KlukaiBuild and Guide


Klukai is a SSR character from the Sentinel class who wields a weapon from the Assault Rifle category (HK 416). Her skills on top of Physical element, can also deal
Corrosion damage. She was originally released on August 27th, 2024 in China but her Global release date isn't known yet.

To learn more about Klukai check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

To learn more about Klukai check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.



Build and teams


Stats (Lv. 60)

The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.

Critical Hit
Stability Index
Weakness I
Shotgun Ammo
Attack Boost
Defense Boost
Health Boost
Critical Damage
Action Points
Weakness II

Klukai skills were translated by us, because they aren't available in the Global server yet. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know!

Basic Skill

Swift Strike

Targeted | Medium Ammo

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 80% of your attack power.

This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.

This skill has no upgrades.

Active Skill

Precision Shockwave

AoE, Debuff | Medium Ammo, Corrosion

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 3

Stability damage: 3

Select 1 enemy target within 8 tiles and deal AoE Corrosion damage equal to 80% of your attack power. Additionally, perform an extra attack that deals AoE Corrosion damage equal to 60% of your attack power to the target and all enemy targets within 3 tiles, pulling all targets 1 tile toward the center.

If any kill is made, the cooldown of your Ultimate "Crushing Drift" is reduced by 1 turn, and you gain 2 points of Confectance Index. If no kill is made, apply 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure to the target, lasting 2 turns

Corrosive Pressure: At the end of the action, the applier deals 12% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage to the affected target. For each additional stack, the damage coefficient increases by 12%. When taking an active attack from Klukay or Corrosion damage from other enemy units, gain 1 stack and refresh the duration, stacking up to 10 times. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff. Cannot be dispelled.

Fortification Segment 4 (V4): The first attack deals damage equal to 100% of your attack power. When performing the additional attack, for each stack of Corrosive Pressure on the target, the damage coefficient increases by 5%. If a weakness is generated, the attack ignores 15% of the target’s cover damage reduction.

Active Skill

Strong Reversal

AoE, Debuff | Corrosion

Range: 8

AoE: Target

Confectance Cons.: 3

Stability damage: 1

Select 1 tile within 8 tiles and deal AoE Corrosion damage equal to 90% of your attack power to all enemy targets within 3 tiles, applying Toxic Invasion, lasting 2 turns. For targets already affected by Toxic Invasion, damage is increased by 15%.

Toxic Invasion: At the end of the action, gain 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure, lasting 2 turns. Upon death, the applier inflicts Toxic Invasion on the holder and all enemy units within a 3-tile radius, lasting 2 turns, and deals 60% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff.

Corrosive Pressure: At the end of the action, the applier deals 12% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage to the affected target. For each additional stack, the damage coefficient increases by 12%. When taking an active attack from Klukay or Corrosion damage from other enemy units, gain 1 stack and refresh the duration, stacking up to 10 times. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff. Cannot be dispelled.

Fortification Segment 1 (V1): For targets already affected by Toxic Invasion, additional damage is increased to 30%.
If the target does not die, it still triggers the Toxic Invasion death effect.
Toxic Invasion also applies a new effect: at the end of the turn, the user applies Toxic Invasion, lasting 2 turns, to all enemy units within 3 tiles that are not affected by Toxic Invasion.

Fortification Segment 5 (V5): The effect range increases by 2 tiles, and the damage is increased to 110% of your attack power. The spread range of Toxic Invasion increases by 1 tile, and the damage increases to 80% of your attack power.
If the target has an Corrosion debuff, apply Toxic Invasion to the target before the attack, lasting 2 turns.
Toxic Invasion has a new effect: when affected by the user's Active Skill, the target takes 30% more damage.

Ultimate Skill

Crushing Drift

AoE | Corrosion

Range: -

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 6

Stability damage: -

Select 1 tile within a cross-shaped area from 4 to 8 tiles, drop to that tile, and deal AoE Corrosion damage equal to 100% of your attack power to all enemy targets within a 5-tile wide path, gaining 6 tiles of Additional Movement. If 2 or more targets are killed, you can use this skill again, up to 1 time.

