YanagiBuild and Guide


Yanagi is an
S Rank
rank character with the Electric attribute who belongs to the
Anomaly Specialty and who is part of the
Section 6
Section 6 faction.

To learn more about Yanagi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.

Video guide

Yanagi has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:

Update tracker

Last review/pros & cons update

Patch 1.5

Last build/calcs update

Patch 1.5

Last teams/synergies update

Patch 1.3

Last profile update*

February 11th, 2025

*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.

To learn more about Yanagi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.




SD/DA Analytics

Rotation & Teams



Core skills

Core Passive Lunar Eclipse

Lv. 1

After Yanagi activates her EX Special Attack, the DMG multiplier of Disorder is increased by 125 when any squad member applies the Disorder effect to an enemy, lasting 15s.

When her EX Special Attack hits an enemy, Yanagi's Electric DMG against the target is increased by 10 for 15s.

Anomaly Mastery: 0



Additional Ability Gessou

When another character in your squad is an Anomaly character or shares the same attribute:

After switching stances, when Yanagi hits an enemy with Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura, Anomaly Buildup increases by 45% for 8s.


Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura

Yanagi has two stances: Jougen and Kagen. Press to activate: Execute up to five forward slashes based on the current stance, causing Physical DMG and Electric DMG. During combat, Yanagi gains the corresponding stance buff based on her current stance: Jougen stance buff: Electric DMG increases by 10%. Anti-Interrupt Level increases during Basic Attacks. Kagen stance buff: PEN Ratio increases by 10%. Interrupt Level increases for Basic Attacks. For 8s after switching stances, Yanagi retains the bonus from the previous stance.

Lv. 1
Jougen 1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
Jougen 1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
Jougen 2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
Jougen 2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
Jougen 3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
Jougen 3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
Jougen 4th-Hit DMG Multiplier
Jougen 4th-Hit Daze Multiplier
Jougen 5th-Hit DMG Multiplier
Jougen 5th-Hit Daze Multiplier
Kagen 1st-Hit DMG Multiplier
Kagen 1st-Hit Daze Multiplier
Kagen 2nd-Hit DMG Multiplier
Kagen 2nd-Hit Daze Multiplier
Kagen 3rd-Hit DMG Multiplier
Kagen 3rd-Hit Daze Multiplier
Kagen 4th-Hit DMG Multiplier
Kagen 4th-Hit Daze Multiplier
Kagen 5th-Hit DMG Multiplier
Kagen 5th-Hit Daze Multiplier

Dodge: Wandering Breeze

Press to activate. A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Fleeting Flight

Press during a dodge to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Dodge Counter: Rapid Retaliation

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate. Slashes enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After using this skill, you can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Special Attack: Ruten

Press to activate. Perform a forward slash, dealing Electric DMG, and switch the current stance. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill. If activated after the 3rd, 4th, or 5th hit of a Basic Attack, it activates Swift Ruten, speeding up the slashes while switching her current stance. Block enemy attacks while Swift Ruten is active. Upon activating Swift Ruten, Yanagi can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten

With enough energy, press to activate: Charge up power for a quick forward thrust, followed by a downward attack, dealing massive Electric DMG. Upon executing the thrust, Yanagi switches stances and enters the Shinrabanshou state, lasting 15s. For the duration of this state, when following up with a subsequent Basic Attack from the 5th hit of a Basic Attack or other skills, the combo will begin directly from the 3rd hit of the Basic Attack. If the downward attack hits an enemy suffering an Anomaly, it triggers a special Disorder effect, Polarity Disorder, dealing 15% of the original Disorder effect's DMG to the target, plus an additional percentage of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency. Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's Anomaly.

