
Characters in Eversoul belong to one of 7 factions: Humans, Beasts, Fairy, Undead, Angel, Demon or Chaos. While the first 4 factions are part of the classic 'elemental' wheel and they counter each other, Angel and Demon are this game's Light/Dark faction and finally Chaotic are similar to Angel/Demon in ascension requirements but differ in that they are accessible only on certain banners. They are rarer and harder to raise up, but provide you with some unique benefits. For
For more information on Soul Classes, Standout souls and commonly used terms, check out this guide:

Also, each character that you can obtain in the game belongs to one of three rarity tiers: common, rare and epic.
- Common characters (green) will be rarely used even at the start of the game and will be discarded for a currency that you can use in a shop,
- Rare characters (blue) will be used in the early game, but Epic characters will soon start replacing them. Still, Rare characters have an important function - they can be upgraded to Epic rarity (and higher) and then be used as fodder to upgrade the rarity of your Epic characters,
- Epic characters (purple) will form the core of your team once you obtain them, but getting a single copy of them isn't enough. Why? We will explain below.
Each character also has 5 skills:
- Ultimate - the strongest skill of a character, but all characters in the team share the ultimate bar, so you have to decide who should use the Ultimate skill (and on auto-battle, you can set-up the priority),
- Active - the active skill can be used once a character's MP reaches 100%. It's not as impactful as the Ultimate, but each character in the team will use their Active skill the moment it becomes available (or you can use them manually too),
- Sub - there are 2 sub skills that are used automatically by the character based on their rotation, Every character has different auto attacks and sub skill rotation it follows,
- Passive - and lastly, there's a passive skill that either affects the character itself or her allies/enemies.
In idle games, the starter rarities are only the beginning. As you can see on the image below, there are way more background colors than just the 3 mentioned above:

These colors respond to character rarity as well as their ascension Level, As already discussed above - Green/Blue/Purple represent basic Common/Rare/Epic souls, after that you have Orange, Red and Pink color for characters - representing their ascension at Legendary, Eternal and Origin Realms, while a Star Denotes + Realm, for example a Purple character with star corresponds to Epic + whereas a Red character with star corresponds to Eternal +.
To reach the higher rarity tiers you will need two things: copies of the same character and fodder. Fodder will be obtainable from combining Rare characters with each other, but to get more copies of the same character, you will have to pull on the banners. A lot. Usually, some characters are also available in the in-game shops that are tied to some game modes, to make it easier to raise them, but pulling will be the main source of dupes.
Also this is why, just having one copy of an Epic character isn't enough and you will need to focus on a few characters and form the main team, rather than spreading your resources. That's because the level cap of characters will increase with the rarity. And getting stuck at the level cap will drastically hinder your progress. We will give additional tips in regard to progress in a dedicated guide later.
Contrary to the norm in idle games where as a F2P player you should never invest into the Light/Dark factions due to lower pull rates, Eversoul has same pull rates for such characters in their respective pickups, allowing them to be invested easily by F2P (even if they have more copies required to reach Origin), this is further boosted by the fact that you can get L/D characters from any banner in the game including friendship pulls and epic shards!
Team building
The team in Eversoul consist of 5 characters and similar to other games, you will obtain additional stats when you use more characters from the same faction. For detailed information on the same, check out our Beginner's Guide linked below and for commonly used teams in early as well as end game check out our Team Building Guide linked below.
The combat in Eversoul uses full models of the characters unlike the chibis most idle games utilize. You can manually control when to use Main and Ultimate skills, or let AI handle it completely in Auto mode. You can see how it looks in action on the video below:
Game Modes
Eversoul features a variety of game modes ranging from Single Player PvE to Competitive PvE as well as PvP content.
However, a lot of these modes are unlocked as you progress further into game, for details on which mode is unlocked when, check out

