

  • Noir (SS S): Noir has been largely regarded as the less useful nikke of the blanc-noir pair due to the fact that she occupies a slot which is toughly competed. Big names for campaign such as Modernia, Maxwell, using the fire trio (Alice, Asuka, Mod), or using the electric trio (Ein, S.Anis, Scarlet) perform exceptionally better at this position in most situations, and the new Rouge-Blanc pair allows us to successfully run them. The point of this demotion is to show that Rouge-Blanc is a better pairing than Blanc-Noir for campaign.
  • Emilia (SS S): Emilia has no innate ATK buffs, which is one of the major reasons why she performs at a worse level compared to the other SS and SSS units in High Deficit. While her screenclearing ability is insanely good, her lack of focus damage strength and the lack of ability to buff allies is also a detriment to her, since it makes her a less versatile unit compared to the other units present in SS tier.
  • ExiaTreasure (A S): She has been found to show impressive prowess in Campaign on electric weak stages when fully built and used with the proper teammates, allowing accounts to push at 30%+ deficit on most stages! The new S tier is defined by units that allow for excellent performance shown in their personal elements, and hence Exia has been promoted.
  • Rem (S A): Rem can realistically only perform on Water Weak stages as a single target DPS unit, like xLudmilla but a weaker version. Her healing is too slow to properly work in High Deficit Campaign stages, and hence she can only rely on her DPS output and ability to buff ATK of RL allies. However, with the lack of proper RL DPS that have a carry potential, Rem is a weaker choice in the overall meta in High Deficit Campaign in the B2 categories, since other B2 units can buff more units and can buff them much more effectively.
  • Centi (S A): It is sad to see our hard working engineer fall out of meta, but it is a reality we have to face. Once at the top of the food chain, Centi falls short of the meta as Shift Up decided to release an insane amount of Burst 2 units that can provide offensive capabilities. Some Burst 2 units such as Naga and Marciana also synergize with Crown and other units to provide a very adequate amount of healing as well as activating buffs. Centi was mainly used for Burst Generation, but units like RedHood, Alice, LaplaceTr, A2 and Emilia are able to take over that role very effectively, leading to Centi's demise in the meta. For the first time since we started our tier lists, Centi falls into A tier.
  • Soda: Twinkling Bunny (S A): The problem arises in her ability to increase Burst duration. While no other Iron AoE DPS exists, B.Soda ruins the burst rotations which we otherwise would have had due to the presence of a CDR unit to quickly move on to the next burst. Hence, B.Soda has been demoted to A tier. She still can perform to a decent standard against Iron Weak stages which require screen clear if properly built, but will cause problems due to her burst duration increase.
  • LaplaceTreasure (SS S): In the current meta and huge selection we have for Iron DPS, Laplace's has only been able to shine and compete against others in Iron Weak stages. Her general performance is good but not at the level of other SS tier units, who are able to deal as much damage as Laplace but are also a help to their teammates with buffs, or are at the top of the chain in their abilities, e.g. Scarlet and Rei are the highest AoE Screen clears in the game. The competition with SnowWhite and Maxwell to have a spot alongside Red Hood according to the stage design in Iron Weak stages also gives her a rough time in the overall meta.
  • Privaty (S A): Privaty is a simple buffer. She cannot perform as a main DPS in most stages. While she does synergize well with Crown and Alice for that infinite ammo, in the overall meta there are better units that may be used, such as Naga, Modernia or a healer. It is very situational that Privaty will be the best off burst unit to use, and even rarer that she will be one of the ideal B3 units to pick.
  • Quency: Escape Queen (S A): Her performance falters slightly against high-deficit compared to low-deficit content due to her Burst Skill being Distributed Damage, which reduces/removes the possibility of it acting as a screen clear. She is still a useful unit and can help with clearing Water-weak stages as a similar but weaker outlook to XLudmilla. xLudmilla is also better because of the damage taken debuff applies to the rapture, which allows her team to deal more damage.

Here are the LD Story changes:

  • D: Killer Wife (SSS SS): For a while now, D: Killer Wife has been in SSS Low Deficit. She was placed there due to her unique ability: Extremely fast burst rotations, which is more important for High Deficit gameplay since our Nikkes get one shot killed! However, through extensive play testing and comparisons, we believe that Liter and RedHood's B1 form are the absolute best B1s for low deficit gameplay. Both of them have their own weaknesses: That cooldown between the first and second full burst of liter and the pause between the 2nd and 3rd bursts if RedHood. However, the sheer value of buffs they provide is enough to render them a tier above the rest. D:KW provides a relatively niche role in low deficit gameplay, for stages which need faster burst rotations, such as those with the Silence Rapture that delays full bursts.
  • Tia, Blanc (SSS SS): Both of them are the victim of the same enemy - Crown. Crown is simply so much better that Tia and Blanc do not have a spot in SSS tier. While they are still excellent choices for Campaign, Crown is just better. Crown buffs better, allows for a 5th slot and a flexible b1cdr slot unlike Blanc. It is just insane how good Crown is as a unit.
  • Alice: Wonderland Bunny (SS S): Her gig is healing and ammo buffs, both of which are appreciated but not as much as, say, reviving a full unit. In the realm of pure healers, Rapunzel takes her seat at the throne. Regardless, B.Alice is still a strong choice. Another reason for her demotion is that Ammo buffs can be covered through overload lines, or by reload speed from Crown + Resilience cubes as well. Since resilience cube is also an early game cube, B. Alice can sit back in S tier since she is ultimately a more situational requirement in the current campaign meta.
  • Centi (SS S): The reason for Centi's demotion is similar to the one given in High Deficit. However, players may lack good burst generation during early and midgame, where they may use Centi to fill the slot.
  • Noir (SS S): The reason for Noir's demotion has already been detailed in High Deficit.
  • A2 (SS S): A2 has been demoted due to her extreme self killing nature, and because of the fact that Emilia is a straight powercreep to her abilities. Emilia can do everything A2 can do but better and without losing HP.
  • Phantom (S A): Extremely hard and unnatural gameplay. Extremely user unfriendly. Her potential is high but her use is restricted to Elysion Tower only in the overall Meta due to better units existing. In Campaign, it is tough to name a situation where she is the Nikke to use. On Water Weak stages, she might be able to see some use in wave heavy stages, where she is outperformed by Emilia. When focus damage is needed, xLudmilla can outperform her. Phantom has limited use and has hence been demoted to A tier. S tier has also seen demotion of all the older S tier units in the B3 category, so Phantom safely has a spot here.
  • Privaty (S A): The reason for Privaty's demotion has already been detailed in High Deficit
  • Harran, MaidPrivaty (S A): Both of them exist as simple AoE screen clears and minimal DPS output otherwise. They are more or less Tribe Tower only Nikkes in the overall Meta, and lack the carry potential that other units in higher tiers may have.
  • Snow White: Innocent Days (S A): A good kit, but lacks in values. Smolwhite is a victim of the % values present in her kit which make her lack the DPS output needed to perform at a higher level.
  • DieselTreasure (S A): Powercrept in every sense. All B2 buffers above her have the capability to buff more and without taunting the damage. Taunts can be a detriment to Campaign type stages. She still can provide a remarkable display in the infamous Elysion Tribe Tower, where she has nearly 0 competition apart from Marciana and S.Helm.
  • Mica: Snow Buddy (S A): No CDR, no heals, short duration ATK buff, and her kit takes too long to fully stack the damage reduction. xMica is a good and usable unit for super early game, but does not find fair use in later stages at all. Her ammo buff is appreciated but the problems with Ammo buffs are the same as the ones listed in B.Alice's tier change note above.

Lower tier changes in both Campaign HD and LD:

  • A tier units are very usable units but are usually not good enough to use for players who have complete rosters. All units in and above A tier are able to perform well in Tribe Tower, and can provide results in Campaign as well.
  • B tier has been set as the baseline for usable units in Campaign. While these units are usable, this does not mean that they should be invested into. They are more or less replacements for when players do not have meta units early on. These units may be able to see use in some stages effectively, but it is highly likely that a meta based account will not have use for them in Campaign type stages. Your Tribe Tower teams may be able to make use of these Nikkes.
  • C tier has been set up for extremely niche conditions where a unit may shine, such as Noah for tribe tower floor 340's cucumber. They may also see the light in your Tribe Tower teams.
  • D tier has been setup for units that should be used above E tier units if possible.
  • E tier units are Nikkes we failed to find proper use for in Campaign and Tower both.
  • F tier is our new R unit hangout zone.
  • [Rumani] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Phantom] has been added to the tier list.
  • We have removed the Boss (Adds) tier list. After receiving a lot of feedback, the split between Boss (Solo) and Boss (Adds) only brought a lot of confusion. So we decided to remove the Adds bossing tier list and just keep a single Bossing tier list moving forward. We are also working on revamping the Story (LD) and PVP tier lists, so expect some big changes to happen there soon!
  • [Quency: Escape Queen] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Rouge] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Misato Katsuragi] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Mari Makinamii] has been added to the tier list.

New additions:

  • [Rei Ayanami] has been added to the tier list.

We have revamped the Story, Bossing and PVP tier list and here's the list of the most important changes. Thank you all for the feedback we have received recently!

