HonglanBuild and Guide


Honglan is a Epic rarity character from the Caster class who belongs to the Beast faction and who uses the INT gear type.

When I lie on the fluffy clouds, it seems all my worries about the world melt away. Would you stay with me for a while, Savior...? You would lose track of time. It would be great... Feeling so drowsy, I would roll to the side and see your face close to mine... Hehe...

To learn more about Honglan check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Honglan check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Stun (Sub and Ultimate)
Mana Reduction/Drain
Damage over Time (Others)
Speed Down
Accuracy/Evasion Down
Mana Gain
Build info
Speed > ATK
Speed > ATK

Ice Dragon's Howling Fury

Type: Curse

Freezes the whole battlefield. Deals damage equal to 170% ATK to all enemies and decreases Mana by 2000. Freezes the enemy, dealing 60% damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds, and Stuns it for 2 seconds.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 185%, freezing damage changes to 65%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 200%, freezing damage changes to 70%. Mana decrease changes to 2500.


Glacial Shower

Type: Curse

Throws a heavy rain of ice, inflicting damage equal to 110% ATK to all enemies, decreases their Mana by 1500, and Freezes them, dealing 55% damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 120%, freezing damage changes to 60%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 130%, freezing damage changes to 65%. Mana decrease changes to 2000.


Ice Dragon

Type: Curse

Sends out an ice dragon, dealing damage equal to 100% ATK in a 1.5m wide straight line to the nearest enemy, and inflicts Freeze damage equal to 50% every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 110%, freezing damage changes to 55%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 120%, freezing damage changes to 60%, freeze duration changes to 12 seconds.


Freezing Strike

Type: Control

Creates an ice pillar. Deals damage equal to 110% ATK in a 2.5m area around the nearest enemy. If the targets are frozen, they are stunned for 2.5 seconds.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 120%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 130%, Stun duration changes to 3.5 seconds.


Blue Dragon's Dignity

Type: Curse

A freezing chill permeates through all enemies while Honglan is on the battlefield, reducing all enemies' Speed by 10% and Evasion by 15.

Level 61:

Speed decrease changes to 12%, Evasion changes to 18.

Level 161:

Speed decrease changes to 14%, Evasion changes to 21.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Forst Petal Flurry

Type: Active

Level 1: Using the main skill deals damage equal to 135% of ATK to all enemies and permanently inflicts them with Freeze, which deals damage equal to 17% of ATK every 2 sec (up to 20 stacks).

Level 7: Using the main skill deals damage equal to 170% of ATK to all enemies and permanently inflicts them with Freeze, which deals damage equal to 30% of ATK every 2 sec (up to 20 stacks).

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +9%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +30%



Artifact Skill

Green Dragon Crescent Blade

Type: Damage - Single

Restores 200 additional Mana when using "Ice Dragon" or "Freezing Strike" and deals additional damage equal to 70% of ATK on frozen targets.

Upgrade 1:

Mana recovery changes to 300.

Upgrade 2:

Mana recovery changes to 400.

Upgrade 3:

Mana recovery changes to 500. Additional damage changes to 110%.

Upgrade 4:

Adds an effect to "Ice Dragon" and "Freezing Strike" which reduces the target's Mana by 200.

Upgrade 5:

Mana reduction changes to 300.

Upgrade 6:

Mana reduction changes to 500.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Honglan packs an impressive kit that mixes debuffs and AoE damage. The majority of Honglan kit is tied up to reducing enemy mana, either via global speed reduction, direct mana reduction, or freeze (units cannot generate mana while disabled). For this reason, Honglan can be built as a budget debuffer without additional dupes to reap her benefits, allowing your team to always use M1 first before the enemy, except when facing an enemy Honglan. This places her currently as one of, if not the strongest, debuffers in the game, and she can be very useful in any content with multiple enemies. Alternatively, she can also be built as a hypercarry AoE DPS spamming her ult, which does tremendous damage and CC. Similar to Talia’s ult that damages all units, stunning them while healing the team and increasing mana, Honglan’s ult is more offense-oriented with a focus on DoT via Freeze damage and mana reduction instead. For these reasons, she can be a very flexible unit that can fit into multiple team comps. The glaring weakness is her longer skill generation compared to other units, being one of the slowest similar to Jiho and Jacqueline. As such, it would be advisable to pair her with Vivianne and Talia to increase her mana regeneration and speed, while she debuffs the enemy team. As the enemy level increases, Hong may have issues chewing off the HP of tanks and shielders, so she really benefits from having origin stars and ideally eternal artifact to keep her damage up to standards. When it comes to single target content, Hong isn't really a unit you'd like to use in Guild Bosses, but she can be useful when mana down is needed like in Gaia. She is an extremely strong pick for PvP however, with her S3 being a global speed reduction, allowing your team to always skill first, and skill more often in the long run. Her CCs are another icing on the cake to further reduce enemy DPS.

Pros & Cons

  • Unmatched utility

  • Can work both as main as sub dps

  • Works well even at low ascension


  • Struggles to finish off tanky enemies

  • Eternal artifact needed for best results

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  1. Is it because the rabbits are nervous?

  2. I think it's my fault.

  3. Did Honglan live detached from the rest of the world for a long time?

  4. It's for your sake.

  5. Suggest what you want to do together.

  6. Ask if she misses the baby rabbits.

VA & Release
Release date
February 16th, 2023
Siyoon Park
Various information
Personal information
Ice Moon Butterfly
February 25
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Cloud cookies
Hail (hurts when hit)
Brushing the clouds