Main story
Eversoul’s story is mostly a dialogue and slideshow type, with some basic dialogue input choices from you, the player. The story itself is surprisingly detailed for an idle game, and rewards you for going through each part. It also includes some dungeon-like stages (which become Hall of Memories content once you’ve obtained the mode) where you navigate through a map, interact with NPCs, solve puzzles, and fight enemies.
The main content of the game where you fight multiple chapters of content, with latest chapters having stages beyond 50 per chapter. Battlefront is the primary PVE content in game, which starts with requiring 1 Team of 5 souls but changes to 2 teams of 5 souls and ultimately 3 Teams of 5 souls as you progress through the chapters, making it a considerable challenge and diversifying your investments.
Clearing battlefront is the primary method to increase your hourly generation of Idle Resources, making it important to push as far as possible, as soon as you can. However, unlike most games, there is no starring system in place for stages in this mode, allowing you to win fights with most of your team dead and move on without issues.
Battlefront - Challenge Mode
In Challenge Mode, the fights are a similar 5v5 format to regular Battlefront, however there are less stages to clear per map (starting at only 2 in the first area) and each stage has different conditions. The first thing to note is that there is a level cap enforced on your team, so that regardless of what your level is, your characters will not exceed the cap, making it harder to brute force the stages. Second, there are effects that will buff the enemies, hinder your team, or both, requiring you to strategize around these effects to avoid losing. Third, there are win conditions which give different rewards, though they don’t all have to be done at once, nor do they all have to be done to progress to the next stage. Winning the battle is always one of the 3 requirements, which is enough to allow you to progress, however most of the rewards are worth gaining, so even if you have to change your team up and do the battle 3 separate times to clear each challenge, it’s often worth the time spent doing so.

Faction Gates and Depths
Gates are the one of contents new users will focus most on, alongside Battlefront, as it allows you to gain a lot of resources (including everstones!) very quickly, helping you progress more in other content and pull more. There are 5 Gates in the game, Unlimited Gate which is much like battlefront where you can use any 5 souls and beat the stage (this goes to stage 400) as well as 4 Faction Gates, where you can only use 5 souls of the said Faction (This goes to stage 200 per Gate).
After clearing Unlimited Gate 400 and Faction Gates 200, you will get access to Gate Depths content, which is the same as before but with more teams. Unlimited Gate will have you use 3 teams, and Faction Gates you will need to use 2 teams, still only using that Faction’s characters. Furthermore, in Depths enemies are equipped with their own Artifacts and will use Ultimate skills, making it the hardest PVE content in-game.
Dual Gates/Decoy Operation
Dual Gates is a game mode geared to farm Mana Crystals, one of the biggest bottlenecks in character levels. Always clear the highest level you can, preferably without hires, so you can unlock the stage to sweep it (using hires won’t allow you to sweep). An important thing to note is that you don’t have to do each difficulty along the way, you can skip to whichever difficulty you want and attempt it, if you fail, you can just reset the difficulty and try a lower one.
Eventually, this mode will be replaced by Decoy Operation (as shown above in picture), which will allow you to choose your target resource between Mana Crystal, Mana Dust, Gold and Keepsake Enhance stones per entry. Decoy Operation changes your number of daily entries to 3, and you are able to select different options for each entry if you wish. (Already replaced in NA/EU and Asia, Pending in JP)
Dimensional Labyrinth
The staple of the Idle genre, Labyrinth in Eversoul resets every 2 days (so 15 times a month). You have to pick your path and progress through the Labyrinth while both fighting stronger and stronger enemies and trying to keep your team alive, as HP won't regenerate here between fights. There are also bonus spaces that can provide extra buffs scattered throughout. Ultimately, you fight a raid boss for bonus prizes - such as more Labyrinth exclusive currency for its shop, Everstones and idle resources. The boss can be a particularly difficult encounter, though its lost HP won’t regenerate as you throw new teams at it, allowing you to eventually clear it if you have enough damage. As a consolation, players can sweep the stage they have successfully cleared (without revives) and get the rewards for the cleared difficulty in just a click.
Hall of Memories
Hall of Memories is a dungeon-like mode where you have to traverse through a map, find treasures, and solve puzzles, much like Main Story mode. (In fact, it is the dungeons from Story mode!) The dungeons rotate weekly and offer a considerable amount of Tickets and Idle resources as a reward.

