EveBuild and Guide


Eve is a Epic rarity character from the Defender class who belongs to the Demon faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Eve check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Eve check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Crowd Control (Non Stun)
Mana Reduction/Drain
Mana Gain
Damage Reduction
Build info
Speed > HP
Speed > HP


  • Support - Ideally Speed, HP if struggling to survive.

  • DPS - Attack and nothing else.


Temptation and Punishment

Type: Control

Eve unleashes her power, inflicting the enemy that has the highest ATK with "Temptation" to control their mind. Target under "Temptation" attacks allies for 10 seconds and can use their main skill.

If "Lonesome Soul" is active, inflicts permanent "Punishment" instead of "Temptation", which destroys the enemy's mind and deals damage equal to 60% of ATK every 2 seconds. This effect does not count as DoT and can land critical hits.

Level 101:

"Temptation" duration changes to 12 seconds, and "Punishment"'s damage changes to 70%.

Level 201:

"Temptation" duration changes to 14 seconds, and "Punishment"'s damage changes to 80%.

If Target is immune to "Temptation," "Punishment" is applied instead. Inflictiing "Punishment" on enemy already inflicted with "Punishment" inflicts the "Aggravated Punishment" debuff which deals damage equal to 40% of ATK seconds and stacks up to 10 times. This effect does not count as DoT and can land critical hits.


Forbidden Wisdom

Type: Damage - Single

Eve focuses on the nearest target, unleashing a powerful energy blast in a straight 3m wide and 11m long area, dealing damage equal to 280% of ATK. Reduces the attacked target's Mana by 2000. If there is a target of "Bound Soul," restores the target's Mana by 2000. If "Lonesome Soul" is active, deals additional damage equal to 110% of ATK and recovers 2000 Mana.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 300%, additional damage changes to 120%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 320%, additional damage changes to 130%. Mana decrease and recovery change to 3000.



Type: Control

Eve seals the power of the target with the most current Mana, dealing damage equal to 200% of ATK and silencing them for 6 seconds. If "Lonesome Soul" is active, deals additional damage equal to 80% of ATK and recovers HP.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 220%, additional damage changes to 90%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 240%, additional damage changes to 100%. Additionally, silence duration changes to 8 and becomes uncancellable.


Bound Soul

Type: Buff

Eve binds with the ally with the highest ATK. Grants the "Bound Soul: Protect" effect in which for 24 seconds, Eve receives 30% of the damage received by the target and also grants the "Bound Soul: Amplify" which increases the target's ATK by 30% and Crit Rate by 20%. This "Bound Soul: Protect" effect does not stack with Daphne's "Binding Will" skill effect (only the more recently used skill's effect will be applied). Targeting herself grants the "Lonesome Soul" buff effect which multiplies the ATK increase by 2 and enhances skills.

Level 41:

Eve receives 40% of the damage received by targets that have the "Bound Soul: Protect" effect.

Level 141:

Eve receives 50% of the damage received by targets that have the "Bound Soul: Protect" effect. "Bound Soul: Amplify" effect's ATK increase changes to 50% and Crit Rate changes to 30%.


Wings of Acceptance

Type: Buff - Mass

Decreases the incoming DoT of all allies by 30% while Eve is on the battlefield. However, this effect does not apply if "Lonesome Soul" is active, and her normal attacks deal additional damage equal to 80% of ATK instead.

Level 61:

Incoming DoT decrease changes to 40%. Normal attack's additional damage while "Lonesome Soul" is active changes to 90%

Level 161:

Incoming DoT decrease changes to 50%. Normal attack's additional damage while "Lonesome Soul" is active changes to 100%

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Primordial Wisdom

Type: Active

Level 1: Using the main skill fully restores Lead Soul's Mana. Using the main skill again with full Mana propels her into an Overload mode for 22 sec, during which Mana Recovery is disabled.

Level 7: Using the main skill fully restores Lead Soul's Mana. Using the main skill again with full Mana propels her into an Overload mode for 12 sec, during which Mana Recovery is disabled.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Def +15%, Physical and Magical Resistance +6%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Def +60%, Physical and Magical Resistance +15%



Artifact Skill

Tablet of Fate

Type: Buff - Mass

Adds an effect to the "Wings of Acceptance" skill which increases Physical/Magic Resistance by 4%. However, this effect does not apply when "Lonesome Soul" is active and instead increases Speed by 8%. Total damage received decreases by 15% if there is a target for "Bound Soul."

Upgrade 1:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 6% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 12%.

Upgrade 2:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 8% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 16%.

Upgrade 3:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 10% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 20%. Total damage received decreases by 22.5% if there is a target for "Bound Soul."

Upgrade 4:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 12% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 24%.