Lv. 1
Thrust Attack DMG Multiplier
Thrust Attack Daze Multiplier
Downward Attack DMG Multiplier
Downward Attack Daze Multiplier
Energy Cost
Additional DMG DMG Multiplier
Additional DMG Daze Multiplier

Chain Attack: Celestial Harmony

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate: Switch stances and unleash a powerful slash on enemies in front, dealing massive Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After using this skill, you can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Ultimate: Raiei Tenge

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate. Yanagi unleashes her potential and delivers a powerful slash to a large area of enemies in front in a very short time, followed by an additional lightning strike, dealing massive Electric DMG. When the lightning strike hits an enemy affected by an Attribute Anomaly, it triggers a special Disorder effect called Polarity Disorder. This deals DMG equal to 15% of the original Disorder effect plus an additional percentage of Yanagi's Anomaly Proficiency. Polarity Disorder will not remove the target's Anomaly. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After using this skill, Yanagi can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier
Additional DMG DMG Multiplier
Additional DMG Daze Multiplier

Quick Assist: Blade of Elegance

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate. Slashes enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After using this skill, you can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Defensive Assist: Radiant Reversal

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press to activate. Parries the enemy's attack, inflicting massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Lv. 1
Light Defensive Daze Multiplier
Heavy Defensive Daze Multiplier
Chain Defensive Daze Multiplier

Assist Follow-Up: Weeping Willow Stab

Press after a Defensive Assist to activate: Switch stances, and quickly deliver multiple slashes to enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill. After using this skill, you can immediately follow up with the 3rd hit of the current stance's Basic Attack.

Lv. 1
DMG Multiplier
Daze Multiplier

Know Thy Self, Know Thy Enemy

Mindscape 1

When any squad member inflicts an Anomaly on an enemy, Yanagi gains 1 stack of Clarity, lasting 15s, stacking up to 3 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Upon being hit by an enemy attack, Yanagi consumes 1 stack of Clarity to gain invulnerability for 1s. When Yanagi has 1 or more stacks of Clarity, her Anomaly Proficiency increases by 80.

Outstanding Adaptability

Mindscape 2

During her EX Special Attack, the rapid thrust's Electric Anomaly Buildup increases by 20%. Holding down the Special Attack button after a rapid thrust hits an enemy will consume 10 additional Energy to launch another thrust. If Energy is insufficient or the button is released, the attack automatically follows up with the downward attack. When the downward attack hits an enemy suffering an Anomaly and triggers Polarity Disorder, the DMG multiplier increases to 20% of the original Disorder effect. Each additional thrust increases this multiplier by 15%, up to a maximum of 2 extra thrusts.

Tsukishiro Style Management

Mindscape 3

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2


Mindscape 4

When Yanagi inflicts Attribute Anomaly DMG on an enemy, they suffer the Exposed effect, lasting 15s. Attacks on enemies under the Expose effect will have 16% increased PEN Ratio.

Other Mother

Mindscape 5

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2

Inhuman Blood

Mindscape 6

After a thrust attack during her EX Special Attack, the duration of the Shinrabanshou state increases to 30s. While the state is active and her EX Special Attack DMG increases by 20%. The maximum number of times the additional DMG multiplier increase effect for Polarity Disorder in Outstanding Adaptability can be triggered increases to 4, and the Energy cost for the first 4 additional thrust attacks is halved.
Stats (Level 60)

Yanagi Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).

PEN Ratio
Anomaly Mastery
Anomaly Proficiency
Energy Regen
Voice Actors

Yanagi images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!


Pros & Cons

  • Can trigger Disorder on demand regardless of Anomaly Buildup.

  • Can play Disorder in a team completely consisting of her own element (Electric) opening up additional strong team-building possibilities.

  • Has excellent burst and sustained Anomaly application ideal as a main fielder and in disorder teams.

  • Boosts the team's Disorder damage multipliers.


  • Very combo-heavy character requiring you to pay attention to buffs, stances, and animations to reach peak performance.

  • Prefers to have a lot of field time to herself to move through her combos and stances.


