LilithBuild and Guide


Lilith is a Epic rarity character from the Ranger class who belongs to the Human faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Lilith check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Lilith check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Stun (Sub and Ultimate)
Damage Reduction
Attack Down
Defense Down
Damage Increase
Mana Gain
Speed Buff (Allies)
Magical/Physical Resistance Down
Build info
Speed > CDMG > HP
Speed > CDMG > HP


Speed BiS as Debuffer, CDMG BiS as DPS. Use HP only if having severe troubles surviving in Raids.


Purification Protocol

Type: Damage - AOE

Lilith enters the code for purification to Ark Chamuel, unleashing an attack on the nearest enemy and all enemies within 3m of the target to deal damage equal to 280% of ATK. Against enemies inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, this skill is guaranteed to land as a critical hit and deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK and stuns them for 3 sec.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 300% additional damage changes to 110%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 320% and additional damage changes to 120%. Also increases the effectiveness main skills and sub skills of al ally Operators including herself by 50% for 18 sec.


Concentrated Barrage

Type: Debuff - Mass

Lilith uses her attachment unit to aim at the nearest enemy, unleashing concentrated fire on the target and all enemies within 3m to deal damage equal to 200% of ATK and inflict them with the "Ultra-Dimensional Analysis" debuff, increasing their Incoming Crit DMG by 25% for 18 sec.

Both the "Ultra-Dimensional Analysis" and Mephistopheles "Multi-Dimensional Analysis" debuffs are grouped under the "Analysis" category.

Against enemies inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, this skill is guaranteed to land as a critical hit and deals additional damage equal to 110% of ATK.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 215%, additional damage changes to 120%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 230%, additional damage changes to 130%. The incoming Crit DMG increase from "Ultra-Dimensional Analysis" changes to 40%.


Indirect Fire

Type: Debuff - Mass

Aims at the closest enemy and launches a bombardment covering a 3.5m radius, dealing damage equal to 170% of ATK and decreases the ATK of affected targets by 20% for 12 sec. Against enemies inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, this skill is guaranteed to land as a critical hit and deals additional damage equal to 90% of ATK.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 185%, additional damage changes to 100%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 110%. Against enemies inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, this skill also decreases their DEF by 20% for 12 sec and stuns them for 2 sec.


Support Zone Activation

Type: Damage - Single

Fires an energy blast at the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 150% of ATK to the target and creating a 3m zone within which allies' total damage received is decreased by 10% and enemies' damage dealt is decreased by 10% for 10 sec.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 160%

Level 141:

Damage changes to 170% Against enemies inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, this skill also decreases their Magic Resistance by 25% for 12 sec.


Last Stand

Type: Buff - Mass

Lilith's normal attack deals damage equal to 150% of ATK. When her normal attack deals damage to an enemy inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, it also grants the "Euphoria/In Sync" buff to all ally Ark Operators including herself, increasing their ATK by 35% and Speed by 20% for 10 sec.

Level 61:

Normal attack damage changes to 170%.

Level 161:

Normal attack damage changes to 190%,

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Ark Support Fire

Type: Active

Level 1: Deals damage equal to 150% of the lead Soul's ATK to the nearest enemy and targets within 3m. Against enemies inflicted with an 'Analysis' debuff, this skill deals double damage and also decreases their Magic Resistance by 15% for 15 sec.

Level 7: Deals damage equal to 240% of the lead Soul's ATK to the nearest enemy and targets within 3m. Against enemies inflicted with an 'Analysis' debuff, this skill deals double damage and also decreases their Magic Resistance by 33% for 15 sec.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Crit DMG +10%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Crit DMG +50%



Artifact Skill

Ark Chamuel

Type: Buff - Mass

Increases her Mana Recovery by 10%. Increases the Mana Recovery of other Ark Operators by half of this amount.

Upgrade 1:

Mana recovery increase changes to 12.5%.

Upgrade 2:

Mana recovery increase changes to 15%.

Upgrade 3:

Mana recovery increase changes to 17.5%. When her normal attack deals damage to an enemy inflicted with an "Analysis" debuff, it also increases the Crit Rate of all allies by 15% for 10 sec.

Upgrade 4:

Mana recovery increase changes to 20%.

Upgrade 5:

Mana recovery increase changes to 22.5%.

Upgrade 6:

Mana recovery increase changes to 25%, Crit Rate increase changes to 25%

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit Damage


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Lilith, is the fourteenth Human Soul released in the game. She is an INT Ranger who primarily relies on various debuffs and buffs to support her team significantly. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Main - Concentrated Barrage: The bread and butter of Lilith, inflicting "Ultra-Dimensional Analysis" on the target and enemies within 3m, which increases their incoming Critical Damage by 40%. This skill is matched with Mephi’s  "Multi-Dimensional Analysis" in a new "Analysis" debuff category, and  becomes a guaranteed critical to any enemy inflicted with “Analysis”. Huge! “Analysis” also improves her other skills.

