QiongjiuBuild and Guide


Qiongjiu is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the Assault Rifle category (QBZ 191). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Burn damage. She was originally released on December 21st, 2023 in China and on December 3rd, 2024 in Global.

Once a free-spirited knight, he is now the leader of the "Frostfall" team. As Helian's right-hand man, she will take care of everything. She is flexible but never shirks her responsibilities. As long as you "obey the rules", she will be your best partner.

To learn more about Qiongjiu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Qiongjiu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Heavy Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II
Basic Skill


Targeted | Medium Ammo

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 2

Selects 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deals Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Shared Trajectory

Targeted, Buff | Medium Ammo, Burn

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 3

Selects 1 enemy target within 8 tiles, deals Burn damage equal to 150% of attack to them and the user gains Support Boost I.

Support Boost I: Increase damage dealt with Action Support by 15%. Damage against exposed units is increased by 10%. Activates 1 time. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If a kill is scored, increases the damage bonus of Support Boost I to 30%.

Active Skill

Guide to Victory

AoE, Debuff | Burn

Range: 1

AoE: 8

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 3

Select a direction and inflict 110% Attack Power as AoE Burn damage to the first enemy target within 8 grids, applying Overburn for 2 turns.

Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): If the target is inflicted with Overburn, increases the critical rate of this attack by 100%.

Ultimate Skill

Pressing the Momentum


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 3

Stability damage: 0

Gains 3 stacks of Support Boost II. At max Confectance Index, gains 1 additional stack and increases the maximum number of Action Support this turn by 1.

Support Boost II: Increase damage dealt with Action Support by 30%. Damage against exposed units is increased by 10%. Activates 1 time. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Damage Up II: Increase damage dealt by 20%. Considered a buff.

Vulnerable I: Increases damage taken by 10%. This is considered a defense debuff.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Applies Vulnerable I to targets that are not protected by Cover for 1 turn.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): When performing Action Support, applies Damage Up II to self and the allied unit for 1 turn before the aforementioned allied unit makes their attack.

Passive Skill

Steady Plan

Support, Buff

Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 0

Gains 1 point of Confectance Index each time after dealing damage. Increases damage dealt to targets not under the protection of Cover by 10%. When an enemy unit within range receives targeted damage from an ally, performs 1 instance of Action Support, dealing physical damage equal to 90% of attack and 2 points of Stability damage. This effect can be triggered up to 3 times per turn. 

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): After Action Support, apply Overburn to the target for 2 turns. Action Support's damage increases by 10%.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Increases damage by 10% against targets without Cover protection.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Concentration: Gains 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle.

02-03 - Efficient Planning: Before Support Action, cleanse 1 buff from the target.

04-01 - Targeted Training: While in Support Mode, applies Defense Down II to the target for 1 turn before the allied unit's attack.

04-03 - Point of Vulnerability: Modify the effect of the active skill Guide to Victory to deal damage to all enemy targets within 8 tiles in the selected direction. All enemy targets except the first receive 30% less damage.

06-01 - Necessary Adjustments: When a phase weakness is exploited using the active skill Common Rail, the user gains Blazing Assault II for 2 turns.

06-03 - Steadiness: When under the effect of Support Boost, gain immunity to displacement effects applied by enemy units.

Common Key Strategic Negotiations: Increases damage dealt outside of the unit's own turn by 7%.

Mod Key (CN only):

Changes the Action Support damage type to Burn. Targets affected by Burn take 15% increased damage.

Signature Weapon
Golden Melody

Golden Melody

Rarity: SSR

Type: Assault Rifle

Source: Standard Gacha


If the unit has full HP at the end of the action, they gain a random buff, lasting for 1 turn.


Increase damage dealt by 10/10/15/20/20/20%. When gaining buffs, increase damage dealt by the next support attack by 10/15/15/15/20/20%, and grants 1/1/1/1/1/2 stacks stacking up to 2/2/3/3/4/4 times.

