Last updated: 06/03/2025
Rarity: SR
Type: Handgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Basic attack range is increased by 1 tile, gains 1 point of Confectance Index after attacking.
After dealing damage, the next active healing is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. If an allied unit goes into Stability Break, the next active healing additionally restores 1/1/1/1/2/2 point of stability index.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
Attacks ignore 1 point of stability index. When possessing Insight, additionally ignore another 1 point of stability index.
If the target's current HP percentage is above 90/70/50/30/30/30%, increase damage dealt to them by 10/12/15/15/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When taking damage, reduces damage by 2% per Electric debuff on the attacker, up to a maximum of 6%.
Increases Electric damage dealt by all allies by 10%. At the end of the turn, restores 5% of your max HP. If you have positive charge, increases Electric damage dealt by yourself and summoned units by 20/24/28/32/36/40%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Battle Pass
Attacks ignore 1 point of stability index. When possessing Insight, additionally ignore another 1 point of stability index.
When dealing damage, if there are no other enemy units within a 4/4/3/3/3/2-tile radius of the target, increase damage dealt to the target by 15/18/21/24/27/30%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Attacks ignore 10% of the target’s defense. If the target has Freeze debuffs, ignore an additional 10% of its defense.
Increases Freeze damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. For every 4/4/3/3/2/2 instances of damage dealt outside of own turn, increases damage dealt by the next active attack by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the character moves 5 tiles or more, they gain Movement Boost II at the start of their next action, lasting for 1 turn.
Damage dealt when exploiting weaknesses increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. Critical damage against targets with Hydro-related debuffs increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Handgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Increases Stability Damage taken by enemy units within 3 tiles by 1 point.
Damage dealt to targets with defense debuffs increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
At the start of the turn, if at full HP, randomly gains 1 buff for 1 turn.
Active Physical attack damage is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the end of the action, they gain a random buff, lasting for 1 turn.
After attacking a target with Corrosion-type debuffs, increase your damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%, stacking up to 2 times.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the character moves 5 tiles or more, they gain Movement Boost II at the start of their next action, lasting for 1 turn.
If a kill is made, damage is increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10%, stacking up to 2 times.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Battle Pass
If this unit has moved 5 tiles or more, gains Movement Up II for 1 turn at the start of the next action.
For every 1 tile moved, ignores 5/6/7/8/9/10% of the target's defense, up to a maximum of 25/30/35/40/45/50%. If movement exceed 5/5/4/4/4/3 tiles, cleanses 1/1/2/2/2/3 random buff from the target before attacking.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sword
Source: Battle Pass
For every 3 eliminations with active attacks, gain 1 Extra Action.
Increases damage by 15/18/21/24/27/30% to enemy units with full HP or a lower HP percentage than the user. If there is no Cover near the target, deals 2 points of stability damage to the target before the attack.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff for 1 turn.
Damage dealt to targets with debuffs is increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10%. If the target is afflicted with a burn-type debuff, additional damage is dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Normal attacks ignore 20% of the target's defense.
After a normal attack, increases corrosion damage dealt by 15/19/23/27/31/35%. All allied units' corrosion damage is increased by 10%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Ignores 1 point of Stability Index when attacking. If Insight is active, ignores an additional 1 point.
At the end of the turn, applies Saturation I to self and Summoned Entities for 2 turns. Ultimate Skill Damage increased by 15/20/25/30/35/40%.
Summoned Entities: A summoned unit that occupies a tile on the battlefield and has its own attributes (e.g., Poposha's Guardian Sentinel, Andoris' Auto-Turret, Nikketa's Kulich, etc.).
Saturation I: Increases Hydro Damage dealt by 10%. Hydro-type buff.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When taking damage, for every Burn debuff the attacker has, the damage received is reduced by 2%, up to a maximum reduction of 6%.
Basic Attacks' critical damage increases by 15%. For every Basic Attack performed, critical damage increases by 2/3/4/5/6/7%, up to a maximum of 25/30/35/40/45/50%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If a phase weakness is exploited, ignores 10% of the target's defense. If it is a Freeze phase weakness, ignores another 10% of defense.
When the user has Insight, increases damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. Before an allied unit makes an active attack, if the target has Freeze debuffs, increases Freeze damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%. If the target has Frigid, this damage increase is enhanced to 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Battle Pass
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
If the target has full Stability Index or is Exposed, damage dealt to them is increased by 15/18/21/24/27/30%. When dealing damage, apply Stability Imbalance I/I/II/II/II/II/II to the target for 1/2/2/2/2/3 turns. Cooldown: 3/3/3/3/2/2 turns.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After healing an ally, restores 2 Stability Damage to self (max once per turn).