Yanagi is an S-Rank Melee Electric Anomaly Agent who serves as a main field Anomaly DPS and specializes in dealing and amplifying Disorder damage. Traditionally, Disorder first requires you to have an Anomaly on an enemy and then trigger another one of a different type to activate. However, what makes Yanagi unique is her ability to completely bend these rules with her special mechanic “Polarity Disorder” which she can access via her Ultimate or EX-Special Attack. Polarity Disorder allows Yanagi to trigger a “mini” Disorder on demand ignoring enemies Anomaly build-up and also whether current Anomaly on the enemy is different from Yanagi’s own (Yanagi being an Electric Agent can trigger Polarity Disorder on Shock). This singular part of her kit alone carves out a place for her in the endgame meta as one of the strongest Anomaly DPS in the game, but of course that’s far from all she has to offer.

Her playstyle is straightforward but challenging to master, as it features multiple buffs to keep active, many different combos, and when played in Disorder teams a lot of Character-Swaps and Anomaly management.

Outside of Polarity Disorder, the other mechanic that makes her stand out is a special stance mechanic. Yanagi has two stances, “Jougen” Stance and “Kagen” Stance which she can freely swap between. Each stance changes her Basic Attack pattern and grants her a buff while active. Stances can be swapped through the use of a Special Attack or EX-Special Attack and doing so will allow Yanagi to retain the buff from her previous stance for 8 seconds on top of gaining the buff of the stance she just entered. Getting both buffs at once is a great incentive for swapping between stances already, but the benefits don’t end there. Swapping between stances also allows her to execute combos faster and activate her must-use Additional Ability “Gesso”. 

With all that said, the game plan is: to Swap Stances, execute shortened combos, maintain all buffs, use EX Special’s and Ultimates to trigger Polarity Disorder and manage team Anomaly to trigger standard Disorders as you would in any normal Anomaly team. Sounds pretty easy right? Not so much… Well fortunately it’s not quite as complicated as it sounds so let's dive into the nitty gritty of her kit to break it down.

Yanagi’s Basic attacks are at the heart of most of her combos and as we’ve learned she has two different sets - one for each of the stances. Which stance you’re currently in and which buffs you have active can be tracked in the top left of the screen (If both sides are lit up you have both buffs!).

Each set of Basic Attacks consists of a 5-part combo including 2 Physical Attacks (Basic 1 and 2) and 3 Electric Attacks (Basic 3, 4 and 5). Both stance combos take roughly the same amount of time to execute, but there are some slight differences regardless, excluding the buffs you gain in each stance. Here is what to look out for:

  • Jougen Stance:

    • Full Basic Attack combo does slightly more damage and Anomaly build-up.

    • Grants Anti-Interrupt Level during Basic Attacks.

    • 10% increased Electric DMG in stance and for 8 seconds after leaving.

  • Kagen Stance:

    • Full Basic Attack combo does slightly less damage and Anomaly build-up.

    • Grants Interrupt Level Increase against enemies.

    • 10% increased PEN Ratio% in stance and for 8 seconds after leaving.

For those looking to min-max, spending more time in “Jougen” Stance over “Kagen” Stance offers a slight edge, however the main priority should be always keeping both stance buffs active first and foremost instead.

With min-maxing in mind, Basic Attacks 1 and 2 in both combos being Physical Attacks are not ideal to use as they don’t apply Electric Anomaly build-up. Fortunately, a large majority of her abilities all feature a condition that using Basic Attacks immediately after them allows her to skip both completely and execute Basic Attacks 3,4 and 5 immediately instead. Here’s the list of abilities that allows the streamlining of both Basic Attack combos:

  • Dodge Counter: Rapid Retaliation

  • Chain Attack: Celestial Harmony

  • Ultimate: Raiei Tenge

  • Special Attack: Ruten

  • EX-Special Attack: Gekka Ruten

  • Quick Assist: Blade of Elegance

  • Assist Follow-Up: Weeping Willow Stab

As can be seen above there are a lot of ways to perform the Basic Attack skip and you should prioritize ensuring you always do it to maximize damage. Here is an example of a common attack sequence:

  • Dodge Counter: Rapid Retaliation

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P5

Now that we know most of her combos and how stances work, swapping stances and dealing massive damage via Polarity Disorder is next and both are associated with her Special Attacks.

