HazelBuild and Guide


Hazel is a Epic rarity character from the Caster class who belongs to the Human faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Hazel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Hazel check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Stun (Sub and Ultimate)
Stun (Main)
Damage over Time (Bleed and Shock)
Build info
CDMG > Speed
CDMG > Speed

Fantasia: Denouement

Type: Damage - AOE

Hazel launches her spear through the thunderclouds, blasting the enemy with bolts of lightning. Deals damage equal to 350% of ATK to all enemies within 3m of the nearest target, stuns them for 3 sec, and inflicts the main target with the "Lightning Rod" debuff.

After 10 sec, if she has 5 or more "Energia" stacks, she consumes 5 stacks of "Energia" to trigger a Lightning Strike against the target with "Lightning Rod," dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK to the debuff target and all enemies within 2.5m and stunning them for 2 sec.

This attack repeats until Hazel's "Energia" stacks drop below 5 when Lightning Strike would trigger or the target is incapacitated. If the stack count is too low, the target's "Lightning Rod" is canceled.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 380% and additional Lightning Strike damage changes to 325%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 410% and additional Lightning Strike damage changes to 350% Also, each Lightning Strike grants her a stack of "Encore: Denouement," which changes Lightning Strike damage to 825% upon reaching 3 stacks. This buff is canceled when "Fantasia: Denouement" expires or upon repeat usage.


Requiem: Devastation

Type: Control

Hazel casts a linear thunderbolt 1.5m wide and 11m long toward the nearest target, dealing damage equal to 260% of ATK to enemies within the area and stunning them for 2.5 sec.

If she has 5 or more "Energia" stacks, she deals bonus damage equal to 120% of ATK to the hit targets for every 5 stacks of "Energia" and consumes those "Energia" stacks (up to 15 stacks).

Level 81:

Damage changes to 280%, additional damage changes to 135%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 300% and additional damage changes to 150% Also, using the skill at 15 or more stacks decreases "Energia" stack consumption to 10 stacks.


Prelude: Lightning Flash

Type: Damage - AOE

Hazel casts a linear thunderbolt 2m wide and 8m long toward the nearest target, dealing damage equal to 160% of ATK to enemies within the area and inflicting them with Shock, which deals damage equal to 80% of ATK every 2 sec for 8 sec.

If she has 5 or more "Energia" stacks, she deals bonus damage equal to 150% of ATK to the hit targets by consuming 5 stacks of "Energia," deals damage equal to 80% of ATK every 2 sec for 10 instead of Shock, and gains the "Conductor" buff, which increases the stack gain of the "Energia" from Shocked targets by 1.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 175%, damage from shock changes to 90%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 190%, damage from shock changes to 100%. "Conductor" becomes uncancellable.


Capriccio: Retribution

Type: Control

Hazel hurls 4 electric orbs to the nearest target, dealing damage equal to 190% of ATK and stunning them for 2.5 sec. Conditionally grants the following additional effect:

If she has 5 or more "Energia" stacks, she consumes 5 stacks of "Energia" to increase the Stun duration to 3 sec for the hit target and gains "Lightning Strike Alert," which triggers a Lightning Strike in 5 sec to deal damage equal to 190% of ATK to the target and those within 3m and stun them for 3 sec again.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 210%, and Lightning Strike damage changes to 210%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 230%, and Lightning Strike damage changes to 230%. If boosted by "Energia" and the target is receiving Shock damage, gains 3 stacks of "Energia."


Rhapsody: Thunderbolt

Type: Buff

Hazel starts battle with 5 "Energia" stacks. While she is on the battlefield, if any enemy is receiving "Shock" damage, she gains an "Energia" stack every 3 sec (up to 50 stacks).

Level 61:

Hazel's normal attacks against targets receiving "Shock" damage debuff increase her "Energia" stacks by 2.

