Mosin-NagantBuild and Guide


Mosin-Nagant is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the Sniper Rifle category (Three-line Rifle M1891). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Electric damage. She was originally released on December 21st, 2023 in China and on December 3rd, 2024 in Global.

A humanoid figure who is willing to help others and strives to improve a negative attitude. It is her rule to never escape, and she will go all out when she cheers up. She may still have negative thoughts hidden in her mind, but her cheerful smile and enthusiastic actions must have inspired many of her companions.

To learn more about Mosin-Nagant check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Mosin-Nagant check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Light Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II
Basic Skill

Patrol Time

Targeted | Heavy Ammo

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 2

Selects 1 enemy target within 9 tiles and deals Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them. 

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Target Victory

Targeted, Debuff | Heavy Ammo

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 1

Stability damage: 3

Selects 1 enemy target within 9 tiles, dealing Physical damage equal to 130% of attack to them. After the attack, applies Conductivity for 1 turn.

Conductivity: Damage taken is converted to Paralysis. Considered an Electric debuff.

Paralysis: Command Prohibition, disallows the use of Basic Attacks and Active Skills. Electric debuff.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If a Phase Weakness is exploited, gains 1 point of Confectance Index.

Active Skill

Positive Mindset


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 1

Stability damage: 0

Gain 1 stack of Active Engagement and Extra Command once. Every 3 times this skill is used, gain Shock. Cannot be used more than once per turn.

Active Engagement: Attacks deal Electric damage, increasing damage by 30%. Triggers 1 time. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Extra Command: Commands other than movement can be executed.

Shock: Applies Paralysis to the target for 1 turn before attacking. Activate 1 time. This is considered an Electric buff.

Paralysis: Command Prohibition, disallows the use of Basic Attacks and Active Skills. Electric debuff.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Increase damage dealt in Active Engagement by an additional 10%. Every 2 times this skill is used, gain Shock.

Ultimate Skill

Declaration of victory

Targeted, Debuff | Heavy Ammo

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 4

Stability damage: 4

Selects 1 enemy target within 9 tiles, dealing Physical damage equal to 180% of attack to them. If a Phase Weakness is exploited, applies Paralysis to the target after the attack for 1 turn.

Paralysis: Command Prohibition, disallows the use of Basic Attacks and Active Skills. Electric debuff.

Unshakable Confidence: Increase the critical rate and critical damage of Ultimate Skills by 5%. Maximum of 4 stacks. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Gains 1 stack of Unshakable Confidence after each Support Attack.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Gains 1 point of Confectance Index for each stack of Unshakable Confidence after using an Ultimate Skill.

Passive Skill

Helping Others

Support, Buff

Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 0

When an allied unit attacks an enemy unit outside of turn but within range, if that enemy unit enters Stability Break, Mosin-Nagant performs 1 instance of Action Support, dealing 80% of her attack as Physical damage and 2 points of Stability damage. This effect can trigger up to 2 times per turn. After a Support Attack, Mosin-Nagant gains 2 points of Confectance Index, and also gains Insight for 2 turns.

Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.

Wise Support: Performs a Support Attack.

Insight: Increases the Range of Ultimate Skills by 1 tile. Considered a buff.

Active Engagement: Attacks deal Electric damage, increasing damage by 30%. Triggers 1 time. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Before performing a Support Attack, gains 1 stack of Active Engagement.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): When an Electric debuff is applied to an enemy target outside of turn, gains Wise Support. The maximum number of Support Attack increases by 1.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Security Patrol Squad: If the target has Paralysis, increase Stability Damage dealt by 2.

02-03 - Preparatory Defense Measures: When Victory Star deals Electric damage, apply Paralysis to the target for 1 turn. No longer applies Conductivity effect.

04-01 - Maintain Order: If the target has Paralysis, apply 2 Debuff effects to it before attacking.

04-03 - Positive Mindset Adjustment: During Active Mindset, if Electric Shock is active, attacks ignore 15% Cover Mitigation

06-01 - Focus on Work: While Action Support is active, reduce Stability Damage taken by 1.

06-03 - Mobile Patrol: If the target is paralyzed after an active skill, gain 3 additional tiles of movement.

Common Key See Through Everything: While Insight is active, increase damage dealt by 7%.

Mod Key (CN only):

White Reaper - When a friendly unit attempts to inflict Paralysis on a target, Mosin-Nagant applies Electric Spark to the target for 1 turn. This effect can trigger once per full round.

