To learn more about Ullrid check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Ullrid check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
Warning Shot
Targeted | Light Ammo
Range: 5
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 2
Select 1 enemy target within 5 tiles and deals physical damage equal to 80% of attack to it.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
Hunter's Sight
Targeted, Melee, Debuff | Melee
Range: 1
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 1
Stability damage: 1
Selects 1 enemy target within 1 tile, dealing melee Physical damage equal to 120% of attack and gains 6 tiles of Additional Movement. If the target is not killed, applies Mark of Prey for 2 turns.
Additional Movement: Can move once, but cannot use any other commands.
Mark of Prey: At the end of action, if within a 5-tile radius of Ullrid, Ullrid inflicts AoE Physical damage equal to 100% of attack. Cannot be cleansed.
Movement Down II: Mobility decreased by 2 tiles, Movement debuff.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): If the target is not killed, applies Mark of Prey and Movement Down II for 2 turns. When Ullrid is attacked by a target with Mark of Prey, reduces damage taken by 20%.
Blade Whirlwind
Targeted, Melee | Melee
Range: 1
AoE: Target
Confectance Cons.: 3
Stability damage: 1
Selects 1 enemy target within 1 tile and deals melee Physical damage equal to 90% of attack to it. Gains Whirlwind after attacking.
Whirlwind: Gain 6 tiles of extra mobility, and allow for the use of Blade Whirlwind.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If attacking the same target within one action, increases damage dealt by 30%. Whirlwind effect is enhanced – Ignores Cover damage reduction when attacking.
Hidden Pursuit
Targeted, Melee | Melee
Range: -
AoE: 1
Cooldown: 3
Stability damage: 2
Select a tile in a cross-shaped area within 5 tiles, move to that tile and deal melee Physical damage equal to 180% of attack to the enemy target with the highest HP within 1 tile.
Consumes all stacks of Hunter's Talent, for each stack consumed, increase damage dealt by this attack by 10%, up to 30% increase. If there are 2 stacks of Hunter's Talent or more, gains 1 stacks Camouflage for 1 turn.
Hunter's Talent: Ullrid exclusive mark. Cannot be cleansed.
Camouflage: When other allied units are present, this unit cannot be targeted by enemy Basic Attacks and Active Skills. This buff is consumed when damage is taken, and can stack up to 2 times. Cannot be cleansed.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Range increases by 2 tiles; consumes Hunter's Talent, increases the damage cap to 60%.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): For every 2% of the enemy target's missing HP, increase self-attack by 1% for this skill. If this kills the target, increase damage dealt by the next Active Attack by 30%. If there are 2 stacks of Hunter's Talent or more, gain 1 stack of Camouflage, Camouflage effect is enhanced and will not be consumed after taking damage.
Optical Camouflage
Range: Self
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 3
Stability damage: 0
Gains 1 stack of Hunter's Talent and 1 point of Confectance Index after Active Attacks.
At the end of an enemy unit’s action, if Ullrid's HP is below 30%, gains 1 stack of Camouflage for 1 turn. Cooldown: 3 turns.
Hunter's Talent: Ullrid exclusive mark. Cannot be cleansed.
Camouflage: When other allied units are present, this unit cannot be targeted by enemy Basic Attacks and Active Skills. This buff is consumed when damage is taken, and can stack up to 2 times. Cannot be cleansed.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): At the start of battle, for each allied target on the field (excluding self), gain 1 stack of Hunter's Talent and 1 point of Confectance Index.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Before attacking, if this unit has moved 2 tiles or more, increase attack by 20%; if Ullrid's HP is below 50%, gain 1 stack of Camouflage, and its cooldown is reduced by 1 turn.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Swift Action: When possessing the [Whirlwind] status, Ullrid can use basic attacks and other active skills, but they consume an additional 2 Confectance Indexes.
02-03 - Predation: Ignores 30% of the enemy target's defense when there are no other enemy units within 3 tiles of the target.
04-01 - Appropriate Caution: Gains 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle.
04-03 - Ideal State: When there are no allied units within 3 tiles of Ullrid (excluding summoned units), increases Ullrid 's critical rate by 20%.
06-01 - Leader's Intimidation: When at full HP, damage dealt is increased by 15%.
06-03 - Hunter's Acuity: When exploiting phase weakness, gains [Attack Up I] for 2 turns.
Common Key Mangle: If the enemy target's HP is not full before the attack, increases damage dealt to them by 7%.