The PvP mode of Eversoul, where you select 5 characters to form your attack and defense teams and choose the opponent to attack. The fights are completely automatic and as such you can skip them from the attack screen itself, making them go very fast. Since it's fully automatic, positioning and choosing counter souls to the enemy is the important part here. But eversoul being the generous game it is, allows you to infinitely refresh your opponents every 5 seconds, letting you fish for easy matches for maximum score gains (supplemented by the fact that many players use weak defense teams on purpose to allow others to win easily).
Champions Arena
Another PvP mode, similar to Arena, but with 3 teams instead, and with addition of treasures which you can set per team. You need to win 2 out of 3 matches to win these. The difference here is that it is not point-based ranking like regular Arena, but a rank swap with the winner taking the loser’s rank and sending them down to their old rank.

Evil Soul Subjugation
Evil Soul Subjugation, or ESS for short, is a server-wide (Asia or NA/EU) competitive content in the style of Guild Raid, except it has a fixed HP pool depending on level of boss you choose (Level 100 to 400+) and you can use up to 9 Teams (45 souls) to whittle it down. Ranking is determined by the highest level cleared, followed by least amount of teams used, followed by least time spent on the final fight. There are 2 character exclusive Skins as reward given per season of ESS - which are fairly easy to get even as F2P, especially the first skin.
Guild Raid
The main guild content in the game, Guild Raids feature an endless HP boss you aim to deal as much damage as possible to it with your three teams combined with Unique Treasure per team. (Shown just above 1, 2 , 3 Numbers in picture above). Guild Rankings are determined by cumulative damage of Guild members (only highest damage per person counts). Primarily a 5vs1 content, it gives advantage to ST dealers (exception being the Dark Knight boss, which is a mix of 5v1 and 5v5). Rewards include a generous amount of Everstones and Guild Currency - Useful for buying gear.
World Boss
The latest addition, World Boss is a game mode similar to bosses seen in other games, where the progression of the fight is server-wide rather than an individual effort. There is still a ranking system for rewards based on your highest single damage contribution, but the boss’ total HP and progression reward is shared across all players in the server. This mode also introduced a new feature; the Partner Soul system. Each soul on your main team of 5 can have up to 2 other souls partnered up with them - a Main and a Sub Partner. The Main skill is unique to each soul, and provides some significant boosts to their partner, or even the whole team. Sub Partner skills are based upon soul Role groups, so for example, all souls classified as CC will provide the same buff, while all souls classified as Assassin will provide a different one. These are only applied to the soul they are partnered with, and are all an assortment of basic stat boosts. (You can check out Partner Skills on respective Soul’s character page on the website).

Tower of Origin
Tower of Origin is a game mode that provides extra backstory on the featured soul, allowing players to learn a lot of their lore. It is standard 5v5 content in the same vein as Battlefront and Gates. Its rewards include 300 Artifact Shards of the featured character, a character exclusive Statue to place in Town, lots of other currencies and tickets, as well as a flash deal which is purchasable with real currency, allowing you to get a copy of the character and additional 100 artifact shards (which is extra worth on Towers of Angel, Demon or Chaotic Faction characters).
Operation Eden Alliance
Operation Eden Alliance is another server-wide PvE competitive content. It is divided into 2 separate parts - Daily Operations and Infinite Operations. This content is primarily centered around clearing the stages while choosing certain or all conditions from the plethora of options available (as shown in the picture above).
Daily Operations allows you to complete missions to farm tickets used to unlock the higher rarity conditions in Infinite Operations, while giving some rewards.
Infinite Operations on other hand are where you compete with other players in terms of highest level cleared, which is affected by the amount and rarity of conditions you choose, highest levels can go upwards of 700+ while imposing severe restrictions on your team, or significant buffs to enemy souls. Unlike other rankings, this one is simply based on your cleared level - if you do maximum level, you’ll get the same reward as everyone else who also clears maximum, then rankings below will go down based on the amount of people who cleared. Its rewards include a generous amount of Everstones and tickets.