All allies’ Hydro damage increases by 5%. Increases the user’s maximum HP by 15/20/25/30/35/40%. Active healing applies Attack Up II to the target for 2 turns.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the end of the action, they gain a random buff, lasting for 1 turn.
Before attacking, for every tile of movement spent, increases damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%, up to a maximum of 10/12/14/16/18/20%. If the target has negative charge, increases Electric damage dealt by 15/17/19/21/23/25%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff for 1 turn.
Increase damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10% when attacking targets with Electric-type debuffs, stacking up to 2 times.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Reduce damage taken by 2% for each Electric-type debuff on the attacker, up to 6%.
Increase damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20% when attacking targets with Negative Charge.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the end of the action, they gain a random buff, lasting for 1 turn.
Increase damage dealt by 10/10/15/20/20/20%. When gaining buffs, increase damage dealt by the next support attack by 10/15/15/15/20/20%, and grants 1/1/1/1/1/2 stacks stacking up to 2/2/3/3/4/4 times.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Battle Pass
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff for 1 turn.
For each allied unit (excluding self) within 5 tiles, increases healing and damage dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/15%, up to 15/18/21/24/27/30%. If there are more than [Level 1-3] / at least (excluding yourself) [Level 4-6] 2/1/1/1/1/1 allied units, gains 2/2/3/3/3/4 tiles of Additional Movement after the active attack.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sword
Source: Standard Gacha
For every 3 eliminations with active attacks, gain 1 Extra Action.
Before attacking, if the user moved more than 6/6/6/5/4/3 tiles, increases this attack's damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
Deals additional fixed damage equal to 10/15/15/20/20/20% of attack each time an active skill deals damage. Damage to targets with movement debuffs is increased by 10/10/15/15/20/20%. When taking targeted damage, if the attacker has movement debuffs, applies Damage Reduction I/I/I/II/II/II to them for 1/1/1/1/1/2 turn before damage is dealt. This can only be triggered once per turn (Level 1-5 only).
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the user has full HP at the start of the action, gains 1 random buff for 1 turn.
Before attacking, there is a 20/36/52/68/84/100% chance to cleanse 1 buff from the target. For every 3/3/3/2/2/1 tiles moved, damage is increased by 5/7.5/10/10/10/10% (up to a maximum of 10/15/20/20/20/20%). Critical damage against targets not protected by Cover is increased by 10/10/10/10/15/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When exploiting weakness, ignore 10% of targets defense, if the weakness exploited is Corrosion weakness, ignore and additional 10% of defense
When attacking 2 or more targets, increase damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Handgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Increases Stability Damage taken by enemy units within 3 tiles by 1 point.
Physical damage increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%; if the target is within 3 tiles, damage dealt increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When exploiting weakness, ignore 10% of targets defense, if the weakness exploited is Freeze weakness, ignore and additional 10% of defense.
Increases damage by 10/12/14/16/18/20% to targets on Freeze tiles.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After using an Ultimate, gains 3 additional tiles of movement (activates once per turn).
Increases Anomaly damage dealt by 10/15/15/15/20/20%. When dealing Anomaly damage, permanently increases Anomaly damage by 2/2/4/6/6/10%. If Electric damage is dealt, additionally gains 1 stack (up to 6/6/4/3/3/2 stacks). At 6/6/4/3/3/2 stacks, Active Skill Focused Strike deals Electric damage (cooldown: 4/3/3/3/3/2 turns).
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
At the start of the turn, if at full HP, randomly gains 1 buff for 1 turn.
All allied units' active physical attacks ignore 10% of the target's defense. For each buff applied to an allied unit (excluding self), own active physical attacks ignore an additional 4% defense, up to a maximum of 20/24/28/32/36/40%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Event
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
For every 2/2/2/2/2/1 points of Confectance Index consumed, damage is increased by 2/3/4/5/10/10%, up to a maximum increase of 10/12/16/20/20/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Standard Gacha
If this unit has moved 5 tiles or more, gains Movement Up II for 1 turn at the start of the next action.
When applying a buff to an allied target, increases damage dealt by the next active skill by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Restroes 2 points of Stability to the user after healing allied units. This effect can be triggered at most once per turn.
