PapashaBuild and Guide


Papasha is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the SMG category (PPSh-41). She was originally released on August 6th, 2024 in China and on December 26th, 2024 in Global.

To learn more about Papasha check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Papasha check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Shotgun Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II
Basic Skill

Warning Shot

Targeted | Light Ammo

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 6 tiles, dealing Physical damage equal to 60% of attack to them.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Honor Guard

AoE, Buff

Range: 6

AoE: 1

Confectance Cons.: 2

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 6 tiles and dealing AoE Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to the target and all enemy targets within 1 tile. If the selected target's Stability Index remains greater than 0 after the attack, the City Warden gains Courage to Endure for 3 turns.

Courage to Endure: Damage dealt with Counter-Terrorism Support is increased by 30%. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Self-Repair: When the City Warden takes lethal damage, it gains this effect. Becomes immune to all damage and fixed damage, and cannot act or be attacked. When the effect duration ends, remove all debuffs and restores all of its HP and Stability Index.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): The duration of City Warden's Self-Repair is reduced by 1 turn. After the user is healed, the City Warden restores HP equal to 20% of its max HP. The Stability requirement for the target has been removed. The effects of Courage to Endure is enhanced: Ignores 30% of defense when attacking Large Targets.

Active Skill

Joint Breakthrough

Targeted, Cleanse

Range: 6

AoE: Map

Confectance Cons.: 4

Stability damage: 0

Select 1 tile within 6 tiles, cleansing 2 debuffs from the user, as well as all control, Command Prohibition effects, and the Frigid effect from City Warden. The City Warden moves to the selected tile and attacks the closest enemy to Papasha, dealing Phyiscal damage equal to 150% of attack. This attack has an additional 50% damage boost against Large Targets.

After using this skill, the City Warden will not move independently for theremained of ther turn. This skill cannot be used if the City Warden is undergoing Self-Repair.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): The casting range is expanded to the entire battlefield, and this attack is guaranteed to deal a critical hit. At the end of the turn, the City Warden launches 1 more instances of Counter Terrorism Support on the nearest enemy target.

Ultimate Skill

Heart of Protection

Targeted, Buff | Light Ammo

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 2

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 6 tiles, dealing Physical damage equal to 150% of attack. The City Warden gains Tenacity to Withstand for 2 turns.

Before the attack, for each buff the user has, the City Warden gains 1 random attack buff, up to a maximum of 2 buffs, lasting for 2 turns.

Tenacity to Withstand: Damage dealt increases with the target's remaining HP, with a maximum of 60%. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Resolve to Defend: Attacks 1 more time with Surveillance. For each time the enermy target is attacked, increase damage dealt to that target by 5%. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): The effects of Tenacity to Withstand are enhanced: Increases the damage taken by the target up to 80%. The potency of random attack buffs is amplified, and the maximum number of attack buffs gained is increased to 3 buffs. For every more than 1 stack of Power of Unity, it counds as 1 Independent buff.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): The City Warden gains Tenacity to Withstand permanently at the start of the battle; Heart of Protection now applies Resolve to Defend for 2 turns.

Passive Skill

United Guards


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: -

At the start of the battle, summons a City Warden near the user. After either the user or the City Warden attacks, the user gains 1 point of Confectance Index.

When the user lands a critical hit, the City Warden's next attack will recieve a 20% critical rate boost.. Similarly, when the City Warden lands a critical hit, the user's next attack gains a 20% critical rate boost.

Power of Unity: Each stack gained increases self and the City Warden's targeted damage by 10%. All stacks are removed before a new attack target is selected. Maximum of 3 stacks. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Security Monitoring: At the end of this unit's action, perform Surveilance on the entire map. When an enemy unit uses a basic attack or an active attack, damage them for 40% of own attack. This effect can trigger 1 time per turn.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): When the City Warden is summoned, its critical hit rate is increased by 30% and critical damage by 20%. At the start of battle, the user gains 3 stacks of Power of Unity. At the end of the action, the user gains 1 stack of 1 Power of Unity.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): The City Warden gains Security Monitoring.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Glory With Us: When using the active skill Honor Guard to attack a Large Target, increases damage dealt by 20%. The stability damage of the City Warden's active skill Counter Terrorism Support is increased by 2 points.