The first really unique thing in Eversoul - you will be able to build and decorate your own Town and some of the buildings will even impact your account - whether it is increasing Idle resources gained per minute, or giving additional stats such as 10% Attack or 15% HP to characters housed in manors (such as shown in picture above).
You can also hunt monsters in your town for some drops with low chance of it being summon tickets, as well as clear 3 friend towns (4 with Sharinne sub) for similar drops and 10 friendship points per person. Check the video below for a quick look into the Town.
Bond system

The Bond system in Eversoul allows you to converse with your characters, give them gifts and learn more about them individually by doing their Bond Stories. Also, if you get the perfect ending in their Bond Story, you will obtain their exclusive skin that changes their appearance in battle and their 2D art (however, some older skins don’t have new 2D art yet). Furthermore, characters with perfecting ending unlocked give additional gifts when outing and getting 2 red heart response (including Normal Summon Tickets) and during events such as Valentines, Christmas and few other in-game ones, they will give you a special gift as shown in the image above that hold plethora of rewards. In Eversoul, you can't buy skins, you get them all for free through Bonds and in-game events!
The Bond System was recently revamped, allowing you to get souls to Level 40 Bond, with each level from Level 11-40 increasing their stats (Attack, HP, Defense) or Reducing the time taken by souls in completing part time jobs or resting.
Shops and Currency
With all the game modes present, it naturally leads to lots of in-game currencies and various rewards they offer. This section will be discussing the same and it can be divided into 3 main parts - Gacha Resources, Idle Resources and Other Currencies. To know approximate monthly income for lot of them check out our Monthly Income guide below
Gacha Resources

The primary currency of Eversoul, which is used to summon characters and their Artifacts, buy extra entries in events, and certain items from shops. The currency is divided into Free and Paid - Where paid currency can be used to do 1 discounted pull per day on character and Artifact gacha, and a one time 10 pull for guaranteed SSR. These can be obtained from various in-game events, normal progression, or purchased from the Cash Shop in various packages with real money.
Pick-Up Summon
Pick-Up Tickets (Gold) are used for any Rate Up banners currently available. A multi costs either 2100 Everstones or 10 Tickets. These are obtained from Pity milestones on pulling Rate Up banners (10 on 40 Pulls, additional 20 on 160 pulls) or through real life currency purchases in the Cash Shop. 4% Rate for Epic Characters, with 1.6% for the featured character including Angel/Chaotic/Demon.
Erika’s Alchemy
Erika’s Alchemy Tickets (Purple) are used to pull on Erika’s Alchemy Banner (some of you who have played idle games prior to this, might remember it as Stargaze banner). This is a banner different from normal ones, as instead of pulling characters or Artifacts like normal, you choose a designated character as target of your pulls, and the pulls can result from anywhere between character of your choosing or idle resources or even tickets to other banners. This banner features Pity of 70, with each 10 pull costing 4000 Everstones or 10 Tickets normally. An advanced banner meant for late game users or whales to quickly max a desired character, but generally should be used on Chaotic characters, or Angel/Demon ones until they are added to game as these tickets are rare and pulls are expensive.

Normal Summon
Normal Summon Tickets (Blue) are used to summon on Normal Summon Banner. A multi costs either 2100 Everstones or 10 Tickets. You get 1 free pull daily and you can do 1 discounted pull daily using paid everstones It also features 4% Rate for Epic Souls however the rate for Angel/Demon characters are 1/5th of the normal epic characters. and has built in pity at 30 pulls where you are guaranteed one epic soul randomly. These tickets are gained from multiple sources in-game or through real life currency purchases in the shop.
Type Summon
Type Summon Tickets (Green) are used to summon on Type Summon, These banners also have 4% Epic Rate but only give the characters of featured faction of the day, which rotates daily in order of Human→Beast→Fairy→Undead. A multi costs 10 Faction Tickets. These tickets are much more sparse to gain be it from in-game events or through real life currency purchases in the shop.
Artifact Summon
Artifact Summon Tickets (Red) are used to summon on the Artifact Summon Banner. A multi costs either 600 Everstones or 5 Tickets. They are gained from multiple sources in-game (primarily Gachapon event) or through real life currency purchases in the shop.
Friendship Summon
Obtained from sending and receiving hearts to and from your friends daily, clearing their towns of monsters and special mails on character birthdays. Friendship points are used to pull on Friendship summon, but unlike the majority of other games where these banner pools are limited and with lower rates, Eversoul sets itself apart by granting the banner full 4% Rate Up for all Epic characters, (even new releases get added to the pool on the first day of their release!) and even includes Angel and Demon characters, making it unprecedented in the genre. A multi costs 100 Friendship Points.
Idle Resources
Mana Dust and Mana Crystals
Used to level up characters, these are the main Idle resources used in game. Earned from plethora of in-game events and normal progression. Mana crystals are in addition used to increase the level of the Overclock system.
Similarly to Mana Dust and Mana Crystal, Gold is used for level up of characters, but in addition to this, Gold is used to level up Keepsakes (Gear) as well as buy items in certain shops.
Other Currencies and Shops