Additional Movement: Can move once, but cannot use any other commands.

Defense Down II: Reduce defense by 30%. Considered a defense debuff.

Toxic Invasion: At the end of the action, gain 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure, lasting 2 turns. Upon death, the applier inflicts Toxic Invasion on the holder and all enemy units within a 3-tile radius, lasting 2 turns, and deals 60% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff.

Corrosive Pressure: At the end of the action, the applier deals 12% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage to the affected target. For each additional stack, the damage coefficient increases by 12%. When taking an active attack from Klukay or Corrosion damage from other enemy units, gain 1 stack and refresh the duration, stacking up to 10 times. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff. Cannot be dispelled.

Terror: Base movement reduced to 1 tile, Attack Power reduced by 30%, Stability Damage dealt reduced by 4 points. A debuff effect.

Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Each enemy target hit increases damage by 10%, up to 50%. If the target is a boss, damage is directly increased by 50%. If 2 or more targets or a boss are hit, you can use this skill again. Before attacking, apply Defense Down II and Toxic Invasion to the target, lasting 2 turns.

Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Ignores Cover damage reduction. The width increases by 2 tiles, and the target is inflicted with Terror, lasting 2 turns.
After attacking, trigger the Corrosive Pressure effect for all enemy units on the field, as well as the death effect of Toxic Invasion.

Passive Skill

Elite Pride

Range: Self

AoE: Target

Cooldown: 0

Stability damage: -

The user is immune to Control Effects. When performing an Active Skill that causes damage, apply 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure to the target, lasting 2 turns, and gain 1 stack of Competitive Spirit.

When the user or other allies perform Corrosion attacks, the user gains 1 point of Confectance Index for each damage dealt. Every 3 points of Confectance Index reduces the cooldown of the Ultimate by 1 turn.

Control Effects: Includes Taunt, Fear, Infatuated, and Stun effects.

Taunt: Uncontrollable, forced to use basic attacks on the user. This is removed when the user dies.

Fear: Uncontrollable, actively moves away from the caster. This is removed when the caster dies.

Infatuated: Uncontrollable, actively moves towards the caster. This is removed when the caster dies. 

Stun: Unable to act.

Corrosive Pressure: At the end of the action, the applier deals 12% attack power as AoE Corrosion damage to the affected target. For each additional stack, the damage coefficient increases by 12%. When taking an active attack from Klukay or Corrosion damage from other enemy units, gain 1 stack and refresh the duration, stacking up to 10 times. Removed upon the applier’s death. A Corrosion-type debuff. Cannot be dispelled.

Competitive Spirit: Increases Corrosion damage dealt by 5%, stacking up to 8 times. Cannot be dispelled.

Fortification Segment 2 (V2): At the start of combat, gain 3 stacks of Competitive Spirit. Other allies dealing Corrosion damage also grants 1 stack of Competitive Spirit to Klukay. The Competitive Spirit stack limit increases by 4 stacks.
For every 3 points of Confectance Index, apply 1 additional stack of Corrosive Pressure to enemies who have Corrosive Pressure, and reduce the Ultimate's cooldown by 1 additional turn.
Corrosive Pressure also has a new effect: when the user or other allies deal Corrosion damage, apply an additional stack of Corrosive Pressure to targets with Corrosive Pressure. The target’s defense is reduced by 1%, and the stack limit increases by 5 stacks.

Neural Helix
Neural Helix

Neural Helix

Fixed Keys:

02-01 - Deadly Tangle: At the start of the turn, if there is only 1 enemy target, apply 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure to the target, lasting 2 turns, and gain 2 points of Confectance Index.

02-03 - One Strike Collapse: If the Crushing Drift hits only 1 target, the damage dealt is increased by 30%.

04-01 - No Mercy: New effect for Corrosive Pressure: Damage dealt to targets in Stability Collapse is increased by 15%.

04-03 - Solid Backbone: For each support attack performed by another ally, gain 1 point of Confectance Index.

06-01 - Beyond the Limit's Boundary: The width of the Crushing Drift is reduced to 3 tiles. For each tile removed, damage is increased by 10%.

