AyameBuild and Guide


Ayame is a Epic rarity character from the Caster class who belongs to the Demon faction and who uses the INT gear type.

A Soul from Gaon who always thinks she has bad luck. Surprisingly, she has two personalities. Unlike the timid personality, the cold personality is hidden. Recently, she feels a fateful attraction to the Savior. There seems to be a story behind that, but it's hard to tell.

To learn more about Ayame check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Ayame check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage over Time (Bleed and Shock)
Crowd Control (Non Stun)
Speed Down
Attack Down
Defense Down
Mana Reduction/Drain
Mana Gain
Damage Increase
Build info
Speed > ATK > CDMG
Speed > ATK > CDMG


  • Speed as debuffer, ATK or CDMG as DPS.


Sharp Scratching Shadow

Type: Curse

Ayame in the mirror attacks the enemy. Deals damage equal to 300% of ATK to the nearest enemy in a 2.5m circular area and makes it bleed, dealing damage equal to 80% of ATK for 8 seconds.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 330% bleeding damage changes to 85%

Level 201:

Damage changes to 360% bleeding damage changes to 90% Deals additional 180% damage if the target is already bleeding.


Blooming Darkness

Type: Curse

Summons a hand of shadow to deal damage equal to 180% ATK to all enemies and make them bleed, dealing damage equal to 30% ATK every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 190%, bleeding damage changes to 35%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 200% bleeding damage changes to 40%. Deals additional 100% damage if the target is already bleeding and direct hits become critical hits.


Winding Grip

Type: Curse

Binds enemies with the shadow. Targets the nearest enemy and the surrounding area, binding enemies within 3m * 12m of the targeted enemy for 8 seconds. Also causes bleed, inflicting damage equal to 40% ATK every 2 seconds.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 140%, bleeding damage changes to 45%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 150%, bleeding damage changes to 50%.


Encroaching Night

Type: Curse

Creates a shadow-encroached area, dealing damage equal to 70% of ATK to the nearest enemy and enemies within 2m around it. Also creates an “Encroached Area” that deals damage equal to 70% of ATK every 2 seconds. Enemies affected by “Encroached Area” are inflicted by “Encroach” debuff which decreases Speed by 5% for 3 seconds for each stack. (Max 4 stacks) If affected by “Encroached Area” with more than 3 stacks of “Encroach”, becomes “Corrosion” state which decreases ATK and DEF by 20% for 15 seconds.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 75%. DoT changes to 75%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 80%. DoT changes to 80%.


Alluring Mirror

Type: Control

Those who look at the mirror are charmed. Charms the enemy with the highest ATK for 6 seconds. Refreshes the duration of "Corrosion” effect when the target has the effect already.

Level 61:

Charm duration changes to 8 seconds.

Level 161:

Increases ATK of Charmed enemies by 100% throughout the duration.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Taming the Darkness

Type: Passive

Level 1: Increases all allies' Mana Recovery by 10% but reduces their Ultimate Gauge by 100% every 2 sec while the lead Soul is on the battlefield.

Level 7: Increases all allies' Mana Recovery by 20% but reduces their Ultimate Gauge by 100% every 2 sec while the lead Soul is on the battlefield.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +3%, Crit Rate +2.5% and Crit Damage +7%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +12%, Crit Rate +10% and Crit Damage +25%



Artifact Skill

Mirror of Tsukuyomi

Type: Debuff

Adds an effect that decreases enemy Mana by 150 every 2 sec if the enemy is within the area of “Encroaching Night,” and restores her own Mana by 200 every 2 sec while “Encroaching Night” is active. If the enemy is in “Corrosion” state, increases their damage received by 10% for 15 sec.

Upgrade 1:

Mana decrease changes to 225, and Mana recovery changes to 300.

Upgrade 2:

Mana decrease changes to 300, and Mana recovery changes to 400.

Upgrade 3:

Mana decrease changes to 375, and Mana recovery changes to 500. If the enemy affected by “Blooming Darkness” has “Corrosion” debuff, deals additional 150% damage.

