Rose (Prominence)Build and Guide


Rose (Prominence) is a Epic rarity character from the Caster class who belongs to the Human faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Rose (Prominence) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Rose (Prominence) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage Increase
Damage over Time (Others)
Stun (Sub and Ultimate)
Build info
Attack ~ CDMG ~ Speed
Attack ~ CDMG ~ Speed


 (Speed only if struggling to build stacks/using as pure support, if ample Crit Rate and using Rose as Main DPS, CDMG is preferred, if as Support/Sub-DPS, Attack to increase skill scaling)


Rising Sun

Type: Damage - AOE

Concentrates the power of the sun into an orb and releases a devastating blaze from it, dealing damage equal to 180% of ATK in a 7m wide and 20m long area. For any targets within a 3m radius, the damage is doubled, and also deals additional damage equal to 180% of ATK for every active Burn stack on them (up to 3 stacks).

Level 101:

Damage changes to 200%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 220%. The additional damage proportional to active Burn stacks on targets within a 3m radius changes to 220% and it now counts up to 5 stacks.


Solar Flare

Type: Damage - AOE

Detonates the sun's power in a burst, burning all enemies to deal damage equal to 170% of ATK and inflicts Burn, which deals DoT equal to 60% of ATK every 2 sec for 12 sec. Also inflicts "Crimson Flame" to deal additional Burn damage equal to 40% of ATK every 2 sec and increase Burn damage received by 50% on targets already inflicted with Burn.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 185%, and Burn damage changes to 65%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 200%, and Burn damage changes to 70%. "Crimson Flame" damage changes to 50% of ATK and Burn damage increase changes to 60%.


Proton Chain

Type: Damage - AOE

Launches an orb that detonates upon hitting the nearest target, dealing damage equal to 190% of ATK to the target and those within 2.5m and inflicting Burn, which deals DoT equal to 50% of ATK every 2 sec for 12 sec, and "Ember," which lasts for 3 sec. If "Ember" expires without being canceled, it deals damage equal to 80% of ATK for every active Burn stack on the target (up to 5 stacks).

Level 21:

Damage changes to 205%, additional damage changes to 90%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 220% and additional damage changes to 100%. "Ember" deals AoE damage within a 2.5m radius.


Corona Burst

Type: Damage - Single

Unleashes a devastating explosion at the ground beneath the farthest enemy, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK to the target and those within 3m, knocking them up, and stunning them for 2.5 sec.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 210%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 220%. If the main target has 2 or more Burn stacks, the target is inflicted with "Reburst," which activates this skill on them again in 6 sec.


Melting Armor

Type: Debuff - Mass

While Rose (Prominence) is on the battlefield, each enemy's total damage received increases by 5% for every active Burn stack on them (up to 5 stacks).

Level 61:

Total damage received increase changes to 6.5%.

Level 161:

Total damage received increase changes to 8%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner


Type: Passive

Level 1: X

Level 7: X

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: X

Level 7: X



Artifact Skill

Touch of the Sun

Type: Buff - Mass

Rose (Prominence)'s normal attack deals additional damage equal to 50% of ATK. If her normal attack affects a target inflicted with Burn, it also deals additional damage equal to 25% of ATK, restores the HP of all allies by of ATK, and permanently increases their ATK, DEF, and max HP by 0.5% (up to 50 stacks). This effect duplicates based on the number of Burn stacks on the target, up to a maximum of 2 times.

Additional damage and recovery changes to 30%. Stat increase changes to 0.65%.

Upgrade 1:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 27.5%. Stat increase changes to 0.58%.

Upgrade 2:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 30%. Stat increase changes to 0.65%.

Upgrade 3:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 35%. Stat increase changes to 0.75%. Duplication limit per activation changes to 3.

Upgrade 4:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 37.5%. Stat increase changes to 0.83%.

Upgrade 5:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 40%. Stat increase changes to 0.9%.

Upgrade 6:

Additional damage and recovery changes to 45%. Stat increase changes to 1%. Duplication limit per activation changes to 4.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)

Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Rose (Prominence) is an INT Caster Human Soul and our second variant Soul. Just like Sakuyo (Inferno), her kit primarily relies on Burn stacks to deal large amounts of damage. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Passive - Melting Armor: When on field, every Burn stack on enemy increases damage received by them by 8%, for up to 40% max. Huge support utility for teamwide damage increase.

