SakuyoBuild and Guide


Sakuyo is a Epic rarity character from the Warrior class who belongs to the Beast faction and who uses the DEX gear type.

To learn more about Sakuyo check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Sakuyo check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Crowd Control (Non Stun)
Defense Down
Build info
ATK > Speed > CDMG
CDMG > Speed > ATK

Zero Form Annhiliation

Type: Damage - Single

Lunges at and obliterates the enemy with the highest ATK, dealing damage equal to 440% of ATK. If the "Serene Heart" buff is active, her attack is guaranteed to land as a critical hit and unlocks 1 stage of "Blade Form."

Level 101:

Damage changes 465%

Level 201:

Damage changes 490% this skill incapacitates the target it demoralizes all enemies, silencing them for 8 sec.


Cosmic Embrace

Type: Buff

Sakuya finds inner calm, steadying her stance. Gains the "Serene Heart" buff, which increases her ATK by 30% and Physical/Magic Resistance by 20% for 15 sec. Unlocks 1 stage of "Blade Form."

Level 81:

ATK increase changes to 40%

Level 181:

ATK increase changes to 50%


Triple Heaven Sunder

Type: Damage - Single

Sakuya's "Triple HeavenS under" attack unleashes a series of three strikes, bestowing a merciful demise upon her enemy.

  • "Strike One: Phantom" - Instantly closes in on the nearest enemy with enough momentum to slice their shadow, dealing damage equal to 190% of ATK, then transitions to "Strike Two: Lightrend."

  • "Strike Two: Lightened" - With a flurry of cuts fast enough to tear through light, deals damage equal to 230% of ATK, then transitions to "Strike Three: Sky tear."

  • "Strike Three: Skytear" - Performs a majestic slash capable of tearing the sky, dealing damage equal to 270% of ATK, then transitions to "Merciless Heart."

Level 21:

The damage of each strike changes to 200%, 250% and 300%

Level 121:

The damage of each strike changes to 210%, 270% and 330%


Merciless Heart

Type: Buff

Sakuyo maintains a steadfast heart, bracing for combat. Against the "Merciless Heart" buff, which makes her immune to crowd control and movement effects for 6 sec. Unlocks 1 stage of Blade Form.

Level 41:

Duration changes to 8 sec.

Level 141:

Duration changes to 10 sec if Blade Form 7 is actve, her Crit DMG increases by 50% for 12 sec.


Blade Form

Type: Buff

As the battle heats up, Sakuyo progressively unlocks her true power as "Blade Form" in 7 stages. As each stage unlocks, the effectiveness of "Triple Heaven under" is increased as the following: "Blade Form 1" - Stuns the target of "Strike One: Phantom" for 3 sec. "Blade Form 2" - Using "Strike Two: Lightrend" increases her Crit Rate by 25% for 10 sec. "Blade Form 3" - Decreases the DEF of the target of "Strike Three: Skytear" by 25% for 10 sec. "Blade Form 4" - "Strike One: Phantom" deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK. "Blade Form 5" - "Strike Two: Lightrend" deals additional damage equal to 200% of ATK. ""Blade Form 6" - "Strike Three: Sky tear" deals additional damage equal to 300% of ATK. "Blade Form 7" - All attacks of "Triple HeavenS under" are guaranteed to land critical hits.

Level 61:

Unlocking "Blade Form 4" or beyond increases her damage dealt by 20%.

Level 161:

Unlocking "Blade Form 7" or beyond increases her damage dealt by 50%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Supreme Dominance

Type: Active

Level 1: Using the main skill increases the lead Soul's damage dealt by 30% for 10 sec.

Level 7: Using the main skill increases the lead Soul's damage dealt by 50% for 10 sec.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +5% and Crit Rate +2.5%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +20% and Crit Rate +10%



Artifact Skill

Yoshimoto Samonji

Type: Buff

If the "Merciless Heart" or "Serene Heart" buff is active on Sakuya, her total damage received decreases by 8%. Also, gains "Blade Form 1" when battle begins, and using "Triple Heaven Sunder" or "Merciless Heart" additionally restores 500 Mana.

