To learn more about Centaureissi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
To learn more about Centaureissi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Build and teams
The stats shown below are the base stats + the stats gained from Neural Helix. Other sources that affect them aren't included.
Cleaning Time
Targeted | Medium Ammo
Range: 7
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: 3
Select 1 enemy target within 7 tiles, dealing Physical damage equal to 80% of attack.
This skill has no special effects or they haven't been added yet.
This skill has no upgrades.
Careful Hospitality
Targeted, Healing, Buff | Burn
Range: 7
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 1
Stability damage: 6
Select 1 enemy target within 7 tiles and deals Burn damage equal to 130% of attack to them. After attacking. restores HP equal to 100% of attack to the nearest allied target (excluding the user) and gains Heat Recovery. If the enemy target is inflicted with Overburn, heals 1 additional allied target.
Heat Recovery: Before being attacked, recovers own HP equal to 30% of the inflictor’s attack, recovers 2 points of Stability, and randomly cleanses 1 buff from the attacker. Triggers once. Considered a Burn buff.
Heat Cycle: When consuming Heat Recovery, gain an additional 1 stack of Heat Recovery, Triggers once. Considered a Burn buff. Cannot be dispelled.
Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.
Fortification Segment 3 (V3): If you have Heat Recovery, gain Heat Cycle.
Zucchero's Special Drink
AoE, Healing, Cleanse
Range: 7
AoE: 3
Cooldown: 2
Stability damage: -
Selects 1 allied target within 7 tiles, restoring total HP equal to 150% of attack to the target and all allied units within 3 tiles. The healing is distributed evenly among all targets. Additionally, deals AoE physical damage equal to 50% of attack to all enemies within range. If the enemy targets have Overburn, cleanses 2 of their buffs.
Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.
Fortification Segment 5 (V5): Each friendly target must restore at least 75% of your attack power as health.
Afternoon Tea Break
Healing, Stability Regen, Cleanse, Buff
Range: Map
AoE: Map
Confectance Cons.: 6
Stability damage: -
Restores HP equal to 100% of attack to all allies, cleanses 2 debuffs, removes Fear and Stun, and restores up to 7 points of stability index to the ally with the lowest stability index. After healing, applies Heat Recovery.
Fear: Uncontrollable, actively moves away from the caster. This is removed when the caster dies.
Stun: Unable to act.
Heat Recovery: Before being attacked, recovers own HP equal to 30% of the inflictor’s attack, recovers 2 points of Stability, and randomly cleanses 1 buff from the attacker. Triggers once. Considered a Burn buff.
Taunt: Uncontrollable, forced to use basic attacks on the user. This is removed when the user dies.
Infatuated: Uncontrollable, actively moves towards the caster. This is removed when the caster dies.
Fortification Segment 4 (V4): Increase the number of debuffs cleansed by 1, also removing Taunt, Fear, Infatuated, and Stun.
Fortification Segment 6 (V6): Restores Stability Index to the 2 allied targets with the lowest Stability Index, increasing the restored Stability Index by 1 point.
Maid's Duty
Buff, Debuff, Support
Range: Self
AoE: Target
Cooldown: 0
Stability damage: -
At the start of battle, gains Heat Recovery. When the user is under the effects of Heat Recovery: Increases damage dealt by 20%. When healing, additionally heals 10% of the user's max HP. After active attacks, applies Overburn for 2 turns.
When an enemy unit within range receives targeted damage from an ally, prioritize performing 1 instance of Action Support, dealing Physical damage equal to 80% of attack and 3 points of stability damage to them, and applies Heat Recovery to the allied unit. Gains 1 point of Confectance Index. This can be triggered up to 2 times per turn.
Overburn: Upon gaining this effect, at the end of turn, this unit and allies within 1 tile receive fixed damage equal to 10% of the attack of the unit that applied this effect. Considered a Burn debuff.
Heat Recovery: Before being attacked, recovers own HP equal to 30% of the inflictor’s attack, recovers 2 points of Stability, and randomly cleanses 1 buff from the attacker. Triggers once. Considered a Burn buff.
Action Support: Performs a Support Attack; cannot be triggered by another Support Attack.
Damage Up II: Increase damage dealt by 20%. Considered a buff.
Blazing Assault II: Increase attack by 15%. This is considered a Burn buff.