When healing with active skills, if the target's Stability is less than 1/2/3/4/4/4, restore an additional 2 points of Stability to them. This can trigger at most 1/1/1/1/1/2 times per turn. When the user's Stability is full, healing and damage dealt are increased by 20/25/30/35/40/40%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
During Stability Break, whenever stability is recovered, additionally restores 2 points of stability index. If stability index is above 10/10/10/10/8/6 points, increase damage dealt by 20/25/30/35/40/40%. At the end of the action, applies Attack Down I/I/I/I/II/II to 1/1/1/1/1/2 enemy target with the highest attack within 6/7/8/9/10/10 tiles for 1 turn.
Rarity: SSR
Type: LMG
Source: Battle Pass
If AoE damage is dealt, apply 1 debuff for 1 turn.
If no movement has been made, increase damage dealt by 15/18/21/24/27/30%, and at the end of the action, restores 10/12/14/16/18/20% of max HP and 1/1/2/2/2/3 point of stability index.
Rarity: SR
Type: LMG
Source: Standard Gacha
If AoE damage is dealt, apply 1 debuff for 1 turn.
If remaining mobility is greater than 3 tiles when performing an active attack, increase damage dealt by 5/7/9/11/13/15%. If the target has a debuff, damage is increased by an additional 5%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain 1 random buff for 1 turn.
When the user gains Extra Action, targeted active skill damage is increased by 10/12/14/16/18%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff for 1 turn.
Allies gain 10/12/14/16/18/20% increased damage when attacking targets with Burn-related debuffs. If the attack causes Burn damage, additional 10/12/14/16/18/20% damage. Targeted attacks deal 5% more damage to targets with Overheat Combustion.
Rarity: SR
Type: Handgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Outside of the user's turn, attack range is increased by 1 tile, and stability damage is increased by 1 point.
When applying a debuff, the damage of the next active skill is increased by 5/5/5/10/10/10%. If the debuff is a defense debuff, an additional 1 debuff is applied for 1 turn, and the damage of the next active skill is further increased by an additional 5/6/7/8/9/10%. This effect can only be triggered once per turn.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
At the end of the action, if under the effect of 3 or more stacks of Shelter, restores 1 point of stability index.
Every 4/3/3/3/2/1 times Shelter is applied, increases damage dealt by the next active skill by 10/12/15/18/20/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: LMG
Source: Standard Gacha
If AoE damage is dealt, apply 1 debuff for 1 turn. If the target has 3 or more debuffs, this attack ignores 15% of their Cover damage reduction.
Each time an attack successfully hits 3/3/3/3/2/2 targets, the damage of the next active skill is increased by 10/15/20/20/20/20%, with an additional increase of 10/10/10/15/20/20% damage for AoE skills. After dealing damage, there is a 20/36/54/68/100% chance to apply 1/1/1/1/1/2 debuff to the target.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Shop
When dealing damage, for each debuff on the target, ignore 5% of its defense, up to 20%.
Increases damage dealt to Large Targets by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Handgun
Source: Battle Pass
Basic attack range is increased by 1 tile, gains 1 point of Confectance Index after attacking.
If at or above 100/90/80/70/60/50% HP, healing and damage is increased by 15/18/21/24/27/30%.
Rarity: SR
Type: LMG
Source: Standard Gacha
If AoE damage is dealt, apply 1 debuff for 1 turn.
If attacks hits 4/3/3/3/2/1 targets, the next instance of damage dealt with skills is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain 1 random attack buff for 1 turn.
When a kill is made or after this unit's Extra Action ends, damage dealt by active skills is increased by 4/5/5/5/5/5%, stacking up to 5/5/6/7/8/8 times by 1/1/2/2/2/3 times. After reaching 5/5/6/7/8/8 stacks, gain 2/3/3/3/3/4 tiles of Additional Movement after active attack.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sword
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After using an active attack, increases Confectance Index by 1 point. This effect can be activated once per turn
Damage dealt to enemy targets not protected by Cover is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff lasting for 1 turn.
When receiving a buff, increases damage dealt by 10/12/14/16/18/20% until the start of the next action.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Before using an active skill, dispels one debuff from the user. If dispelling is successful, gains a random attack buff for one turn.
Increases Burn damage by 10/11/12/13/14/15%. Each instance of Burn damage increases Burn damage by 2/3/4/5/6/7%, up to a maximum increase of 10/15/20/25/30/35%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sword
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After using an active attack, gain 1 point of Confectance Index, can trigger a maximum of once per turn.
When using an active attack, deals additional fixed damage equal to 10/12/14/16/18/20% of your attack to targets not at full HP. For targets with lower HP percentage than the user, increases Critical Damage by 20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain 1 random buff. lasting for 1 turn.
