Catherine (Radiance)Build and Guide


Catherine (Radiance) is a Epic rarity character from the Warrior class who belongs to the Chaotic faction and who uses the STR gear type.

To learn more about Catherine (Radiance) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Catherine (Radiance) check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage over Time (Others)
Shield (Allies)
Magical/Physical Resistance Down
Build info
ATK > Speed
ATK > Speed


  • DPS - Prefers First Anniversary Attack Set due to sub-stats on it.

  • Support - Speed for Utility, Attack for better shields.


Sol Aeternus

Type: Buff

Gains the "Plena Solis" buff by becoming one with the power of the sun, increasing her ATK by 70%, DEF by 70%, and fully restoring her HP. Inflicts Burn on all enemies, which deals 60% damage every 2 sec while she is on the battlefield, adding synergy effects to all her skills, becomes immune to crowd control effects and knockback effects, and dealing additional damage equal to 180% of ATK with her normal attacks.

This skill can be used only 1 time per battle. In exchange for great power, after 10 sec, she starts taking damage equal to 4% of her max HP every 2 sec, with the damage doubling every 10 sec (up to 2 times).

Level 101:

ATK increase changes to 85% and DEF increase changes to 85%

Level 201:

ATK increase changes to 100% and DEF increase changes to 100%


Sol Omnibus Lucet

Type: Defense

Protects all allies with the light of the sun, granting them the shield "Arma Solis," which absorbs damage equal to 200% of ATK and deals 40% damage to enemies within 2.5m every 2 sec for 16 sec.

"Sol Aeternus" synergy effect - the effect only applies to her, and the damage dealt to nearby enemies is doubled.

Level 81:

Shield HP changes to 220% and shield damage to nearby enemies changes to 50%.

Level 181:

Shield HP changes to 240% and shield damage to nearby enemies changes to 60% "Sol Aeternus" has been used, she becomes Invulnerable for 3 sec.


Gladius Flammae

Type: Damage - AOE

Condenses the power of the sun and releases it in a straight line, burning all enemies within a 1.5m wide and 11m long area, dealing damage equal to 180% of ATK and inflicting them with Burn, which deals 50% damage over 16 sec, and a debuff that increases Burn damage received by 40%.

"Sol Aeternus" synergy effect - Skips the Burn effect and Burn damage and doubles the skill effect instead, guaranteeing it to land as a critical hit.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 190%. Burn damage changes to 55% and increased burn damage received changes to 50%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 200% Burn damage changes to 60% and increased burn damage received changes to 60%.



Type: Damage - AOE

Summons a spark and then cuts it, triggering a powerful blast. Deals damage equal to 95% of ATK to all enemies. Deals additional damage equal to 45% of ATK to burning enemies and decreases their Physical/Magic Resistance by 15% for 15 sec.

"Sol Aeternus" synergy effect - Skips the Physical/Magic Resistance decrease effect and doubles the skill effect instead.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 100%, additional damage changes to 50%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 105%, additional damage changes to 55%


Duo Soles

Type: Buff - Mass

While she is on the battlefield, grants different buffs to allies based on their deployed positions. Allies in the front row get the "Duo Solis: Ortus" buff, which gives them 25% of Catherine's base DEF. Allies in the back row get the "Duo Soles: Vespera" buff, which gives them 25% of Catherine's base ATK. The buff does not grant an amplification effect.

"Sol Aeternus" synergy effect - Both buffs converge into one "Duo Soles: Omnis" buff and apply only to her.

Level 61:

The stat increase changes to 35%

Level 161:

Total damage received decreases by 15% for allies with the "Duo Solis: Ortus" buft. Damage dealt increases by 15% for allies with the "Duo Soles: Vespera" buff.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Solar Providence

Type: Active

Level 1: Using the main skill restores all allies' HP by 100% of the lead Soul's ATK and grants them a shield that absorbs damage equal to 85% of the lead Soul's ATK for 12 sec. The above effects are multiplied by 2 and their damage dealt is increased by 25% while the shield is active if the lead Soul is Catherine.