Memory Shards
Primarily obtained from releasing various normal souls you pull throughout the game, this shop is a good source of obtaining Epic Shards on a weekly basis, giving you some extra return on your pulls. While you can also release Rare and Epic souls for these shards, it is not recommended to do so, unless you are a massive spender with everything close to being maxed already. (Weekly Refresh)
This currency is also used to purchase a one time dupe of new Chaotic souls from the Awakening Shop.
Labyrinth Coins
Exclusively earned from clearing Dimensional Labyrinth every two days, this shop is the primary source of getting Adrianne (Angel) dupes at a cheap price and getting her to Origin over time. Late game users can also use it to get Epic Shards or Mana Crystals once their Adrianne is Ascended enough.(Monthly Refresh)
This currency is also used to purchase a one time dupe of new Chaotic souls from the Awakening Shop.
Arena Coins
The PVP currency obtained from fighting daily in Arena as well as Champions Arena, and their weekly ranking rewards. This currency should be primarily used to obtain Ayame (Demon) copies as she is quite useful in many game modes. Late game users also can use it to get Epic Shards once their Ayames are Ascended enough, or other dupes.(Monthly Refresh)
This currency is also used to purchase a one time dupe of new Chaotic souls from the Awakening Shop.
Awakening Shop
An exclusive shop added to the game, post-release of the first Chaotic Soul as well as Awakened Soul - Catherine Radiance. This shop is used to buy one time dupes of the soul after you acquire it from its Rate Up banner, using various currencies. (No Refresh).

Raid Coins
The primary reward of Guild Raid and World Raid content, Raid Coins are used to buy Eternal/Eternal+ Keepsakes or Origin grade Molds. For the most part, these coins allow you to gather complete sets of Keepsakes for your souls with much more ease as the set and gear piece available on sale changes every day on reset. Fairly easy to gain as Guild and World Raids offer high rewards. (Daily Refresh)
Artifact Coins
These are obtained from Hall of Memories clears and some part-time jobs, Artifact Coins allow you to purchase various Artifact enhancing stones as well as 10 shards of the Artifacts on display. Purchase limits and Artifact Shards on display are refreshed every reset. The main focus here is buying Shards for the characters most important in your teams, followed by Artifact Stone of Primordium. (Daily Refresh)
Evil Soul Coin
This currency can be obtained from Evil Soul Subjugation exclusively and is used to primarily buy Mold Chests for Origin Keepsakes. (Weekly Refresh)
Operation Coin
Obtained exclusively from Operation Eden Alliance (both Daily Operations and Infinite Operations). This currency is the primary source for the Ark Enhance System, used to raise stats of all souls, or type groups of souls. Players should aim to buy all Main Enhance Circuit and Enhance Circuit : Type they can buy every month with priority on which type has the most DPS for them. (Monthly Refresh)

General Shop
Primarily used to buy Mana Crystals and Ark Enhance Circuits daily for Gold.
Antique Shop
Used to buy Costumes (3000 Everstones) and Furniture from various past events that have already had at least one rerun.
Town Coins
Earned from doing part-time jobs or daily town-clearing missions, Town Coins are the primary currency on which your town thrives, as you require them to not only buy part-time job buildings, but also various manors which increase HP/ATK/DEF of your soul placed inside them. Farming these coins is an important part of your daily cycle. At super late game, when you have all the required Epic/Rare part-time job buildings as well as all Large and Medium Manors, these coins are best used on daily purchase of Eternity Flower and Premium Gift Capsules to increase bond levels of your souls. (Daily Refresh)
Character Progression
With all the game modes and shops, a natural thought comes to mind on how to make your characters stronger for them. Eversoul has multiple ways to increase your character and team’s Combat Power, allowing you to push further or score higher. They are as follows
Character Levels
The primary method to make your characters stronger is leveling them up. This requires Mana Dust, Mana Crystals and Gold. Every 20 levels (So level 21, 41, 61 and so on) your character gets an extra stat boost, so it's generally recommended to keep your Main DPS 20 levels higher than the sync to facilitate more damage and faster clears, at least up until you unlock the Overclock function. Character Levels also unlock skill upgrades, ranging from their Subs to Ultimate skills, until level 201 which provides their last upgrade. Leveling characters has another bottleneck of character Ascension, which will be discussed below (only applies to your 5 primary characters, characters in sync can bypass their Ascension level cap).
Character Ascension

