DominiqueBuild and Guide


Dominique is a Epic rarity character from the Caster class who belongs to the Fairy faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Dominique check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Dominique check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Mana Reduction/Drain
Magical/Physical Resistance Down
Speed Down
Mana Gain
Damage Reduction
Damage Increase
Build info



Bubbles of New Era

Type: Damage - AOE

Gathers a massive surge of water energy and drops it on the enemy. Deals damage equal to 320% of ATK to enemies within 3m of the nearest enemy, trapping them in bubbles for 4.5 sec. Bubbled enemies cannot recover Mana, and their Mana decreases by 500 every 2 sec for the duration of the bubble. This effect is ignored if they have Stun immunity.

Deals additional damage equal to 400% of ATK if used against a single target.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 350%, additional damage changes to 450%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 380%, additional damage changes to 500% and bubble trap duration changes to 6.5 sec.


Raging Wave

Type: Damage - AOE

Summons and unleashes a powerful wave that is 2.5 meters wide and 20 meters long, dealing damage equal to 250% of ATK to enemies within the range, pushing them back and decreasing their Mana Recovery by 30% for 8 sec. The damage is multiplied by 2 if she has 3 or more stacks of "Surge Spear."

Level 81:

Damage changes to 270%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 290% and conditional damage multiplier changes to 2.5. Also inflicts a debuff that decreases Magic Resistance by 20% for 12 sec if she has 3 or more stacks of "Surge Spear."


Surge Spear

Type: Buff

Charges the spear with magic, preparing for a powerful thrust. Increases her Speed by 30% for 12 sec, during which her normal attacks deals 50% additional damage. This effect becomes permanent after 3 uses.

Level 21:

Speed increase changes to 40% and additional damage of normal attacks changes to 65%.

Level 121:

Speed increase changes to 50% and additional damage of normal attacks changes to 80%. Also increases her Crit Rate by 50% for 12 sec upon using the skill again after reaching 3 stacks.


Mark of the Sea

Type: Debuff - Mass

Targets the nearest enemy, drenching the target and enemies within 3m of the target, slowing their movement. Inflicts a debuff that decreases Speed by 15% for 12 sec and inflicts a "Humidity" debuff that increases the damage received from Dominique's normal attacks by 50%.

Level 41:

Additional damage from normal attacks due to the "Humidity" debuff changes to 65% and Speed decrease changes to 20%.

Level 141:

Additional damage from normal attacks due to the "Humidity" debuff changes to 65% and Speed decrease changes to 20%. Recovers Dominique's mana by 2500 if she has 3 or more stacks of "Surge Spear."


Surge of Magic

Type: Buff - Mass

Dominique's magical aura flows out like the vast ocean, increasing the damage dealt by INT allies by 10% and decreasing their total damage received by 10% while Dominique is on the battlefield.

Level 61:

Damage dealt increases by 15% and total damage received decreases by 12.5%.

Level 161:

Damage dealt increases by 20% and total damage received decreases by 15%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

I'll Do What I Can!

Type: Passive

Level 1: Boosts the damage dealt increase and total damage received decrease of INT Souls by 6.5% while the lead Soul is on the battlefield.

Level 7: Boosts the damage dealt increase and total damage received decrease of INT Souls by 10% while the lead Soul is on the battlefield.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +5% and Crit Rate +2.5%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +20% and Crit Rate +10%



Artifact Skill


Type: Damage - AOE

Dominique's every normal attack deals damage equal to 40% of ATK to enemies within 2.5m of the target, and decreases the damage received from inflicted enemies by 10% for 6 sec. Additional damage to 20% if used against a single target.

Upgrade 1:

Damage changes to 50% and additional damage changes to 25%.

Upgrade 2:

Damage changes to 60% and additional damage changes to 30%.

Upgrade 3:

Damage changes to 70% and additional damage changes to 35%. Also changes damage dealt decrease to 15%.

Upgrade 4:

Damage changes to 80% and additional damage changes to 40%.

Upgrade 5:

Damage changes to 90% and additional damage changes to 45%.

Upgrade 6:

Damage changes to 100% and additional damage changes to 50%. Also changes damage dealt decrease to 20%.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)

Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our first water-themed unit, Dominique has arrived! Her timid nature and tiny sprite-like appearance make it easy to forget that she is actually the Queen of Troyca, despite this, her combat ability still reflects her royal prowess.