Upgrade 1:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 12%.

Upgrade 2:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 16%

Upgrade 3:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 20%, and gains "Blade Form 2" when battle begins.

Upgrade 4:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 24%.

Upgrade 5:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 28%.

Upgrade 6:

Decrease in total damage received changes to 32%, and decreases the ATK of all enemies by 25% for 12 seconds when incapacitating an enemy by using "Zero Form Annihilation".

Artifact Stats
Crit Rate
Crit DMG


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Our newest Beast unit, Sakuyo is a small but deadly warrior whose ramp-up type kit allows her to do significant damage in longer fights.

The main features of Sakuyo's kit are her passive, Blade Form, and the subskill Triple Heaven Sunder. Triple Heaven Sunder itself is her main source of damage - it is a three-part attack which is so long it doesn't even leave much time for auto attacks. It is also always followed up with her second subskill, "Merciless Heart".

Her passive, Blade Form, has 7 stages that are increased through various parts of her kit, and each one alters her subskill "Triple Heaven Sunder" in different ways. Ranks 1 and 4 apply to "Strike One: Phantom", adding a 3 second stun. Ranks 2 and 5 apply to "Strike Two: Lightrend", increasing her Crit Rate by 25% for 10 seconds. Ranks 3 and 6 apply to "Strike Three: Skytear", decreasing the defense of the target by 25% for 10 seconds. The second alteration always adds 100% of Sakuya's Atk to it's respective part of "Triple Heaven Sunder". The 7th and final stage of Blade Form makes all parts of the subskill guaranteed crits. It also adds a 10 second 50% Crit Damage buff to her second subskill "Merciless Heart".

Increasing the stages of Blade Form is done via a few methods: Equipping her artifact instantly gives 1 rank at the start of combat for free, 2 ranks if her artifact is Legendary+ or higher. She gets 1 rank for each cast of her main skill and her subskill "Merciless Heart". She also gets another rank from using her ultimate while the "Serene Heart" buff from her main skill is active.While Sakuyo's entire kit is based around dealing damage, her main skill doesn't actually do any. Casting "Cosmic Embrace" gives her the "Serene Heart" buff, raising her own attack by 50% and both her physical and magic resistance by 20% for 15 seconds.

Her ultimate is buffed by her main, as long as she casts it while the "Serene Heart" buff is active, it is guaranteed to crit. In combat against multiple enemies, using her ultimate to finish off a target will also silence all remaining enemies for 8 seconds.

Her artifact is mostly defensive, providing her with a decrease in total damage recieved with each ascension. It also gives her 500 mana when she uses each of her subskills.

With the way her kit functions, she works quite spectacularly when slotted in as a sub-DPS unit in raid content. Her 25% defense debuff has a very high uptime, allowing your team to deal more damage. Further, she doesn't need to use her ultimate, leaving it open for units who need their ults for DPS or buffs. Raid content also gives her the time to ramp up and utilize her kit to its full effect. Being a melee Beast unit is also a great boon, as she can slot into a Tasha-centric team perfectly.

Thanks to her artifact, she is also a capable 5v5 unit, as the damage reduction allows her to survive in melee range better than some of the squishier options. She also benefits from her ultimate targetting the enemy with the highest attack, allowing her to act as a pseudo-backline assassin type unit, though not quite as an effective one as units such as Aki.

Unfortunately for Sakuyo, her kit isn't revolutionary. While she does have excellent DPS, she's just one of many DPS options. She doesn't bring anything especially new or important to the team, making her not a very high priority unit to pull for, especially for F2P and low spenders.

Pros & Cons

  • Great sub-DPS option for raids


  • Selfish DPS character

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • To show you that it's not poisoned

  • "I accidentally broke the plate"

  • "Don't worry. I've got this."

  • "Because you gave it to me"

  • "I don't know how to introduce you to other souls."

  • "Trust is more efficient than distrust."

  • "You can stay here longer, Sakuyo."

VA & Release
Release date
April 25th, 2024
Shin Nari
Various information
Personal information
Sword of Hubris
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Candy and Butterflies
Mutiny and Bittertaste
Horticulture and Sword Collecting