Fortification Segment 1 (V1): During Action Support, additionally apply Blazing Assault II and Damage Up II to the friendly unit, lasting 1 turn.
Fortification Segment 2 (V2): While you have Heat Recovery: Increase healing effects by 20%, Increase damage dealt by 40%, If the target of healing has Heat Recovery, increase healing effects by 50%. If the attack target has Overburn, increase damage dealt by 50%.
Neural Helix
Fixed Keys:
02-01 - Pre-Meal Dessert: Gains 3 points of Confectance Index at the start of the battle.
02-03 - Efficient Processing: When [Heat Recovery] is triggered, randomly cleanses 1 buff from the attacker. Before [Heat Recovery] is triggered, cleanses 2 debuffs from Centaureissi.
04-01 - Thorough Preparation: When healing an allied target with an active skill, cleanses 1 debuff. For targets with [Heat Recovery], cleanses 1 additional debuff.
04-03 - Lucky Menu: When healing an allied target with an active skill, if the target has [Heat Recovery], randomly applies 1 powerful buff to them for 1 turn.
06-01 - Maid's Resolve: If an allied unit within 7 tiles enters Stability Break after taking damage, removes [Heat Recovery] from self and applies [Heat Recovery] to the allied unit.
06-03 - Comforting Blend: Increases the healing multiplier of the active skill Zucchero's Special Drink by 75%.
Common Key Essential Hot Beverages: At the end of action, applies [Heat Recovery] to the closest allied unit without [Heat Recovery]. This effect has a 2-turn cooldown.
At the beginning of the battle and after using the Ultimate Afternoon Tea Break, grants Invigorating Tea to yourself for 2 full rounds. Upon using the Active Skill Zucchero's Special Drink, applies Perfect Protection to all allied units for 2 turns.
When an allied unit deals Burn damage, perform a follow-up attack and gain 1 stack of Confectance Index. Triggers up to once per turn.
Invigorating Tea: All allied units gain a 10% Critical Damage boost and a 15% Burn Damage increase when dealing Burn Damage. Cannot be dispelled.
Perfect Protection: Prevents damage from Basic Attacks and Skills. The effect is removed after taking damage from one Basic Attack or Skill. Considered as a Buff.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Restroes 2 points of Stability to the user after healing allied units. This effect can be triggered at most once per turn.
When healing with active skills, if the target's Stability is less than 1/2/3/4/4/4, restore an additional 2 points of Stability to them. This can trigger at most 1/1/1/1/1/2 times per turn. When the user's Stability is full, healing and damage dealt are increased by 20/25/30/35/40/40%.
Centaureissi images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
For all tier lists, SSR characters are rated at V0 (no dupes) and SR characters are rated at V6 (max dupes).
Generic (GBL)
Bossing (GBL)
Generic (CN)
Bossing (CN)
Centaureissi is a pure defensive sustain support most notable for the offensive buffs she provides at V1. Her base kit is overwhelmingly biased towards defensive utility, sporting all the heals, stability heals and debuff cleanses needed to maintain a team in peak condition.
Centaureissi’s singular focus on being the “ultimate” sustain support places her in a niche with limited practical applications. Her healing output far exceeds what is required of the team, while her utility in other areas is notably lacking, leaving her with little to contribute outside of her primary role as the team’s healer.
Centaureissi is assessed at V1 on the basis that a significant portion of her value is attributed to the Blazing Assault II and Damage Up II offensive buffs applied through her enhanced V1 Passive. At V0, Centaureissi can be summarized as an underwhelming defensive healing support with few impactful qualities.
Important! There is already more than enough damage within the character roster to meet the damage thresholds to clear at-level content. To the average player, Centaureissi’s V1 offensive buffs will not noticeably improve team performance. As is the case with all dupes, pulling Centaureissi’s V1 incurs an opportunity cost for what would have been some other SSR.
Fixed Keys core to Centaureissi’s function are:
06-03 - Lucky Menu: Applies a random buff to the ally when healing them while they are affected by Heat Recovery, helping with her lack of offensive buffs at V0.
06-01 - Thorough Preparation: Gives Centaureissi the ability to cleanse debuffs from allies using her S2, instead of it being tied only to her Ultimate.
Centaureissi’s Mod Key greatly improves her supportive capabilities by providing offensive (and defensive) buffs to add much needed depth to her otherwise one-dimensional healing support kit.