  • Story:
    • Asuka (SS SSS): Core Damage boost proves to be more valuable than expected for Alice, Modernia, and Rei. She also has similar performance to Alice in Campaign, where optimum conditions are unachievable.
    • B. Soda (A S): The only Iron wiper for Electric stages. Favorable against stages that spawn a lot of fragile mobs weak to nukes like hers. Full Burst extension can either help solidify or break your team (assuming no CDR). She also deals fixed skill damage upon hitting enemies, regardless of how many pellets land.
    • SAnis (S SS): Simply the enabler of Electric teams. Without her (and also Crown), Electric teams just don't feel like worth using. Reason? They want maximum reload speed. She also has soft AoE damage that can help you manage distant mobs that other units cannot reach (because S2 has no range).
    • Ein (S SS): True damage is goated with stat penalty. Also, constant ATK buff stabilizes her damage, and her wipe can easily finish off enemies.
    • Scarlet (SSS SS): She doesn't really become weak, but more like we are moving her so that she harmonizes with the tier list rework. Nowadays, Scarlet alone does not feel as rewarding as she is before (likely due to CP inflation). Fortunately, Crown + SAnis fixes her janky basic attacks. She is also rivaled by Ein and exhibits similar performance. Both have wipes and are still useful.
    • Tia (SSS SS): Naga has decided to leave her friend behind and "mated" with Crown. Tia, who is now lonely, has somewhat become obsolete. She is still the best B1 available if you do not have Crown.
    • Dorothy (SS S): Requires Privaty to work well, which leads to slot pressure in Campaign. Alone, she does not do much. In fact, with higher stat penalty, her ATK may even be too low to even make an impression, let alone if you don't have ATK OL.
    • Bunny Alice (SS S): A reliable burst healer that does not sacrifice another Burst Skill. We believe she fulfills that purpose well, but in Campaign, Rapunzel just integrates better than her. The reason is that Rapunzel allows you to burst one more time in RH B1 comps (and you can even get another RH B1 burst in the following rotation, bringing the total to 4).
    • Volume, Dolla, SHelm (S A): Generally useless units that are used for CDR. They don't do much and are just fillers/alternatives once you get better ones. Nowadays, we have more options to choose from, and oftentimes you can win without CDR.
  • Bossing (Solo):
    • Asuka (SSS SS): The demotion is not because she performs below expectation, but rather, we are fixing the tier list so that it is easier to differentiate meta units across tiers and within the same rank. In the past, our gap of tolerance before a unit is promoted or demoted was too large. About 10-20% of performance difference was not enough reason for us to place them in a different tier. However, now, with this update that tightens the scope from S~SSS and demotes many units from S to A, we can now visualize/highlight these performance gaps much more conveniently.
      • Asuka has a powerful DPS potential, and her supportive buffs are outstanding (better than anything). The reason for her demotion is the fact that it is hard to scale her further, and her support skills simply deactivate when core is not present. Both Alice and Asuka lose a tremendous amount of damage if an enemy does not have core. But, Alice is different in the way that she still can buff SBS (who excel against bosses with no core and have relatively higher DPS among the meta units).
      • Meanwhile, Asuka loses all her support capabilities under these circumstances. She's still a great DPS, though, and comparatively stronger than a lot of other meta Nikkes whose damage is inflated due to core presence (i.e. Modernia). She also deals bonus damage against Wind.
      • In other words, Asuka would have deserved SSS if her support skill is still usable against no-core enemies, but that is not the case, making her supportive side less versatile than Alice's.
      • Asuka still remains SSS tier in Bossing (Adds) due to her Pierce.
    • Modernia (SSS SS): The reason for her "demotion" is that her DPS doesn't live up to the meta of the meta anymore (Alice, SBS). She does not really offer anything except DMG. Her burst gen is very high, however, and she can help teams deal with projectiles and mobs, but there is no reason for her to be SSS anymore. Her 15s Full Burst also makes her harder to integrate in non 1-1-3 teams. She also cannot benefit from Crown's ATK buff (since does not want to Burst).
    • xLudmilla (SSS SS): Still one of the most versatile semi-DPS and support B3, but while Asuka's supportive capability plummets when there is no core, Winter Ludmilla's DPS is the one affected instead when there is no core. Her supportive capability remains intact.
    • Ein (SS S): Ein offers excellent DPS, and her True Damage proves useful against bosses with high DEF. Ein is also more scalable than Scarlet as she can benefit from True Damage buffs. The reason why she is in S is because Ein does not feel that worth using alone. Her DPS is high but not towering, and she somewhat relies on SAnis to perform or at least compete with the DPS from more superior teams.