06-03 - Fated Counterattack Moment: If the user takes damage from Toxic Invasion and survives, apply 1 stack of Corrosive Pressure, lasting 2 turns.

Common Key Killing Intent Resurgence: At the start of the turn, if the user has a full Confectance Index, the damage of the next Active Skill is increased by 10%.

Signature Weapon

Scylla CN

Rarity: SSR

Type: Assault Rifle

Source: Rate-up Gacha


When exploiting weakness, ignore 10% of targets defense, if the weakness exploited is Corrosion weakness, ignore and additional 10% of defense


Increases AoE corrosion damage dealt by 15/17/19/21/23/25%. For every instance of corrosion damage dealt, damage dealt increases by 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6/4%, up to a maximum of 10/12/14/16/18/20%.

ATK: 390
Voice Actors
篠原 成美

Klukai images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!



For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).


Generic (GBL)


Bossing (GBL)


Generic (CN)


Bossing (CN)

Character Summary

Klukai is an AOE damage dealer specialist that excels in general content where she can bulldoze through mobs with her potent Ultimate skill. Owing to the low stat scaling on general content, Klukai’s damage range conveniently exceeds the health on most stage mobs; this, combined with her extremely high AOE radius, lets her trivialize general content. 

Klukai differs from existing AOE damage dealers in that her Ultimate skill has exceptionally large range, repositions her, and can be immediately used again if the initial cast kills at least two targets, effectively allowing Klukai to blitz her way across the map with double-cast ults running over anything in her way.

While character dupe performance is generally confined to its own section, it would be careless to discuss Klukai without mentioning her V6. Klukai is most notorious for her game-breaking V6, which builds on her existing niche, turning her from a specialized AOE damage dealer into one of the strongest single-target damage dealers in the game. While V6 is generally unattainable to the average player, Klukai(V6)’s prevalence in Gunsmoke as a premier (mandated) support makes her common enough to warrant covering.

Fixed Keys 

Fixed Keys core to Klukai’s function are:

  • 02-03 - One Strike Collapse: Compensates for Klukai’s low base skill multipliers with Klukai’s damage in single-target scenarios with a sizable +DMG% increase to the Ultimate skill. 

  • 04-03 - Solid Backbone: Confectance Index gain greatly improves Klukai’s passive Ultimate skill cooldown reduction effect to significantly improve uptime on the skill.

  • 06-01 - Beyond the Limit's Boundary: Further +DMG% buffs to Klukai’s Ultimate skill at the trade-off of a reduced AOE radius. Most relevant in single-target scenarios, where her effectiveness as an AOE damage dealer isn’t as relevant.

Mod Key

Klukai doesn’t have a Mod Key available yet.

Character Function

Klukai’s main use case is as a stage-dependent AOE specialist in situations where it would be more effective to bring a dedicated AOE damage dealer than to deal with trash mobs using a typical team of single-target damage dealers. As mentioned above, this use case happens to cover all general content (Campaign, Event, Expansion Drills 1~10, all other trivial content).

At V6, Klukai(V6) retains her AOE niche while simultaneously becoming a single-target damage dealer powerhouse that combines:

  • Extremely high single-target damage ceiling (at V6)

  • DEF% reduction, up to 15% (at V2)

  • Defense Down II, 2 turns applied before attack (at V3)

Character Synergy

Klukai(V0) is brought along primarily to deal with specific stage mechanics (i.e. large groups of enemies or any AOE needs). Her kit functions independently of the rest of the team.

Klukai(V6) needs support to enable her rotation. To briefly detail the mechanics behind Klukai(V6)’s Ultimate double-cast:

  • Klukai’s Ultimate skill is on a 6 turn cooldown

    • Klukai passively reduces the cooldown of her Ultimate skill by 1 turn for every 3 points of Confectance Index gained.

    • Klukai(V2) further reduces the cooldown by an additional 1 turn for every 3 points of Confectance Index gained.

