DushevnayaBuild and Guide


Dushevnaya is a SSR character from the Support class who wields a weapon from the Sniper Rifle category (KSVK 12.7). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Freeze damage. She was originally released on July 16th, 2024 in China and on February 6th, 2025 in Global.

To learn more about Dushevnaya check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Dushevnaya check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Light Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II
Basic Skill


Targeted | Heavy Ammo

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 80% of your attack power.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Hero’s Code

Targeted | Heavy Ammo

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 2

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 110% of your attack power.

When an enemy unit with Freeze damage debuff dies, gain 1 stack of Ice's Grace.

Ice's Grace: When stacked up to 4 layers, the active skill Hero’s Code gains an additional effect: it ignores 15% of the target's cover damage reduction, modifies the damage to Freeze damage, and increases the damage dealt to targets on our Freeze tiles to 130%. Up to 4 stacks, triggers once. Cannot be dispelled.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Increase the stack gain of Ice's Grace by 1. When it reaches 4 stacks, its effect improves: damage dealt increases to 140%. If the target is on your Freeze damage tile, damage increases to 160%.

Active Skill

Marzanna's Sanction

Debuff, Tile | Ice

Range: 6

AoE: 2

Confectance Cons.: 3

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 tile within 6 tiles, and deal AoE Freeze damage equal to 50% of your attack power to all enemy targets within 2 tiles of it, creating a Frost tile for 2 turns. Enhance this skill the next time it is used, damage increases to 70%, and the target receives Frigid for 1 turn. This enhancement cannot trigger again until used.

When your Confectance Index reaches full, the skill can be immediately used again.

Frost: Applies Frozen to units which end their movement in this area for 2 turns. Enemy units in this area gain a weakness to Freeze damage and Freeze Tiles.

Frozen: Movement is decreased by 1 tile. If Frozen has reached 2 stacks at the end of the action, it is converted into Frigid, which lasts for 1 turn. Maximum of 2 stacks. This is considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Frigid: Unable to move and cannot be actively displaced. Considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Increase the effect range by 1 tile. Enhance skill damage to 70%, and enhance the upgraded skill damage to 90%.

Ultimate Skill

Book of Prophecy Book

Buff, Support

Range: Self

AoE: 7

Cooldown: 3

Stability damage: -

Apply 1 stack of Artic Benediction to all friendly units within 7 tiles. Gain 2 points of Confectance Index and gain Glacial Domain for 2 turns. While in Glacial Domain, if your Confectance Index is 0 at the end of your turn, gain 2 points of Confectance Index.

Artic Benediction: Before an active attack, apply Frozen to the target and increase damage by 10%. Triggers once. The buff cannot be dispelled.

Frozen: Movement is decreased by 1 tile. If Frozen has reached 2 stacks at the end of the action, it is converted into Frigid, which lasts for 1 turn. Maximum of 2 stacks. This is considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Frigid: Unable to move and cannot be actively displaced. Considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Glacial Domain: When an enemy unit within range takes targeted damage from an ally, performs 1 Action Support, dealing 80% attack power as physical damage and 2 points of Stability Damage. Can trigger up to 2 times per turn. Cannot be dispelled.

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Movement Boost II: Increases movement by 2 tiles. Buff effect.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): Increase the effect range by 2 tiles. Also, apply 1 random strong buff and Movement Up II to all friendly units within the range, lasting 2 turns. The damage increase effect from Artic Benediction increases by 10%.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Dispel 1 buff from 4 random enemy units in the area. Increase the stacks of Artic Benediction by 1. While in Glacial Domain, ignore 30% of the target’s defense. Increase the number of support attacks by 1.

Passive Skill

Blessed Artwork


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: -

Increase damage dealt by all friendly units by 10%, with additional 10% increase in Freeze damage. Gain 2 points of Confectance Index at the end of the turn.

When your HP is above 80%, reduce the Stability Damage taken by 1 point, and gain Insight. While you have Insight, increase the range of all non-Ultimate Active Skills and Support attacks by 1 tile.

Insight: Increases the Range of Ultimate Skills by 1 tile. Considered a buff.

Frost: Applies Frozen to units which end their movement in this area for 2 turns. Enemy units in this area gain a weakness to Freeze damage and Freeze Tiles.

Frozen: Movement is decreased by 1 tile. If Frozen has reached 2 stacks at the end of the action, it is converted into Frigid, which lasts for 1 turn. Maximum of 2 stacks. This is considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Frigid: Unable to move and cannot be actively displaced. Considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Vulnerable II: Increase damage taken by 20%. This is considered a defense debuff.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Ignore 15% of the target's Cover Damage Reduction. At the start of the turn, a Frost Tile is created within 1 tile radius around her, lasting for 2 turns. While on a Freeze damage Tile, Dushevnaya's Stability Damage increases by 1 point.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Increase the damage dealt by 20%, with an additional 40% increase to Freeze damage. After an Active Skill, dispel 1 defensive buff from the target. If on your Freeze damage tile, apply Vulnerable II to the target for 2 turns.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Lance of Longinus: Each [Ice's Grace] stack gained above the maximum amount increases the critical rate of Hero's Code by 5%, up to a maximum increase of 30%.

02-03 - Adventurer’s Will: When an active attack only hits 1 target, increases Freeze damage dealt by 20% and stability damage dealt by 2 points.

04-01 - Magical Support: When an active skill generates Freeze tiles, if there are Freeze tiles that already exist within range, triggers a tile reaction, removes the tiles beneath the enemy targets and cleanses 1 buff from them. For each tile removed, gains 1 stack of Ice's Grace, up to 3 stacks.

04-03 - Courageous Claymore: When using Marzanna's Sanction, if it causes the target to enter Stability Break, applies Defense Down II to them for 2 turns.