Level 161:

If Hazel has 5 or more "Energia" stacks, her normal attacks deal damage equal to 180% of ATK to the target and enemies within 3m. This attack ignores 50% of DEF.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Cantata: Collective Strike

Type: Passive

Level 1: Deals damage equal to 150% of the lead Soul's ATK every 5 sec to shocked enemies when battle begins. If the lead Soul is Edith, grants her buffs that increase her ATK, Speed, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG by 30% each instead of dealing the above damage.

Level 7: Deals damage equal to 220% of the lead Soul's ATK every 5 sec to shocked enemies when battle begins. If the lead Soul is Edith, grants her buffs that increase her ATK, Speed, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG by 50% each instead of dealing the above damage.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +3%, Crit Rate +2.5% and Crit Damage +7%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +12%, Crit Rate +10% and Crit Damage +25%



Artifact Skill


Type: Buff

Her normal attacks and sub skills that are boosted by "Energia" stacks grant 1 stack of "Intermezzo" each time, increasing her ATK, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG by 2% per stack (up to 5 stacks). If they are not boosted by "Energia" stacks, the buff is refreshed. Also, "Rhapsody: Thunderbolt" grants an "Energia" stack every 2.5 sec now.

Upgrade 1:

ATK Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increase changes to 3%.

Upgrade 2:

ATK, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increase changes to 4%.

Upgrade 3:

ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increase changes to 5%. Also, "Rhapsody: Thunderbolt" grants an "Energia" stack every 2 sec now. Starts the battle with 5 more stacks of "Energia."

Upgrade 4:

ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increase changes to 6%.

Upgrade 5:

ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increase changes to 7%.

Upgrade 6:

ATK, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increase changes to 8%. Also, "Rhapsody: Thunderbolt" grants an "Energia" stack every 1.5 sec now.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG



PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Overall)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)

Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Overall)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our long-awaited lightning queen has finally arrived, Hazel brings some much needed shock damage to the roster as she conducts a symphony of storms.

As would be expected, Hazel's kit revolves around having Shock DoT stacks on the enemy, however her kit itself provides very little in the way of Shock. Despite this, she is still able to function and keep her passive stacks up on her own, though she does perform quite a bit better when paired with another unit that applies Shock, such as Claudia.

Her passive, "Rhapsody: Thunderbolt" is the central function of her kit. It provides her with "Energia" stacks which enhance all of her skills and her auto attacks. She gains 5 stacks at the start of battle, 1 stack every 3 seconds passively if any enemy is receiving Shock damage, and gains 2 stacks from auto attacks against a target with a Shock DoT. This is improved by her artifact, which reduces the time it takes for her passive stacks to be gained. At 5 stacks, her auto attacks become small AoEs, striking all enemies within 3m around her main target. It also increases the damage her auto attacks deal by 180% of Atk, and ignores 50% of enemy Def. She can gain up to 50 stacks at once, though many of her skills will use these stacks for added effects, draining her reserve as she builds it, which makes her kit kind of a balancing act.

Her only source of Shock application comes from her subskill "Prelude: Lightning Flash", which is a line attack aimed at the nearest enemy. It applies Shock for 8 seconds, or, if she has 5 or more Energia stacks, it will consume 5 stacks and apply shock for 2 seconds longer. The boosted version will also provide her with the uncancelable "Conductor" buff, which allows her to gain an extra stack of Energia from each auto attack against Shocked enemies.

Her second subskill "Capriccio: Retribution" deals damage to the nearest enemy and stuns them for 2.5 seconds. At the cost of 5 Energia stacks, the powered up version of the skill will stun for 3 seconds, and place a "Lightning Strike Alert" debuff on them, which calls down a follow-up Lightning Strike 5 seconds later, hitting the target and any other enemies 3m around them, stunning all those hit for 3 seconds. If she hits a Shocked target with the boosted version of the skill, she will reclaim 3 stacks of Energia, reducing the effective cost of the skill to 2.

