A humanoid who is obsessed with food, a chef assistant at Kaldor Restaurant, and a popular food anchor. The image of her eating delicious food was printed on the promotional posters, attracting a large number of fans. Normally, she's upbeat - except when her weight is mentioned.
To learn more about Sabrina check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Sabrina check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
My Treat
Targeted | Shotgun Ammo
Range: 6
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 4
Selects 1 enemy target within 6 tiles, and deals Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
Delicious Feast
AoE, Debuff, Stability Regen | Hydro
Range: 6
AoE: 2
Confectance Cons.: 2
Stability damage: 3
Selects 1 enemy target within 6 tiles to attack, dealing AoE Hydro damage equal to 80% of attack to them and all enemy targets within 2 tiles, applying Movement Down II for 2 turns. Recovers 2 points of Stability for each target hit.
Movement Down II: Mobility decreased by 2 tiles, Movement debuff.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): If only 1 target is hit, restores 6 points of Stability Index.
Meal Preparation
AoE, Debuff, Cover Destruction | Shotgun Ammo, Hydro
Range: 1
AoE: -
Cooldown: 2
Stability damage: 2
Selects 1 direction and deals AoE Hydro damage equal to 70% of attack to all enemy targets within a 3x6 area in the selected direction, and applies Movement Down II for 2 turns. Destroys any destructible Cover outside a 3x3 area around self.
Movement Down II: Mobility decreased by 2 tiles, Movement debuff.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Damage multiplier increased by 10%.
Gourmet Spirit
Buff, Defense, Counterattack
Range: Self
AoE: Map-Wide
Confectance Cons.: 5
Stability damage: 3
Apply 2 stacks of Shelter to all allied targets and gain Feeling Full for 3 turns. While having Feeling Full, if an enemy target within range deals targeted damage to an allied unit, use Counterattack against it, dealing Physical damage equal to 80% of attack and 4 points of Stability damage. This can be triggered up to 3 times per turn.
Shelter: Gains Stability Protection, reducing Stability damage taken by 2 points. Each instance of Stability damage taken consumes 1 stack, maximum of 3 stacks. Considered a buff.
Feeling Full: Increase attack equal to 15% of own defense. Increase the passive skill range to cover the entire map. This buff cannot be cleansed.
Extra Command: Commands other than movement can be executed.
Counterattack: Performs an attack; cannot be triggered by Interceptions, Counterattacks, or Action Supports.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Increase attack of Feeling Full by 10%. Increase Stability damage of Counterattack by 2 points.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): No longer consumes Confectance Index, gain Extra Command once.
Flexible Modification
Range: 7
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 0
Before an allied unit is attacked, if they are within 7 tiles of Sabrina, applies 1 stack of Shelter to the ally. This can be triggered up to 4 times per turn. Sabrina gains 1 point of Confectance Index for each instance of damage she deals. After using a skill to attack, she generates Tideway within the area. If Hydro tiles are already present in the area, a tile reaction is triggered, removing the tile and dealing fixed damage equal to 20% of attack to the enemy target on the tile.
Shelter: Gains Stability Protection, reducing Stability damage taken by 2 points. Each instance of Stability damage taken consumes 1 stack, maximum of 3 stacks. Considered a buff.
Tideway: Applies Damp to units which end their movement in this area for 2 turns. Enemy units in this area gain a weakness to Hydro damage and Hydro tiles.
Damp: Reduce healing by 40%. Upon reaching 2 stacks, it is converted to Congestion for 2 turns. Maximum of 2 stacks. This is considered a Hydro debuff.
Congestion: Cannot be healed. Considered a Hydro debuff.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): Increase the number of times Shelter can be applied by 2.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): When Confectance is full, additionally consume 4 points of Confectance Index to increase skill damage by 30%.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Eating is a blessing: When under attack, defense is increased by 20%.
02-03 - Delicious Sharing: Gains 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle.
04-01 - Let Everything Simmer: While on Hydro tiles, defense is increased by 30%, gaining immunity to displacement effects from enemy units and all abnormal Hydro terrain effects.
04-03 - Eat well, Sleep well: When Confectance Index is not full, recovers 2 points of stability index for each point of Confectance Index gained.
06-01 - Calorie Overload: The effective range Delicious Feast changes to 1 tile, the skill targets tiles instead of units and pulls all enemies 1 tile toward the center. Damage dealt increases to 100% of attack.
06-03 - Weird-Tasting Health Recipe: The active skill Meal Preparation is modified to affect 5 tiles around self, and no longer applies Movement Down II. It now applies Taunt to up to 2 units targets for 1 turn. The cooldown is increased to 3 turns.
Common Key Hot Oil Protection: When dealing targeted damage, applies Movement Down II to the target for 1 turn.
Counter damage type is changed to Hydro. On triggering Hydro type tile reaction, it no longer removes Hydro tile’s afterwards. After every Counter, reduce damage taken by 5%, up to 30% and lasts for 2 turns.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
During Stability Break, whenever stability is recovered, additionally restores 2 points of stability index. If stability index is above 10/10/10/10/8/6 points, increase damage dealt by 20/25/30/35/40/40%. At the end of the action, applies Attack Down I/I/I/I/II/II to 1/1/1/1/1/2 enemy target with the highest attack within 6/7/8/9/10/10 tiles for 1 turn.
Sabrina images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Sabrina is a Tank/Amplifier hybrid who provides defensive buffs to allies and inflicts various debuffs on enemies. Her skills are more AOE-focused, so she thrives in normal stages but struggles against bosses, but she still has something to offer there.
Furthermore, she can also manipulate the battlefield by creating and destroying cover, which can drastically change the flow of battle, allowing her to protect an ally or mess up the enemy's formation. And if that's not enough, she can also Taunt enemies thanks to her Fixed Key 06-03 - which is a very useful ability, especially in PVP.
Sabrina has good synergy with multiple characters. Due to her AoE, she's a great partner for Peritya and Littara, and thanks to her ability to apply Hydro debuffs, she pairs well with Tololo, allowing her to activate the secondary effect of her S1 without issues. And let's not forget about the synergy with Qiongjiu - since the counters can trigger Action Support. This makes Sabrina a very good flex pick for any team as there's always someone who can make use of her kit.
When it comes to her bad sides - her damage output is a bit lacking since she focuses more on helping her allies, so don't expect big numbers from her. She's also quite dupe-reliant - they are needed to fix some of the issues in her kit, but she still works decently well without them - so don't worry Global players. Thankfully, she can be obtained from the Weekly Boss mode (1 copy every 2 months roughly) so it's only a matter of time before you unlock them and unleash her full potential.
Has two AoE skills, making her a great choice for AoE-focused teams - with Peritya and Littara,
Has great synergy with Tololo, thanks to the ability to apply Hydro weakness on demand,
Can destroy any destructible cover easily,
Can self-heal her Stability Index,
Counterattack can deal quite a lot of Stability Damage,
Very strong Fixed Keys that can make her better in PVE or PVP,
You can V6 her with enough time - her dupe tokens can be acquired from the weekly Boss Battle mode.
Her damage output is a bit underwhelming but considering how much other stuff she offers, it's a good tradeoff,
Not that good in Bossing content due to her AoE-focused nature,
Most of her best Fixed Keys unlock later, so she doesn't feel that great early on.
Build and teams
Default build:
06-03 - Weird-Tasting Health Recipe
02-03 - Delicious Sharing
04-03 - Eat well, Sleep well
Ally Support
Phase Strike (put leftover pieces from farming on her instead of farming Ally Support)
Hydro Boost / Physical boost
ATK% > DEF% > HP% > ATK
Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.
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