JiangyuBuild and Guide


Jiangyu is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the Assault Rifle category (Type 97). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Electric damage. She was originally released on March 26th, 2024 in China but her Global release date isn't known yet.

To learn more about Jiangyu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Jiangyu check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Heavy Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II

Jiangyu skills were translated by us, because they aren't available in the Global server yet. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know!

Basic Skill

Form Intention Fist

Targeted | Medium Ammo

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Masterful Thunderstrike

Targeted | Medium Ammo, Electric

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Electric damage equal to 130% of your attack power. If the target has an Electric debuff, the damage is increased by 10%, and you gain 2 points of Confectance  Index.

If the attack results in a kill, deal 30% of your attack power as fixed damage to all enemy targets within 2 tiles of the killed target, and generate a Voltage Tile that lasts for 2 turns.

Voltage: Adds Electric Weakness to enemy units in the area. When enemy units on the affected tiles suffer AoE damage, it triggers a reaction, dealng fixed damage equal to 30% of attack, and clears the tile. If the damage is Electric or Hydro, the fixed damage increases to 60% of attack. Deals double damage to large targets. This is an Electric tile.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): If a Counter is triggered, gain an additional 2 points of Confectance Index, and reduce this skill's cooldown by 1 turn.

Active Skill

Focused Strike

Targeted, Dispel

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 3

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 140% of your attack power. Before the attack, dispel 2 of the target’s buffs, gaining an enhancement effect: for each buff successfully dispelled, this attack's damage is increased by 10%, and you gain 2 points of Confectance  Index. If the target has an Electric debuff, directly gain the maximum enhancement effect.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Enhancement effect improved: for each buff successfully dispelled, this skill’s cooldown is reduced by 1 turn.

Ultimate Skill

Chain Lightning

AoE, Buff | Medium Ammo, Electric

Range: 1

AoE: 8

Cooldown: 4

Stability damage: 4

Select a direction and deal AoE Electric damage equal to 110% of your attack power to all enemy units within 8 tiles in the selected direction.

Trigger a Tile Reaction, Deal 30% of your attack power as fixed damage to all enemy units on Hydro Tiles within the range and 2 tiles around them, applying Paralysis for 1 turn, while removing the tile. After the attack, gain Rotational Potential, lasting for 2 turns.

Rotational Potential: Before performing an active precision attack, apply Conductivity to the target for 1 turn. Buff cannot be dispelled.

Conductivity: Damage taken is converted to Paralysis. Considered an Electric debuff.

Paralysis: Command Prohibition, disallows the use of Basic Attacks and Active Skills. Electric debuff.

Frost: Applies Frozen to units which end their movement in this area for 2 turns. Enemy units this area gain a weakness to Freeze damage and Freeze Tiles.

Frozen: Movement is decreased by 1 tile. If Frozen has reached 2 stacks at the end of the action, it is converted into Frigid, which lasts for 1 turn. Maximum of 2 stacks. This is considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Frigid: Unable to move and cannot be actively displaced. Considered a Freeze movement debuff.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): If a kill is made with an Active Skill or a Counter is triggered on a target with an Electrical debuff, refresh the duration of Rotational Potential.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Deal 30% of your attack power as fixed damage to all enemy units on Frost Tiles within the range and 2 tiles around them, applying Frigid for 1 turn. If a Tile Reaction is triggered, gain 5 points of Confectance Index.

Passive Skill

One Final Effort


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: -

When using active attacks against target with Electric debuffs, increase damage dealt by 10%. At the start of the battle and at the end of the action, if the user has max Confectance Index, gain Preemptive Strike for 1 turn.

Preemptive Strike: Before an enemy within 8 tiles uses an active attack, consume 3 points of Confectance Index to Interception that enemy, dealing Electric damage equal to 80% of attack and 2 points of Stability damage. Before attacking, apply Conductivity to the target at a 50% chance for 1 turn. This buff cannot be cleansed.

Interception: Performs an attack; cannot be triggered by Interceptions, Counterattacks or Action Supports.

Conductivity: Damage taken is converted to Paralysis. Considered an Electric debuff.

Paralysis: Command Prohibition, disallows the use of Basic Attacks and Active Skills. Electric debuff.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): Interception damage is increased to 100% of attack power, and the probability of applying Conductivity is increased to 100%.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): For targets with an Electric debuff, damage dealt is increased by an additional 10%. The Preemptive Strike will consume 1 less Confectance Index.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Atmosphere Catalyst: Gain 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle.

02-03 - Super Precision Strike: When using the Active Skill Masterful Thunderstrike, if you trigger a Counter on a target with an Electric debuff, deal 30% of your attack power as fixed damage to all enemy units within 2 tiles of the target, and generate a Voltage Tile that lasts for 2 turns.

04-01 - Performance Emergency Manual: When an enemy unit with an Electric debuff dies, gain 1 point of Confectance Index.

04-03 - Swift Action: If the target has an Electric debuff but is immune to Command Prohibition, ignore 15% of their defense, and apply Conductivity for 1 turn after the attack.

06-01 - Elite Homunculus Strength: When using Chain Lightning, also destroy all destructible cover within a 3x3 area around yourself. After the attack, knock back the first enemy target hit by 1 tile.

06-03 - Sound Reasoning: Clear the Electric Tiles under your feet and gain 1 point of Confectance Index.

Common Key Stage Aftershock: When the Stability Index is greater than 0, increase the damage dealt by Elemental Damage by 5%, and gain immunity to Electric debuffs and the negative effects of Electric tiles.

Mod Key (CN only):

Gain 2 Confectance Index the next round for each activated Interception. Deal 20% increased damage against targets affected by Negative Charge when using Interception.

Negative Charge: When taking Targeted Electric Damage, all targets with Negative Charge take additional fixed damage equal to 30% of the original damage. If Negative Charge is applied again, they take an additional fixed damage equal to 3% of the applier’s attack power. Taking an attack from a unit with Positive Charge increases Electric Damage taken. Electric-type debuff.

Signature Weapon
Leaping Tiger

Leaping Tiger CN

Rarity: SSR

Type: Assault Rifle

Source: Rate-up Gacha


After using an Ultimate, gains 3 additional tiles of movement (activates once per turn).


Increases Anomaly damage dealt by 10/15/15/15/20/20%. When dealing Anomaly damage, permanently increases Anomaly damage by 2/2/4/6/6/10%. If Electric damage is dealt, additionally gains 1 stack (up to 6/6/4/3/3/2 stacks). At 6/6/4/3/3/2 stacks, Active Skill Focused Strike deals Electric damage (cooldown: 4/3/3/3/3/2 turns).

ATK: 369
Voice Actors
佐倉 綾音

Jiangyu images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)


Jiangyu introduction isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Pros & Cons

Jiangyu pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Jiangyu best Keys builds information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Best Attachments and Stats

Jiangyu best Attachment sets information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Best Weapons

Jiangyu best weapons tips aren't available yet. They will be added soon.