WheriBuild and Guide


Wheri is a Epic rarity character from the Supporter class who belongs to the Fairy faction and who uses the INT gear type.

To learn more about Wheri check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Wheri check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Damage Reduction
Shield (Allies)
Mana Gain
Build info
Speed > HP
Speed > HP

Attainer of Harmony

Type: Buff

Wheri briefly taps into her true potential to preserve life in harmony, entering into the "Attainer of Harmony" mode for 18 sec, during which both "Researcher of Life" and "Upholder of Preservation" effects become active.

Level 101:

Duration changes to 21 sec.

Level 201:

Duration changes to 24 sec. She also becomes immune to crowd control effects while in "Attainer of Harmony" mode.


Guardian Silk

Type: Healing

Empowers all allies with the Guardian Silk. The effect depends on Wheri's mode.

  • "Researcher of Life" - Restores HP by 25% of Wheri's max HP.

  • "Upholder of Preservation" - Increases Physical/Magic Resistance by 15% for 12 sec.

Level 81:

Recovery changes to 30%, and Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 20%.

Level 181:

Recovery changes to 35% and Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 25%. "Researcher of Life" mode also removes 3 negative effect(s) from allies. "Upholder of Preservation" mode also grants immunity to crowd control and movement effects for 5 sec.


Forest-Piercing Light

Type: Buff - Mass

Channels the energy of the forest to all allies, increasing their ATK by 20% for 10 sec. Additional effect depends on Wheri's mode.

  • "Researcher of Life" - Duration is multiplied by 1.5.

  • "Upholder of Preservation" - The increase amount is multiplied by 1.5.

Level 21:

ATK increase changes to 25%.

Level 121:

ATK increase changes to 30% and effect duration changes to 12 sec.


Wave of Growth

Type: Healing

Channels the forest's life-giving energy to all allies. Additional effect depends on Wheri's mode.

  • "Researcher of Life" - Restores the HP by of Wheri's max HP every 2 sec for 16 sec.

  • "Upholder of Preservation" - Grants a shield that absorbs damage equal to 15% of Wheri's max HP for 16 sec.

Level 41:

Recovery changes to 2.5%, and shield HP changes to 17.5%

Level 141:

Recovery changes to 3%, and shield HP changes to 20%. Also recovers 1000 Mana.


Dynamic Adaptation

Type: Healing

If Wheri is the only Supporter on the team, she enters the "Researcher of Life" mode, specializing in HP restoration. If there are other Supporters on the team, she enters the "Upholder of Preservation" mode, specializing in ally protection.

Wheri's normal attack deals damage equal to 4% of Wheri's max HP with an additional effect based on her mode.

  • "Researcher of Life" - Her normal attack restores the HP of all allies by 2% of Wheri's max HP.

  • "Upholder of Preservation" - Her normal attack is guaranteed to land as a critical hit. All effects of her normal attack are multiplied by 2.

Level 61:

Normal attack damage changes to 4.5% and recovery changes to 2.5%.

Level 161:

Normal attack damage changes to 5% and recovery changes to 3%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Rapid Growth

Type: Passive

Level 1: Increases the lead Soul's max HP by 40%. If the lead Soul is not a Supporter, using the main skill restores the HP of all allies by 2% of the lead Soul's max HP every 2 sec for 18 sec. If the lead Soul is a Supporter, using the main skill grants a shield that absorbs damage equal to 5% of the lead Soul's max HP for 18 sec to all allies.

Level 7: Increases the lead Soul's max HP by 100%. If the lead Soul is not a Supporter, using the main skill restores the HP of all allies by 3% of the lead Soul's max HP every 2 sec for 18 sec. If the lead Soul is a Supporter, using the main skill grants a shield that absorbs damage equal to 10% of the lead Soul's max HP for 18 sec to all allies.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Def +15%, Physical and Magical Resistance +6%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Def +60%, Physical and Magical Resistance +15%



Artifact Skill


Type: Buff

Wheri's max HP increases by 20%. The following effects become active based on Wheri's mode while she is on the battlefield:

  • "Researcher of Life" - All allies' Recovery increases by 15%.

  • "Upholder of Preservation" - All allies' total damage received decreases by 10%.

Upgrade 1:

Max HP increase changes to 25%, ally Recovery increase changes to 17.5% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 11.5%.

Upgrade 2:

Max HP increase changes to 30%, ally Recovery increase changes to 20% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 13%.

Upgrade 3:

Max HP increase changes to 35%, ally Recovery increase changes to 22.5% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 15%.

