A figure who is very obsessed with wearing a rabbit ear headdress. Although she has a straightforward and sometimes irritable personality, she actually does not resist fighting alongside her teammates and is a very reliable companion.
To learn more about Krolik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Krolik check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
Instantaneous Slash
Targeted, Melee | Melee
Range: 1
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 1
Selects 1 target within 1 tile, dealing melee Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
Crushing Revolution
AoE, Melee | Melee
Range: 1
AoE: 3x3
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 1
Select 1 enemy target within 1 tile and deal AoE melee Physical damage equal to 120% of attack to it and all enemy targets within a 3x3 area around it. Gain 1 point of Confectance Index. If there are no other allied units within 3 tiles after attacking, gain 5 tiles of Additional Movement.
Additional Movement: Can move once, but cannot use any other commands.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If the target is under the effects of Stability Break, ignore 30% of its defense.
Quenching Slash
Targeted, Melee, Debuff | Burn
Range: 1
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 3
Stability damage: 2
Select 1 enemy target within 1 tile, apply Overburn to it for 2 turns, deal melee Burn damage equal to 150% of attack, and gain 2 points of Confectance Index. After the attack, return to the original position before the action.
Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Damage multiiplier increased by 10%.
Slaughter Sequence
Targeted, Melee | Burn
Range: 1
AoE: 7
Confectance Cons.: 4
Stability damage: 2
Selects 1 direction and moves to the farthest tile within 7 tiles, dealing melee Burn damage equal to 130% of attack to the first enemy encountered . If the target is already inflicted with Overburn, ignores their Cover damage reduction and gains 5 tiles of Additional Movement.
Additional Movement: Can move once, but cannot use any other commands.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): If this kills the target, gain 2 points of Confectance Index.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): If the target is inflicted with Overburn, increases critical rate by 100%.
Range: Self
AoE: 5
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 0
When attacking a target with Overburn, increases damage dealt by 15%. At the end of the action, applies Overburn to the closest 2 enemy targets within 5 tiles for 2 turns.
Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Range increases by 2 tiles.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): When attacking a target with Overburn, increases critical damage by 20.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Momentary Focus: Reduces the Confectance Index consumption of the active skill Slaughter Sequence by 1 point.
02-03 - Fierce Predator: The active skill Crushing Revolution deals 30% increased damage when hitting a single target.
04-01 - Blazing Fury: If there are no other allied units within 3 tiles of the user, increases damage dealt by 10%.
04-03 - Proud Challenger: When the active skill Quenching Slash kills an enemy target, reduce this skill's cooldown by 2 turns.
06-01 - Instinctive Pursuit: At the start of the action, if there are enemy units with Overburn on the field, gains Blazing Assault II for 2 turns.
06-03 - Hidden Poise: Before attacking, if this unit moved more than 3 tiles, increases the user's critical rate by 10%.
Common Key Art of Violence: If under the effects of a Burn buff, gain immunity to Frozen and Frigid, and increases damage by 5%.
Before attacking, for each tile moved, the attack's Critical Rate and Critical Damage increase by 5%, up to a maximum of 15%.
Krolik doesn't have a signature Weapon, as only SSR rarity characters posses one.
Krolik images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Krolik is a highly mobile melee damage dealer who passively applies Overburn (considered a Burn debuff) to two enemies around her after each of her actions. In general, Krolik’s damage is mediocre, even in single-target encounters, so she often serves more as a budget Sharkry enabler. Beyond Overburn application, her contributions are limited.
Fixed Keys core to Krolik’s function are:
02-03 - Fierce Predator: Boosts Krolik’s damage when focusing on a single enemy, making her more effective against bosses and elite enemies. In conjunction with Krolik’s Confectance Index gain only being gained when using an active skill.
06-01 - Instinctive Pursuit: Krolik gains a damage buff for herself when there are enemies with an Overburn debuff on the field. Easily attainable when combined with Krolik’s passive.
Krolik’s Mod Key has no meaningful impact on her performance or her overall viability.
As of writing, Krolik’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.
Krolik's utility is straightforward, focusing primarily on applying Overburn (considered a Burn debuff) in an area through her passive, and additionally to a single target with her Skill 2, enabling Sharkry’s Wise Support attack in a Fire-oriented team. While her Skill 2 is on cooldown or if it would missposition her, her Skill 1 is the skill you'll use instead given it’s a cost-free, cooldown-free AoE ability that deals decent damage. Additionally, Krolik has exceptional mobility, with her ultimate acting as a powerful teleport that enables extensive stage manipulation, while her Skill 1 can allow her to move up to 14 tiles in a turn. Unfortunately for her, her comparatively low damage and lack of any other tools limits her usability to these 2 niches.
Krolik is most commonly played in a team of Sharkry-Ksenia(V1)-Krolik, as they are the most consistent Overburn applicators in the game.
Ksenia(V1) upgrades her S1, Favorable Cycle, to apply Overburn.
Sharkry benefits from Overburn, a burn debuff that is passively applied to the 2 nearest enemies within a 5-tile radius at the end of Krolik’s turn, triggering Sharkry’s Wise Support attack.
While review analyses do not generally extend beyond V0/V1 for SSRs, it is worth noting that Sharkry’s BIG synergy is Sharkry-Qiongjiu(V3). At V3, Qiongjiu’s Action Support applies Overburn, which can be used to trigger Sharkry’s Wise Support (up to 3 times per turn). This potent synergy significantly increases teamwide damage for Sharkry-Qiongjiu by letting Qiongjiu act as the sole enabler for Sharkry, freeing up team slots that would otherwise have been reserved for Overburn applicators (i.e. Ksenia + Krolik)
It is worth noting Krolik’s significant dupe powerspikes at:
N/A: Krolik’s performance gains from her dupes are minimal as they’re generally damage increases on a low damage character; players should not feel obligated to pull for extra copies.
Budget Overburn applicator for Sharkry to proc Wise Support.
Excellent mobility characteristic of the Vanguard class.
Overshadowed by Qiongjiu(V3) as a Sharkry partner due to her ability to apply Overburn independently, enabling Sharkry’s Wise Support without requiring additional team slots.
Build and teams
Default build:
06-01 - Instinctive Pursuit
02-01 - Momentary Focus
06-03 - Hidden Poise
Phase Strike
Burn Boost
ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate
Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.
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