Dominique is interesting for a caster, as she actually relies on her Basic Attacks more than anything else for her damage output. Almost her entire kit exists simply to increase the amount of damage she can put out with her Basic Attacks, including being able to deal splash damage in a small AoE around her main target.

Both of her Sub Skills play into this; "Surge Spear" increases her Speed by 50%, and causes her Basic Attacks to deal 80% extra damage for 12 seconds. This effect becomes permanent after its third cast, which is a phenominal boost for her in longer fights, such as in Guild Raids. Her second Sub Skill, "Mark of the Sea" targets the nearest enemy plus any enemy within 3m of them, decreasing their speed by 20% and applying the "Humidity" debuff, which causes them to take 65% extra damage from Dominique's Basic Attacks. If used after she's obtained her 3 stacks of "Surge Spear", it will also recover her mana by 2500.

Her Artifact further enhances her focus on Basic Attacks, causing them to deal splash damage to all enemies within 2.5m of her main target. This effect is equal to 70% of her Atk at Legendary+, and 100% at Origin. Don't worry though, it's not useless in single target fights like Guild Raids - if hitting a single target, it boosts her Basic Attack damage by 30% at Legendary+ and 50% at Origin. It also applies a secondary effect to all enemies hit, reducing damage your team receives from them by 15/20%.

Despite the focus on building up her own damage via Basic Attack enhancement, she is also quite capable of providing other great benefits for her team. Her Main Skill, "Raging Wave" is a line attack that pushes enemies back and decreases their mana recovery by 30% for 8 seconds. After she's acquired her 3 stacks of "Surge Spear", the damage of the attack is doubled and it applies a debuff to all enemies hit, reducing their Magic Resistance by 20% for 12 seconds. Mana Manipulation characters of all kinds are highly sought after in Eversoul in almost all game modes, so it goes without saying that the mana recovery reduction is a great boon. However, the secondary effect is also quite relevant, making Dominique an amazing Int team buffer when paired with her Passive "Surge of Magic", which increases the damage dealt by Int allies by 20%, and reduces all damage they receive by 15%.

Her Ultimate is arguably her weakest asset, depending on what game mode you're using her in. "Bubbles of a New Era" deals damage to the nearest enemy and all enemies within 3m of them, trapping them for a whopping 6.5 seconds. While they are trapped, they cannot recover mana, AND their mana decreases by 500 for every 2 seconds they are in the bubble. While this sounds amazingly strong in some content, it is effectively useless in others. Any enemy that has Stun immunity (so every boss) is also immune to the mana decrease effects. This skill can be amazing in 5v5 content but effectively useless in Guild Raids and World Bosses. It does deal additional damage if used against a single target, but there are almost certainly better options for Ultimates to use in these fights.

Thanks to her team boosting capabilities, she is perfectly viable in Guild Raid teams even at low ascension, assuming you can keep her alive. Her own damage will suffer from being uninvested, but her ability to buff Int-based teammates' damage by 20% just by existing is still significant enough to warrant slotting her in on teams with heavy hitting Int characters such as Naomi or Claudia. She also provides the Mana Manipulation required for bosses such as Charite and Gaia, making her an excellent option to slot in. With mid to high investment she becomes a must-have on Int teams, as her personal DPS is quite significant and adds even more to your bossing team.

All that said, we've entered an era where saving your pulls is ever more important thanks to the addition of Chaos characters. While Dominique is a great asset to your Int-based raid teams, she's likely not worth going hard for with new Demon, Angel and Chaos characters on the horizon. If you can manage to get a copy or two to use as a team buffer, that's probably good enough. If you're hurting for gacha currency, it's likely best to save, as we're now seeing multiple A/D/C characters in a quarter. Old reliables like Mephi and Nini are still there to support your team.

Pros & Cons

  • Works at low ascension

  • Mana manipulation

  • Great buff for Int-based teams


  • More of a sidegrade if not invested

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • Wait for Dominique to calm down.

  • Ask why she wants to start with the education sector.

  • Ask why presenting is a challenge for her.

  • It's to praise you for founding the school.

  • Let's have faith in our efforts.

  • You can overcome this.

  • You were an exceptional student, better than what I taught.

VA & Release
Release date
June 27th, 2024
Kim Chae-rin
Various information
Personal information
Golden Radiance
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Stickers, Lizards and Bitter Taste
Presentation and Public Speed