Character Ascension (dupe merging) is a core mechanic of Idle games; it allows you to combine copies/dupes of the same character to make them reach higher rarity and gain more stats. In the picture above, Jade is Origin +2 Stars, Yuria is Origin. Edith is Eternal+, Claire is Legendary+ and so on. Each Ascension not only adds stats to the soul, but initially you need them to bypass the level walls to unlock all your character skills. (Synced characters do not need to be ascended as they inherit levels directly). There are two primary walls in the game 161 wall - which requires you to get character to Legendary+ (4 Copies for normal Souls, 6 Copies for Angel/Demon/Chaotic) and 201 wall - which requires you to get Character to Origin (8 Copies for normal Souls, 14 Copies for Angel/Demon/Chaotic). Once you have achieved the same for 5 Souls, other souls inherit it via level sync, allowing them to access 201 upgrades even at Epic Ascension.

Keepsakes (what gear is called in Eversoul) are another great way to increase your Souls stats. Eversoul has 4 Keepsake slots, and similar to characters, they also range from Epic to Origin+ in rarity, with each higher rarity having more flat as well as Set Bonus stats. There are 3 types of Keepsakes - INT, DEX or STR which can only be equipped by the corresponding type of souls. Keepsake functions can be divided into 2 parts - Stats and Set bonuses.
Stats differ from piece to piece and per type, but they increase your various stats by the flat amounts or % mentioned on the piece. The flat stats increase as you increase the level of the Keepsake, though the % based increases remain static and only increase with Keepsake rarity. Set Bonuses (shown in bottom half of the Keepsake window) are additional bonuses characters gain when equipped with 2 or 4 pieces of the same set. It is important to note that the set bonus effects are additive, so in example above if you use 2 piece ATK set on your soul, you will get 10% Attack boost, whereas if you use 4 piece ATK set on your soul, you get 10%+15% for a total of 25% Attack boost. Thus, it is advisable to use 4 piece sets wherever possible instead of mixing 2+2, as the stat gain is significantly more this way.
Some of the important sets that you can never have too many of are - INT Speed Sets (used by some DPS and almost all Crowd Controllers and Supports, which are the main composition of most teams), DEX CDMG Sets (used by the majority of DEX DPS souls, as they excel in Single Target damage and have often high or guaranteed crits). STR characters don’t have any huge need for any specific set, though having a couple STR HP sets is helpful for some fight mechanics that require a certain character to have the highest HP, and STR Speed sets are beneficial for certain characters to rotate through their skills faster for higher buff uptime.
Artifacts are character exclusive equipment you can obtain from the Artifact gacha, Artifact Shop, Tower of Origin, and Rate Up banners (as a reward at certain pity levels). Artifacts form a very important part of a character’s strength as they can single-handedly change how a character is used and how strong it can be. Some characters can even drop multiple tiers in tierlist without them, or without having them at optimal Ascension investment. Similar to characters, Artifacts are also divided from Epic to Origin Ascension, with each level requiring more shards than the previous.
- Epic + Artifact = 100 Shards
- Legendary Artifact = 200 Shards
- Legendary + Artifact = 400 Shards
- Eternal Artifact = 700 Shards
- Eternal + Artifact = 1000 Shards
- Origin Artifact = 1500 Shards
Thus you need a total of 3900 shards to raise a character's Artifact from Epic to Origin.
Artifacts impact on characters can be further divided into 2 parts - Stats and Skill.
The Stats refer to the four % Modifiers you see in first page, which increase different stats that vary from Artifact to Artifact, normally supplementing their main usage - for example, Ayame excels in DPS and Crowd Control, hence ATK and CDMG stats increase her DPS, while HP and Life Steal allow her to live longer. These stats can be gained by any soul who wears the Artifact, so for certain souls where their skill enhancement is not needed, they can wear another soul’s Artifact to gain important stats; to increase survivability, for example.
The Artifact’s Skill is a unique skill that a character can gain by equipping their exclusive Artifact; this part is not transferable to any other character. These skills range from simple passive stat increases, to additional skill effects, and even changing entire kits sometimes, thus the optimal investment requirement can vary from Artifact to Artifact. Generally it's recommended to Ascend your main characters’ Artifacts to Legendary+, as it is the midpoint where the Artifact improves its main effect significantly, or gains another secondary effect. It is also extremely cost-effective to this point, while everything beyond becomes quite expensive for less return (until Origin). Once achieved, it is recommended to focus on certain few characters to max their artifacts before spreading yourself thin. The characters who are recommended to invest to Origin can be found in High Investment box/marked with $ sign in our Tierlist linked below.

