EdithBuild and Guide


Edith is a Epic rarity character from the Striker class who belongs to the Fairy faction and who uses the DEX gear type.

To learn more about Edith check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Edith check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Mana Gain
Stun (Main)
Build info


Attack if can't proc 6 buffs on her for guaranteed Critical Hits.


Attaque au fer

Type: Damage - Single

Edith strikes the nearest enemy with a series of thrusts and then finishes off with a powerful blow, dealing damage equal to 350% ATK. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has.

  • 2 or more: Deals 1.5x damage.

  • 4 or more: Deals 2x damage and restores 5000 Mana.

  • 6 or more: Deals 3x damage, restores 5000 Mana, and guarantees a critical hit.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 375%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 400% and damage increases by 4.5x if she has 7 or more buffs.



Type: Control

Edith launches a sword blast with 3m wide & 1.8m long to the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 240% of ATK and stunning them for 3 seconds. Additional effects come into play depending on the number of buffs she has.

  • 4 or more: Deals 1.5x damage to the main target.

  • 6 or more: Deals 2x damage to the main target and removes 2 of the target’s buffs.

  • 8 or more: Deals 3x damage to the main target, removes 4 of the target’s buffs, and guarantees a critical hit.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 260%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 280%, and recovers 2000 of her Mana when she has more than 6 buffs.



Type: Damage - Single

Edith swiftly stabs the nearest enemy with rapid and refined movement, dealing damage equal to 180% of ATK. She deals additional damage equal to 100% of ATK if she has a speed buff.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 190%, additional damage changes to 110%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 200%, additional damage changes to 120%, and decreases the target’s Speed by 20% for 12 sec if Edith has any Speed buff.



Type: Damage - Single

Edith lunges at the nearest enemy and strikes their weak point, dealing damage equal to 200% ATK. Guaranteed as a critical hit if she has an ATK buff.

Level 41:

Damage changes to 220%.

Level 141:

Damage changes to 240%, and if she has DEF or Physical/Magic Resistance buff, deals additional 120% ATK damage that fully ignores the target’s DEF and decreases the target’s DEF by 25% for 12 sec.



Type: Buff

When Edith takes damage, she increases her Physical/Magic Resistance by 50% for 8 sec, and deals 170% of ATK damage to targets within 3m, and decreases their ATK by 20% for 8 sec. (10 seconds cooldown)

Level 61:

Damage changes to 185%, and gains a shield equal to 180% of her ATK for 8 sec.

Level 161:

Damage changes to 200%, changes skill order to “Fente” when “Riposte” activates.

Partner Skills
Main Partner


Type: Passive

Level 1: When the lead Soul is attacked, increases her Physical/Magical Resistance by 40% for 5 sec. If the lead soul is Hazel, the duration changes to 8 sec and Hazel's Mana is increased by 3000 (Cooldown 15 sec)

Level 7: When the lead Soul is attacked, increases her Physical/Magical Resistance by 40% for 5 sec. If the lead soul is Hazel, the duration changes to 8 sec and Hazel's Mana is increased by 3000 (Cooldown 8 sec)

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +5% and Crit Rate +2.5%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +20% and Crit Rate +10%



Artifact Skill


Type: Buff

Her ATK increases by 6%. If “Riposte” is activated, increases additional 6% ATK for 15 sec.

Upgrade 1:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 9%.

Upgrade 2:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 12%.

Upgrade 3:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 15%. Speed increases by 25% for 15 sec when “Riposte” is activated.

Upgrade 4:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 18%.

Upgrade 5:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 21%.

Upgrade 6:

ATK increase of both effects changes to 24%. Speed increase upon being hit changes to 40%.

Artifact Stats


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Edith is a DEX Striker Fairy Soul who primarily relies on various self-stacks and damage in her skillset to shine. She received a balance patch on 23/Jan/2025, significantly buffing her. Let's take a look at her skills first:

  • Passive - Riposte: What makes Edith a monster, every 10 seconds whenever she takes any damage, she increases her Physical/Magic Resistance by 50%, gains a 180% Attack Shield, decreases their ATK by 20% for 8 sec each and hits enemies within 3m of her with a Counter. A massive self defensive buff that enhances her survivability to absurd levels. 

  • Ultimate - Attaque au fer: A single target skill aimed at the nearest enemy that can do 400-1800% damage, restore 5000 mana and a guaranteed Critical Hit depending on buff count she has. A skill that can even kill HP sponge tanks in one go at max ramp up.