  • Ultimate - Purification Protocol: AoE damage skill that is guaranteed to Crit against enemies with “Analysis” debuff and stun them (guaranteed Crit and stun do not apply without “Analysis”). It also has an interesting additional gimmick in that this skill boosts the Main and Sub-Skills of Operators, including herself. Unfortunately, it only works for their damage and healing parts, ignoring Buff/Debuff potency and duration.

  • Sub 1 - Indirect Fire: An AoE skill, decreasing enemies Attack by 20% for 12 sec. Against enemies with “Analysis” debuff, additionally decreases their Defense by 20%, stuns them and is guaranteed Crit hit.

  • Sub 2 - Support Zone Activation:  A single target skill that creates a small zone around the enemy which decreases damage enemies deal and damage allies receive by 10% each. Against enemies with “Analysis” debuff, additionally decreases their Magic Resistance by 25% for 12 sec.

  • Passive - Last Stand: Grants Operators including herself a 35% Attack and Speed boost.

  • Artifact – Ark Chamuel: Increases her Mana Recovery by 10-25%, with other Operators gaining half the values. Furthermore, when she attacks an enemy with “Analysis” debuff with her Normal Attack, increase all allies Critical Rate by 15-25%.

Lilith, the first INT Ranger in game, departs from the usual Primary DPS role of this class and instead brings a plethora of debuffs to the table, with some buffs for her fellow Operators. As you might have expected, Increased Critical Damage increases your team damage sharply, with Defense and Magic Resistance reduction further boosting the same. Her Attack reduction and Support Zone helps your units survive better (especially the melee allies).

Her synergy with Operators hits a roadblock in the conditions it's dependent on - mainly requiring her Ultimate to enhance their skills (and even then does not affect the buff/debuff values).  Not all is bad though, as Mephi and Beleth can gain 35% Attack & Speed and 5-12.5% Mana recovery just by being there while Lilith hits things. Lilith’s personal DPS is also not entirely negligible, although primarily suited for PvE situations rather than raids.

Her main downfall, a common factor in recent souls, is that she is a bit on the squishier side of things. Investment helps her survive, but otherwise she has no notable drawbacks.

  • Cultured Users:  Do you even need to ask after looking at that design, and especially her Bond Skin?!

  • New Players: Compliments the free Origin Mephistopheles very well, allowing her to function as a carry. If you have selected Beleth from infinite reroll, the trifecta will let you cruise through the content.

  • F2P/Casual Players: Good to at least get a copy or two, she is versatile to use in almost every content, and brings huge DPS increases even at low ascension (if you can keep her alive).

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players: Must-have without exception, Lilith shakes up the entire meta for Charite, Rudra, Gaia - dominating the 3 modes and increasing her team's damage anywhere between 15-100% over previous meta comps. Eternal + Investment with Legendary + Artifact at least.

  • Whales/Rankers: Must-have if you want to keep up with Raid Meta, while not Larimar-tier broken, she will easily create a huge gap between Raid scores for those who lack her. Origin Stars investment for extra survival in high end teams.

Team Composition and Synergies

Lilith works as a Debuffer primarily in all game modes, except PvE where she can work as a very good DPS/Sub-DPS depending on investment. In PvE she will primarily want Beleth and Mephistopheles as her partners, as the trio enhances each other significantly. Raid-wise, Lilith is best friends with Dominique, another multi-role INT character like her, and Larimar. The trio is a menace in Raids, bringing the bar up on DPS on most bosses and destroying many previously established Meta teams.


Lilith is strong, very strong  for those who care about Raids and want to keep up with Meta. As discussed earlier, she makes previous Meta teams in Charite, Gaia and Rudra Raid bosses look sad by comparison. While she does have lower impact in Dark Knight and Pluto, she will be creeping into your Team 2/3 regardless. She has great potential in ESS and weekly cat rotations as well.

Even with Collab around the corner, and Wheri being potentially equally OP, if you care about Raids, at least aim to secure 2-4 copies of Lilith.

Pros & Cons

  • Debuffs that enhance team DPS significantly.

  • Various self-buffs that also help Beleth and Mephistopheles.

  • Respectable damage.


  • A little bit on the squisher side of things.

  • Timing of the banner is harsh.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • Because Lilith has no reason to attack me.

  • They were both just ingredients that Beleth grew.

  • pressure me.

  • Agree with Mephi.

  • Have you thought about talking to Lilith?

  • I don't trust you Lilith.

VA & Release
Release date
October 10th, 2024
Yoon Mina
Various information
Personal information
Operator Nine
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Perfect Management
Error, Uncontrollable Situation