Formation Bonus and Soul Buffs
During battle setup, you will notice two things that can further increase your Combat Power significantly and allow you to manipulate certain stats like Highest ATK and HP etc. That is Soul Bonus - where you can get various additional stat % across the team by utilizing the same types of souls or certain combos. Similarly formations can allow you to focus an increase of Attack or HP on certain souls, especially useful in raid content where you need to have certain characters achieve as much HP/DEF or ATK as possible. For more information and various bonuses available, refer to Team Building Guide linked below.
Soul Links
Soul Links can be found on the home screen under top right 3 Bars → Soulpedia → Soul Links. These links represent some of the character bonds in Lore, where raising all the souls in a link increases their stats - HP% and ATK% primarily to varying degrees depending on the link itself. Thus a nice bonus for many of the major souls. The links can range from having 2 to 4 souls, and the bonus is given according to lowest Ascension in the link, but in case the link includes Rare Soul, they will be only counted till Legendary +, which is their cap.
Town Manors

Town Manors, which can be purchased with Town Coins, are an essential part of increasing your soul’s stats such as ATK or HP or DEF and are one of the core methods to achieve stat manipulation during Guild Raids and ESS content where you need certain characters as highest ATK or HP to counter certain mechanics. They come in 3 Rarities - Small, Medium and Large and give different effects depending on it.
- Large Manors - 50k Town Coins - ATK +10%/ HP +10%/ DEF +12%
- Medium Manors - 10k Town Coins - ATK +5%/ HP +5%/ DEF +6%
- Small Manors - 1k Town Coins - ATK +3%/ HP +3%/ DEF +3.6%
Each type of manor per stat can be bought 3 times, so you can have Total of 9 Large Manors (3 HP, 3 ATK, 3 DEF) and so on.
Since at most you will be using 15 souls, it is advised to buy 1-2 Small Manors to get started and then save for 9 Large Manors (in priority of ATK > HP > DEF), once done, buy Medium Manors according to your needs (mostly ATK and HP ones).

Ark Enhance System
Introduced later into the game with Operation Eden Alliance, Ark Enhance system can be divided into two parts:
- Main Ark System - This increases stats of all your souls passively by the given amount as well as increase the level limit for the Overclock System. (For more details on Overclock System, refer to our Tips and Tricks Guide linked below).
- Role Enhancement System - These increase stats of all the souls within a specific role archetype, such as Warrior, Caster, etc. Unlike the Main Ark system which increases multiple stats, these are more focused, often increasing just 1 or 2 stats. They are % increases for important stats, allowing you to focus on certain types of souls; most DPS for raids are Casters, Strikers and Rangers, so you can go all in on them to increase your Raid DPS. Warriors, Casters, Rangers and Strikers increase 0.05% ATK per level, so for example Level 100 Ranger System would be a 5% Attack increase for all those souls. Similarly, Supporter increases 0.02% ATK and 0.04% HP per level and finally Defenders increase 0.02% DEF and 0.05% HP per level.
Zodiac Buffs
Zodiac Buffs are another method to permanently increase stats of your souls passively. The standard method for unlocking Zodiac Buffs was getting Aries, Cancer and Pisces for idle resources boost, and then using surplus on combat buffs initially. It all changed recently with the addition of Zodiac Presets, which allow you to save up to 10 presets with different investments and blessings and switch between them for free! (Unlike the everstone fee you had to pay every time before to re-invest your points)
This allows you to keep 1 preset for all the points in Aries, Pisces and Cancer for idle resource maximization that you use normally, while also making multiple other presets that are focused on increasing Stats and CP of your souls to push further in content or score higher, such as for raid centric preset . You can get nodes for commonly used characters such as DEX, INT, Humans, Fairies, Undead and Demons according to your team composition and then use blessings that increase CDMG or ATK further. You can have multiple presets for raids and other content, depending on soul types used, allowing you the freedom to change on the fly, compared to the cost it had before.
Bond Levels