Electric Spark: Increases Electric Damage taken from Mosin-Nagant by 15%. This effect is considered as a Paralysis effect. Electric-type Debuff.

Signature Weapon


Rarity: SSR

Type: Sniper Rifle

Source: Standard Gacha


Attacks ignore 1 point of Stability index. When possessing Insight, additionally ignore another 1 point of Stability index.


Phase Damage is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. Electric Damage is increased by another 10/12/14/16/18/20%.

ATK: 383
Voice Actors
上坂堇 (Sumire Uesaka)
陈睿婕 (Chen Ruijie)

Mosin-Nagant images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)

Character Summary

Mosin-Nagant is a long-range, single-target damage dealer with little to distinguish her beyond the general traits common to all rifle users (such as long range) and the synergies available to her as an Electric elemental damage dealer (e.g., pairing with element-specific buffers or debuffers like Lenna). Her straightforward and unremarkable kit lacks a distinct identity, and the absence of a clear niche leaves her in want of purpose.

Fixed Keys

Fixed Keys core to Mosin-Nagant’s function are:

  • N/A: Mosin-Nagant does not have any Fixed Keys that meaningfully boost her performance or redefine her role as a character.

Mod Key

Mosin-Nagant doesn’t have a Mod Key available yet.

Character Function

Mosin-Nagant serves primarily as a barebones single-target damage dealer, with few redeeming qualities. Her performance is hindered by significant kit issues, including:

  • For an elemental damage dealer, Mosin-Nagant’s physical-to-elemental damage distribution is poor. Unlike other elemental damage dealers with more functional kits (e.g., Makiatto), Mosin-Nagant’s skills deal Physical damage, with her S2 providing a self-buff (Active Engagement) that converts her next attack to Electric damage.

  • Her Action Support is highly conditional, requiring Stability Break to trigger, making it nearly impossible to proc on-demand. This results in poor single-target consistency, which barely adds to her already underwhelming damage output. 

  • Mosin-Nagant’s Confectance Index gain depends on her Action Support procs, which severely restricts her resource generation. In longer stages, her consumption often outpaces her ability to replenish it.

Character Synergies

SSR characters are typically assessed at V0/V1 strength, but Mosin-Nagant’s synergy is discussed based on her V6 performance, as much of her kit’s effectiveness is gated behind later dupes. To briefly cover the Mosin-Nagant (V6) - Andoris - Belka team:

  • Mosin-Nagant’s V4 automatically triggers her Active Engagement self-buff with every support attack. Her V6 improves the proc condition, allowing it to trigger when Electric debuffs are applied. This upgrade increases her damage potential significantly, with her passive delivering a total damage multiplier of 330% (110% per proc, 3 procs per turn).

  • Andoris and Belka play a crucial role in enabling Mosin-Nagant’s (V6) passive, applying the Negative and Positive Charge debuffs to trigger her Wise Support. 

  • Lenna (and Lenna’s Common Key) can fulfill a similar role but with a lower damage ceiling; Lenna’s Electric debuffs are more oriented towards crowd control rather than maximizing damage output.

Vertebrae Breakpoints

SSR characters are reviewed at V0/ V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Mosin-Nagant’s significant dupe powerspikes at:

  • V4: Mosin-Nagant's V4 changes her Action Support damage type to Electric, allowing her to fully leverage Andoris and Belka's powerful Electric damage buffs and debuffs.

  • V6: Wise Support now triggers from the application of Electric debuffs, simplifying the proc condition and greatly enhancing her performance, bringing her in line with other top-tier damage dealers. (At the cost of 6 dupes)

Pros & Cons

  • Long Range

  • Applies Paralysis, stops enemies from attacking resulting in a great source of Crowd Control.


  • Highly conditional Action Support trigger severely limits its effectiveness.

  • Dependence on Action Support for Confectance Index gain all but guarantees shortages.

  • Requires dupes to be competitive with alternative damage dealers.

  • Paralysis does not apply to bosses, making it completely useless outside of mobbing.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Default build:

  • 04-03 - Positive Mindset Adjustment

  • 04-01 - Maintain Order or 02-03 - Preparatory Defense Measures

  • 02-01 - Security Patrol Squad

Best Attachments and Stats
  1. Phase Strike

  2. Electric Boost

  3. Ballistic Boost

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > Crit Rate > Crit Damage (Muzzle only)

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Samosek
    - BIS
  • Arcana
    - Good alternative
  • Three-Line Rifle M1891
    Three-Line Rifle M1891
    - SR option
  • Use any other SR Weapon you have if you lack above options.