ColphneBuild and Guide


Colphne is a SR character from the Support class who wields a weapon from the Handgun category (.380 Curva). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Hydro damage. She was originally released on December 21st, 2023 in China and on December 3rd, 2024 in Global.

A humanoid that acts as a "team lubricant". Although her slightly "willful" expression will further worsen the situation, she is always able to successfully resolve conflicts in the end. Just leave the task of adjusting the team atmosphere to her.

To learn more about Colphne check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Colphne check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Shotgun Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II
Basic Skill

Quick Reaction

Targeted | Light Ammo

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 3

Selects 1 enemy target within 6 tiles and deals Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them. 

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Crisis Aid

Healing, Buff

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 0

Selects 1 allied target within 6 tiles, restoring their HP equal to 100% of attack and applies Continuous Healing II and Continuous Stability Regen I to them for 1 turn. Gains 1 point of Confectance Index.

Continuous Healing II: Restores 20% of maximum HP at the end of action. This is considered a buff.

Continuous Stability Regen I: Recover 1 point of Stability Index at the end of the action. This is considered a buff.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If the target's HP is fully restored after healing, randomly grant it 1 buff for 2 turns.

Active Skill

Battlefield Glow

Targeted, Healing | Light Ammo, Hydro

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 4

Selects 1 enemy target within 6 tiles, dealing Hydro damage equal to 130% of attack and restores HP equal to 100% of attack of the allied target with the lowest HP. 

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Gains 1 extra Action Support this turn.

Ultimate Skill

Emergency Treatment

Healing, Stability Regen, Cleanse

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 2

Stability damage: 0

Selects 1 allied target within 8 tiles, restoring their HP equal to 140% of attack and 4 points of Stability, whilst cleansing 2 debuffs from them, alongside removing Taunt and Fear effects. 

Taunt: Uncontrollable, forced to use basic attacks on the user. This is removed when the user dies.

Fear: Uncontrollable, actively moves away from the caster. This is removed when the caster dies.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Increases HP regeneration by 10%.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Increases Stability Index Recovery by 1 point.

Passive Skill

Medical Contingency

Support, Stability Regen

Range: 6

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 2

Stability damage: 0

When an enemy unit within range takes Targeted Damage from an ally, prioritize 1 instance of Action Support, dealing 80% Attack Power as Physical Damage and 3 points of Stability Damage. Apply Attack Up I to ally for 2 turns, gain 1 point Confectance Index, triggers once per turn maximum. When actively healing an ally in Stability Break, restore additional 2 points Stability Index, 2 turn cooldown. 

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Attack Up I: Attack is increased by 10%. This is considered a buff.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Stability Index recovery increases by 2 points.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Cooldown reduced by 1 turn.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Doctor's Orders: The active skill Crisis Aid applies Defense Up I and Shelter to the target for 1 turn,

02-03 - Quick Surgery: If an allied target enters Stability Break after being attacked, gain Movement Up II for 1 turn to self.

04-01 - Emergency Express: the effects of active skill Battlefield Glow s enhanced. It also recovers HP to allied targets within 3 tiles.

04-03 - Combat Medic: When the HP of the user is above 80%, increases their attack by 10%.

06-01 - Recovery at Rest: Randomly cleanse 1 debuff from the target after healing.

06-03 - Fast Recovery: When using active heals on targets below 50% HP, increases the healing effect by 20%.

Common Key Fabricated Life: Before using a single target active heal, cleanses 1 random debuff from the target.

Mod Key (CN only):

When performing Assist Attack, heal the ally she is assisting for 50% of Colphne’s ATK as HP and 1 Stability Index.

Signature Weapon

Colphne doesn't have a signature Weapon, as only SSR rarity characters posses one.

Voice Actors
大空直美 (Naomi Ohsora)
皛四白 (Hao Sibai)

Colphne images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)


Colphne is a Healer who ignored every other lesson when she was in school and only focused on learning how to keep her allies alive. And she's very very good at doing that, but at the cost of having underwhelming buffs and damage.

She's the most defensive Healer from all the options available in the game and while this has some benefits as both her HP Healing and Stability Healing are the best in the game - not only value-wise, but her AoE potential is also great, making it easy to top-off the whole team. She can also cleanse debuffs and buff allies, but they are mostly defensive buffs and her only offensive buff comes from her passive - which further puts her behind other Healers.

Pros & Cons

  • Top-tier HP and Stability healing output,

  • Has both single-target and AoE healing, making her pretty versatile,

  • Can cleanse debuffs from allies,

  • Can buff allies, increasing their defenses.


  • Sacrifices everything to be a great Healer,

  • Weak offensive buffs,

  • Weak damage.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Default build:

  • 04-01 - Emergency Express

  • 04-03 - Combat Medic

  • 06-01 - Recovery at Rest

Best Attachments and Stats
  1. Emergency Repair

  2. Phase Strike

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > HP% > DEF%

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Papa-Figo
    - BIS
  • .380 Curva
    .380 Curva
    - Good alternative
  • Use any other SR Weapon you have if you lack above options.