Last updated: 16/12/2024
Team 1
Mode: IR Cookie || Formation: Defense
Team 2
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Defense
{20-Dec-2024} Catherine must be highest HP to take shackle. Sakuyo must be highest ATK.
Ult: Sakuyo-Inferno | Use Sakuyo if you don't have Sakuyo-Inferno
Gear: Sakuyo (Inferno) - CDMG or ATK, Catherine (Radiance) - Speed or HP, Rest - Speed
Team 4
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Defense
Team 5
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Defense
{Old} Lizelotte Carry. Talia cage tank. Eve/Lizelotte mana control.
Ult - Lizelotte
Gear: Lizelotte - CDMG, Talia - HP, Cherrie - Speed/Attack, Rest - Speed. | Investment - Lizelotte OG Artifact
Team 6
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Defense
Team 7
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Ranged
Team 8
Mode: GR Gaia || Formation: Defense
{Old} High investment, no healer team. Aira cage tank. Aira/Larimar mana control, needs Origin arti or at least 2pc Spd to control mana well.
Ult: Dominique
Gear: Dominique - CDMG, Aira - Speed/HP, Rest - Speed | Investment: Aira Origin artifact (beneficial)
Team 9
Mode: Battlefront || Formation: Ranged
The standard Hyper Carry Team to bulldoze through 1 Team Content. Best carry (flex 2, pos 5) options: Aki, Lizelotte, Claudia.
Substitutions: Replace tank/healer with tank/healer from secondary/tertiary teams. Flex 1: CC/Buffer/SubDPS slot. See tier list for best options.
Team 10
Mode: Battlefront || Formation: Basic
Secondary/tertiary BF team for 3 Team Content. Best carry options (flex 2, pos 5): same as Team 1 plus Catherine (Radiance), Tasha, Velanna
Substitions: Replace tank/healer with next best option from tertiary team. Honglan -> Ayame/Naiah. Flex 1: CC/Buffer/SubDPS slot. See tier list for best filler options.
Team 11
Mode: Battlefront || Formation: Basic
Secondary/tertiary BF team for 3 Team Content. Best carry options (flex 2, pos 5): same as previous, plus Hazel, Ayame, Linzy
Substitution tanks: Claire, Soonie. Healers: Onyx, Catherine, Prim. Flex 1: CC/Buffer/SubDPS slot. See tier list for best filler options.
Team 12
Mode: Labyrinth Boss || Formation: Assault
Team 13
Mode: Eden Alliance - Gaon || Formation: Ranged
{01-Dec-2024} Clears max score for this Operation. If enemy Aki uses main skill, Lizelotte must survive or you restart. Level 350~400+ Sync clear.
Ult: Lizelotte
Gear: Lizelotte - CDMG or Anni Attack, Rest - Speed
Team 29
Mode: ESS Naiah || Formation: Defense
{16-Dec-2024} Take note that this team/explanation is for ESS 501+ and may not work below 501. Larimar must be highest ATK so that she takes the prison when fight starts. Yuria's main will cleanse 15 stress stacks each time, so try to time it so that you keep above 30 but below 70 stress stacks. Aside from that, you basically just spam skills as they come up while making sure you don't cancel Hazel or Erusha's stun subs, or Yuria's sub 2.
Utl: Hazel first, then Erusha remainder of fight
Gear: Hazel, Erusha, Dominique - CDMG, Yuria - Speed, Larimar - ATK or ATK + HP (must be highest ATK on team)
Team 40
Mode: GR Charite || Formation: Basic
#1 Team Comp [Whale] Hazel Hyper Carry Team. Yuria Shields. BiS DPS Team
Ult - Hazel first, Lilith after. Dominique can ult if Lilith is low invest. Subs - Mephi can replace Lilith if account has no Lilith.
Gear: Hazel - CDMG, Rest - Speed.
Team 41
Mode: GR Charite || Formation: Basic
Melfice/Tasha Dual Carry. Catherine (Radiance)/Yuria Shields. Melfice mana control.
Ult - alternate between Melfice and Tasha/Bryce (depending on invest)
Gear: Yuria - Speed, ACath - Attack (1st), Rest - CDMG
Team 42
Mode: GR Charite || Formation: Assault
Eve Carry. No shields needed due to insane mana control.
Ult - Eve until last ult, then Dominique. Subs - Naomi can replace Eve as main DPS, Ayame can replace Lilith if you lack her, lower damage ceiling however.
