Tier List


With GFL2’s hectic launch month finally behind us, we have taken the time to thoroughly revamp our tier list. This overhaul has given us the opportunity to address many foundational issues the tier list had and rework everything from the ground up.

The intention behind this overhaul is to:

  • Set clear boundaries between the various tier lists.
  • Update the definitions and criteria to make them more in line with how the game is played.
  • Adjust ratings across the board to reflect the changes.

Tier lists are inherently a problematic way to convey information and should be used carefully. Here's some limitations we have identified:

  • Character tier lists do not convey synergies well: GFL2 is a heavily team-oriented game with a strong focus on character synergy. A tier list organized at the individual character level will inevitably run into presentation issues inherent to depicting an individual character’s value within a team without the context of the team(s). Readers are encouraged to exercise their due diligence when using the tier lists.
  • Information gets lost in aggregation: Representing a character’s power level as an aggregate of their performance across different game modes introduces some level of ambiguity. The subjective nature of such assessments will inevitably cause a gap between a character’s rating and their actual in-game performance.
  • The Tier lists are not an end-all reference: The Prydwen GFL2 Tier lists are intended to be used as an aid to quickly compare characters, especially for newer players trying to scope out the game’s roster. Players are heavily encouraged to supplement the Prydwen GFL2 Tier lists with the various resources available through the game’s many online communities, such as those available on the Official Darkwinter Discord.
  • You may not even need the tier list: The reality is, GFL2 is not a particularly challenging game. This stems from the developers' design philosophy, which prioritizes accessibility to ensure that all players can experience the game’s content regardless of their investment or engagement level. Consequently, the difficulty is so low that referencing tier lists isn’t actually required to finish the vast majority of content—you may even enjoy the game more without them


Here's some additional information about the General & Bossing tier list split:

  • General tier list rates the character performance in the following content:
    • Campaign Stages (Normal/Hard),
    • Event Stages (Normal/Hard),
    • Boss Fight (Standard Battle/Crossroad Challenge),
    • Peak Value Assessment (at level),
    • Expansion Drills (to Drill 10),
    • All other trivial content.
  • Bossing tier list rates the character performance in the following content:
    • Gunsmoke Frontline (Competitive)
    • Expansion Drills (Drill 11+)

To help identify and distinguish between otherwise unrelated characters grouped in the same tiers, the tier list has been further arranged into columns to loosely categorize characters along the general lines of team building. These columns sort the characters into:

  • Core - Core damage dealers are characters that serve as the centerpiece to their team’s offensive strategy. Their primary role is to output damage, and their teams are built around them.
  • Core Support - Core Support characters enhance the performance of the Core by providing specific buffs, debuffs, or resources tailored to amplify their strengths. Examples include Springfield for TLL, Vector for Modkey QJ, and Mechty for Peritya/Klukai - each Core Support is designed to complement their respective Core(s).
  • Utility - Utility characters provide niche abilities that add flexibility or fill gaps in the team composition. They specialize in areas such as mobility, cleansing buffs off enemies, or crowd control. While they may not directly boost damage, they ensure the effectiveness of the Core and Core Support by addressing specific challenges or situational needs.

The intention behind the columns (beyond decluttering the tier list) is to provide newer players better context regarding a character's role in the team. While this arrangement helps organize the tier list, it is not without its trade-offs. Players are encouraged to consult more detailed community resources to understand characters' exact roles within their teams; characters often occupy multiple roles, and concessions inevitably must be made to fit them into a rigid column structure.

Special Tag

Characters with the tag in the top left corner require specific teammates to perform at their full potential. If you can't give them who they want, they will perform below the rating given to them. We will soon provide a list of all very important synergies/pairings.


Characters are evaluated as such:

  • For both tier list, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes),
    • Some characters in the CN Bossing list have dupes attached to them, but only the V1/V2 in cases where it impacts their performance in a big way. We will soon add ratings that show their V0 performance too.
  • For the CN tier list, Mod Keys and their impact on the character is already included into the ratings,
  • What's taken into consideration: raw power, versatility (teams and builds), utility (how unique or essential their kits are), how hard the characters are to play to their full potential,
  • Characters are compared only within the same category when it comes to their placement on the tier list. So don't try to compare Core with Utility based on their ratings.
Ratings definitions
  • T0 - Characters who almost always represent the strongest option within their teams.
    • These characters are highly versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into various team compositions. They consistently outperform their alternatives within their respective roles.
    • These characters significantly impact their teams’ performance by contributing an incredible amount of value - either as potent damage dealers or through powerful utility built into their kits.
  • T0.5 - Characters not strong enough to be T0, but notably stronger than the average T1.
    • While we tried to be as explicit as possible in our rating methodology, there will inevitably be characters that toe the line regardless how we go about it. In the interest of capturing this, this half-tier exists as an in-between.
    • Certain characters excel in their niche, but may have a significant amount of their “value” tied to enabling some other (T0) character. These characters are undeniably important, especially given that this is a team game with heavy focus around character synergy, but to best reflect this relationship, they have been allocated to T0.5.
  • T1 - Characters that excel in their role or in a frequently occurring niche.
    • These characters excel at what they do, and are regularly called upon to fill that niche. These characters are staples to the roster and see frequent use across GFL2’s various game modes.
  • T2 - Characters that excel in an uncommon, but important niche.
    • These can be highly specialized or highly situational characters who, owing to some external factor, only see limited play.
  • T3 - Characters playable if you like them.
    • These characters struggle to make a noticeable impact. Given the game’s low baseline difficulty, it is entirely possible that these characters perform (in some limited capacity) the niche they were intended to fill.
    • While players should never be discouraged from playing the characters they like, it should be noted that there will be a significant gap in performance between T3s and their stronger alternatives.


Global changes:

CN changes:


Added Centaureissi to the Global tier list.


Added Dushevnaya to the Global tier list.


Tier list has been fully revamped and the tabs above have been updated with new information.


Added Daiyan to the Global tier list.


After receiving feedback about the tier list, we've decided to change Vepley's category and adjust her rating.

We also received additional feedback and are considering splitting the tier list from a generic one to two separate categories: Generic content and Bossing. Since different characters shine in different places, having a single rating that tries to average the performance isn't fair.


We have updated both the Global tier list to account for upcoming characters announced to be coming to the game in a few days and also updated the CN tier list to include Springfield and Faye + their impact on the meta.


Official release of the Global and CN tier lists.


Initial release of the tier list page. Ratings are still in progress.

Tier List (General - Global)

You're currently viewing the General (Global) tier list. It shows how the character performs in non-bossing content available in the Global server (list in the tabs above). Use the switcher below to view a different tier list.

General (Global)

Bossing (Global)

General (CN)

Bossing (CN)

Core Support
Core Support
Core Support
Core Support
Core Support
Core Support