    • Laplace (Treasure) (SS S): Laplace Treasure has astronomical multipliers. Her problem is the lack of ATK buff, and building an optimal team around her at the moment is challenging. For example, FrimaTr can be used to buff LaplaceTr and Ein, but then who is the B2? If you use Rem, then you get slot pressure from using Dolla/SHelm. And if you use Rem, Ein will not get ATK buff. Similar problems arise when you try to perfect this team because there will always be one DPS who gets sacrificed. However, we will see if the introduction of Mari will change her rating (again).
    • Rem (SS S): Powercrept by Crown. Still a decent healer and semi-DPS. Can buff Rocket Launchers. It is just hard to slot her into various teams nowadays since there is always a better option. Rem may still be used against Fire bosses.
    • S.Sakura (SS S): Summer Sakura has big multipliers, but her issue is that the team needs to destroy parts regularly to maximize her damage. Unfortunately, not many bosses present this behavior. SSakura also doesn't have ATK buffs in her kit and has to rely on supports to shine. Thankfully, due to the rising trend of Elemental, she may still see use against Iron bosses, despite these setbacks.
    • Bunny Alice (SS S): We kind of expected too much from B. Alice being the "core unit of SG team because she fixes Tove's issues", but at the end most people prefer to reroll Tove's RNG than to use B. Alice and lose damage due to slot pressure. In fact, people now use SG teams with Blanc and Noir, so no more lack of healers! B. Alice still offers nice ammo support, though, and her healing does not sacrifice the use of other B1's Burst Skill, so she still rocks
    • Maid Privaty (SS S): Similar reasoning as the one we gave for Ein. Maid: Privaty is a good DPS indeed, but the problem is that she needs babysitting. Yes, her entire kit just doesn't work without Tove or Leona. And when she does, she still relies on BSoda to enable her. Moreover, she is only preferred against Water element since usually there are better options against other elements. For instance, Sugar against Electric bosses.
    • 2B, Diesel (Treasure) (SS S): Simply power crept. With the incoming pierce support of Mari, we think that Diesel will now have an extremely hard time finding a team to fit into. Alongside that, with the influx of not 1, but 2 Meta fire B3s in Asuka and Rei, 2B will now have a hard time fitting into top 5 teams even in fire raids, but still might pop in for rare situations due to her ability to tank insane amounts of damage which often are directed to the highest ATK unit.
    • S.Rosanna (S SS): A nikke who has shown how drastic dilution can be. Summer Rosanna shines bright as she provides a very unique Damage Taken debuff, and allows 3 DPS to benefit from it! Each and every current meta DPS is filled to the brim with ATK and Attack Damage buffs, as well as some even buffing damage dealt to core. All of these self buffs dilute the help they can receive from most meta B2s, such as Tia+Naga and even Crown. This can especially be seen in the recent releases of Asuka and Rei. Rosanna provides an almost always undiluted Damage Taken Debuff that helps all units alike. This helps to reduce pressure from Crown and Tiga as they can buff some other units better comparatively than they could buff Asuka for example. This aid in lowering slot pressure is highly appreciated.
  • PVP:
    • RedHood B1 (S SS): The best offensive B1 support unit. Without her, some wipers don't work properly or don't have enough damage to truly wipe the enemy.
    • B. Soda (S SS): Comes with an aggressive and independent wipe. Counters Noise's, Biscuit's, and SAnis's element and can evaporate them easily once invested. Also can be used to deter or punish unprotected Noise tanking.
    • Quiry (A S): Stall teams need her to sustain considerably longer; also doesn't feed Scarlet & Jackal. There is no stall without Quiry.
    • Ein (S SS): A damage over time unit with her true damage dealing feathers earns her a spot above others. Her DPS from her burst skill is quite strong and Ein has a serious shout for being used in the champions arena as a main B3.
    • 2B (SS S): Glaring counters. Can be countered in multiple ways. Still exists as a good alternative overall.
    • S. Sakura (SS S): Needs ATK buff to actually deal big damage. Her kit is self-limiting. Low burst gen and feeding is the main reason she's being demoted. Still highly regarded as a B3, and even as an off burst unit.
    • Kilo (SS S): Actually, her wipe is decently strong, but she is MG, and she feeds. Nom nom.
  • [Asuka Shikinami Langley] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Frima - Treasure] and [Viper - Treasure] have been added to the tier list.
  • [Zwei] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Exia - Treasure] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Ein] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Noah] SS > SSS in PvP. Her burst gen has been patched, she now hits with both bullets, which means her burst gen is now ×2. This puts her burst gen above all Clip SGs, and immensely increases her already near constant presence in PvP.
  • [Diesel - Treasure] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Rosanna: Chic Ocean] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Sakura Summer] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Laplace - Treasure] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Clay] has been added to the tier list.
  • [Alice: Wonderland Bunny] has been added to the tier list.

Tier List (Story - low deficit)

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Story (low deficit)

Story (high deficit)



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