For every 3 points of Confectance Index consumed, the targeted damage of the next active skill is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
Attacks ignore 1 point of Stability index. When possessing Insight, additionally ignore another 1 point of Stability index.
Phase Damage is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. Electric Damage is increased by another 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When exploiting weakness, ignore 10% of targets defense, if the weakness exploited is Corrosion weakness, ignore and additional 10% of defense
Increases AoE corrosion damage dealt by 15/17/19/21/23/25%. For every instance of corrosion damage dealt, damage dealt increases by 2/2.4/2.8/3.2/3.6/4%, up to a maximum of 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
After receiving healing, the damage dealt by the user's next active skill is increased by 5/5/5/5/5/10%. If the user's HP is or exceeds 100/90/80/70/60/50% after healing, the damage dealt by the active skill is further increased by an additional 5/6/7/8/9/10%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After healing an ally, restores 2 Stability Index to self (max once per turn).
Before active attacks or healing, if the target has Hydro effects, damage and healing increase by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Handgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Basic attack range is increased by 1 tile, gains 1 point of Confectance Index after attacking.
After applying a buff to an allied target, increase healing and damage dealt by the next active skill by 5/7/9/11/13/15%. If this is an attack buff, gain an additional 5% increase, with a 50/60/70/80/90/100% chance to apply 1 additional buff. This effect can trigger at most once per turn.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After healing an ally, restore 2 Stability Index to yourself, triggering up to once per turn.
Increases damage dealt and healing provided by 10/12/14/16/18/20% to targets with HP below 50/60/70/80/90/100%.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the character moves 5 tiles or more, they gain Movement Boost II at the start of their next action, lasting for 1 turn.
Shield application effects are increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10%. When granting buffs to allied units (excluding self), healing effects are increased by5/6/7/8/9/10% for 2 turns.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Shop
When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.
Targeted damage dealt by City Warden is increased by 15/18/21/24/27/30%. After the unit or an allied unit launches a Support Attack, the critical rate of its next active attack is increased by 10%, up to a maximum of 15/18/21/24/27/30%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Standard Gacha
Attacks ignore 1 point of stability index. When possessing Insight, additionally ignore another 1 point of stability index.
If the target is affected by a Phase debuff, damage dealt to them is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the unit has full HP at the start of the action, they gain a random buff for 1 turn.
If extra movement points are available at the start of your turn, the next damage dealt is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Assault Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
After applying Displacement-type debuffs to an enemy, gain a random buff for 1 turn.
Increase damage dealt to targets without beneficial effects by 10%. If it’s out-of-turn damage, increase by an additional 5/6/7/8/9/10%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Before using an active skill, dispels one debuff from the user. If dispelling is successful, gains a random attack buff for one turn.
Increases damage against targets with Burn-related debuffs by 10/12/14/16/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When taking damage, for every Burn debuff the attacker has, the damage received is reduced by 2%, up to a maximum reduction of 6%.
When health is below 75%, damage dealt increases by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.
Damage dealt to targets with debuffs is increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10%. If the target is afflicted with an Electric debuff, additional damage is dealt by 5/6/7/8/9/10%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
If the character moves 5 tiles or more, they gain Movement Boost II at the start of their next action, lasting for 1 turn.
Freeze damage dealt by all allied units is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. The value of applied Shield is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%. If the user's Stability index is greater than 0 before using the Ultimate skill, the value of applied Shield increased by an another 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Ignores 1 point of Stability Index when attacking. If Insight is active, ignores an additional 1 point.
Ultimate Skill Damage increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Shotgun
Source: Standard Gacha
Gains Quick Barrier when destroying Cover.
At the start of the action, randomly gains 2 types of effects, this being either targeted and AoE damage boosts, or Confectance and basic damage boosts. Damage from selected sources is increased by 5/6/7/8/9/10%.
Rarity: SR
Type: Sniper Rifle
Source: Rate-up Gacha
Attacks ignore 10% of the target’s defense. If the target has Freeze debuffs, ignore an additional 10% of its defense.
If HP is above 80%, out-of-turn damage is increased by 10/12/14/16/18/20%.
Rarity: SSR
Type: SMG
Source: Rate-up Gacha
When dealing damage, for each debuff the target has, ignore 5% of their defense, up to a maximum of 20%.
When applying Electrified, additional fixed damage equal to 9/12/15/18/21/25% of your attack power is dealt, with a 15/20/25/30/35/50% chance to inflict paralysis for 1 turn.
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