Ms. Yao is currently enjoying her private time and will not be taking any interviews.
To learn more about Evelyn check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Evelyn has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.5
Last profile update*
February 12th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Evelyn check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Entangle
Upon entering Binding Seal, Evelyn's CRIT Rate increases by 12.5%.
After leaving Binding Seal, she retains the buff for 10s. If Evelyn switches to another character while in Binding Seal, she will automatically follow up with Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form.
CRIT Rate: 0
Additional Ability Ambush Point
When another character in your squad is a Stun or Support character:
Evelyn's Chain Attack and Ultimate DMG increases by 30%. When Evelyn's CRIT Rate is at or over 80%, the DMG multiplier for her Chain Attack and Ultimate increases to 125% of the original value.
Basic Attack: Razor Wire
Passive: Bind
Dodge: Arc Step
Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush
Dodge Counter: Strangling Reversal
Special Attack: Locked Position
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare"
Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Timbre
Quick Assist: Fierce Blade
Defensive Assist: Silent Protection
Assist Follow-Up: Course Disruption
Mindscape 1
Dance of Fire
Mindscape 2
Mindscape 3
Fate's Melody
Mindscape 4
Crimson Threads Like the Dawn
Mindscape 5
Bond of Light and Shadow
Mindscape 6
Evelyn Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Evelyn images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Not only has a great 'floor' when it comes to her damage output but also a great 'ceiling' for those who want to master her harder rotations,
Can group enemies, which is rare for a DPS,
Her playstyle is very rewarding for those who like combo-based gameplay.
W-Engine options outside of her Signature are pretty underwhelming,
Her best teammates are both limited characters (Astra Yao and Lighter) and the free alternatives are, well, worse.
Evelyn is our first Limited S-Rank Fire Attack Agent and just like so many of her recently released DPS peers, she immediately soars to the top of the meta with her incredibly potent and unique kit. What makes her so unique? Well apart from all the fiery cables, wires and that killer jacket, it’s her ability to use Chain Attacks whenever she damn well pleases - Stunned enemy or otherwise. This paired with the fact that Evelyn just so happens to also get one of the strongest Chain Attacks in the game equates to quite a potent kit focus - one which players can absolutely take extreme advantage of, assuming they know how.
Evelyn’s Kit contains 3 Unique mechanics - 2 of those are resources and one is a debuff, but all of them need to be managed effectively. That might seem daunting but in practice is actually quite simple. Playing Evelyn boils down to executing a few basic combos to build up her resources followed by another sequence of combos consisting of multiple chain attacks during a Stun window in order to spend them. While that sounds simple it must be noted that Evelyn is easy to learn but certainly hard to master. A skilled Evelyn player capable of getting the most out of her resource accumulation and spending phases will deal significantly more damage than a player who is less capable. To ensure you’re one of the players getting the most out of her kit let’s dive into the details!
Evelyn’s two resources are Burning Embers and Burning Tethers. Burning Embers can be accumulated via the majority of Evelyn’s Standard Attacks and are used to fuel her Enhanced Basic Attacks. Evelyn can hold up to 16 Burning Embers and she generates the following amount from these attacks:
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1 = 1
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P2 = 1
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 = 1
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4 = 2
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5 = 3
Special Attack: Locked Position = 1
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form = 1
Special Attack (Perfect Dodge) = 4
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form = 8
Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush = 1
Dodge Counter: Strangling Reversal = 1
Quick Assist: Fierce Blade = 1
Whereas, Burning Tethers are accumulated primarily from a few of Evelyn’s Enhanced Attacks and are consumed to allow her to execute Chain Attacks outside of the Stun Window on demand. Evelyn can hold up to 3 Burning Tethers at once and generates them from:
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form = 1
Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form = 1
Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Timbre = 1
Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow = 1
We’ll cover how to generate and spend these resources efficiently when we get to the rest of Evelyn’s abilities but knowing how to accumulate them is enough for now!
Evelyn’s other signature mechanic is Binding Seal - a special debuff that attaches one of her wires to an enemy upon using certain abilities. Binding Seal has some interactions with a few of her abilities but its main purpose is to activate and maintain her Core Passive: Entangle. While Binding Seal is active and for 10 seconds after it expires, Evelyn gains 25% Critical Rate. Also when switching Evelyn out while Binding Seal is active, she’ll immediately execute her Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form, after which she’ll break the Seal. Keeping this Core Passive active at all times is important and fortunately it’s not hard, as the majority of her abilities apply the debuff and you have a 10 second grace period even after it expires. In the event you break your Binding Seal or don’t have it active, re-apply it as soon as you can, also pay careful attention to avoid any non-essential abilities that break the seal.
Now that we’ve covered all her Unique mechanics and resources it’s time to get into her main kit!
First up is her Basic Attack, which consists of a standard 5 part attack sequence (3 Physical, 2 Fire). Standard Basic Attacks are one of the major tools Evelyn has to generate Burning Embers - as such you can expect to use them a lot. Also worth noting is that the 5th attack of the sequence is one of the abilities that applies Binding Seal.
