Linzy (Thanatos)Build and Guide


Linzy (Thanatos) is a Epic rarity character from the Striker class who belongs to the Chaotic faction and who uses the DEX gear type.

To learn more about Linzy (Thanatos) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Linzy (Thanatos) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage Increase
Damage Reduction
Damage over Time (Others)
Mana Gain
Stun (Sub and Ultimate)
Build info
CDMG > Speed
CDMG > Speed


CDMG is ideally the best set for her, Speed being the next in line. HP is conditional usage if she is dying too much, but lowers her damage quite a bit.



Type: Damage - AOE

Channels the power of Thanatos to unleash a devastating burst of energy at the target that can hit the most enemies, dealing damage to the target and enemies within 4m of the target. The central target receives damage equal to 380% of ATK, with the damage diminishing by 60% for every meter away from the center.

Level 101:

Damage to the central target changes to 412% and the diminishing damage per meter changes to 52%.

Level 201:

Damage to the central target changes to 444%, and the diminishing damage per meter changes to 44%. She gains “Thanatos’s Whisper” effect 30 sec after the battle begins, and if she has the effect when she uses “Thanatos”, increases the damage to the central target changes x4.4 and consumes “Thanatos’s Whisper”. The lost “Thanatos’s Whisper” is gained again after 60 sec.



Type: Damage - AOE

Launches a sphere charged with deathly energy toward the nearest enemy, slashing the target and enemies within 3m of the target, then detonates the sphere to deal damage equal to 260% of ATK and slightly pull the affected targets toward herself.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 280%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 300%. She also inflicts “HP Drain” on the affected targets for 12 sec, absorbing 2.5% of their max HP every 2 sec (damage per tick does not exceed 100% of her ATK).



Type: Damage - AOE

Strikes the nearest enemy with the sword, unleashing a deathly energy to deal damage equal to 170% of ATK and stun them for 2 sec before pushing them back.

After a 2 sec delay, the concentrated energy detonates, dealing damage equal to 170% of ATK to the target and enemies within 3m of the target and stuns them for 2 sec.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 190% and the delayed detonation damage changes to 190%

Level 121:

Damage changes to 210%, and the delayed detonation damage changes to 210%, and activates any passive effects of allies that are triggered by enemy incapacitation.



Type: Damage - AOE

Unleashes a flurry of strikes powerful enough to slice through space itself around the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK to enemies within a 3.5m radius and pulling all enemies toward herself while creating a zone of death.

The zone of death lasts for 8 secs. While in the zone, gain “Invincible” buff every 2 secs that lasts for 3 secs, recovering 10% of her max HP, and inflicting 60% of ATK to enemies in the zone.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 150% and zone damage changes to 65%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 160%, and zone damage changes to 70%. She becomes immune to crowd controlling effect if she has “Invincible” effect.



Type: Buff

Her normal attack hits all enemies within a 270-degree arc of her field of view, dealing damage equal to 140% of ATK and granting her a stack of the “Ekstasis” buff, which increases her Speed by 2%, Crit Rate by 5% and decreases her total damage received by 5% (up to 10 stacks).

Level 61:

Normal attack damage changes to 175% Also gains 500 Mana.

Level 161:

Normal attack’s damage changes to 200%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Miracle of Connections

Type: Passive

Level 1: Effectiveness of Linzy's normal attack, main skill, sub skills and ultimate skill +1% every 2 sec if she is the lead soul.

Level 7: Effectiveness of Linzy's normal attack, main skill, sub skills and ultimate skill +2.5% every 2 sec if she is the lead soul.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: ATK +6%

Level 7: Lead Soul: ATK +30%



Artifact Skill

Fragarach = Thanatos

Type: Buff

Every attack given or received grants her a stack of the "Dynamic" buff, which increases her ATK and damage dealt by 0.2% (Stacks to Infinite). She gains 5 stacks of "Ekstasis" when battle begins.

Upgrade 1:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.25%.

Upgrade 2:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.3%.

Upgrade 3:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.35%. She gains 8 stacks of "Ekstasis" when battle begins.

Upgrade 4:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.4%

Upgrade 5:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.45%

Upgrade 6:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 0.5%. She gains 10 stacks of "Ekstasis" when battle begins.

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit Damage


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Linzy (Thanatos), is the second Chaotic Soul released in the game. She received a balance patch on 23/Jan/2025. She is a Dex Striker who primarily relies on various self-stacks and damage in her skillset to shine. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Passive - Ekstasis: To understand her kit, first we need to understand her most important ability - her Passive. CLinzy gains a stack of “Ekstasis” buff with normal attacks, increasing her Speed by 2%, Critical Rate and Damage Reduction by 5% (up to 10 stacks). In a nutshell, 50% Crit Rate, 50% Damage Reduction, 20% Speed and Skill enhancement! Huge!