  • Ultimate - Rising Sun: An AoE damage skill deals damage within an enormous AOE. Damage to enemies with a 3m radius is doubled and deals bonus damage per burn stack, resulting in up to 1540% AoE Damage!

  • Main - Solar Flare: Another AoE skill, that inflicts Burn & Crimson Flame DoT effects to all enemies and furthermore increases the Burn damage received, synergizing well with her skillset.

  • Sub 1 - Proton Chain: A small AoE skill aimed at the nearest target inflicting Burn and “Ember” which can burst inflict damage based on Burn stacks on the target if not cleansed.

  • Sub 2 - Corona Burst: A small AoE skill targeting the farthest enemy, inflicting Stun for 2.5 seconds and if it has 2 or more Burn stacks, reapplies the skill on them after 6 seconds.

  • Artifact – Touch of the Sun: Her Normal Attacks deal additional 50% damage. Furthermore if the target is inflicted with Burn, she does additional damage and teamwide Heal equal to 25-45% of her Attack, and if that wasn't enough, she permanently increases the party’s Attack, Defense and max HP by by 0.5% to 1% per burn stack. Capping out at 50 stacks, this means she raises the team’s Attack, Defense and Max HP by 25% to 50%!

Rose brings a lot of cake to the table with her variant soul version, not just in Character Design but also her kit. Her Artifact and Passive alone provide an insane value to teams no matter the content as long as it lasts long enough for her to ramp up fully. Her personal damage is nothing too shabby either, with her gaining a lot of additional damage on her Normal Attacks via artifact and most skills gaining additional damage per Burn stack on enemies.

If it wasn't clear by now, Rose needs at least 5 Burn stacks on her enemies at all times to perform at her highest. Between her Main and S1, she can apply 3 burn stacks on her own. She would require at least 1 or 2 other teammates to inflict adequate Burn stacks to meet her requirements. Next up is the everlasting issue of a DoT reliant kit struggling to meet their full potential in Battlefield/Depths, being unable to apply and maintain sufficient burn stacks to scale her skills.

These weaknesses are easily negated in Guild Raids and similar content, as long as you pair her with another Burn inflictor such as Cherrie, Sakuyo (Inferno), Nini, or Catherine (Radiance). Once her Artifact starts kicking in, she makes runs much easier with overhealing, tons of passive damage and Teamwide buffs. Rose performs great in Gaia, owing to the boss’s Burn weaknesses, She is also a decent pick in Dark Knight. In Pluto, we anticipate that she might struggle to find a slot due to her low hit counts and lack of definite synergy among the current heavy hitters. For Rudra, we will know her performance in the next few days, but without guaranteed Crits, and no Stun on demand, her role will most likely be nothing more than a support due to her Artifact/Passive. However, we expect her to do great in Charite due to faction advantage.


Investment wise, she has a large appetite being primarily a DPS character. 

  • New Players/F2P/Casual Players: A skip outside of her design, as outlined earlier, she is not built for Gates/BF content and requires a dedicated Burn team to perform.

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players/Whales/Rankers: An agreeable Investment for the future, with her Artifact/Passive, you can expect her to sneak in occasionally in most Raids as a support. She will also work well as Main DPS in at least Gaia and potentially Charite. We advise at least Origin Investment and L+ artifact.

Team Composition and Synergies

Rose requires Burn-focused teammates for sufficient output. Notable partners include Catherine (Radiance), Sakuyo (Inferno), Nini, Flynn and Cherrie. Outside of that, Rose will benefit from the extensive INT focused support recently released - Dominique for the Damage reduction, boost and Magic Res shred and Lilith for her many debuffs. Usual suspects Yuria and Eve (her Crit Rate buff especially) also apply.


Rose (Prominence) is a Guild Raid focused soul, thus shaping to be an easy skip for people not interested in such content. But for those who care, she is a potential side-grade over many existing options in current Guild Raid meta. Should you decide to invest in her, her Artifact Ascension will be far more important than building stars on her.

Pros & Cons

  • Very Powerful Artifact.

  • Passive has teamwide utility.

  • Tons of passive damage thanks to Burns and damage increases.


  • Need dedicated team building and Burn stacks to perform at max power.

  • Significant ramp-up time.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

This soul does not have a Love Story.

VA & Release
Release date
February 13th, 2025
Myeongho Lee
Various information
Personal information
Rose (Prominence)
Touch of the Sun
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Pot-au-feu, Scented Candles
Tending to Plants