Unlike most characters, Yanagi's standard Special Attack is actually incredibly useful. Not only using it allows her to immediately Swap-Stance at any time but if it was used following either Basic Attack 3, 4 or 5 of standard combo, she’ll Swap-Stance faster, can continue her streak in her newly entered stance and also gain a small animation speed boost, here’s how it can be used to continually a combo endlessly:

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P5

  • Special Attack: Ruten

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P5

  • Special Attack: Ruten

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P5

Using the Special Attack to juggle back and forth between stances is a surefire way to keep her most powerful attacks flowing freely and all buffs active.

With enough Energy (40) pressing and holding the Special Attack will activate her EX-Special Attack: Gekka Ruten causing her to perform a two-part attack consisting of a Thrusting Dash and Downward Smash dealing tremendous Anomaly build-up and most importantly, triggering Polarity Disorder. Polarity disorder occurs the moment the smash lands and it behaves similarly to a standard Disorder but instead only deals 15% of the usual damage. However, it has another special base damage multiplier added to it - equalling to 3200% of Yanagi’s Attribute Proficiency (at max rank). The mix of these multipliers ensures decently damaging hits but also has the upside of triggering huge Disorders through Burn, Shock, and Corruption Anomalies when played right. As a difference from the norm and as an added bonus - Polarity Disorder will not remove the Anomaly from the enemy. 

In addition to Polarity Disorder, using her EX-Special Attack also grants her the “Shinrabanshou state” for 15 seconds. While in the “Shinrabanshou state” whenever Yanagi uses Basic Attack 5 she’ll immediately be able to execute Basic Attack 3 right after without any assistance. You’ll have this buff up a good amount of combat making her optimal Basic Attack combo just that much more consistent.

Similar to her standard Special Attack Yanagi’s EX also changes her stance on use but unlike the standard one, this allows her to move straight into Basic Attack 3 regardless of what came before it making it a good tool to start your Basic Attack combo if no other abilities with the signature effect are available. With enough energy available combos like the following are possible:

  • EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten (Enter Shinrabanshou state)

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P5

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P3

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P4

  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P5

The other ability that can trigger Polarity Disorder is her Ultimate, which does damage at the same rate of 15% of Disorder and 3200% of Attribute Proficiency -  making it worth using if you can spare the team's Decibels, but not mission critical for her gameplan. Outside of triggering Polarity Disorder her Ultimate is very standard, primarily offering a tremendous amount of Electric Anomaly.

The rest of Yanagi’s kit including her Dodge Counter, Chain Attack, Quick Assist and Assist Follow-Up are all simple direct damage strikes that apply a strong amount of Anomaly Build-Up but lack any special effect outside of skipping Basic Attack 1 and 2. All are worth using if the situation arises but none are core to her rotation or gameplan; use them at your discretion as they’re available.

Rounding off her kit is her Core Passive: Lunar Eclipse, which increases the base multiplier of Disorder damage from 450% to 700% (at max rank) for the whole squad for 15 seconds when using her EX-Special attack. How impactful this bonus will be depends on the Anomaly Disorder you’re triggering, but it’s always worth keeping active. As an added benefit after striking an enemy with her EX she also increases the Electric Damage% against them by 20% for 15 seconds doubling up on the buff value.

Lastly, her Additional ability grants her a 45% Electric Anomaly build-up increase on the first Basic Attack she does following a stance change lasting for 8 seconds. This buff timing lines up perfectly with the lingering benefits of each stance making maintaining it no extra effort for what is ultimately a huge boost.

