WeissBuild and Guide


Weiss is a Epic rarity character from the Ranger class who belongs to the Undead faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Weiss check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Weiss check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage Increase
Damage Reduction
Damage over Time (Others)
Mana Reduction/Drain
Build info
CDMG > Speed
CDMG > Speed

Decisive Shot

Type: Damage - AOE

Weiss fires the ultimate Demon Cannon from her tank, targeting the area with the most enemies within a 4.5m radius and dealing damage equal to 340% of ATK. All hit targets are knocked down. The damage is multiplied by 1.5 against any targets inflicted with "Frost Concentration."

Level 101:

Damage changes to 370%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 400%. Deals Crit DMG on targets inflicted with "Freeze" or "Frost Concentration."


Full-Scale Unit Assault

Type: Damage - AOE

Weiss directs her units to concentrate their assault on the area with the most enemies, dealing damage equal to 300% of ATK and inflicting "Freeze" on them for 14 sec, which deals DoT equal to 60% of ATK every 2 sec. Also inflicts "Frost Concentration" on targets already inflicted with "Freeze," decreasing their Speed by 20% for 15 sec.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 325%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 350% Deals Crit DMG on targets inflicted with "Freeze" or "Frost Concentration."


Assault Drones - Eins & Zwei

Type: Damage - AOE

Weiss directs her units to target the frontmost enemy to unleash Machine Gun Fire or Missile Launch.

Machine Gun Fire - Fires a single but powerful shot, dealing damage equal to 160% of ATK. If the target is inflicted with "Frost Concentration," the damage is multiplied by 1.5 and the attack stuns the target for 1.5 sec.

Missile Launch - Launches a Flash Freeze Missile, dealing damage equal to 190% of ATK to the target and those within 2.5m of the target and inflicting them with "Freeze" for 14 sec, which deals DoT equal to 60% of ATK every 2 sec. Also inflicts "Frost Concentration" on targets already inflicted with "Freeze," decreasing their Speed by 20% for 15 sec.

Level 21:

Machine Gun Fire damage changes to 170% and Missile Launch damage changes to 210%.

Level 121:

Machine Gun Fire damage changes to 180% and Missile Launch damage changes to 230%. The drone attack lands as a critical hit if the target is inflicted with "Freeze" or "Frost Concentration."


Precision Artillery Tank - Drei

Type: Damage - AOE

Weiss launches a missile toward the farthest enemy, dealing damage equal to 190% of ATK to the target and those within 3m of the target. If there are no other enemies within 3m of the main target, deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK. Also inflicts "Frost Concentration" on affected targets inflicted with "Freeze," decreasing their Speed by 20% for 15 sec.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 210%, additional damage changes to 110%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 230% and additional damage changes to 120% Deals Crit DMG on targets inflicted with "Freeze" or "Frost Concentration."


Great Might of Science

Type: Debuff

All attacks by Weiss's drones and tanks normally don't land as critical hits but ignore 30% of the target's DEF and Magic Resistance. Sub skills also restore 1000 Mana.

Level 61:

DEF and Magic Resistance ignore rate changes to 40%.

Level 161:

DEF and Magic Resistance ignore rate changes to 50%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner


Type: Passive

Level 1: X

Level 7: X

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: X

Level 7: X



Artifact Skill

Solomon's Ring

Type: Buff - Mass

Increases the ATK and damage dealt of all Chalar Souls (Flynn, Renee, Miriam, Kanna, and Joanne) including herself by 10%. In battles against a "Ringleader" or an "Evil Soul," the effect is doubled and also decreases total damage received by 20%.

Upgrade 1:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 11.5%.

Upgrade 2:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 13%.

Upgrade 3:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 15%. The total damage received decrease in battles against a "Ringleader" or an "Evil Soul" changes to 25%.

Upgrade 4:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 16.5%.

Upgrade 5:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 18%.