As mentioned earlier in the guide, the Bond System was recently revamped allowing it to go further than just a system for unlocking Love Stories, town bonuses and some lore. Starting from level 11 all the way to level 40, one of the 5 following stats are enhanced per level:
- Attack
- Defense
- HP
- Soul Rest Time
- Part Time Job Time
While 2 of these stats are related to town content, the other 3 stats can allow you to invest in certain meta units (or your waifus!) to make them even stronger as they stack the additional stats.
However, every additional level increases the amount of bond score by further 100 from previous one, making it a costly affair (example, Level 19→20 costs 2000 Bond Points, whereas Level 20→21 costs 2100 Bond Points).
While increasing bond levels, there are certain strategies and methods users can employ
- Equal distribution - As you can see in the picture below, the Stat increases are at the highest rate till Level 22 of Bond, where it increases by 1.2% every time the node is hit, compared to the later stages where it only gives 0.6% stats. Combined with the fact that every level increases the consumption of Bond points, it is significantly cheaper and more effective to raise multiple characters to Level 20 (The final 1.2% ATK node).
- Hyper Carry - Contrary to above, where you stop at Level 20/22 for maximum cost/gain ratio, if you are building a hyper carry for raid content and likewise, you would level the character to all the way to level 36 bond for the final attack node, resulting in 6% Attack Increase as well as 5.4% HP and DEF increase for the soul.
- Mah Waifu - Increase the bond level 40 to gain character exclusive profile stickers.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many servers will there be?
The game was initially split into 2 regions: NA/EU and Asia. Both are playable from the same client and there's no region block. So if you have friends in a region you don't live in, nothing stops you from playing with them. The latest Region to arrive is JP, which comes in its own separate install and is de-synced from the Main Servers (it has different banner & event schedules).
What are the supported languages?
English, Chinese (Traditional),Korean and Japanese. Voiceovers are available in Korean as well as Japanese (for souls released in JP server till date).
Is Eversoul a main or side type of game?
As most idle games, Eversoul should be a side game. While the first week or few will be more time-consuming, once you start hitting the progression walls, you will login, do daily quests and just wait for resources to gather.
How long does it take to finish the dailies?
Around 5-10 minutes.
What are the rates and pity?
4% for Epic Characters (including Angel, Demon and Chaotic Characters) and there's 30 pull mini-pity on the normal banner.
How important are dupes?
Very. Everything revolves around dupes in an idle game as the maximum level cap is tied to the rarity tier of your characters. Also not only the Epics are an issue, but also the fodder. This is why we suggest to pick one character from each of the 4 main factions and invest into it, and then pick a second character from the faction you have most dupes/fodder. This is the fastest way to progress in idle games.
Keep in mind that because of the reliance on dupes, idle games have much higher Gem income than other gacha games so you pull way more often here.
When do I use my AFK currency consumables?
Whenever you get hard stuck pushing through Battlefront, and have no other way to accumulate currency, such as from Gates or Events. Hoarding all your currency items to use at a later stage isn’t worth as much as being able to push further in the content, as the Keepsake drops will increase in rarity as you push, and Battlefront is one of the few places to acquire them.
Is the game P2W?
It's not - as F2P player you can easily progress and you can also borrow strong heroes from your friends (up to 5 a day) to make your journey smoother.
Do you need to reroll?
You don’t have to, but it gives a considerable advantage in doing so and doesn't consume much time. Check out our guide below on how to reroll and optimal targets.
Is there a PC client?
There isn't one sadly. If you want to play the game on your PC, you can use emulators, but the developers are clear they won't support them so if any issues appear, you're on your own. However the game is available on Google Play Beta for Windows, which offers considerably higher performance than emulators.
Any other Tips to keep in mind?
Check out our Tips and Tricks guide linked below!