Upgrade 5:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 14% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 28%.

Upgrade 6:

Physical Magic Resistance changes to 16% and "Lonesome Soul" Speed increase changes to 32%. Total damage received decreases by 30% if there is a target for "Bound Soul."

Artifact Stats


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)

Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our third Demon faction soul, Eve is in many ways a very unique and strange unit. Her introduction to the roster is already an interesting factor lore-wise, as she's basically considered a God among souls, and comes from a different timeline than the one we're in. Aside from this oddity, her classification and kit are also unique. She's our first Int-based Defender, who is also a ranged unit.

Her kit is basically split in two based on her passive "Bound Soul"; if she has the highest Atk in the party, she receives the buff "Lonesome Soul", which turns her into a single-taget DPS unit. If not, she becomes a support unit for the ally that has the highest Atk via "Bound Soul: Protect". Either way, she has the potential to bring a lot to the party, though not in the way you'd expect from a defender.

To start, her classification as a defender is questionable to say the least. She can't be used as a traditional tank, as she sits in the backline and even if she were a frontline she doesn't have the defensive stats to survive an onslaught of damage. It's best to think of her as a support and use her as such when it comes to positioning and team composition. Her one defender-like quality is her damage share skill "Bound Soul: Protect". When she is not the highest Atk unit in the party, this will bind her to the unit with the highest Atk, buffing them and taking 50% of the damage they receive while providing them with 20% Crit Rate and 30% Atk.

This damage sharing means that even as a support she will require some decent investment to stay alive. Ascending her artifact will help with this, as it increases the teamwide resistances and decreases the damage Eve takes from the bond. In raid scenarios, the buildup of damage she takes as the boss gains stacks will often mean an early death without proper investment and/or defensive gear.

In both 5v5 content and raids, she is a great support unit. Her single-target buffs to the unit with highest Atk are amazing, as she also acts as a mana battery for them through the use of her main skill. In raids, this will boost your main carry significantly, allowing them to use their main skill more frequently, which in turn will also build ultimate charge faster. The skill also provides a mana drain, which is an important addition for certain raids and ESS.

Building her to be the highest Atk in the party to take advantage of the Lonesome Soul self-buff portion of "Bound Soul" is particularly difficult, as she suffers from defender class stats, albeit with a much higher Atk. Compared to traditional carries, however, she will require a significant amount of investment to bring her Atk above theirs, or alternatively, just be put in a party without any other carries. For regular PvE, this probably isn't worth it. She may work decently as a carry in raids, but whether or not it'd be worth it over using already existing carries remains to be seen.

Lastly, her ultimate is another very interesting and unique feature. In 5v5 content, while not in Lonesome Soul mode, she will use the "Temptation" portion of the skill. This targets the enemy with the highest Atk and basically mind controls them, allowing you to use their main skill against their own teammates, turning the fight into a 6v4. Unfortunately, this may or may not be useful, as combat usually doesn't last long enough if your carries are doing their job, especially if you're already using a very strong carry's ultimate instead.

In single target combat where the enemy can't be affected by Temptation, or when she is in Lonesome Soul mode, the "Punishment" version of her ultimate is applied instead. This applies a DoT (that isn't treated as a DoT, so is not affected by things that apply to regular DoT) to the target that can cause critical damage, and can be stacked up to 10 times. The skill will remain on the target until they are incapacitated. Again, this is likely not worth using in 5v5 content, however the amount of damage she can rack up in raids may prove to be significant since it lasts throughout the entire duration of the fight. Even if you are unable to get her Atk higher than anyone in your party, using her ult early in the fight and allowing the damage to tick off throughout the fight would be a decent passive addition to overall DPS.

Overall, Eve is an amazing unit, though whether or not she's worth going all-in for will depend entirely on the status of your account. For newer players, investing in a true hyper-carry is likely the best bet, as she CAN do decent DPS but won't shine at it as well as other pure DPS characters. Her true potential is brought out when you have a well-built hypercarry that she can be tethered to, providing them with insane buffs and feeding them mana.

Pros & Cons

  • Great Single Target buffs.

  • Teamwide Resistance buffs.

  • Mana drain and mana Battery.


  • Only buffs one DPS.

  • Damage Sharing can cause survival issues at lower ascensions.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • Or... is there something else that I'm not aware of?

  • "Eve, I want to know about you."

  • "You can come, but not to the bed."

  • I can't answer her question.

  • "Don't you want to solve this problem?"

  • "Maybe you can persuade them."

  • "Want me to come with you?"

VA & Release
Release date
January 11th, 2024
Lee Hyunjin
Various information
Personal information
Forbidden Wisdom
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Experiments, Logical Conclusion
Going around outside