A lively and cute "idol" figure. She is good at understanding the emotions of the people around him and is committed to performing performances that bring happiness to everyone - if he could better distinguish between the performance target and the situation, he would definitely be more popular, right?
To learn more about Vepley check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Vepley check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
Live Interaction
Targeted | Shotgun Ammo
Range: 5
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 1
Selects 1 enemy target within 5 tiles and deals Physical damage equal to 80% of attack to them.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
All Out Performance
AoE, Cover Destruction, Displacement | Shotgun Ammo
Range: 1
AoE: -
Cooldown: 2
Stability damage: 1
Selects 1 direction, dealing Physical damage equal to 75% of attack to the first enemy target in each line within a 3x5 area in the selected direction, and knocks the target back by 4 tiles. Simultaneously, destroys any destructible Cover within and outside the 3x3 tile area around the user.
Additional Movement: Can move once, but cannot use any other commands.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): If 2 or more targets are hit, gain 3 tiles of Additional Movement.
Exclusive Stage
Targeted, Cleanse
Range: 5
AoE: Target
Confectance Cons.: 1
Stability damage: 2
Select 1 enemy target within 5 tiles and deal Physical damage equal to 150% of attack to it. If the target is not protected by Cover, cleanse 2 of its buffs before attacking.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): If the target has movement debuffs, increase critical rate by 100%.
Infectious Enthusiasm
AoE, Debuff
Range: 5
AoE: 2
Confectance Cons.: 4
Stability damage: 2
Selects 1 tile within 5 tiles to attack, dealing AoE Physical damage equal to 100% of attack to all enemy targets within 2 tiles. Additionally, this applies Overzealous and Vulnerable II to the targets for 2 turns.
Overzealous: When attacked by Vepley, increases damage taken by 30%. This debuff cannot be cleansed.
Vulnerable II: Increase damage taken by 20%. This is considered a defense debuff.
Stun: Unable to act.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): Overzealous is now applied before the attack instead of after.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): If only 1 target is hit, applies Stun for 1 turn.
Idol Talent
Range: Map-Wide
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 0
At the start of an action, gain 1 Conduction Point. For each damage dealt, gain 1 Conduction point. Increase damage dealt to enemy targets with Movement Debuff effect by 20%. If movement distance is greater than 5 tiles, apply Movement Down II to the target before attacking for 2 turns.
Movement Down II: Mobility decreased by 2 tiles, Movement debuff.
Movement Denied: Unable to move. This is considered a Movement debuff.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): If this unit moves 3 or more tiles, applies Movement Down II to the target before attacking.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): If the target has movement debuffs, applies Movement Denied to them for 1 turn.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Safe Viewing Distance: Increase Stability Damage by 2 points to enemy targets with movement debuffs.
02-03 - Contamination Zone Tour: The range of the active skill All Out Performance is adusted to a 5x3 area, and the knockback distance is modified to 1 tile.
04-01 - Fortune of an Idol: If there are no allied units within 6 tiles of self, Vepley gains 1 stack of Quick Shield at the end of the action.
04-03 - Dino Dash: When using the active skill Exclusive Stage, ignores 10% of the target's Cover damage reduction if the target has a movement debuff.
06-01 - Stress Resistance Training: If Vepley is near Cover, AoE damage taken is reduced by 20%.
06-03 - Stage Commitment: When applying movement debuffs to large targets, deals additional fixed damage equal to 15% of Vepley's attack.
Common Key Heart Melting Strike: If the user's mobility is greater than or equal to the target's, damage dealt is increased by 7%.
Attacks ignore 15% of the target’s defense. If the target has a movement-type debuff, an additional 15% defense is ignored. When using the active skill All Out Performance, inflicts Stun and Vulnerable II on the target for 2 turns.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
Deals additional fixed damage equal to 10/15/15/20/20/20% of attack each time an active skill deals damage. Damage to targets with movement debuffs is increased by 10/10/15/15/20/20%. When taking targeted damage, if the attacker has movement debuffs, applies Damage Reduction I/I/I/II/II/II to them for 1/1/1/1/1/2 turn before damage is dealt. This can only be triggered once per turn (Level 1-5 only).
Vepley images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Vepley is an offensive utility character with an assortment of tools to her kit that gives her decent coverage as an all-rounder addition to the team. These are:
Vulnerable II debuff: Vepley is most notable for her 2 turn Vulnerable II debuff applied on Ultimate Skill, which gives her a niche within boss content as a debuffer.
Buff dispel: Cleanse is needed to bypass certain boss mechanics (e.g., Deichgraf DEF buff).
High-mobility: As a Vanguard, Vepley inherently comes with high mobility. While the impact of mobility is less tangible than raw damage output, Vepley benefits from all the positional advantages that come with high movement speed (e.g., objective control).
Enemy displacement: Vepley’s 4 tile displacement can notably launch enemies off the map. While highly situational, this can be used to push early game content (i.e., Peak Value Assessment) by easing the DPS requirements from the rest of the team.
Fixed Keys core to Vepley’s function are:
02-01 - Safe Viewing Distance: Vepley is used almost exclusively as a utility unit against bosses. As such, the additional stability shred is much appreciated.
Vepley’s Mod Key has no meaningful impact on her performance or her overall viability.
As of writing, Vepley’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.
Vepley’s primary use case is her role as an offensive debuffer in boss content, where her generic Vulnerable II debuff and buff dispel boost teamwide damage output. While her versatile kit introduces novel approaches to otherwise ordinary encounters (e.g., destroying cover to expose enemies, pushing enemies off the map), her standout strength lies in maximizing team damage against high-priority targets.
Amusingly, Vepley’s single Vulnerable II debuff is enough to carve out a niche for her. Due to the limited options within the character roster, Vepley, despite her mediocrity, ends up being a real consideration in boss content. This is especially true when the content requires multiple teams (i.e., Gunsmoke), and available roles quickly run out of strong alternatives.
Vepley’s value lies in her Vulnerable II debuff and buff dispel. Her value as an enabler or support within a team composition is relatively minimal.
SSR characters are reviewed at V0/V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Vepley’s significant dupe powerspikes at:
N/A: Vepley’s performance gains from her dupes are minimal, so players need not feel obligated to pull for extra copies.
Vepley is obtainable for free from the Beginner Mission event available to all new players,
Vepley’s Vulnerable II debuff and buff dispel give her a niche as an offensive debuffer in boss content,
Knockback will instantly kill enemies if they are pushed off the map,
Excellent mobility characteristic of the Vanguard class.
Vepley’s single Vulnerable II debuff as the basis for her viability in boss content leaves her highly susceptible to being replaced by stronger alternatives,
Physical damage type is inherently worse than elemental damage types as it more accurately represents an absence-of-damage-type, and thus cannot capitalize on any related systems.
Build and teams
Default build:
02-01 - Safe Viewing Distance
04-03 - Dino Dash
06-03 - Stage Commitment
Phase Strike
Ballistic Boost
ATK% > ATK > Crit Damage (Muzzle only) > Crit Rate
Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.
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