MarcianaInformation and Guide


Marciana is a SSR rarity Burst
character from the Supporter class, who wields a Shotgun
weapon and belongs to the Iron
element. She's part of the Elysion

M.M.R. Vocational School teacher. Her belly ring is a special device which helps make informed decisions in an emergency. Has a drone as a secretary.

To learn more about Marciana check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Marciana check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Investment tips


Max level
Normal Attack

Normal Attack


Mode: Normal

Ammo: 9

Reload: 1.5s

■ Affects target enemy.

Deals 201.5% ATK as damage.

Deals 200% damage when attacking core.

Skill 1

Drone Supporter


Cooldown: -

■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects all allies.

Recovers 10.95% of attack damage as HP over 3 sec.

■ Activates when the last bullet hits the target. Affects 2 ally unit(s) with the highest ATK.

HP Potency ▲ 26.98% for 3 sec.

Skill 2

School Nurse


Cooldown: -

■ Activates when using Burst Skill. Affects all allies.

Recovers 28.11% of caster's final Max HP as HP.


A Teacher's Grace


Cooldown: 20s

■ Affects all allies.

Storage: If the target obtained a healing effect that exceeds the character's Max HP, excess portion will be stored, up to 27.87% of the caster's Max HP, lasts for 10 sec.

DEF ▲ 20.9% of the caster's DEF for 10 sec.

Voice Actors



Claiming to be an exemplary teacher at M.M.R. Vocational School, Marciana is the only reliable B2 Healer aside from Blanc. While we may not be so sure what kind of example she is giving to her students, she teaches them that healing is important in most battles. Alongside a brief lifesteal and HP potency for two units on last bullet, as well as a teamwide heal when using Burst Skill, she offers a unique buff called Storage, which stores excess HP recovery by expanding the maximum HP limit (like a padding). This technically increases the maximum durability of every unit, allowing them to survive critical attacks that would otherwise erase their existence.

Kit Analysis

here is a noticeable difference between how Marciana's healing works versus other healers. She does not heal units on last bullet based on her HP, but instead provides lifesteal to everyone. This can be good or bad. On one hand, most attackers with consistent damage will definitely enjoy more healing from lifesteal as they can dish out a lot of damage, not to account the accompanying HP potency. Burst attackers like Maxwell and 2B may require precise timing to fully benefit from it, but with some manual gameplay, it may be manageable. On the other hand, supports and defenders unit whose ATK aren't buffed will have trouble benefitting from it. The amount of the lifesteal is quite low, so you need to pay extra attention to your units' HP all the time.

Thankfully, she does heal the team every rotation when using Burst Skill (tied to Skill 2). This is similar to Pepper's Burst heal, which has been proven to be extremely useful. Her Burst Skill also provides a buff called Storage, which stores excess HP recovery by expanding the HP limit (like a container placed on top of MAX HP). This also synergizes with her Skill 2, allowing her team to expand their HP limit when they are at maximum HP. The synergy between Skill 2 and Burst Skill is similar to SMary's Burst skill alone!

Last but not least, her Burst Skill also offers a slight DEF boost based on the caster's DEF. So far, this seems to be underwhelming in most contexts, so I will assume that the final line simply doesn't exist. Poof. Still, it reduces the overall amount of damage your team takes, which may be the turning point in some awfully specific cases.

How Storage Works

Storage functions similarly to MAX HP, but there are several differences. MAX HP is indicated with the condensing of white bar in battles, while Storage is indicated with a green bar instead (placed at the end). Dark Green shows that the Storage is empty, while Light Green shows that the Storage is filled by that amount. Light Green is consumed first before White, and White must be fully filled first before Light Green appears. In other words, it is just a container that expands HP limit but is not part of HP itself. Likewise, excess HP stored by MAX HP and Storage buffs (indicated as Light Green) disappears at the end of their duration.

Here are some core differences between MAX HP and Storage:

  • MAX HP buffs increase the effects of skills that rely on caster's MAX HP, such as 2B's Skill 2 and most healing skills. Meanwhile, Storage does NOT.

  • Storage acts as an extra container placed on top of MAX HP, so it is NOT considered part of HP itself. Even if Soline with Storage gets hit, as long as the damage does not chew into her HP (and drain Storage entirely), she will still have full HP. This is one strength it has over MAX HP.

  • That also means that Storage does NOT expand MAX HP. Therefore, self-harm skills like A2, Scarlet, and Guillotine will drain the same HP per second, even if Storage is full and their current HP is maxed. It will also NOT raise their skill activation threshold.

  • For instance, if your Scarlet has 1,000,000 current & MAX HP, and Storage MAX value is 200,000, Scarlet will have an effective HP of 1,200,000. However, she will only drain 40,000 (4%) HP per second until storage is depleted instead of 48,000 because Storage HP is not considered.

  • Unlike MAX HP, triggering Storage does NOT naturally heal affected Nikkes. Marciana utilizes the heal from Skill 2 to fill her Storage.

  • Marciana's Storage max amount depends on her MAX HP, but most MAX HP buffs are dependent on the target unit's MAX HP instead (except for Mast and SMary).

Performance Analysis

For beginner players without an extensive roster, Marciana is worth deploying in stages where healing is often demanded, allowing you to clear contents with ease as you unlock more units. Boss stages, for example, almost always requires some sustain, whether in the form of heals or shields. Unless you possess stronger healers such as Pepper or SMary, or an overpowered character like Blanc, Marciana will remain valuable. You can keep using her until you obtain more powerful B2 to replace her, especially in Raids where you need to make 3 to 5 teams.