  • Klukai has 3 ways of gaining Confectance Index:

    • +1 Confectance Index for every instance of Corrosion damage dealt

    • +1 Confectance Index for every instance of allied Corrosion damage dealt

    • +1 Confectance Index for every instance of support attack dealt by allies (Fixed Key 04-03)

  • Klukai needs to gain 9 Confectance Index within a turn to fully refund the cooldown on her Ultimate skill (3:2 CI:CD * 3 = 9:6 CI:CD)

    • Klukai herself gains +2 Confectance Index off her Ultimate double-cast

    • Klukai needs +7 Confectance Index from external sources

Across Klukai’s common team comps, her +7 Confectance Index comes from:

Peritya (with/ without Mechty): Klukai(V6) is commonly paired with Peritya(V0) as an enabler for Peritya’s Action Support procs, allowing Peritya to fully capitalize on her passive by triggering all 6 instances of Action Support every turn. Beyond damage, this feeds back into Klukai(V6)’s Confectance Index gain:

  • +6 Confectance Index for 6 instances of Peritya’s Action Support (passive)

  • +1 Confectance Index for Peritya’s Corrosion active skill

Qiongjiu-Vector: Klukai(V6) is frequently taken as a standalone 5th slot damage dealer in the absence of a stronger alternative. Klukai(V6) is able leverage 

  • +7 Confectance Index from the team’s Action Support procs

Tololo(V2+)-Springfield(V6): Within the premium Hydro duo, Klukai(V6) notably capitalizes on Springfield’s summon’s attacks to reset her own Ultimate skill cooldown:

  • +3 Confectance Index for 3 instances of Springfield(V6)’s summon’s Action Support (up to 4, on allied active Hydro damage dealt) triggered by Tololo(V2) as part of her triple-turn rounds

  • +2 Confectance Index for 2 instances of Springfield(V0)’s summon’s Counterattack

Vertebrae Breakpoints

SSR characters are reviewed at V0/V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Klukai’s significant dupe powerspikes at:

  • V3: V3 greatly eases Klukai’s Ultimate skill double-cast conditional trigger, which allows her to function in some limited capacity as a single-target damage dealer in addition to her usual AOE niche. Klukai’s single-target damage is worse relative to other dedicated single-target damage dealers (e.g., Qiongjiu); for this reason, V3 is typically considered less a breakpoint and more a stepping stone on the way to V6. 

  • V6: As covered extensively above, V6 is the basis for Klukai’s dominant presence in Gunsmoke as a single-target damage monster. V6 is notable in that it allows Klukai to single-handedly enable Peritya (6 Action Supports/ turn), as well it adds additional “on-hit” damage instances (see Skill 2, Passive) to the Ultimate skill.

Pros & Cons

  • Trivializes all general content by sweeping away anything short of Elite mobs with her Ultimate skill.


  • Klukai(V0~V2) is woefully ill-suited for content that favors single-target damage dealers (e.g., Gunsmoke).

Build and teams

Best Synergies

Klukai synergies aren't available yet. They will be added soon.

Best Build (Keys)

Default Build:

  • 02-03 - One Strike Collapse: Compensates for Klukai’s low base skill multipliers with Klukai’s damage in single-target scenarios with a sizable +DMG% increase to the Ultimate skill. 

  • 04-03 - Solid Backbone: Confectance Index gain greatly improves Klukai’s passive Ultimate skill cooldown reduction effect to significantly improve uptime on the skill.

  • 06-01 - Beyond the Limit's Boundary: Further +DMG% buffs to Klukai’s Ultimate skill at the trade-off of a reduced AOE radius. Most relevant in single-target scenarios, where her effectiveness as an AOE damage dealer isn’t as relevant.

Best Attachments and Stats
  • Corrosion Boost

  • Phase Strike

Stat priority:

ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate

Best Weapons

Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.

  • Scylla
    - BIS*
  • Planeta
    - Good alternative
  • Use any other SSR Weapon you have if you lack above options.
  • Heckler & Koch 416
    Heckler & Koch 416
    - SR option
  • Use any other SR Weapon you have if you lack above options.


matches or outperforms
in damage at all Klukai dupe levels with and without Scylla’s conditional Corrosion weakness effect active. Owing to Klukai’s significant power spike at V6, players are heavily encouraged to prioritize Klukai’s dupes over her signature weapon. For this reason, Planeta is commonly viewed as the more cost-effective option.