Offensively, Centaureissi’s Mod Key reinforces her niche as a damage amplifier in Qiongjiu-Vector “Burn” teams, with the improved buffs solidifying her place in the team archetype. See below the Character Synergies section for more details.
Defensively, Centaureissi’s Mod Key significantly shortens her Ultimate Skill cooldown by increasing her Confectance Index gain from 2 to 3. The Mod Key also improves her Skill 2 by adding an on-demand single-instance full damage negation effect, applied map-wide to all allied targets. This complements her healing by providing some damage mitigation (akin to Suomi’s Wintry Bastion buff) where previously there was none.
As of writing, Centaureissi’s Mod Key has not yet been introduced to the Global server. Global is expected to receive it at a later, yet undisclosed date.
Centaureissi(V1) is an offensive buffer/sustain support, valued primarily for her single-turn Blazing Assault II - Damage Up II buff combo (+15% ATK% and +20% DMG%, respectively), which can be applied up to twice per round via her Action Support.
While Centaureissi(V1)’s damage amplification is less potent than that of her more specialized peers (e.g., Vector, Mechty), the broad applicability of her damage buffs ensures they provide value to the entire team, regardless the comp. In Gunsmoke Frontline, where teams are stretched thin for buffers, Centaureissi(V1) can quickly find herself the next best alternative for the team.
Beyond Centaureissi(V1)’s offensive buffs, she also meets her team’s need for a sustain support by serving as the healer, a role in which she excels.
Centaureissi(V1) is most prominently featured in Qiongjiu-Vector “Burn” teams, where she serves as a support to round out the team. Specifically, these “Burn” teams refer to comps built around the Qiongjiu-Vector damage core and forgo a second damage pairing (e.g., Tololo-Springfield) to instead push damage through maximizing the value of Vector’s Burn buffs by using more Burn characters (i.e., Qiuhua, Peri, Centaureissi).
While her Mod Key adds to the buffs she contributes to the team, she still falls short compared to other buffers within their respective niches (e.g., Vector-Burn, Mechty-Corrosion). Nevertheless, she is good enough to take the team slot.
Centaureissi(V1) can be somewhat awkward to use. Specifically, her Action Support can easily be applied at the wrong time on the wrong person. Owing to how “Burn” team rotations pan out, it can often be the supporting characters that trigger the Action Support, and not the main damage dealer themselves. Some considerations when using Centaureissi(V1) for her buffs include:
Qiongjiu cannot realistically maintain Centaureissi(V1)’s buffs on herself, as she will spend most of her turns casting her self-buff Ultimate Skill.
Unintuitively, within the Qiongjiu-Vector “Burn” team, the main recipient of the buffs tends not to be Qiongjiu herself but some other damage dealer (e.g., Qiuhua)
Certain characters (e.g., Peri) can inadvertently set off Centaureissi(V1)’s Action Support in the process of setting up their buffs/debuffs.
SSR characters are reviewed at V0/V1 strength. However, for those especially dedicated players, it is worth noting Centaureissi’s significant dupe powerspikes at:
V1: To paraphrase the above disclosure, the entire basis for Centaureissi’s value (the reason she gets a team slot) can be attributed to the two offensive buffs she applies on allies at V1.
Overwhelming survivability buffs well in excess of anything the game has to offer.
Blazing Assault II (V1) and Damage Up II (V1) offensive buffs (V1) on an easy to trigger passive effect.
Incredibly simple to use support tag-along character - no enablers needed to function.
Overwhelming survivability buffs may be excessive for when teams would prefer offensive utility instead. The majority of Centaureissi’s survivability-focused kit often goes disregarded.
Centaureissi’s reliance on her V1 buffs highlights the glaring weaknesses of her underwhelming base kit at V0.
Build and teams
This section is still work in progress, so some synergies might be missing! We will update the information as soon as we can.
Default build:
Fixed Key 06-01 - Lucky Menu
Fixed Key 06-03 - Thorough Preparation
The third slot is flex.
Emergency Repair
Phase Strike
ATK% > ATK > HP% > HP > DEF%
Weapons are listed in priority order, but keep in mind that the Signature Weapon is not a must have - the Battle Pass Weapons or Standard Weapons will work well enough. Only Weapons available in Global are included.
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