Upgrade 4:

Mana decrease changes to 450, and Mana recovery changes to 600.

Upgrade 5:

Mana decrease changes to 525, and Mana recovery changes to 700.

Upgrade 6:

Mana decrease changes to 600, and Mana recovery changes to 800. If the enemy is in “Corrosion” state, increases their damage received by 20% for 15 sec.

Artifact Stats
Crit DMG
Life Steal



PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our launch demon, Ayame remains a very valuable DPS and Debuffer even in current meta thanks to her recent buffs in November 2023.

She has one of the most versatile kits in the roaster ranging from DPS, Controller, DoT, Buffs and debuffs earning her an easy slot in various team comps.

Her Main is screenwide AOE attack causing damage and bleed to targets, and if the target already has existing bleed, she hits them for additional damage and her attacks becomes critical hits. This allows her to have insane synergy with Velanna allowing an easy setup for bleed to use Velanna main and ultimate for maximum DPS and in most cases this combo allows you to win the match. Her ult is similar in nature but features a smaller AOE radius & lack of guaranteed critical hits making it bit lackluster compared to her main.

Her Sub Winding Grip deals considerable damage while disrupting the enemy with Bind Debuff, and her disruption abilities are further enhanced by her Passive Alluring Mirror, which charms the enemy with highest attack and further increases the targets attack by 100% so it inflicts more damage to the enemy.

Then perhaps comes her most important ability - Her Sub Encroaching Night. With it she can decrease the enemy speed thanks to the stacking debuff 'Encroach' that will turn into 'Corrosion' at 3 stacks, that will decrease the enemy ATK and DEF by 20% for 15 seconds. This can setup some tremendous burst windows, combined with the fact that with her artifact enemies affected by 'Corrosion' will receive 10% or 20% extra damage (at Origin) which is universally welcome in all game modes. Her artifact Mirror of Tsukuyomi is also one of the most powerful artifacts in-game providing Ayame with Mana Regen for her own, decreasing enemy Mana in an AOE radius while inflicting more damage if enemy is under Corrosion stage, making it one of best candidates for Origin Artifact down the line.

But because of being inherently difficult to obtain from the gacha pool due to being a Demon Faction, and Arena Coins shop taking more time to accumulate currency compared to Labyrinth Shop, Ayame is in the weird spot where she enjoys heavy investment but can't be built easily. But as a solace, her debuffing capabilities combined with her rather safe backline position allows you to utilize her as one of best debuffers in game even at lower rarity even if she might not be able to serve as main/sub carry at it.

As for bosses, Ayame is especially useful in Dark Knight Guild Boss when combined with Velanna due to her AOE damage, Bleed setup for Velanna Main and Ult. Outside that she is very welcome addition in all of the Guild Raids and ESS content due to her amazing Debuffs and Charm (for ESS).

All in all, her recent changes combined with the fact that she has highest Attack Scaling in the game, have made Ayame one of the strongest units in the game, being able to deal significant damage while crippling the enemy with her Debuffs.

Pros & Cons

  • Synergizes very well in DoT team

  • Great DPS

  • Area Mana drain on artifact.

  • Plethora of Very Useful buffs and debuffs for every content.


  • Requires investment - hard to accomplish as Demon.

  • Vulnerable to assassins and backline killers

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  1. It's the second time we met.

  2. Ask her to explain in detail.

  3. Praise her for being so mindful.

  4. Cherry Blossom Flower Cake

  5. Promise that you will.

  6. "Did your other personality do something wrong?"

  7. Refuse

  8. "Maybe I can't remember because it was in the past life."

  9. Yes

  10. Accept the promise from your past life

  11. "No."

VA & Release
Release date
January 5th, 2023
Yena Jang
Noriko Shitaya
Various information
Personal information
Waiting for Nirvana
January 6
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Wish talismans
White flowers
Flower fortune reading