Upgrade 6:

The ATK and damage dealt increase changes to 20%. The total damage received decrease in battles against a "Ringleader" or an "Evil Soul" changes to 30%.

Artifact Stats


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Weiss is an INT Ranger Undead Soul who primarily has kit revolving around Freeze DOT. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Passive - Great Might of Science: Attacks by her Drones and Tanks do not normally Crit, but in turn ignore 50% DEF and Magic Resistance, and her sub skills restore 1000 mana.

  • Ultimate - Decisive Shot: An AoE skill that knocks down targets and deals guaranteed Critical Damage against enemies inflicted with Freeze or “Frost Concentration” and further additional damage against enemies with “Frost Concentration.” 

  • Main - Full-Scale Unit Assault: Another AoE skill that inflicts Freeze on enemies and “Frost Concentration” on enemies already inflicted with Freeze, decreasing their Speed by 20% for 10s. Deals guaranteed Critical Damage against enemies inflicted with Freeze or “Frost Concentration.”

  • Sub 1 - Assault Drones - Eins & Zwei: Uses a Machine Gun or Missile against the frontmost enemy, dealing damage and either stunning it with Machine Gun or inflicting Freeze/“Frost Concentration” with Missiles. Deals guaranteed Critical Damage against enemies inflicted with Freeze or “Frost Concentration.”

  • Sub 2 - Precision Artillery Tank - Drei: Another AoE Skill that can inflict “Frost Concentration” on enemies already inflicted with Freeze. Deals guaranteed Critical Damage against enemies inflicted with Freeze or “Frost Concentration.”

  • Artifact – Solomon's Ring: Increases the Attack and Damage dealt of all Chalar Souls (Weiss, Flynn, Renee, Miriam, Kanna, and Joanne) by 10-20%. Doubles effect against raid bosses or ESS and further reduces damage taken by 20-30%.

Weiss, the leader of Chalar Corps is a DPS Soul with kit focused entirely around Freeze DoT, which not only does its normal damage as DoT, but further cripples enemies by turning into “Frost Concentration” and increasing skills damage by guaranteeing Critical Hits. She does a respectable amount of DPS, however it is nothing meta shaking.

Being a backline attacker, she is not too shabby in the survival department and can last in battles properly to do her job. Her Passive ignoring DEF and Magic Resistance allows her to kill enemies more easily allowing her to quickly fulfill her role.


Investment wise, she has a large appetite being primarily a DPS character.                    

  • New/F2P/Casual Players: Rather skippable banner as things stand, average soul in most of content.

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players/Whales/Rankers: Could have potential synergies in some raids with Freeze/DoT units, but nothing must have as things stand.

Team Composition and Synergies

Weiss will ideally be paired with other characters that deal Freeze DoT such as Honglan and Nini for faster application of Freeze, so she can continuously apply “Frost Concentration” and deal Critical Hits with all her skills enhancing her damage significantly. You can also pair her with fellow Chalar Corps members enhancing their performance as a team. Outside that, the general buffers and supports work just fine with her.


Weiss is an average soul, the first one in quite a while, that works in most content but excels in none as of writing this review on her release. Her Freeze focused kit brings an interesting element to the game, but DoT has been suffering as an archetype for quite a bit in meta, as it never was really good in Battlefront/Depths and recently has fallen quite a bit from grace in Raids in favor or Crit Damage builds. Skippable meta wise, good waifu wise.

Pros & Cons

  • Fun Freeze DoT focused kit.

  • Synergizes well with Freeze/Chalar Corp Units.


  • Limited DPS.

  • DoT archetype lacks impact in current Meta.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • True. Maintaining an image is crucial.

  • Since Weiss is always so busy...

  • I find you charming, Weiss.

  • ...was thinking of something a bit more ordinary.

  • It might make others feel anxious.

  • ...childish.

  • Because you're special, Weiss.

VA & Release
Release date
January 23rd, 2025
Lee Serena
Various information
Personal information
Unrelenting Cannon
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Machinery, Beautiful People
Army Expansion