DoraBuild and Guide


Dora is a Epic rarity character from the Warrior class who belongs to the Human faction and who uses the STR gear type.

A Soul who loves bears so much that she wants to be a bear herself. She has an outstanding talent for martial arts and has created a new category: Bearjutsu. She patrols the forests near the Fayren Union and the Kingdom of Solrey, working as a ranger.

To learn more about Dora check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Dora check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




Lore & Love Story


Stun (Main)
Build info
CDMG = Anniversary Attack Set > Speed > Crit Rate
CDMG = Anniversary Attack Set > Speed > Crit Rate

Bearfoot Stomp

Type: Damage - AOE

Enlarged Dora tramples the nearest enemy and enemies within 3m around it, dealing damage equal to 380% of ATK and stunning them for 3 seconds. Deals additional damage equal to 190% of ATK to the main target that ignores all DEF.

Level 101:

Damage changes to 410%, additional damage changes to 205%.

Level 201:

Damage changes to 440%, additional damage changes to 220%. The additional damage becomes 3m radius AoE if she has “Bear With Me” buff.


Bear Paw-ah Punch

Type: Damage - Single

Puts all her might into a punch that deals damage equal to 380% of ATK to the nearest enemy that ignores 50% of the target’s DEF and stuns the enemy for 3 sec.

Level 81:

Damage changes to 410%.

Level 181:

Damage changes to 440%. If the skill is landed as a critical hit, deals additional 220% of ATK damage.


Bear Knuckles

Type: Damage - Single

A punch of full torque deals damage equal to 280% of ATK to the nearest enemy that ignores 50% of the target’s DEF, and inflicts the target “Dizzy” effect. If she deals damage with “Bear Knuckles” again against the target with “Dizzy” effect, stuns the target by for 3 sec and decreases the target’s Physical Resistance by 15%.

Level 21:

Damage changes to 305%.

Level 121:

Damage changes to 330%. If she deals damage with “Bear Knuckles” again against the target with “Dizzy” effect, deals additional 200% of ATK damage and the skill is landed as a critical hit.


Bear With Me

Type: Buff

Spreading the energy of the Bear! Grants her “Bear With Me” buff for 24 sec that decreases receiving damage by 30% and increases Crit DMG by 80%. Additionally, grants all STR Souls a shield that absorbs damage equal to 30% of max HP.

Level 41:

Crit DMG increase changes to 90%.

Level 141:

Crit DMG increase changes to 100%. Increases ATK by 20% and DEF by 20% of all STR Souls including herself.


Bearly Alive

Type: Buff

Bear among the horde shows off a magnificent visage! When there are any allies within 3.5m near Dora, increases Dora’s DEF by 80% and Crit Rate by 40%. Additionally, if she has “Bearly Alive” buff, she deals additional 100% of ATK damage by normal attack and increases her Speed by 20% for 8 sec.

Level 61:

DEF increase changes to 90%, and Crit Rate increase changes to 45%.

Level 161:

DEF increase changes to 100%. Crit Rate increase changes to 50%.

Partner Skills
Main Partner

Indestructible Bear

Type: Passive

Level 1: Boosts the lead Soul's damage dealt increase and total damage recieved decrease by 30% if the lead Soul has a shield.

Level 7: Boosts the lead Soul's damage dealt increase and total damage recieved decrease by 50% if the lead Soul has a shield.

Sub Partner

Missing name

Type: Sub

Level 1: Lead Soul: Attack +5% and Crit Rate +2.5%

Level 7: Lead Soul: Attack +20% and Crit Rate +10%



Artifact Skill

Bowl of Goldilocks

Type: Defense

Increases Physical/Magic Resistance by 10%. If ally STR Soul is in the radius of “Bearly Alive”, increase the ally’s Physical/Magic Resistance by half of the main amount. If she gains increasing Speed effect from “Bearly Alive” buff, also increases her damage output by 20%.

Upgrade 1:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 15%.

Upgrade 2:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 20%.

Upgrade 3:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 25%. If she gains increasing Speed effect from “Bearly Alive” buff, also increases her damage output by 30%.

Upgrade 4:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 30%.

Upgrade 5:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 35%.

Upgrade 6:

Physical/Magic Resistance increase changes to 40%. Additionally, she becomes immune to crowd controlling effect when she has “Bearly Alive”.

Artifact Stats
Crit DMG
Crit Rate


Damage dealer

PVE (Endgame)


Boss (Pluto)


Boss (Charite)


Boss (Gaia)


Boss (Rudra)


Boss (Knight)


We have reworked our tier list owing to multiple meta shifts and how we rate characters. As such some of the reviews (especially of older characters) might not match the tier list ratings. Please prioritize the ratings given over provided Review. We will be working on updating all reviews, but it is a time-consuming endeavor.

Dora is a STR Warrior Human Soul last balance-patched on 23rd Jan 2025. Her kit primarily relies on nearby ally presence to serve as a bulky DEF ignoring Single Target DPS. 

  • Passive - Bearly Alive: This Passive increases Dora’s Defense and Crit Rate by a whopping 100% and 50% respectively if any ally is within 3.5m of her. Furthermore Dora’s normal attacks deal 100% additional damage and apply an 8 second Speed Buff. 

