To learn more about Rosanna: Chic Ocean check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Rosanna: Chic Ocean check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Investment tips
Normal Attack
Assault Rifle
Mode: Normal
Ammo: 60
Reload: 1s
■ Affects Target(s).
Deals 13.65% of ATK as damage.
Deals 200% damage when attacking core.
Cooldown: -
■ Activates when entering battle. Affects all allies.
Damage to Parts ▲ 24.26% for 15 sec.
■ Activates when an ally or self destroys an enemy's part. Affects all allies.
ATK ▲ 3% of caster's ATK, stacks up to 5 time(s) and lasts for 30 sec.
Spina di Rosa
Cooldown: 30s
■ Affects all allies.
Damage to Parts ▲ 24.26% for 15 sec.
■ Affects the enemy nearest to the crosshair.
Deals 70.4% of final ATK as sustained damage every Sec for 15 sec.
Onda Grande
Cooldown: 30s
■ Affects all allies.
Sustained Damage ▲ 20.32% for 10 sec.
■ Affects all enemies.
Damage Taken ▲ 32.23% for 10 sec.
Rosanna: Chic Ocean has a dedicated review/guide available. You can find it by following the link below.
Massive Damage Taken debuff on enemies.
Powerful Sustained Damage buff - strong synergy with S. Sakura.
Provides decent Parts Damage buff.
Quite flexible, can be used with different B3s, and allows for extra B3.
Insanely hot with a very lewd MLB lobby screen.
Lacks healing, hence tough to fit into the current meta.
ATK buff is of low value and stacking is dependent on breaking parts.
Without parts, her Skill 1 and half of Skill 2 are entirely useless.
Cannot open Nikke on your phone in public if you have her as your lobby screen.
Will age-restrict Youtube videos.
Story (low deficit)
Story (high deficit)
Investment Tips
Here's the explanation for all the numbers and colors used in the guide:
More info:
PVE investment
1/1/1 → 4/4/4 → 4/7/10 (→ 7/10/10)
PVP investment
1/1/1 → 1/1/7 → 1/4/10 (→ 1/7/10)
This Overload (OL) Recommendations and Priority guide unravels in detail everything you need about a character in terms of priority, overload targets (effects), and order of acquisition, alongside some notes to explain our thinking process.
For OL targets and order of acquisition, we decided to divide the target effects into several categories.
Overload effects are ordered by importance from Left to Right, which means anything on the left provides more value than the right. Effects that belong to the same group generate too similar an impact to make a difference (and are sometimes interchangeable). Try to follow this order as faithfully as possible for maximum mileage.
Additional tips:
Bastion Cube
Bastion Cube
Rosanna does not particularly require any cube. Any generic cube works on her, but Bastion will allow her to shoot more bullets over 3 minutes. Despite that, it is recommended to use the highest level cube available for the base stat bonuses to help with her caster's ATK buff.
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