  • Ultimate - Thanatos: An AoE skill that targets the enemy whose skill can hit the most allies dealing up to a whopping 1953.5% damage with “Thanatos Whisper” active. However, she only gains “Thanatos Whisper” after 30 seconds into the battle, and once used it recharges only after 60 seconds, thus limiting the usage of Ultimate (however you can use it normally to cause 444% damage instead during that CD).

  • Main - Telos: Another AoE skill with Pull, and additional HP Drain.

  • Sub 1 - Psyche: An AoE skill featuring Stun, Knockback and delayed damage. A special gimmick -  ‘Passive effects of allies that are triggered by enemy incapacitation’. For now this allows her to proc Passive of Otoha and Mephistopheles (Dawn) in Guild Raids and other Single Target content. We expect more characters in future to synergize with her. 

  • Sub 2 - Styx: Again, an AoE damage skill featuring Pull and a “Zone of Death”,  which gives her “Invincible” buff which restores her HP, damages enemies and grants her CC immunity for the duration.

  • Artifact – Dynamis: Another Stack based ability; everytime CLinzy receives or gives an Attack, she gains a stack of “Dynamis”, which increases her Attack and Damage dealt by 0.2% (Base) ~ 0.5% (Origin) infinitely. Furthermore, it also grants her 5 (Base) -10 (Origin) stacks of “Ekstasis” on battle start, reducing her ramp up time (and incase of Origin, directly starting with maxed out stacks).

Linzy (Thanatos) joins the fray as the first true dedicated Chaotic DPS after much waiting. Unlike Catherine (Radiance), Linzy is all in as a DPS with massive self-buffs, her enhanced Ultimate hitting like a truck, and her other sub-skills doing solid sustained damage once she’s ramped up. She also possesses some skills to boost her survivability, which is important as a frontline attacker.

However, survivability is where the problem starts. Linzy boasts incredible offensive capabilities but her frontline position, coupled with her attack patterns, and frail statline causes her to die an early demise on Battlefront situations. Although, this changes if she has Origin artifact since she begins the fight with max Ekstasis stacks, granting her the full 50% damage reduction.

Her biggest strength, her Ultimate, also requires careful consideration to be used to maximize the damage dealt, as Thanatos Whisper has fixed timings associated with it. Her damage without type-compatibility is impressive but not on the level as some of the more recent releases, landing her a spot in the raid meta as a specialized DPS.


Investment wise, she has a large appetite being primarily a DPS character.                    

  • New Players/F2P/Casual: CLinzy can be used as a carry, but she needs solid team support and positioning to keep her alive. Newer players might run into a slightly steeper difficulty curve. 

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players/Whales/Rankers: As things stand, Linzy has proven herself in PVE, Guild Raid Pluto & Dark Knight  along with various A/D/C ESS (Lizelotte, Ayame, Adrianne). Origin would be required at minimum alongside Leg+ Artifact, ultimately aiming for Origin Artifact to start the battle with maxed out “Ekstasis”.

Team Composition and Synergies

Linzy (Thanatos) can either work as Main DPS or in tandem with others as Sub-DPS. Being a frontline DPS, she will need protection and currently Claire and Chloe (ideally both) provide the most value to her as they draw aggro away from Linzy. Beyond that, like most of DPS, she enjoys the presence of Buffers and Healers such as Eve, Yuria and Beleth to skyrocket her damage while keeping her alive. Raid-wise, she enjoys the company of Sigrid the most.


Linzy (Thanatos) was one of the most hyped releases of the Quarter 3, 2024, with expectations of her being the Lizelotte killer, but unfortunately, she fell short of the task, however with 23/Jan/2025 Balance Patch, she finally hit the mark as it removed her Ultimate restrictions and slow ramp up.

Linzy offers great performance in Battlefield & Depths with the right investment & team, being usable as a Newbie carry. Furthermore, Linzy is poised to dominate at least 3 Angel/Demon ESS Raids (Ayame, Adrianne, Lizelotte ESS raids) and the upcoming Pluto Guild Raid. Due to her being a limited unit, and Erika Alchemy being in general very costly, it is best advised to pull her whenever her banner reruns.

If starting anew, make sure to prioritize her over Edith/Aki during her banner run/re-run.

Pros & Cons

  • High damage potential.

  • Self-buffs enhance her kit significantly.

  • Will dominate Angel/Chaotic/Demon Raids & similar content.


  • Ultimate is not always at full power.

  • Survival is a serious issue, unless Origin Artifact.

  • Artifact investment is important, adding to costs.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

This soul does not have a Love Story.

VA & Release
Release date
September 19th, 2024
Various information
Personal information
Linzy (Thanatos)
Reaper of the Black Night
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Herbal Tea
Sarcastic Remarks, Mayonnaise
Enjoying scenic views