Her main skill, "Requiem: Devastation", is an 11m long line attack that hits the closest enemy and any other enemies in a line behind them, stunning all enemies hit for 2.5 seconds. When cast at 5 or more Energia stacks, the skill will consume 5 stacks to deal 150% bonus damage, an effect that can stack up to 3 times, consuming 15 Energia at max. If cast while having more than 15 stacks, the stack cost is reduced to 10.

Of all her skills, her Ultimate is the biggest drain on her Energia stacks, but is well worth the cost. It targets the nearest enemy, hitting them and all enemies within 3m around, dealing damage and stunning them for 3 seconds. The main target is given the "Lightning Rod" debuff, which, after 10 seconds, will hit the target and those within 2.5m around them with a Lightning Strike, dealing damage and stunning them again for 2.5 seconds. This will continue repeating every 10 seconds thereafter, consuming 5 Energia each time. The skill will continue until either Hazel runs out of Energia stacks, the target dies, or she recasts her Ultimate. Each time the target is hit with a Lightning Strike, Hazel also acquires a stack of "Encore: Denouement", which at 3 stacks will increase the Lightning Strike damage to 825% of Atk. This buff will persist until the skill ends via any of the three previously listed methods.

Her artifact is quite strong, providing her with all the things a DPS wants. Each time she uses a subskill that is boosted by Energia she gains stacks of Intermezzo, up to ten times. Each stack raises her Atk, Crit Rate and Crit Dmg by 5% at Legendary+, providing her with a whopping 50% increase at max stacks. The stacks do take some time to build up, however in longer content such as raids, this isn't a particularly big issue. Her artifact further enhances her damage potential by reducing the time it takes for her to obtain Energia stacks from her passive.

The trick to using Hazel effectively lies in being able to keep up her Energia stacks, and build up her Intermezzo stacks as fast as possible. To that end, she is somewhat needy when it comes to choosing teammates, and very needy when it comes to Artifact ascensions. Firstly, she greatly benefits from having another source of Shock application, since her own uptime is pretty lacking. Claudia is her best friend on that front, though Erusha, Adrianne or Claire are also options. She would also benefit quite well from Supports that can boost her Speed, allowing her to cycle through her subskills faster and deal faster auto attacks, increasing her Energia generation. Secondly, ascending her Artifact is essential. Without at least Legendary+, her Energia generation is nowhere near good enough.

Her AoE damage and the ample amount of Stuns in her kit make her an amazing asset in 5v5 content, though it's generally not worth pulling units for that since we've already got many viable options and the content isn't particularly challenging. She does have the potential to shine in guild raids - especially Dark Knight, where paired with Claudia, the duo can wreak havoc. She's likely going to be quite good in other raids as well, though without extreme investment, keeping her Energia stacks up may prove difficult. Once she uses her Ultimate, it is possible to keep her stacks up enough so that it persists throughout the entire fight, but it requires heavy Artifact investment and a team with Speed boosts to support her. Either that, or you just use her main skill sparingly to preserve stacks, at the cost of DPS.

At the end of the day, Hazel is just another DPS added to the pile, albeit a particularly good one. Though if you're not able to invest heavily into her, you're better off saving for the next Angel, Demon or Chaos unit.

Pros & Cons

  • Pairs well with Claudia or DoT teams

  • High DPS potential


  • Heavy reliance on Artifact ascension

  • Needs a partner for Shock uptime

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • "We should also ask the Great Empress for her opinion"

  • "I'll sleep in the chair, then."

  • "Hazel, are you sure you want this marriage?"

  • "But at least we have a bond that allows us to understand each other."

  • "You look beautiful, like a war goddess"

  • "I'm sorry I didn't drink that one for you."

  • "Securing national power is not the only way to lead the country."

VA & Release
Release date
June 6th, 2024
Junghwa Yang
Various information
Personal information
Battlefield Commander
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Mountain Climbing
Alcoholic Beverages and Cheese
Listening to Music