02-03 - Vow to Defend: When the City Warden is undergoing Self-Repair, Papasha's damage dealt is increased by 20%.

04-01 - Unwavering Conviction: The City Warden is unable to move independently, but its attack is increased by 10%.

04-03 - Final Assault: When the active skill Joint Breakthrough deals damage, if there are no enemy units within 3 tiles around the City Warden, damage dealt is increased by 10%.

06-01 - I’ll Learn It: At the start of the turn, if Papasha has less than or equal to buff that can be cleansed, she gains 1 random buff that can be cleansed for 1 turn.

06-03 - Strength in Unity: At the start of the turn, the unit with the lower attack between Papasha and the City Warden gains [Accolades Brilliance] for 1 turn.

Common Key Brilliant Medal: Increases damage dealt by allied units' support skills (excluding self) by 10%. Can trigger at most once per turn.

Signature Weapon


Rarity: SSR

Type: SMG

Source: Shop


When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.


Targeted damage dealt by City Warden is increased by 15/18/21/24/27/30%. After the unit or an allied unit launches a Support Attack, the critical rate of its next active attack is increased by 10%, up to a maximum of 15/18/21/24/27/30%.

ATK: 369
Voice Actors
上坂 すみれ

Papasha images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)

Character Summary

Papasha is a summoner/damage dealer who plays closely around her unkillable summon, the “City Warden”. Papasha’s kit revolves around buffing and directing her summon to assist her in combat.

To briefly cover the summon’s mechanics:

  • The summon inherits Papasha’s stats - 100% ATK, 100% DEF, 80% HP

  • The summon cannot be directly controlled outside of Papasha’s S2 and will randomly explore the map of its own free will

  • When the summon takes lethal damage, it will not die; instead, it will be disabled for 2 turns and then return to combat with full HP

Fixed Keys

Fixed Keys core to Papasha’s function are:

  • 04-01 - Unwavering Conviction: Papasha’s fixed key lobotomizes her summon to prevent it from moving on its own, removing much of the frustration that comes with managing it.

  • 02-01 - Glory With Us: Papasha is used almost exclusively as a utility unit against the Guild Boss. As such, the additional stability shred is much appreciated. The bonus damage vs. Large Targets, applicable against the Guild Boss, is a nice touch but ultimately irrelevant as Papasha’s personal damage output is negligible.

Mod Key

Papasha doesn't have a Mod Key yet.

Character Function

Papasha’s main use case is as a utility character in guild content, where the additional body count of her summon is used to trigger the condition on Deichgraf - Flameberge, Scatter Cross Prison. For each ally hit by the attack, it deals 2 Stability Damage, and if 6 allies are hit by this attack, it applies Tenacity, a 50% DEF down debuff.

Character Synergies

Papasha is brought along primarily to deal with specific stage mechanics (i.e. the aforementioned guild boss hit check). Her value as an enabler or support within a team composition is relatively minimal, as her abilities lack significant synergy or utility beyond her explicit, designed synergy with her own summon.


SSR characters are reviewed at V0/ V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Papasha’s significant dupe powerspikes at:

  • N/A: Papasha’s performance gains from her dupes are minimal, so players need not feel obligated to buy her extra copies.

Pros & Cons

  • Not only she's free, but you can obtain all her dupes and signature weapon from the Guild Shop,

  • Has a decent damage output - as you basically have 2 characters worth of stats combined,

  • The summon provides an additional body on the battlefield that can distract enemies and help with some mechanics,

  • The summon can't die and it will just be disabled for a set number of turns after receiving lethal damage.


  • The summon can't be healed or shielded directly so it 'dies' quite easily - as it can only be healed when Papasha is healed,

  • Forces you to waste a Fixed Key slot to fix the biggest issue with the summon,

  • Outside of the Guild Battle she sees little use,

  • It takes forever to obtain her dupes from the Guild Shop.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Default build:

  • 02-01 - Glory With Us

  • 04-01 - Unwavering Conviction

  • 04-03 - Final Assault

Best Attachments and Stats
  1. Ballistic Boost

  2. Phase Strike (recommended for most players as it's a generic set)

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Svarog
    - BIS
  • Classified Manuscript
    Classified Manuscript
    - Good alternative
  • PPSh-41
    - SR option
  • Use any other SR Weapon you have if you lack above options.