To learn more about Maiden: Ice Rose check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Maiden: Ice Rose check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Investment tips
Normal Attack
Rocket Launcher
Mode: Charge
Ammo: 6
Reload: 2s
■ Affects Target(s).
Deals 61.3% of ATK as damage.
Charge Time: 1 sec.
Full Charge Damage: 250% of damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when entering Burst Stage 1. Affects self when MP is 0.
MP recovers by 1. MP can be accumulated up to a maximum of 12. All accumulated MP is consumed when using Burst Skill.
■ Activates when entering Full Burst. Affects self when MP is above 1.
MP replenishes by 1. MP can be accumulated up to a maximum of 12. All accumulated MP is consumed when using Burst Skill.
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge for 6 time(s). Affects self.
Max HP ▲ 6.34% without restoring HP for 15 sec, stacks up to 10 time(s).
Blessings Upon You
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when MP is replenished. Affects all Electric Code allies except for self.
Damage as strong element▲ 40.9% for 10 sec.
ATK ▲ 20.9% of caster's ATK for 10 sec.
■ Activates when MP is used. Affects self.
Damage as strong element ▲ 31.68% for 10 sec.
ATK ▲ 3.2% of caster's final Max HP for 10 sec.
■ Activates when attacking with Full Charge for 1 time(s). Affects1 enemy unit(s) nearest to the crosshair.
Deals 547.62% of final ATK as damage.
Diamond Dust
Cooldown: 40s
■ Affects 1 enemy unit(s) nearest to the crosshair.
Deals damage equal to 1372.8% of ATK that is calculated based on 10% of the caster's final Max HP. Attacks continuously based on the current MP.
Maiden: Ice Rose images aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.
Maiden: Ice Rose has a dedicated review/guide available. You can find it by following the link below.
One of the best Electric buffers in the market and the only one that grants ELE DMG▲.
Decent PvE and PvP presence.
Can be a DPS or a support.
Huge semi-DPS potential even as an off-burst support. She does not steal other units’ B3.
Big Burst Damage if max MP and S2 Basic Attack Ratio.
Good burst gen in PvP.
Might save Elysion.
She went to Korea to get plastic surgery and went back with buffed boobs and butt.
Competes with Volume and 2B for best butt in Nikke.
Cannot activate team buffs and self buff at the same time.
MP is not refreshable by stack refreshers.
Max HP▲ and MP stacking takes too long for shorter combats.
DPS weakens outside Electric-weak scenarios.
Supportive skill significantly weakens outside Electric-weak scenarios.
DPS is high-deficit sensitive.
ShiftUp literally forgot to post her kit; posted xGuillotine’s kit first, followed by 2 maintenance reminders, and only then posted her kit after maintenance had started.
And yet, they still revised her kit pic 2 times.
Story (low deficit)
Story (high deficit)
Investment Tips
Here's the explanation for all the numbers and colors used in the guide:
More info:
PVE investment
4/7/4 → 4/10/4 → 7/10/7 (→ 10/10/10)
PVP investment
4/7/4 → 4/10/4 → 7/10/7 (→ 10/10/10)
This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.
For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.
Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.
Additional tips:
0-1× Max Ammo
4× ELE
4× ATK
0-1× Max Ammo
2-3× Charge Speed
Bastion Cube
Resilience Cube
Bastion Cube
Resilience Cube
Outside Raid, she is more likely to be deployed in the "Best Electric Bossing Comp Against Water Without CP Penalty" comp, which features Reload Speed buffers like Crown and SAnis. In this case, like usual, Resilience is always the best option because of Reload Speed stacking. In Raid, this may change depending on whether the boss is Electric-weak.
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