Overload Gear - Recommendations

This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.

For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.

  • Essential: With all gear combined, your unit must have the roll(s) prescribed as a minimum requirement. Example: Charge Speed on Alice. You cannot compromise on these rolls.
  • Ideal: These rolls will improve your unit's performance significantly. Aim for 2 lines of Essential/Ideal per gear for maximum performance and the best Return on Investment (ROI). If you get 3, you are lucky. You can choose to only have 1 as well to save materials. Example: Elemental Damage on Scarlet.
  • Passable: Low-priority line that has either limited value or the impact is not as strong as other rolls. Should this show up as a bonus together with a better line, you can choose to keep them. Example: Charge Speed on Red Hood.

Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.

Additional tips:

  • Priority (PvE/PvP) isn't necessarily lower than Priority (Universal), which has no tag/label. It just indicates that this unit performs only in select types of content.
  • If a suggested effect has the number ×2 next to it, that means you should get the effect on at least 2 gear. The same idea applies to other numbers.
  • Focus on obtaining Essential(s) then you can start worrying about optimizing your rolls. Units require these to function, and the impact is too massive to ignore.
  • If a unit has no Essential(s), that means their performance is not that dependent on OL, but they can still benefit from good effects.
  • Remember that this is just a recommendation list, and attaining perfection is impossible. You will have to make some compromise, pick whichever rolls you desire the most, and conserve as much material as possible.

In terms of priority, we grade characters based on their performance in various content or game mode. Meta units should be prioritized because they hold a high amount of value; rerolling their effects is of the highest importance. Similarly, units of High priority should provide more value overall than units of Medium priority when it comes to to efficacy and return on investment. This does not necessarily mean units in lower categories are worse, but they might be less dependent on OL. For example, Dorothy is present in all Solo Raid runs and can be considered a staple, but she does not benefit from OL as much as Alice. On the contrary, Tove might not be seeing as much usage, but she would want OL to be less inconsistent.

The metrics are as follows:

  • How dependent is the unit on OL?
  • How much impact will she bring after OL?
  • Are there drawbacks or repercussions?

The Priorities are as follows:

  • Meta: Most Important Nikkes.
  • High: Good in various content.
  • Medium: Good in multiple situations in certain contents.
  • Low: Can perform well but not as good as other units / Situationally Meta / Old Meta
  • Very Low: Niche usage / Tribe Tower Units
  • Priority with (PvE/PvP) written isn't necessarily lower than Priority (Universal), which has no tag/label. It just indicates that this unit performs best in select types of content. The PvE tag caters more to raid gameplay where multiple teams are required.




Ideally reach >99% Charge Speed in total from her Skill1 + Burst Skill + OL rolls. Alice reloads a lot due to her high rate of fire during her burst, and to minimise this problem we need Max Ammo OL on her. If you use Alice in infinite reload comps such as one with Crown+Privaty or with Blanc+Noir, 2 Ammo rolls can suffice. However, if you plan to use Alice elsewhere, it is ideal to have 3 Ammo Rolls for Alice.


Emilia is the only pvp unit which we feel all players should reroll on. It is a very critical gameplay change for PvP, since she can become the highest Burst Gen provider, even higher than jackal! Ideally reach >21% Charge Speed with her Skill 1 + OL rolls added together. Emilia is not only a unit for PvP, but also Niche for Bosses with parts in Solo Raids, or even Campaign. Hence, she can benefit from ATK and Elemental OL rolls. Max Ammo recommended to prioritize for when uptime is concerned.


Ammo is a must-have. Modernia doesn't want to reload, ever. Hit Rate is a niche roll for Modernia and can be ignored completely. There is only one situation where it comes into play and it is in Campaign, and only if you use Red Hood as Solo Burst 1 Unit, since there is a downtime between 2nd and 3rd Bursts where Modernia will not get the ATK buff from her Skill 2 otherwise. Crit Rate is also an okay roll but it is not ideal. It is ultimately better to get an Ammo, ATK, or Elemental roll for your Modernia.


For CP Padding + Small Boost in Survivability + Heals. For PvP, you want noise to reload so she can refresh her max hp buff and heal herself again from her skill 2, hence PvP players do not want Max Ammo on her OL. For PvE, there are no specific OL you need to focus on at all. Can be used against Bosses, where she can help the team's survivability. Can also be used to fill the Electric Element unit slot if needed in Raids.


Privaty has a last bullet mechanic, hence she ideally does not want Max Ammo OL gear, but it isn't something critical to her kit in the current meta so it can be ignored. It is also suggested to avoid ATK on Privaty's OL gear since it can lead to Privaty being the target of enemy attacks which target Highest ATK stat unit. This especially comes into play when using Privaty with Anis: Sparkling Summer, who is a support type Nikke, and hence has lower base ATK. It is ideal that Anis gets targeted over Privaty since she can heal back up quickly, and hence Privaty is a very low priority unit to OL.


If Privaty reloads for any reason during Full Burst, she will lose her buffs (they will reset to 0 stacks). Max Ammo is important to shoot for 15s + 2s straight during Full Burst. If you only need to reload once every 20s, that's even better! Privaty: Unkind Maid is also used in PvP, where ATK > Elemental Damage. Only OL if you plan to build Meta SG Team or for PvP


Scarlet is an excellent choice for PvE, but she is at the top of the meta for PvP, where ATK is better than Elemental Damage. She scales the best with Ammo, since she only has 20 ammo and a huge reload time. Scarlet is an AR who cannot hit core shots well against enemies who are far away, hence she benefits from Crit Rolls more than others, as well as Hit Rate.


Ammo is important to shoot for 15s straight of Burst and to make sure she reloads only once every 20s. It is very important for Soda to consistently shoot during Burst in order to stack her Skill 1. Soda is also used in PvP. Since she is Iron, Elemental Damage is appreciated on her. Only OL if you plan to build Meta SG Team or for PvP