Gear: Eve - Attack/CDMG, Rest - Speed. Eve needs highest Attack on team.
Team 43
Mode: GR Charite || Formation: Defense
Team 44
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Basic
{01-Dec-2024} As long as you have 4pc speed on Yuria then her shield timings should line up to prevent stun. If it's not lining up, you can use Cath's shield as a backup. Larimar's sentence is not that important here, but her debuff spreading is. If you're playing on manual, make sure you don't cancel her Sub2 ability.
Ult: Sigrid ult mostly. If you're dying after the first mob wave ends, try using Yuria ult just before that. Swap back to Sig ult afterwards and watch HP as you may need to use Yuria ult again. Subs: Ayame/Nicole instead Larimar.
Gear: Sigrid - ATK, Rest - Speed (Sigrid needs higher ATK than Kanna)
Team 45
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Defense
{01-Dec-2024} Wheri's shield should line up to block the stun after first mob wave. Use Lilith Main before using Erusha Main/Ult if possible.
Ult: Erusha only (most cases). You can try using Onyx ult just before each mob wave starts. Increases damage for some people.
Gear: Erusha - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 46
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Ranged
{01-Dec-2024} If playing manually, tick the auto button when it's time for Petra to use her main skill so that you don't throw off her shield timings.
Ult: Alternate Bryce and Melfice. Use Linzy's ult at the end
Gear: Linzy (Thantos), Bryce - CDMG, Melfice - HP, Rest - Speed (if Melfice isn't having survival issues then swap to speed)
Team 47
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Basic
{01-Dec-2024} No special explanation needed. Basically an auto comp.
Ult: Sigrid until the end and then use Linzy. Yuria ult just before first mob wave ends if you're having survival issues.
Gear: Sigrid, Linzy (Thanatos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 48
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Defense
{01-Dec-2024} Use Lilith Main before using Erusha Main/Ult if possible.
Ult: Erusha only (most cases). You can try using Onyx ult just before each mob wave starts. Increases damage for some people. Sub: Soonie can be used instead Daphne.
Gear: Erusha, Dominique - CDMG, Rest - Speed (if your Dominique is having survival issues, switch her to 2pc ATK 2pc CDMG, but make sure either slot 3 or 4 has an Anni ATK piece in it for lifesteal)
Team 49
Mode: GR Dark Knight || Formation: Basic
{01-Dec-2024} Hazel must have the highest ATK so that she gets Eve's buff
Ult: Hazel Sub: Daphne can be used instead Soonie. Violette can replace Claudia (but lower damage) for pairing with Hazel.
Gear: Hazel - ATK, Claudia - CDMG, Rest - Speed (if your Daphne is having survival issues, switch her to 4pc HP or DEF)
Team 50
Mode: GR Pluto || Formation: Defense
#1 Team Comp by far. Build stacks on Linzy (Thanatos) and unleash huge Ult at the end, making sure Larimar's sentence is active to copy damage.
Ult: Sigrid until final rotation, then Linzy (Thantos)
Gear: Linzy (Thantos) - CDMG; Rest - Speed
Team 54
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Basic
#1 team. Dominique carry. Cleanse - Yuria, Stun - Larimar, Needs Catherine (Radiance) shields for survival.
Ult - Dominique.
Gear: Dominique - CDMG, Rest - Speed. | Lilith works even at low ascension to make this team do more dmg than other options.
Team 55
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Assault
Sigrid Carry team variant. Sigrid needs highest Attack. Cleanse - Beleth, Stun - Haru.
Ult: Sigrid
Gear: Sigrid - CDMG (Attack if needed), Haru - CDMG/Spd, Eileen - HP if needed to survive, Rest - Speed.
Team 56
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Assault
Team 57
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Assault
Team 58
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Basic
Team 59
Mode: GR Rudra || Formation: Assault
Linzy (Thanatos) Carry team. Linzy (Thanatos) needs highest Attack. Damage potential similar to Edith teams. Cleanse - Beleth, Stun - Daphne/Lute.