For endgame players with an almost complete roster, Marciana will instead be seeing more usage in contents where damage-boosting B2 aren't applicable, or where a third B3 is preferred but a B2 healer is needed. This problem mainly occurs in Raids and potentially Elysion Tower, which would be her primary battlefield. Unfortunately, the current B2 that we usually use are simply too influential to replace, so in the worst case, she may not be seeing any usage at all. Nevertheless, she can still be used in other contents and still be flexible, especially if you do not have other healers.

Don't expect much from her in Arena. She can be situationally useful, but she is not by any means a component of the current meta. She serves the same purpose as Noise and SMary, expanding each unit's HP pool and allowing them to withstand more damage. However, Noise's skills have more attractive values, and since cooldown isn't an issue in PvP, Noise is always superior. Moreover, the 10% lifesteal (that's at level 10 by the way) only sets in after 6 seconds, and the value is too small to justify using her. Still, Marciana is a B2 healer, so she can be paired with a damage-boosting B1 or another B1 healer for more sustain. In summary, indeed, she is better than the average B2 for Arena, but she won't be replacing the existing meta units.


  • Grants constant lifesteal

  • Provides increased HP limit through Storage

  • B2 Healer, which is rare and great for beginners

  • Allows units who have full HP mechanics to take tiny damage without losing buffs

  • Versatile and can fit in many teams

  • Last bullet mechanic allows Privaty to improve her healing power

  • Will help in clearing Elysion Tower if healer is needed


  • Healing capacity depends on the other units' damage output, which can be good or bad (inconsistent)

  • Storage buff does not naturally heal, so it may be useless at times

  • Despite being versatile, she competes with other B2 units who provide way more value

  • Storage buff isn't considered MAX HP, so it does not make skills based on MAX HP more effective

  • Last bullet mechanic discourages pairing with certain units who buff Max Ammo


Story (low deficit)


Story (high deficit)





Investment Tips

Skill Investment

Here's the explanation for all the numbers and colors used in the guide:

  • 10/5/7 means upgrading Skill 1 to lvl 10, Skill 2 to lvl 5, and Burst Skill to lvl 7,
  • Yellow means the immediate investment when u get the unit. There are 3 reasons for this:
    • If the unit is Meta or High Priority, it will have a starting investment of more than 1/1/1 (such as 4/4/4) depending on what the unit provides.
    • If the unit is Medium or Low Priority, 1/1/1 will be mentioned, meaning no immediate investment is required, and you can invest in this character if you need to use it according to the priority listed.
    • If we deem that a unit does not have usable skills to be meta for any gamemode, no investment will be mentioned.
  • Blue means minimum investment to take advantage of the Nikke's skills. There are 2 reasons for this:
    • Sometimes, minimum investments are breakpoints such as for Noir or SAnis.
    • Sometimes, minimum investments are just the ideal way to progress to upgrade that unit, before moving on to Recommended and High.
  • Red means recommended investment for F2P players,
  • Purple means maximum recommended investment, in order to get the best out of the unit. You should only try to reach these investments if you have a surplus of Skill Books leftover.

More info:

  • The skill investment list below features a lot of Level 4 and 7 because they are easier to understand. Any higher levels will cost a new type of resource.
  • However, you may choose to upgrade to Level 5 if you need a stronger effect instead of 4, as the increase in Blue Manual cost from Level 4 to 5 is still low. The leap only starts from Level 6 onward.
  • There is also a leap from Level 3 to 4, so if you want to save a tiny bit of Blue Manuals, then leave at 3 instead of 4.
Gear Investment

This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.

For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.

  • Essential: With all gear combined, your unit must have the roll(s) prescribed as a minimum requirement. Example: Charge Speed on Alice. You cannot compromise on these rolls.
  • Ideal: These rolls will improve your unit's performance significantly. Aim for 2 lines of Essential/Ideal per gear for maximum performance and the best Return on Investment (ROI). If you get 3, you are lucky. You can choose to only have 1 as well to save materials. Example: Elemental Damage on Scarlet.
  • Passable: Low-priority line that has either limited value or the impact is not as strong as other rolls. Should this show up as a bonus together with a better line, you can choose to keep them. Example: Charge Speed on Red Hood.

Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.

Additional tips:

  • Priority (PvE/PvP) isn't necessarily lower than Priority (Universal), which has no tag/label. It just indicates that this unit performs only in select types of content.
  • If a suggested effect has the number ×2 next to it, that means you should get the effect on at least 2 gear. The same idea applies to other numbers.
  • Focus on obtaining Essential(s) then you can start worrying about optimizing your rolls. Units require these to function, and the impact is too massive to ignore.
  • If a unit has no Essential(s), that means their performance is not that dependent on OL, but they can still benefit from good effects.
  • Remember that this is just a recommendation list, and attaining perfection is impossible. You will have to make some compromise, pick whichever rolls you desire the most, and conserve as much material as possible.
Cube Investment
  • Resilience Cube

    Resilience Cube

  • Resilience Cube

    Resilience Cube

Resilience. Period. This will allow her to abuse her Skill 1 way more often. Bastion and Wingman are the opposite and should be avoided. Assault can be usedfor more hitrate, but why?