  • Main - Moulinet: Similar to her Ultimate but in a Small AoE Range around the nearest enemy with damage ranging from 280-840%, 3 second Stun, 2000 Mana recover, 2-4 buff dispel and a guaranteed Critical Hit depending on buff count she has. Another extremely hard hitting skill that can one shot most units and even strip the likes of Daphne from her immortality.

  • Sub 1 - Remise: A single target skill aimed at the nearest target dealing additional damage & reducing enemy Speed by 20% for 12 sec if she has a Speed buff . 

  • Sub 2 - Fente: Another nearest enemy single target skill that is guaranteed Critical Hit, if she has an Attack buff. If she has a Def/Resistance buff, it further deals additional damage, ignores their Defense for the attack and reduces their defense by 25% for 12 sec.

  • Artifact – Balisarda: A simple artifact that increases her Attack by 6-24% permanently. Furthermore, increases her Attack by 6-24% and Speed by 25-40% additionally when Riposte is activated for 15 seconds, thus can have a permanent uptime.

Kill, Kill, Kill would be the perfect summary to emphasize Edith's role. With 23/Jan/2025 balance patch she is a killing machine second to none, each of her skills hit extremely hard when ramped up, have multiple secondary effects which increase her (and at times, entire teams) DPS significantly.

Despite being a frontline soul with Dex attribute, she is anything but squishy due to absurd buffs Riposte provides here that can be maintained for most of the battle duration. The significant Mana refunds on her Ultimate/Main, paired with her Artifact Speed buff make Edith rotations insanely fast making quick work of most PVE content and score high in raids.

Only condition players need to fulfill to make Edith a killing machine is ensure she has 7 buffs (anything that is marked as blue status in-game regardless of whether it buffs or not) while using her Main/Ultimate for maximum gains, which is easy to do so as Edith can get 5 of the 7 buffs required all by herself, including an Attack and Speed buff via her Artifact to unlock additional effect on some of her skills (and if she has a treasure effect in raids, that’s guaranteed 6).


Investment wise, she has a large appetite being primarily a DPS character.                    

  • New Players/F2P/Casual Players: Extremely worthy, in fact she is now the premier choice of carry newbies should aim for in absence of Chaotic Banners, over Aki. Not only is she usable in Raids at a high level compared to Aki, she also is less dependent on Artifact investment unlike Aki. Origin ascension and Leg+ Artifact is ample.

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players/Whales/Rankers: A great investment even for most Raids, Edith was always dominating in Rudra, and with the new balance patch, it is gonna boost her further. Not only that, Edith ST damage allows her to squeeze into Top 3 teams for most Guild Raids. Origin Artifact is a welcome addition.

Team Composition and Synergies

Eve has a new best friend and it’s Edith, Eve boosts the already insane Edith to new heights by making her more tank and increasing her DPS significantly and reaching the 7 buff count easily. Beyond that she works well with any of the prominent buffers such as Yuria, Beleth, Wheri etc with more buffs the better. Just ensure a team composition that gives her some buffs for maximum kit utility and destruction.


As discussed earlier, Edith is a monster in present meta, shining in no matter what the content and requires some of the lowest investment to get going and decimate PvE (A level 81 Epic Edith can single handedly wipe out BF 8-35). A great investment for all, be it newbies or seasoned veterans. Her Artifact works extremely well at Leg+ but offers a decent return when enhanced to Origin. Oh and her Bond Story skin is hot!

If starting anew, make sure to prioritize her over anyone else in Pick-Up Recruitment. However, you should prioritize spending everstones DPS Chaotic Souls during their banner run/re-run instead due to their exclusivity.

Pros & Cons

  • Extremely High DPS.

  • Extremely Tanky for a Dex Frontline thanks to her Self Buffs.

  • Very Fast Rotations.


  • Need the desired buff count to perform at max power.

  • Significantly vulnerable to crowd-control effects.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • Right, just like your eyes.

  • Say you became friends at a bar.

  • Maybe you should do what you are good at.

  • Chamomile tea and butter cookies for a good night's sleep.

  • As a friend, I will comfort Edith.

  • I just want to look out for you for some reason.

VA & Release
Release date
November 30th, 2023
Kim Sunghee
Various information
Personal information
Knight of the Lilies
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Sparkling Water
Bugs, Housework
Decorating Diary