ATK: 369
Voice Actors
井口裕香 (Yuka Iguchi)
徐慧 (Xu Hui)

Qiongjiu images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)

Character Summary

Qiongjiu (QJ) is a single-target damage dealer designed around the Action Support mechanic. QJ is among the premier damage dealer options within her single-target niche. QJ’s Ultimate Skill, an Action Support self-buff, makes up the bulk of her damage. To briefly cover her incredible damage potential:

  • QJ’s Ultimate provides her 3 stacks of Action Support II - a +30% Action Support self-buff, and (at max Confectance Index) an additional Action Support for a total damage multiplier of 360%/ 450% per cast.

  • QJ’s Action Support II buff not only stacks with repeated casts, but does not expire between turns, allowing her to carry forward her unused stacks indefinitely.

  • QJ's Ultimate Skill has no cooldown, and she gains 1 point of Confectance Index each time she deals damage. With her high Confectance Index gain, she easily refunds the cost of her skill cast, ensuring 100% uptime on her Ultimate Skill self-buffs.

Fixed Keys

Fixed Keys core to QJ’s function are:

  • 04-01 - Targeted Training: QJ’s Defense Down II, applied before the allied units’ attack, is one of the easiest DEF shred debuffs to apply to enemy targets. This is an exceptional key that noticeably improves teamwide damage output.

Mod Key

QJ’s Mod Key changes her Action Support damage type to deal Burn damage. Importantly, this allows QJ to capitalize on Vector’s potent Burn damage buffs/ debuffs. As well, Vector passively increases QJ’s Action Support to push her per turn damage potential even higher:

  • Vector’s passive, Perception Block, increases the attack count of Burn damage Action Support by 1 (and at V1, 2).

  • With Qiongjiu’s Mod Key and Vector’s passive, QJ’s per turn damage potential increases to 3 (base) + 1 (Ultimate self-buff) + 1/ 2 (V0/ V1 Vector) for a staggering 6 Action Support procs per turn.

As of writing, QJ’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.

Character Function

QJ easily slots in any team: at the core of every team is its damage dealer and QJ’s exceptional damage output makes her a valuable asset to any setup. QJ performs well across all game modes. Naturally, as an exceptional single-target damage dealer, she is good against bosses.

Character Synergies

QJ’s damage output is overwhelmingly attributed to her Action Support, which only triggers when allied units make targeted attacks against nearby enemies. As such, QJ needs to be paired with enablers to consistently fire off all 3/4 Action Support procs every turn. Thankfully, given her simple trigger condition, this is not particularly hard. Notably, several characters are especially well-equipped to fulfill this role (e.g. Tololo, Daiyan, Belka, Ullrid, Makiatto).

Vertebrae Breakpoints

SSR characters are reviewed at V0/V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting QJ’s significant dupe powerspikes at:

  • V3: At V3, QJ’s Action Support applies Overburn, which can be used to trigger Sharkry’s Wise Support (up to 3 times per turn). This potent synergy significantly increases teamwide damage for QJ-Sharkry by letting QJ act as the sole enabler for Sharkry, freeing up team slots that would otherwise have been reserved for Overburn applicators (i.e. Ksenia + Krolik).

Pros & Cons

  • Top tier single target damage output - she's still meta even now in CN,

  • Easy Action Support trigger condition gives her the flexibility to slot into any comp with minimal teambuilding considerations (add any one enabler) to accommodate her. 

  • Fixed Key 04-01 provides unconditional DEF Down debuff on Action Support.


  • None.

Build and teams

Best Synergies

This section is still work in progress, so some synergies might be missing! We will update the information as soon as we can.

Global Synergies:
Additional CN Synergies:
Best Build (Keys)

Scenario A (able to perform 4 or more targeted attacks every turn consistently):

  • 02-01 - Concentration

  • 02-03 - Efficient Planning

  • 04-01 - Targeted Training

Scenario B (unable to perform 4 or more targeted attacks every turn consistently):

  • 06-01 - Necessary Adjustments

  • 02-03 - Efficient Planning

  • 04-01 - Targeted Training

Best Attachments and Stats
  1. Phase Strike

  2. Ballistic Boost (situational BIS)

  3. Fire Boost

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Golden Melody
    Golden Melody
    - BIS
  • Guerno
    - Good alternative
  • Planeta
    - Good alternative
  • QBZ-191
    - SR option
  • Use any other SR Weapon you have if you lack above options.