To learn more about Mast: Romantic Maid check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Mast: Romantic Maid check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Investment tips
Normal Attack
Mode: Normal
Ammo: 300
Reload: 2.5s
■ Affects Target(s).
Deals 5.57% of ATK as damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.
A Pirate's Heart
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when entering Burst stage 1. Affects self.
Drunken: Hit Rate ▼ 20%, stacks up to 3 times continuously.
■ Activates only when in Drunken status. Affects all allies.
Critical Rate ▲ 20.05% continuously.
ATK ▲ 35.02% of caster's ATK continuously.
A Pirate's Spirit
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when entering Burst stage 3 in Drunken status. Affects all allies.
Distributed Damage ▲ 15.03% * Number of Drunken stacks for 10 sec.
Reloading Speed ▲ 15.04% * Number of Drunken stacks for 10 sec.
■ Activates when the caster reaches max stacks of Drunken at the end of Full Burst. Affects self after the stacks are removed.
Hangover: Stun for 10 sec.
A Pirate's Romance
Cooldown: 40s
■ Affects all allies.
Critical Damage ▲ 40.04% for 10 sec.
Attack Damage ▲ 15.04% for 10 sec.
■ Affects all allies if in Drunken status.
ATK ▲ (20.06% * Number of Drunken stacks) of caster's ATK for 10 sec.
Mast: Romantic Maid images aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.
Mast: Romantic Maid has a dedicated review/guide available. You can find it by following the link below.
They did the deed, bond story 5, read it.
Tia-Naga inverse, best duo with M.Anchor for non core bosses.
Blanc-Noir 2.0 cuz of their insane heals.
Cuteness overloaded.
Doesn’t require specific OL lines to perform.
Makes SBS great again after recent RRH and Cindy powercreeps.
Makes Alice great again too.
With Crown or AnchorIM, can exceed >109% reload speed for infinite ammo.
A lot of caster’s ATK buffs which work equally well for Defenders as they do on Attackers.
Distributed Damage▲ which functions as Damage Taken.
Critical Rate▲ and Crit Damage▲ are good for bosses without core or attacks that cannot core-hit like skill damage.
Gatrix, why so many pros?
10/10/10 supporter.
Requires another 10/10/10 to Anchor as a pair to work.
ATK▲ buffs are common and easily diluted.
Buffs need to ramp up, limiting her power in short battles.
Rips your wrist if you use Alice with her.
A lot of caster’s ATK buffs make her very investment-dependent.
Longest guide ever. Totally a scientific journal.
Did you find the Easter Egg?
Story (low deficit)
Story (high deficit)
Investment Tips
Here's the explanation for all the numbers and colors used in the guide:
More info:
PVE investment
1/1/1 → 4/7/4 → 7/10/7 (→ 10/10/10)
PVP investment
1/1/1 → 4/1/1 → 7/1/1 (→ 10/1/1)
This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.
For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.
Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.
Additional tips:
Resilience Cube
Bastion Cube
Resilience Cube
Bastion Cube
For true “infinite ammo”, you will need Resilience 7+ and Anchor: IM or Crown. Or, if you fancy, just slap a defensive cube on her (good idea for PvP, at least). You can even run her with any filler cube, and it’s fine. The higher the level, the better, because cube boosts base ATK stat.
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