To conclude, Yanagi cheats the system by being able to access Disorder at any time with no strings attached regardless of team composition, can infinitely string together high Anomaly Basic Attack combos making for excellent sustained damage regardless of resources, can amplify her own (and the team) Disorder multipliers and has incredible burst on demand if you’re willing to pull out all the stops.

Overall, while is a bit challenging to play, and wants a good amount of field time to facilitate her Basic Attack sequences and Stance-Swaps, the payoff is well worth the investment if your team can work alongside her.


This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.

Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.


Shiyu Defense

Build and teams

Best W-Engines

The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.

The difference between Yanagi’s Signature W-Engine and the rest of her Engine options changes based on how high of a percentage Disorder damage is out of her total damage. In heavy Disorder teams where she can trigger it incredibly frequently this Engine will perform better compared to competition, in scenarios with less Disorder it will perform lower.


The equipper's Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 30/35/40/45/50%. When Special Attacks or EX Special Attacks hit enemies under Attribute Anomalies, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency increases by 75/85/95/105/115 for 15s.

When the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is greater than or equal to 375, Disorder DMG inflicted by the equipper increases by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 714
Attack (Lv 60): 30%
Outstanding W-Engine for Yanagi and the Disorder playstyle. The 25% boost from this Engine is a separate multiplier to all other % increases making it a true 25% extra Disorder damage for all Disorders Yanagi triggers including her Polarity Disorders. On top of that the engine has great stats as well making it the top option for Yanagi in not only in Disorder teams but also in mono Electric.


When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75
One of a few decent alternatives to Yanagi's Signature if you don't manage to acquire it. Yanagi has excellent Anomaly Buildup meaning all of this Engine's bonuses are possible to keep active almost all of the time with the exception of the very first Anomaly you apply to the enemy.


Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 684
PEN Ratio (Lv 60): 24%
Another alternative on offer and one that Yanagi can make good use of. Getting the most out of this W-Engine requires frequent uses of either Special attacks or EX-Special attacks, something she does naturally due to her Stance-Swaps. As long as you dedicate a reasonable amount of field time to her, she should be able to maintain a good amount of Anomaly Proficiency stacks without too much trouble.


Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Attack (Lv 60): 25%
The last of Yanagi's decent non-limited Engine options and one that has potential to outperform those above under the right circumstances. We've calculated this W-engine with an average of 2.5 stacks overall but due to the frequency in which Yanagi and her team can apply Anomaly this engine can perform even better especially against enemies that are slow to Stun.


For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75
An all-around underwhelming option that falls behind alternatives while also requiring careful use and sequencing of EX Specials/Energy to get the most out of.
Best Disk Drives Sets
Disorder Teams


Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

The most suitable and safest option for Yanagi when playing her in Disorder teams using standard gameplay and combos. While other sets like Thunder Metal or Freedom Blues could be used, they require specific and in some cases difficult specialized play to even compete with this set which requires no effort at all.

Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:

  • Freedom Blues (Recommended)
  • Thunder Metal
  • Puffer Electro (When stacking high PEN Ratio)
  • Hormone Punk

Mono-Electric Teams


Electric DMG +10%.
As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equipper's ATK is increased by 28%.

The best set for Yanagi in pure Electric teams as she and her team can easily ensure enemies are Shocked at all times ensuring the incredibly powerful Combat ATK% buff remains active for all her Anomaly Application.

Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:

  • Chaos Jazz / Freedom Blues (Recommended)
  • Puffer Electro (When stacking high PEN Ratio)
  • Hormone Punk


Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

Alternative set for Yanagi in Pure Electric teams but quite a ways behind 4P Thunder Metal. Although this one has the advantage of being able to work excellently in Disorder teams while also being "ok" in mono Electric teams.

Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:

  • Freedom Blues (Recommended)
  • Thunder Metal
  • Puffer Electro (When stacking high PEN Ratio)
  • Hormone Punk
Best Disk Drives Stats
Disk 4
Anomaly Proficiency
Anomaly Proficiency
Disk 5
Electric DMG
Electric DMG%
PEN Ratio
PEN Ratio%
Disk 6
Anomaly Mastery
Anomaly Mastery

Substats: Anomaly Proficiency > ATK% > PEN = ATK

Best Endgame Stats (Level 60)
  • ATK: 2400-3400+ (Depending on W-Engine choice)

  • HP: 10000+

  • DEF: 800+

  • Anomaly Mastery: 148 - 190+

  • Anomaly Proficiency: 350 - 450+

Skill priority

Special Attack


Chain Attack


Basic Attack





Video guides

Rotation & Teams


Yanagi shares a Faction and serves as a veritable Fallen Frost super battery for Miyabi thanks to the fact each of the Disorder trigger - including those baked into her kit - grant Miyabi Fallen Frost orbs. The inclusion of Yanagi alongside Miyabi calls for drastic alternations to play style and rotation but with great change comes great potential - Yanagi + Miyabi is a force to be reckoned with and definitely worth trying if you have both characters. As an additional bonus Yanagi is an excellent main field option to Quick Swap to after Shimotsuki and is effective for when Miyabi is waiting on Energy or Fallen Frost Charges.

Burnice and Yanagi make one of the strongest Anomaly duos in the game at the time of Yanagi’s release, creating an incredibly powerful Disorder team composition. As a main field Disorder Specialist Yanagi prefers team mates who can apply DoT based Anomalies quickly and consistently while taking up as little field time as possible. Burnice more than fulfills all of these requirements giving Yanagi all the field time she needs while constantly applying anomaly through her Afterburn alongside strong burst application from her EX-Specials and Ultimates resulting in frequent and huge Disorder triggers.

When playing Yanagi in Electric focused Shock teams Rina makes for a solid choice thanks to her Electric/Shock specific buffs and excellent PEN Ratio bonus which stacks nicely with Yanagi’s “Kagen” Stance PEN Ratio passive. Rina also takes up very little field time allowing Yanagi to combo off as she pleases without restriction. Thanks to Yanagi’s Polarity Disorder - one of the major pain points of pure Shock teams (damage being limited by how many Shock triggers you could achieve) is also diminished.


If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.

Miyabi Quick Swap

Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Premium Disorder

Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Duo/Tripple Electric

Astra Yao
Astra Yao

Bangboo options:

  • Agent Gulliver = Strong choice if there are at least two Section 6 characters in the team,
  • Plugboo/Electrobo = If 2x Electric (Seth/Rina/Qingyi/Anby),
  • RocketBoo/Cryboo = If 2x Fire (Koleda/Lucy/Burnice),
  • Bangvolver = If 2x Physical (Piper/Jane/Caesar).


  • Yanagi Mindscape 2 - Yanagi's Mindscape 2 allows her to alter her rotation by extending her EX-Special Attack through additional Thrusts causing it to deal substantially more damage and Anomaly buildup but at the cost of more field time and Energy. While doing this will lead to damage gains in the short term, it costs you the ability to use additional EX abilities later in the fight. Whether it's worth it to use the additional thrusts this Mindscape grants will depend on your Energy, Anomaly management (Do you need the thrusts to trigger Disorder or Shock?) and play style, it can be situationally be very powerful but also be net neutral if your Energy would be better saved for another full EX. The calculations below factor in using all 3 thrusts in a burst damage scenario at the cost of extra Energy but no change in the sustained damage rotation as it contains no EX Specials.
  • Yanagi Mindscape 6 - Yanagi's Mindscape 6 builds on her Mindscape 2 and enhances her additional thrusts, lowering their cost and improving how many can be used to buff your damage. As with Mindscape 2 we've included the additional thrusts and the time they take in the burst rotation but not within the sustained one. As with Mindscape 2, how powerful this bonus is for you will depend on your team and the combat scenario.