06-01 - Heart of the Sage: When under the effects of Glacial Domain, gains immunity to movement debuffs.

06-03 - Holy Light: At the start of the turn, if this unit is standing on an allied Freeze tile, 2 debuffs are cleansed.

Common Key Artistic Inspiration: For targets with mobility less than or equal to the user or that cannot move, increases Phase damage dealt by 10%.

Mod Key (CN only):

When an allied unit deals Freeze damage, gain 1 stack of Ice's Grace, increasing all allied units' Freeze damage by 5%, up to a maximum increase of 15%.

Dushevnaya's targeted attacks deal Freeze damage and ignore 30% of the target's defense, additionally increasing Freeze damage dealt to enemy targets by 30%.

At the start of the battle, the two allied units (excluding yourself) with the highest initial attack power have their damage increased by 10% and their Freeze damage increased by 10%.

Ice's Grace: When stacked up to 4 layers, the active skill Hero’s Code gains an additional effect: it ignores 15% of the target's cover damage reduction, modifies the damage to Freeze damage, and increases the damage dealt to targets on our Freeze tiles to 130%. Up to 4 stacks, triggers once. Cannot be dispelled.

Signature Weapon
Eulogistic Verse

Eulogistic Verse

Rarity: SSR

Type: Sniper Rifle

Source: Rate-up Gacha


If a phase weakness is exploited, ignores 10% of the target's defense. If it is a Freeze phase weakness, ignores another 10% of defense.


When the user has Insight, increases damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. Before an allied unit makes an active attack, if the target has Freeze debuffs, increases Freeze damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%. If the target has Frigid, this damage increase is enhanced to 10/12/14/16/18/20%.

ATK: 348
Voice Actors
大関 英里

Dushevnaya images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)

Character Summary

Dushevnaya is an offensive Freeze support played solely alongside other Freeze damage dealers as a specialized damage amplifier for the element. She is most notable for not being very good in her role. This is attributed to her incredibly underwhelming buffs. At base, these are:

  • Passive +10% DMG to all allies on Passive Skill

  • Passive +10% Freeze DMG to all allies on Passive Skill

  • Single instance +10% DMG to allies with Arctic Benediction buff applied through Ultimate Skill

Nevertheless, owing to the limited options within the character roster, Dushevnaya, despite her mediocrity, sees some use in boss content. This is especially true when the content requires multiple teams (i.e., Gunsmoke), and available roles quickly run out of strong alternatives.

Fixed Keys

Fixed Keys core to Dushnevnaya function are:

  • 02-03 - Adventurer’s Will: Dushevnaya is used most frequently as an offensive buffer/debuffer against bosses (i.e., Gunsmoke). As such, the additional stability shred is much appreciated.

  • 04-01 - Magical Support: Dushevnaya gains access to a conditional buff dispel, covering a needed niche for the team in situations that call for it (e.g., cleansing Deichgraf DEF buff).

Dushevnaya’s Fixed Keys focus heavily on her damage. They are a nice touch but ultimately irrelevant as her personal damage output is negligible.

Mod Key

Dushnevnaya’s Mod Key reinforces her “niche” as a damage amplifier for Freeze damage dealers by giving her more of them. While nothing impressive, they help make her feel like a real buffer. These are:

  • Scaling +5% Freeze DMG to all allies, stacking up to +15% Freeze DMG

  • Passive +10% DMG to the two allies with the highest ATK (excluding self)

  • Passive +10% Freeze DMG to the two allies with the highest ATK (excluding self)

As of writing, Dushevnaya’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.

Character Function

Dushevnaya is an offensive Freeze support played exclusively alongside other Freeze damage dealers as a specialized damage amplifier for the element. Her kit offers little in the way of utility, and even less in the way of damage. Her value outside of her niche as a buffer is relatively minimal.

Character Synergies

Owing to the scarcity of Freeze damage dealers within the character roster, Dushevnaya has little in the way of character synergy beyond her obvious pairing with Makiatto (a Freeze damage dealer).

Importantly, whereas Dushevnaya needs Makiatto to justify her own value, Makiatto is coincidentally the one damage dealer that functions perfectly fine on her own. Makiatto is frequently played in teams’ flex slots for the extra bump in damage she provides as a low-maintenance damage dealer. Makiatto-Dushevnaya is not so strong that teams would also want to reserve space for Dushevnaya.

Vertebrae Breakpoints

SSR Characters are reviewed at V0/V1. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Dushevnaya’s significant dupe power spikes at:

  • V6: Dushevnaya’s V6 improves her buffing capabilities by more than doubling her team-wide passive buffs. In addition, she now applies the Vulnerable II debuff. While these upgrades enhance her performance, the overall impact only puts her on par with other elemental buffer/debuffers (e.g., Vector, Mechty) and does not significantly alter her role or utility. As such, players should carefully consider the high cost of pulling for V6.

Pros & Cons

  • Specialized elemental offensive support for Freeze damage dealers


  • Serves as the “dedicated” Freeze offensive buffer not by virtue of her strengths, but by virtue of being the sole Freeze offensive buffer to occupy the niche

  • Kit is stuffed with conditional activations, with very little payoff for meeting those conditional triggers

  • The scarcity of Freeze damage dealers makes Dushevnaya a solution in search of a problem.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Default build:

  • 02-03 - Adventurer’s Will

  • 04-01 - Magical Support

  • The third one is flex.

Best Attachments and Stats
  1. Ice Boost

  2. Phase Strike (recommended for most players as it's a generic set)

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Eulogistic Verse
    Eulogistic Verse
    - BIS
  • Bittersweet Caramel
    Bittersweet Caramel
    - Good alternative
  • Samosek
    - Good alternative
  • Kovrov
    - SR option
  • W 2000
    W 2000
    - SR option