NikketaBuild and Guide


Nikketa is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the Sniper Rifle category (-). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Hydro damage. She was originally released on March 5th, 2025 in China but her Global release date isn't known yet.

To learn more about Nikketa check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Nikketa check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Light Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II

Nikketa skills were translated by us, because they aren't available in the Global server yet. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know!

Basic Skill

Warning Shot

Targeted | Heavy Ammo

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 9 tiles and deal 80% of your attack power as Physical damage.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Call for Backup

AoE, Summon, Debuff | Heavy Ammo

Range: 9

AoE: 2

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 empty tile within 9 tiles, summon Kulich, and deal 80% of your attack power as AoE Physical damage to all enemy targets within 2 tiles, applying Guilt for 2 turns. If Kulich is already present, teleport Kulich to the selected tile. Gain 1 Confectance Index.

Kulich: Summon. Inherits 80% of Nikketa’s base HP, 80% of her base attack power, and 100% of her base defense. Cannot move and possesses the passive skill Kulich’s Loyalty.

Guilt: Increase Hydro damage taken from Nikketa and Kulich by 5%. Hydro-type debuff, cannot be dispelled.

Kulich’s Loyalty: If an enemy within 3 tiles deals damage, Kulich performs Counterattack dealing 80% attack as Hydro damage and 2 Stability Damage.

Counterattack: Performs an attack; cannot be triggered by Interceptions, Counterattacks, or Action Supports.

Kulich’s Intimidation: Reduces attack power of enemies within 5 tiles by 10%.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Stability damage dealt increased by 2. Guilt effect increased to 10% additional Hydro damage taken. After teleporting, restore 30% of Kulich’s max HP.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Kulich’s Loyalty range increased by 2 tiles. Kulich’s inherited HP increased to 100%. Gains the passive Kulich’s Intimidation, reducing attack power of enemy units within 5 tiles by 10%.

Active Skill

Cold Condemnation

Targeted, Debuff | Hydro

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 1

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 9 tiles, deal 80% of your attack power as Hydro damage, and apply Guilt for 2 turns. Gain 2 Confectance Index and 1 Extra Command.

Guilt: Increase Hydro damage taken from Nikketa and Kulich by 5%. Hydro-type debuff, cannot be dispelled.

Extra Command: Commands other than movement can be executed.

Extra Action: 1 action can be taken.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): Damage coefficient increased by 20%. Extra Command replaced with Extra Action.

Ultimate Skill

Judgment of Justice

Targeted | Heavy Ammo, Hydro

Range: 9

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 3

Stability damage: 2

Select 1 enemy target within 9 tiles and deal 130% of your attack power as Hydro damage. If the target has Guilt, perform 1 Additional attack and remove Guilt.

Consumes all Confectance Index, increasing damage by 5% per Confectance Index consumed.

Guilt: Increase Hydro damage taken from Nikketa and Kulich by 5%. Hydro-type debuff, cannot be dispelled.

Surveillance: When dealing damage, the unit takes 2 Stability damage and receives 15% more Counterattack damage from Kulich. Hydro-type debuff, cannot be dispelled.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): Damage coefficient increased by 20%. Confectance Index consumption reduced by 1. If the target has Guilt, apply Surveillance for 1 turn after the skill.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Each additional 1 Confectance Index consumed increases damage by 10% instead of 5%. Guilt is no longer removed.

Passive Skill

Immediate Execution


Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 0

While Kulich is present, Nikketa gains Insight. Before Nikketa or Kulich uses a skill, both gain 1 stack of Clue. If Phase Weakness is triggered, gain 1 extra Clue.

Kulich can counterattack once per turn. After counterattacking, Nikketa follows up with a Judgment of Justice against the target (no base Confectance Index cost).

Insight: Increases the Range of Ultimate Skills by 1 tile. Considered a buff.

Clue: Out-of-turn attacks deal 5% extra damage. Stacks up to 5 times. Hydro-type buff, cannot be dispelled.

Counterattack: Performs an attack; cannot be triggered by Interceptions, Counterattacks, or Action Supports.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Clue's stack limit doubled to 10. Kulich can Counterattack 2 times per turn.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Righteous Puppet: Gain 1 Confectance Index after using a Basic Attack or skills.

02-03 - Justice Enforcer: If the target has Guilt, deal 2 extra Stability damage to them.

04-01 - Heroic Might: Cold Condemnation becomes an AoE skill, dealing 80% Hydro damage to all enemies within 2 tiles.

04-03 - Reward the Good, Punish the Evil: After using Call for Backup, create a Tideaway zone in the affected area for 2 turns.

06-01 - Harsh Gaze: After attacking, if the target is in Stability Collapse, apply Fear for 1 turn.

06-03 - Piercing Resolve: When gaining Clue, also gain Attack Up II for 1 turn.

Common Key Defender of the Path: When possessing a Hydro-type buff, critical rate increases by 10%.

Signature Weapon
Dreamguard Silverwing

Dreamguard Silverwing CN

Rarity: SSR

Type: Sniper Rifle

Source: Rate-up Gacha


Ignores 1 point of Stability Index when attacking. If Insight is active, ignores an additional 1 point.


At the end of the turn, applies Saturation I to self and Summoned Entities for 2 turns. Ultimate Skill Damage increased by 15/20/25/30/35/40%.

  • Summoned Entities: A summoned unit that occupies a tile on the battlefield and has its own attributes (e.g., Poposha's Guardian Sentinel, Andoris' Auto-Turret, Nikketa's Kulich, etc.).

  • Saturation I: Increases Hydro Damage dealt by 10%. Hydro-type buff.

ATK: 390
Voice Actors

Nikketa images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)


Nikketa introduction isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Pros & Cons

Nikketa pros & cons aren't available yet. They will be added when the character is released.

Build and teams

Best Build (Keys)

Nikketa best Keys builds information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Best Attachments and Stats

Nikketa best Attachment sets information isn't available yet. It will be added soon!

Best Weapons

Nikketa best weapons tips aren't available yet. They will be added soon.