  • Ultimate - Bearfoot Stomp: Deals AOE damage to the nearest enemy in a 3m radius, stunning them and dealing additional Defense ignoring damage.

  • Main - Bear Paw-ah Punch: A ST skill that targets the nearest enemy, ignoring 50% of its Defense and stunning them, dealing additional damage if it lands as a Critical Hit.

  • Sub 1 - Bear Knuckles: Another ST skill aimed at the nearest enemy and ignores 50% of its Defense. Additionally, it inflicts Dizzy to the target, which when hit again by this Sub-skill inflicts Stun, decreases Physical Resistance, Guarantees a Critical Hit and deals additional damage.

  • Sub 2 - Bear With Me: Grants Dora a “Bear With Me” buff, which decreases incoming damage by 30% and increases Crit Damage dealt by 100%, Gives all STR souls a 30% HP Shield and increases their Attack/Defense by 20%.

  • Artifact – Bowl of Goldilocks: Increases her Physical/Magical Resistance by 10-40% and half that effect for all STR allies in her Passive area. If she gets a Speed buff from her Passive, increases damage dealt by 20-40%. At Origin Artifact, she becomes immune to CC when her Passive is active.

Dora has had a rough time from Launch, being very quickly left behind for other carry options that could more reliably punch above their weight. Dora received 2 previous balance patches over the years that attempted to improve her tankiness and general mechanics, but there was very little reason to main the bearish martial artist. 

Dora’s third and most recent balance patch update on 23rd January promises to bring her kit up to modern standards. Dora is now a horde focused wall breaking DPS with a small STR class focus, buffing any nearby STR allies while bringing explosive single target damage to the forefront. Dora now packs the modern DPS holy trinity of Empowered Normal attacks, strong self buffs, and resistance shred, putting her raw damage in competitive consideration against other modern Human-like DPS, outside of her otherwise middling Ultimate skill. 

Dora’s high single-target DPS makes her well suited to be a main/ sub raid DPS in the right circumstances, but her mechanics generally run into compatibility issues with the various raids - she lacks mana control for Gaia, any significant guaranteed critical hits for Rudra, her hit count is far too low for Pluto, and her single-target focused kit is an ill fit for the Dark Knight raid. We anticipate that she will finally shine at the Charite Guild Raid and Aira Evil Soul Subjugation raids, but only time will tell if the self-proclaimed bear will finally get her time in the sun. 

In Battlefront/ Depths, Dora fits well as a Human in Bear clothing in the existing Beast horde comp and Otoha comps, which primarily feature a good number of STR/ Melee allies that both activate her passive and benefit from her buffs. Her wall breaking capabilities make her more of an up front combatant like Edith, but her lack of utility makes her a  more inflexible pick. Dora has also gained a surprise uptick in pick rates for PvP as a 3rd DPS in the currently popular Linzy (Thanatos)-Otoha comp, being a 3rd difficult to answer body with game ending potential. Dora’s 5v5 presence is mainly a boon for veteran players, who have had time to slowly build her up.


Investment wise, she has a large appetite being primarily a DPS character. 

  • New Players/F2P/Casual Players: A rather easy skip, other options bring more flexibility and utility to the table.

  • Dolphins/Competitive Raid Players/Whales/Rankers:  Dora always has been a mediocre option but her recent buffs provide her a use-case, she is a menace in PvP, can handle her own in PvE for most part. In Raids, she can see some usage as DPS in Human weak content and as a support where STR souls are being used as main DPS. Origin Artifact provides her much value in PvP/PvE with its CC Immunity.

Team Composition and Synergies

Dora primarily wants at least 1 other STR ally to jump into the fray with - she plays a strong complementary role to tanks, giving them a much needed defensive boost with her buffs and shield while bringing her DPS capabilities to the fore. Dora has no particular synergies to note, but will benefit massively from any buffs offered by the usual suspects, assuming the circumstances are ripe for her to succeed.


Dora’s balance patch gives her a boost in usage across content, but not enough to completely propel her into the realm of Meta units unlike Edith. Outside of Human weak content and in BF/Depths, she  will primarily serve as STR Soul Buffer (similar to Dominique for INT Souls, but weaker). A lack of accessibility to a beginner pick up banner also means that Dora likely remains just a comfort pick for long-suffering bear aficionados for now, at least until her next Balance patch.

Pros & Cons

  • Monstrous Damage Multipliers.

  • Tank disguised as DPS.

  • Universal STR Soul Buffing capabilities.


  • Niche use case outside of certain Guild Raids.

  • No easy way to ascend her outside of RNG sack/ events

  • PvP use realistically needs Origin Artifact.

Lore & Love Story

Love Story

The answers below are the correct ones you have to pick to achieve the True Ending (in the order you have to do so).

  • "Is it okay for you to stay in Arkenine for the time being?"

  • "Is it because the knights don't like her?"

  • "You'll be able to become a bear one day."

  • Say good things about her bear ears.

  • I also think you are cute, Dora.

  • Rita

  • I'm confused by your behavior.

VA & Release
Release date
January 5th, 2023
Yealim Kim
Takako Tanaka
Various information
Personal information
Almighty Teddy
May 30
Combat information
Gear type
Hobby and other information
Bruises and spanking
Collecting cork