Important! Yanagi is a Disorder-focused character. For this reason we have performed her calculations with Disorder included to fully utilize her kit, something that can only be achieved fully with the help of teammates (not something other character calculations include). Because of this, comparing her DPS and Total Damage to other characters will not yield a fair 1 to 1 comparison. Yanagi has been granted 3 Disorder triggers in her burst rotation and 1 Disorder trigger in her sustained rotation.

Yanagi in 1 Target scenario - Burst

Rotation time: 10.83s for Burst

Details about the calculations

Here are the rotations used in the calculations.

Yanagi Burst Rotation

As a Disorder Specialist we've included 3 Disorder triggers in her burst window alongside her standard rotation which includes her Polarity Disorders as well. To achieve all 3 Disorder triggers in a timely manner without wasting Anomaly build-up, character-swaps and or preparation of Anomalies before Stun is required. Alter the burst rotation as you see fit to avoid wasting Anomaly build-up and quick execution of Disorder reactions.

  • Chain Attack: Celestial Harmony
  • EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten (Thrust Attack)
  • EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten (Downward Attack)
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P3
  • Ultimate: Raiei Tenge
  • EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten (Thrust Attack)
  • EX Special Attack: Gekka Ruten (Downward Attack)
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P3
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P4
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P5
Yanagi Sustained Rotation

Most of Yanagi's burst damage potential stems from her EX-Special Attacks, Ultimate and the team's Disorder triggers. In order to fuel these, she will have down time, but that down time is still very productive and effective. For comparison sake we've included calculations on Yanagi's damage output in this downtime assuming she triggers at least 1 Disorder in the time-frame/rotation listed below.

  • Dodge Counter: Rapid Retaliation
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P3
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P4
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Kagen P5
  • Special Attack: Ruten (Stance Change)
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P3
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P4
  • Basic Attack: Tsukuyomi Kagura: Jougen P5

And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.

The equipper's Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 30/35/40/45/50%. When Special Attacks or EX Special Attacks hit enemies under Attribute Anomalies, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency increases by 75/85/95/105/115 for 15s.

When the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is greater than or equal to 375, Disorder DMG inflicted by the equipper increases by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 714
Attack (Lv 60): 30%

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.
Disk 4
Anomaly Proficiency
Anomaly Proficiency
Disk 5
Electric DMG
Electric DMG%
Disk 6

Substats: ATK (42%), Anomaly Proficiency (126), PEN (54)

Details about Anomaly

If you want to learn more about Anomaly characters and how the archetype works, check out this great video:

Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault

Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault

This section contains information about Yanagi performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.

  • The data has been last updated on 19/03/2025,
  • 5571 players shared their 1.6.1 Shiyu Defense clear data with us (1584 of the sample are self-reported players that filled our form, 3987 are from random UIDs that we scanned).
  • 5401 players shared their 1.6.1 Deadly Assault clear data with us (1656 of the sample are self-reported players that filled our form, 4144 are from random UIDs that we scanned).

If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!

Shiyu Defense Stats Form
Usage rate (SD)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Usage rate (DA)

Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.

Common partners (SD)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Yanagi in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.

Common partners (DA)

This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Yanagi in the current phase of Deadly Assault.

Teams (SD)

This section lists most popular teams featuring Yanagi in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.

Rank 2

App. rate: 9.59%

Avg. Time: 1m 52s


Rank 3

App. rate: 9.26%

Avg. Time: 1m 31s

Astra Yao

Rank 8

App. rate: 4.72%

Avg. Time: 1m 56s


Rank 14

App. rate: 3.49%

Avg. Time: 2m 4s


Rank 33

App. rate: 1.31%

Avg. Time: 1m 53s


Rank 37

App. rate: 1.23%

Avg. Time: 2m 1s


Rank 41

App. rate: 1.09%

Avg. Time: 2m 2s


Rank 46

App. rate: 0.94%

Avg. Time: 2m 11s


Rank 47

App. rate: 0.92%

Avg. Time: 2m 32s


Rank 55

App. rate: 0.74%

Avg. Time: 2m 16s


Mindscapes data comes from players who used Yanagi in the current SD cycle (1994) or in the current DA cycle (2837).