If Blade Whirlwind doesn't kill the target, Ullrid will launch a follow-up attack, dealing 90% of ATK as Physical damage and 1 Stability damage. The follow-up attack damage is increased by 30% and it can be triggered up to 3 times per round.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sword
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After using an active attack, gain 1 point of Confectance Index, can trigger a maximum of once per turn.
When using an active attack, deals additional fixed damage equal to 10/12/14/16/18/20% of your attack to targets not at full HP. For targets with lower HP percentage than the user, increases Critical Damage by 20%.
Ullrid images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Ullrid is a high-mobility damage dealer with a “combo” kit that lets her perform multiple targeted attacks (1~3) per turn - Confectance Index reserves permitting.
Ullrid compensates for her melee-range abilities with a high built-in mobility. Her S1 and S2 permit movement after cast, allowing Ullrid to reposition as needed. Beyond survivability through mobility, Ullrid’s other survivability tool comes from her Ultimate, which applies Camouflage - a one-turn stealth self-buff that prevents enemies from targeting her. Importantly, Camouflage does not make Ullrid immune to damage, and she can be harmed by incidental AOE splash damage (sometimes encountered as boss mechanics).
Fixed Keys core to Ullrid’s function are:
02-01 - Swift Action: Ullrid’s ability to “combo” multiple targeted attacks is actually tied to her fixed key.
04-01 - Appropriate Caution: The additional 3 starting Confectance Index greatly improves Ullrid’s tempo by allowing her to perform up to 3 Active Attacks on turn 1 for 3 stacks of Hunter’s Talent, for a turn 2 full stack Ultimate cast.
Ullrid’s Mod Key represents a noticeable marginal damage increase to her base version. Crucially, it counts as a proc for Qiongjiu’s Action Support - this allows Ullrid (and the team) to easily maximize Qiongjiu’s Action Support procs every turn. However, remember that this can get surprisingly tricky when Qiongjiu is paired with Vector. To briefly cover the interaction:
Qiongjiu’s Mod Key changes her Action Support damage type to deal Burn damage.
Vector’s passive, Perception Shielding, increases the attack count of Burn damage support attacks by +1 (and at V1, +2).
With Qiongjiu’s Mod Key and Vector’s passive, Qiongjiu’s per-turn damage potential increases to 3 (base) + 1 (Ultimate self-buff) + 1/ 2 (V0/ V1 Vector) for a staggering 6 Action Support procs per turn.
As of writing, Ullrid’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.
Ullrid’s primary use case is to serve as the enabler for Qiongjiu’s Action Support procs. Ullrid fulfills the core responsibilities expected of her as a Qiongiu enabler - being that she can (somewhat) consistently perform multiple targeted attacks per turn.
To elaborate on the “somewhat”, Ullrid’s damage output is hamstrung by her anemic Confectance Index gain, which is nowhere near enough to keep up with her skill costs. Ullrid compensates for this with her dedicated SR/ SSR weapon’s trait, which recovers 1 Confectance Index for the first active attack performed in the round. Problematically, this makes her rotations on any other weapon sluggish (read: unplayable). Also, while Ullrid's Mod Key does improve her damage output as it allows her to attack more often, it doesn't fix her Confectance issues.
Qiongjiu-Ullrid is one of Qiongjiu’s more novel pairings and while this pairing will not output the highest damage, its damage is competitive enough to be played at no significant loss to performance for those who appreciate the novelty. Importantly, whereas Ullrid needs Qiongjiu to justify her own value, Qiongjiu has no shortage of alternative enablers to choose from (e.g. Tololo, Daiyan, Belka).
SSR characters are reviewed at V0/ V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Ullrid’s significant dupe powerspikes at:
N/A: Ullrid’s performance gains from her dupes are minimal, so players need not feel obligated to pull for extra copies.
Mobility and stealth provide Ullrid with tools to compensate for the shortcomings of being a Sword wielder,
Good synergy with Qiongjiu.
Camouflage doesn’t do anything aside from making her untargetable - Ullrid is still vulnerable to AoE attacks,
Physical damage type is inherently worse than elemental damage types as it more accurately represents an absence-of-damage-type, and thus cannot capitalize on any related systems,
Extremely reliant on her dedicated SR/SSR weapon to address her Confectance Index issues,
Ullrid’s dependence on Qiongjiu to contribute value leaves her without an identity when stronger alternatives outcompete her for the role.
Build and teams
Default build:
02-03 - Predation
04-01 - Appropriate Caution
The last key is situational.
Ballistic Boost
Phase Strike
ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate
Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.
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