Level 7: Using the main skill restores all allies' HP by 170% of the lead Soul's ATK and grants them a shield that absorbs damage equal to 125% of the lead Soul's ATK for 12 sec. The above effects are multiplied by 2 and their damage dealt is increased by 40% while the shield is active if the lead Soul is Catherine.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +3%, Crit Rate +2.5% and Crit Damage +7%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +12%, Crit Rate +10% and Crit Damage +25%



Artifact Skill

Holy Shroud of Splendid Radiance

Type: Buff

Before the battle, grants different buffs to herself based on her deployed position. When in the front row, grants her the "Soles Gratia: Ortus" buff, which increases her Physical/Magic Resistance by 10%.

When in the back row, grants her the "Soles Gratia: Vespera" buff, which increases her Crit Rate and Crit DMG by 10%. Upon using "Sol Omnibus Lucet", it is replaced with "Magnificent Solis Gratia" for 15sec and the effect is doubled.

""Sol Aeternus" synergy effect - Replaced with "Solis Gratia: Omnis" and grants her all same buffs, and her next action changes to ""Conflagra".

Upgrade 1:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increases change to 11.5%

Upgrade 2:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate and Crit DMG increases change to 13%

Upgrade 3:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increases change to 15% Damage taken over time after using "Sol Aeternus" s reduced to 2.5%

Upgrade 4:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increases change to 16.5%

Upgrade 5:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increases change to 18%

Upgrade 6:

Physical/Magic Resistance, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG increases change to 20%. Damage taken over time after using "Sol Aeternus" is reduced to 1.5%

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)

Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

(Re)joining the roster and bringing along a lot of firsts, Radiance Catherine is our first Chaos faction character, first alt, and first soul with a single-use ultimate. Her mechanics are quite unique, and completely change depending on how you choose to use her, so let's take a look!

When considering Chaos Cath's functionality, the most comparable soul we have in the current roster is Eve. Both of these units can be run as either a support or DPS, have kits that vastly differ based on a controllable factor, and both are anomalies in their class as far as function and kit are concerned. As with Eve, Cath is a superb support unit that can also be run as a great DPS in raids, though the latter requires quite a lot of investment if you want to go that route. (They also both have really awesome wings, coincidence?)

Cath's ultimate is what controls the shift between her two playstyles. "Sol Aeternus" is a one-time use ultimate that changes Cath's entire kit from that of a support into a purely selfish DPS. Once cast, she can't shift back to support form, so avoid using it if you want her to support your other team members. Once cast, it increases her Atk and Def by 100%, boosts her auto attacks by 180% of her Atk, fully restores her HP, puts a permanent burn on all enemies, and finally, makes her fully immune to all CC and knockbacks. It also has a negative effect, which causes Cath to lose 4% of her HP every 2 seconds. This effect doubles at ten second durations up to two times, and while it sounds like it would be an issue, as long as there's a healer on the team paired with Cath's huge self shields, it basically goes unnoticed. This damage is also reduced by her Artifact effect at Legendary+ and further at Origin.

Her Artifact, aside from providing a reduction in her ultimate's self-harm effect, also provides Cath with a buff similar to her passive: when she is in the frontline, she receives Physical and Magical Resistance, and in the backline, Crit Rate and Crit Damage. This buff scales up as you ascend her Artifact. It also applies an effect to her main skill "Sol Omnibus Lucet", which doubles her frontline/backline self-buff for 15 seconds. This applies the same way regardless of if she's in Support or DPS mode.

Since her ultimate completely changes her playstyle, we'll break the rest of her review into two sections; support Cath and DPS Cath.


If you opt for using Cath as a support unit, you will surely not be disappointed! Outside of effectively not having an ultimate, her kit is loaded with all kinds of buffs for your team. Firstly, her passive will provide different buffs for your units depending if they are in the frontline or backline. Frontliners receive 35% of Cath's Def plus 15% reduced damage, while backliners gain 35% of Cath's Atk and a 15% increased damage boost! (No, this buff can't be amplified by Lize or any other effects or skills, sorry~)

Her subskills both revolve around Burn - "Gladius Flammae" is a line attack that deals 180% damage to all enemies it hits and inflicts a 16 second Burn, while also increasing all incoming Burn damage by 40%.

