To learn more about Elegg check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Elegg check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Investment tips
Normal Attack
Mode: Normal
Ammo: 300
Reload: 2.5s
■ Affects Target(s).
Deals 5.57% of ATK as damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.
Short Circuit
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects all allies.
When attacking an enemy projectile, damage dealt to that projectile ▲ 59.66 % continuously.
■ Activates after landing 100 normal attack(s). Affects the target and 2 surrounding enemy unit(s) if the target is in BOOM Install.
Deals 91.03% of final ATK as Distributed Damage.
Fast Charge
Cooldown: -
■ Activates after landing 60 normal attack(s). Affects all allies if the target is in BOOM Install.
ATK ▲ 13.09 % of caster's ATK for 5 sec.
■ Activates when the target appears. Affects all allies.
Fills Burst Gauge by 100%. Activates once per battle.
BOOM Install
Cooldown: 20s
■ Affects all allies.
Distributed Damage dealt ▲ 39.74 % for 10 sec.
■ Affects the enemy nearest to the crosshair.
Deals 79.2 % of final ATK as damage.
BOOM Install: DEF ▼ 35.64 % for 10 sec.
Elegg has a dedicated review/guide available. You can find it by following the link below.
Offers a unique Distributed Damage buff that can even empower Dorothy.
ATK buff that lasts a long time.
Notable damage boost to projectiles constantly.
Machine guns have unlimited reach.
Can both be DPS & support for meta units.
A voluptuous egg.
Reliant on Max Ammo as DPS.
Distributed Damage is a niché type of damage.
Boom Install debuff expires prematurely if affected enemy is killed and deactivates the trigger requirements for Skill 1 & 2.
Boom Install can be applied on the wrong enemy if Elegg is not being played on manual when activating.
Addicted to Boom; addiction is never good, so tell us — how much time do you spend in Nikke?
Story (low deficit)
Story (high deficit)
Investment Tips
Here's the explanation for all the numbers and colors used in the guide:
More info:
This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.
For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.
Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.
Additional tips:
Niche for Electric Weak Bosses in Solo Raids
Resilience Cube
Bastion Cube
Resilience Cube
Bastion Cube
You need to make sure that Elegg takes less time to reload. As a support, this is trivial, but as a DPS, it creates a noticeable difference. In most teams, Bastion is obviously the better choice. However, in reload speed teams (SAnis + Privaty), you need to do some testing first. Either Resilience or Bastion would fit your situation better, depending on Privaty's S1 investment as well as the number of OL lines. Boot into Shooting Range without equipping any cube and do normal rotations. Just before Full Burst ends, force-reload Elegg. Now, keep shooting until you reach the next Full Burst. Here are several outcomes:
If Elegg reloads outside Full Burst, use Bastion. If you still need to reload, get 1 Max Ammo line and try again. Or, you can try to time your reload so that it starts before Privaty's buff disappears and finishes after Privaty's debuff disappears. This way, Elegg reloads to her full ammo capacity.
If Elegg does not reload outside Full Burst, you can use either cube, but Resilience can save you ~11 frames per reload by reaching the >109% threshold. Do provide some leeway. For instance, having ±30 ammo when Full Burst begins is too tight. You can always get more Max Ammo lines, but it may not be efficient.
For both cases above, you need to make sure that Elegg does not lose fire rate when reloading by making sure Privaty's S1 is invested well enough. No, it doesn't have to be >100% or >109%. Without sufficient reload speed, reloads will cause uncomfortable hiccups during Full Burst. If this occurs, use Resilience instead and reload outside Full Burst (still reload at the end of Full Burst), or obtain Max Ammo lines.
That being said, we do recommend minimum 1–2 Max Ammo lines as a DPS.
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