Ult - Eve, Beleth, Linzy (Thantos) (last Ult phase)
Gear: Linzy (Thantos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed. Flex: Daphne/Lute
Team 60
Mode: IR Cheese || Formation: Assault
Team 61
Mode: IR Cheese || Formation: Assault
{01-Dec-2024} Team based on current/last iteration of the Boss Buff/Debuffs. Level 400~ Sync clear. If you are overhealing, can swap out Beleth with Linzy (Thanatos)
Ult: Catherine (Radiance) and then Beleth. If using Linzy (Thanatos) Ult: Catherine (Radiance), then Eve once and then Linzy (Thanatos)
Gear: Catherine (Radiance) - Anni Attack, Linzy (Thanatos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 62
Mode: IR Choco || Formation: Basic
{16-Dec-2024} Team based on current/last iteration of the Boss Buff/Debuffs. If you're struggling then you should try hyperleveling Honglan.
Ult: Honglan if Sakuyo is low ascension. If Sakuyo is Eternal+ or higher, then ult with her instead
Gear: Sakuyo (Inferno) - CDMG, Honglan - ATK (only if she's your main DPS), Rest - Speed
Team 63
Mode: IR Tabby || Formation: Assault
{07-Dec-2024} Team based on current/last iteration of the Boss Buff/Debuffs
Ult: Hazel first, then Erusha for the remainder of fight. Onyx ult for survival if necessary. Sub: If your Hazel is low investment (below Et+ with L+ artifact), you can sub her out and use Lilith instead, but swap Lilith and Garnet positions.
Gear: Erusha - CDMG; Hazel, Dominique - ATK (put 1pc Anni ATK on each one in slot 3/4 for lifesteal); Onyx, Ganet - Speed
Team 64
Mode: IR Tabby || Formation: Defense
{07-Dec-2024} Team based on current/last iteration of the Boss Buff/Debuffs
Ult: Yuria (if souls are dying) or Garnet (if souls aren't dying); Linzy ult near the end before final sentence expires
Gear: Linzy (Thanatos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 66
Mode: IR Tofu || Formation: Defense
Team 67
Mode: WR Behemoth || Formation: Defense
Partners: Wheri (Clara - Main) (Aira - Sub) ; Lilith (Larimar - Main) (Claudia - Sub) ; Onyx (Yuria - Main) (Mephistopheles - Sub) ; Dominique (Naiah - Main) (Kanna - Sub) ; Hazel (Lizelotte - Main) (Vivienne - Sub). If listed Subs are low ascension, you can replace them with higher ascension souls that provide the same buff
Gear: Hazel - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 68
Mode: WR Behemoth || Formation: Defense
Partners: Linzy (Thanatos) (Otoha - Main) (Nini - Sub) ; Violette (Linzy - Main) (Eve - Sub) ; Yuria (Catherine - Main) (Lute - Sub) ; Joanne (Soonie - Main) (Kanna - Sub) ; Larimar (Naiah - Main) (Erusha - Sub). If listed Subs are low ascension, you can replace them with higher ascension souls that provide the same buff
Ult: Joanne Ult (2.:42~), Larimar Ult(1:50~), Violette Ult (0:56~), Yuria (0:37~) and then Linzy (Thanatos)
Gear: Linzy (Thantos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed
Team 69
Mode: WR Lighthouse || Formation: Defense
{07-Dec-2024} Partners: Linzy (Thanatos) = Violette (Main), Petra (Sub); Larimar = Dora (Main), Eve (Sub); Yuria = Linzy (Main), Erusha (Sub); Catherine (Radiance) = Joanne (Main), Vivienne (Sub); Wheri = Naiah (Main), Lute (Sub) - If listed Subs are low ascension, you can replace them with higher ascension souls that provide the same buff
Ult: Wheri (1:39); Yuria (1:09), Larimar (0:44). Use Linzy's ult during second groggy phase just before Larimar's sentence is about to expire
Gear: Linzy (Thantos) - CDMG or ATK, Rest - Speed
Team 70
Mode: WR Lighthouse || Formation: Defense
Partners: Catherine (Radiance) (Soonie - Main) (Vivienne - Sub) ; Violette (Catherine - Main) (Kanna - Sub) ; Yuria (Linzy - Main) (Lute - Sub) ; Linzy (Thanatos) (Renee - Main) (Petra - Sub) ; Larimar (Velanna - Main) (Eve - Sub). If listed Subs are low ascension, you can replace them with higher ascension souls that provide the same buff
Ult: Don't use Catherine (Radiance) Ult at all, save Linzy (Thantos) Ult for the end (or as late as possible before dying), save Yuria Ult for survival as necessary.
Gear: Linzy (Thantos) - CDMG, Rest - Speed
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