"Conflagro" is a teamwide AoE attack which deals additional damage to burning enemies, and decreases their Physical and Magical Resistance by 15% for 15 seconds. Even without a Speed set, Cath can keep this debuff up nearly all the time, providing your team with a great damage boost!

Lastly, Cath's main skill "Sol Omnibus Lucet" is reminiscent of OG Cath's main in that it applies a shield to your team. But of course, with Cath's new powers, it also got a power up. It is now team-wide rather than an AoE around Cath, absorbs damage equal to 240% of Atk, and deals 60% damage to all enemies within 2.5m of each shielded character every 2 seconds. With a lot of shielded units all grouped up around one enemy, this damage can stack up quite nicely.

As you'd expect, Support Cath is an amazing addition to basically any team. She provides shields-on-demand, which are needed for various mechanics in raids, on top of simply existing to keep your team alive. Both her offensive and defensive buffs are amazing, and she debuffs the enemy's defenses on top of that. Her Burn skills also provide another great option for Gaia, which both provides your whole team with increased damage potential, and acts as a boon to characters that apply burn themselves.


Once she's used her ultimate, Cath shifts into DPS mode, changing the effects of all of her skills. She no longer functions as a teamwide support, instead hoarding all her buffs and shields to herself. Her ultimate also applies a permanent Burn to the enemy (as long as Cath is alive) and makes her immune to CC for the rest of the fight.

Starting with her passive; it will no longer apply to her team, but apply both the frontline and backline buff to Cath.

  • "Gladius Flammae" loses its Burn and Burn damage increase debuff, and instead does double the damage, and is a guaranteed crit.

  • "Conflagro" no longer reduces the enemy's resistances, and also doubles its damage.

  • "Sol Omnibus Lucet" now only applies the shield to Cath, doubling the damage dealt to nearby enemies, and making Cath invulnerable for 3 seconds.

Transitioning to this simplistic DPS kit from her much more intricate support kit seems like a strange choice - especially with the number of exceptional (and rather one-dimensional) DPS units already in the game. That said, Cath is a perfectly viable DPS option for pretty much any game mode (save Arena, where she can't ult). With enough investment, she packs a punch in guild raids in a similar manner to Eve - but it requires specific team compositions. Cath's base Atk isn't particularly high, and without a very invested Artifact, she's likely to struggle to have the highest Atk stat on her team to gain the buff from certain guild raid treasures. Since the treasure is applied at the start of the battle, her ultimate providing her with 100% more attack doesn't help.

As Cath is a Strength-based unit, her offensive boosting options are also rather limited. The best keepsake set available to her is the Anniversary set, which was originally Dex-only but has thankfully been made available to any class. This at least provides her with a better offensive statline than the Str-based keepsakes, which don't give Crit Dmg or Crit Rate.

Final remarks

Overall, Radiance Catherine is an amazing unit. As a support she brings a lot to the table and doesn't require huge amounts of investment to work well enough. Keep in mind though, since she passes her own stats on to her teammates via her passive, it's obvious that the more invested, the better. Using her as a DPS in regular content doesn't require too much effort either, and she performs well in 5v5 battles. For raids however, she's likely best used as a support unless you've invested quite a bit into both her and her Artifact.

An important thing to note when considering whether or not to pull: Chaos units cannot be obtained via any means other than their focus banner and Erika's Alchemy. Meaning if you opt out of pulling on her focus, you'll be relegated to the depths of Alchemy pulls for your copies. There are 3 copies available through the in-game shop, though the Awakening Shop will only appear after you've gained at least one copy of Catherine, and 3 copies won't get you particularly far. Keeping that in mind, saving Alchemy tickets gained as event rewards specifically for Chaos characters going forward may be the best move for F2P and low spenders.

Pros & Cons

  • Shield on demand

  • Both offensive and defensive buffs

  • Versatile


  • No heals

  • Requires high investment to use as DPS

  • Nearly impossible to get if you miss her focus banner

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

Catherine (Radiance) love story solution isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

VA & Release
Release date
May 17th, 2024
Jiyoung Lee
Various information
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Catherine (Radiance)
Flame of Hope
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