118 s.

Mindscape 0


100 s.

When any squad member inflicts an Anomaly on an enemy, Yanagi gains 1 stack of Clarity, lasting 15s, stacking up to 3 times. Repeated triggers reset the duration. Upon being hit by an enemy attack, Yanagi consumes 1 stack of Clarity to gain invulnerability for 1s. When Yanagi has 1 or more stacks of Clarity, her Anomaly Proficiency increases by 80.


86 s.

During her EX Special Attack, the rapid thrust's Electric Anomaly Buildup increases by 20%. Holding down the Special Attack button after a rapid thrust hits an enemy will consume 10 additional Energy to launch another thrust. If Energy is insufficient or the button is released, the attack automatically follows up with the downward attack. When the downward attack hits an enemy suffering an Anomaly and triggers Polarity Disorder, the DMG multiplier increases to 20% of the original Disorder effect. Each additional thrust increases this multiplier by 15%, up to a maximum of 2 extra thrusts.


100 s.

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2


85 s.

When Yanagi inflicts Attribute Anomaly DMG on an enemy, they suffer the Exposed effect, lasting 15s. Attacks on enemies under the Expose effect will have 16% increased PEN Ratio.


600 s.

Basic Attack, Assist, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2


57 s.

After a thrust attack during her EX Special Attack, the duration of the Shinrabanshou state increases to 30s. While the state is active and her EX Special Attack DMG increases by 20%. The maximum number of times the additional DMG multiplier increase effect for Polarity Disorder in Outstanding Adaptability can be triggered increases to 4, and the Energy cost for the first 4 additional thrust attacks is halved.

W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Yanagi in the current SD cycle (1994) or in the current DA cycle (2837).


112 s.

The equipper's Electric Anomaly Buildup Rate increases by 30/35/40/45/50%. When Special Attacks or EX Special Attacks hit enemies under Attribute Anomalies, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency increases by 75/85/95/105/115 for 15s.

When the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is greater than or equal to 375, Disorder DMG inflicted by the equipper increases by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 714
Attack (Lv 60): 30%


125 s.

Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Attack (Lv 60): 25%


115 s.

Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 684
PEN Ratio (Lv 60): 24%


122 s.

When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75


133 s.

For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 594
Anomaly Proficiency (Lv 60): 75


118 s.

When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration allowing several effects to be active at once:

  • increases the equipper's ATK by 8/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8%,

  • increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40/46/52/58/64,

  • increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25/28/32/36/40%.

Base ATK (Lv 60): 624
Attack (Lv 60): 25%
Disk Drives

Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Yanagi in the current SD cycle (1994) or in the current DA cycle (2837).


117 s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.


130 s.

Electric DMG +10%.
As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equipper's ATK is increased by 28%.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.


126 s.

Electric DMG +10%.
As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equipper's ATK is increased by 28%.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.


119 s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

Electric DMG +10%.
As long as an enemy in combat is Shocked, the equipper's ATK is increased by 28%.


121 s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
When an EX Special Attack hits an enemy, reduce the targets Anomaly Buildup RES to equippers attribute by 20% for 8s. This effect does not stack with others of the same attribute.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.


98 s.

Anomaly Proficiency +30.
Fire DMG and Electric DMG are increased by 15%. When off-field, the damage caused by EX Special Attacks and Assist Attacks is increased by 20%. When the character switches back onto the field, this buff continues for 5s. The lasting effect can be triggered once every 7.5s.

PEN Ratio +8%.
Ultimate DMG increases by 20%. Launching an Ultimate increases the equippers ATK by 15% for 12s.