Upgrade 4:

Max HP increase changes to 40%, ally Recovery increase changes to 25% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 16.5%.

Upgrade 5:

Max HP increase changes to 45%, ally Recovery increase changes to 27.5% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 18%.

Upgrade 6:

Max HP increase changes to 50%, ally Recovery increase changes to 30% and ally total damage received decrease changes to 20%.

Artifact Stats


Buffer / Sustain

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Wheri is the fourteenth Fairy Soul released in the game. She is an INT Support who primarily relies on healing and defensive buffs to support her team significantly. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Passive - Dynamic Adaptation: The core of her skillset, Wheri has two modes she can function in - Researcher mode, if there are no other Supporters on the team, Preservation mode otherwise. Her skills are changed depending on which mode she is in. Her normal attacks deal damage equal to 4% of her MAX HP. Furthermore, Researcher mode heals allies by 3% of Wheri HP on every normal attack whereas Preservation mode doubles the Normal Attack multiplier and makes them guaranteed crits!

  • Main - Guardian Silk: Researcher mode provides teamwide heal and cleanses 3 debuffs, Preservation mode increases Resistances and grants CC immunity.

  • Ultimate - Attainer of Harmony: Allows her to gain effects of both Researcher and Preservation mode on all her skills and CC immunity for 24 seconds!

  • Sub 1 - Forest-Piercing Light: Her only offensive buff, it increases allies Attack by 30-45% for 12-18 seconds depending on the mode.

  • Sub 2 - Wave of Growth:  Researcher mode provides teamwide heal, Preservation mode grants a teamwide shield. Additionally, it recovers 1000 Mana irrespective of mode.

  • Artifact – Mimisbrunnr: Lastly her Artifact, another defensive skill, it increases her Max HP considerably, boosting her Passive/Normal Attacks whereas Researcher mode increases ally recovery % and Preservation mode decreases damage received by allies..

Wheri joins the roster as another healer, albeit straying from the conventional offensive nature to that of a pure defensive one. That is where the problem starts; Wheri provides excellent healing and survival capabilities, but that is all she does. This severely limits her usage in the majority of endgame content, namely Raids, which the current offensive healers can sustain teams adequately. Unless there’s a future update increasing the current x999 stack limit, Wheri’s extra defensive kit will see little use and you lose out on tons of potential offensive buffs bar 1 Attack up.

That said, she boasts extremely high healing that has potential use in 5v5 PvE content such as Battlefront or Gates if your team is struggling to survive. 

  • Cultured Users:  Do you even need to ask after looking at that design, and her animations?! Peak MILF.

  • New Players: A decent support contender as an Infinite Reroll target alongside Beleth as she heals some and then some more.

  • F2P/Casual Players: Having a copy or two wouldn't hurt for some rare extremely hard content devs occasionally drop on us, but otherwise not much usage as of now.

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players: So far her only potential usage is in Rudra raid and possibly Pluto raid, where boss hits quite hard and the teams tend to die earlier than clock ends for most players. Eternal + would be a good investment to stop.

  • Whales/Rankers: Similar to above.

Team Composition and Synergies

Wheri is an easy character to slot in almost any team comp. If she is the sole supporter, she provides insanely high healing and if she is paired with other supporters she provides considerable shields, damage reduction and resistance increases.


Wheri is very average as things stand, not because of her kit, but because of endgame content game has to offer. The current endgame content is heavily oriented towards offensive healers who maximize damage gains for the teams, compared to Wheri who would shine in content with extremely hard hitting enemies.If someday Guild Raid stack limit is increased from x999 to x9999 or some other higher ceiling, Wheri’s support capabilities could be an unmatched option. Until then however, she will see very rare use in certain ESS/IR content based on debuffs/buffs, some Depths and absolutely looking stunning on your homescreen.

Pros & Cons

  • Buffs that enhance team survival significantly.

  • Artifact HP buff significantly increases her Passive/Normal Attacks output.

  • Very high healing potential.


  • Lacks offensive buffs to fit in current Raids meta.

  • Timing of the banner is harsh.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • Why are you so much colder during the day?

  • Does it have to be a human, not a Soul?

  • ...jump right in

  • I want to know more about Wheri

  • ...not mistaken. That is what I meant

  • Resist

  • It's because you needed a human partner, isn't it?

VA & Release
Release date
October 31st, 2024
Soojung Hong
Various information
Personal information
Laplace's Observer
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information