In addition to her Standard Basic Attack sequence, She also possesses two individual Charged Basic Attacks, Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form and Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form. These attacks are the abilities you’ll be spending all of your Burning Embers on. Using either of them consumes 8 Burning Embers and the second form can only be used immediately after the first form (thus requiring 16 Burning Embers or a full gauge to use both at once). Executing either of the attacks will deal significant Fire damage, generate a single Burning Tether and grant Evelyn Anti-Interrupt and DMG Taken Reduction during its duration. Both attacks have similar damage and speeds so executing them back to back isn’t mandatory.
Evelyn’s Special Attack comes in three variants, all of which directly synergize with her Basic Attacks and Resource Generation and together they make up the majority of her combos. Her first Special Attack is her usual Standard Special, Special Attack: Locked Position. Using this is free, deals a small amount of Fire damage and immediately applies Binding Seal to the enemy if it’s not already active. This is a good way to start off your combo initially or establish your Seal if it ends up breaking.
Evelyn’s second Special Attack, Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form similarly does not consume energy and is only usable after the enemy is already Tethered, attempting to use it while the enemy isn’t will use “Locked Position” first instead.
Binding Sunder’s main function is to shorten and enhance Evelyn’s Basic Attack sequence. After using it, she can directly follow it up with an alternative (Fire instead of Physical) Basic Attack 3, 4 and 5, making it an essential combo piece for optimal rotations. Outside of this, Binding Sunder has two other features, the first is that it can be used in place of Evelyn’s Dodge and when used successfully it will grant her 4 Burning Embers in addition to its usual effects. The other feature is that when uninterrupted, Binding Sunder executes two separate instances of damage, an initial attack and a Seal Snapping finisher. This finisher breaks the Binding Seal to deal its damage causing you to need to re-apply it, fortunately the damage sucks. You can avoid triggering the snap simply by executing the Basic Attack 3 as soon as the first part lands, skipping the second part entirely.
Last but not the least is her EX Special Attack which is functionally identical to Binding Sunder outside of the fact it deals more damage, generates 8 Burning Embers instead of 1, gathers enemies around your Sealed target and costs Energy.
With all of this covered we can finally form the “accumulation” portion of Evelyn’s combos but without the spending side it would be useless! So before we get into combos it’s finally time to cover what’s most important: her Chain Attack and Ultimate!
Evelyn’s Chain Attack like most character’s can be used while the enemy is Stunned, but unlike those characters, her’s do significantly more damage and can be used outside of that window as well. To do so she must expend 3 Burning Tethers by holding Basic Attack or Skill after which she’ll immediately break the usual chain requirements and execute her Chain Attack.
Evelyn’s has two Ultimates, one called Timbre and one called Shadow, they are very similar but have a few key differences:
Your first Ultimate will always be Timbre.
Using Timbre will cause her to permanently enter the Dance of Awakened Fire state enhancing Evelyn for the rest of the fight
While Dance of Awakened Fire is active all subsequent Ultimates will be Shadow.
Outside of these points, both Ultimates deal the same damage, grant one Burning Tether and apply Binding Seal on use.
Outside of resource generation and damage the main purpose behind Evelyn’s Ultimate is entering the Dance of Awakened Fire state. While it’s active every time she consumes 3 Burning Tethers to trigger a bonus Chain Attack one is immediately refunded. This makes comboing with Evelyn far, far more potent and boosts her damage considerably, as such accessing this state as early as is convenient (without wasting damage) is a priority.
Now that we understand her primary abilities let's dive into her base combos. Our primary goal when playing Evelyn is to accumulate Burning Embers to then use Enhanced Basic Attacks in order to gain Burning Tethers to finally spend on as many Chain Attacks as possible.
Here are a few of the best ways to generate Burning Embers and spend them efficiently:
Opening Combo - When starting a fight or if you find yourself without a Burning Tether you can execute the following combo to generate and spend 8 Burning Embers while setting up:
Special Attack: Locked Position (1 Burning Ember)
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form (2 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (3 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4 (5 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5 (8 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (-8 Burning Embers)
Standard Combo - Alternatively if you already have a Burning Tether active, you can replace the initial attack with either of the following:
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1 OR Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush (1 Burning Ember)
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form (2 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (3 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4 (5 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5 (8 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (-8 Burning Embers)
Extended Combo - If we include the EX Special attack we can quickly generate an additional Burning Tether as well as perform both Garrote Forms.
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1 OR Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush (1 Burning Ember)
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form (2 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (3 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4 (5 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5 (8 Burning Embers)
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form (16 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (-8 Burning Embers)
Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form (-8 Burning Embers)
The basic combos above mixed with the occasional use of Evelyn’s other Burning Ember accumulating abilities will make up the bulk of her Burning Tether generation. When playing Evelyn your goal is to preferably prepare a full set of 3 Burning Tethers and 8 - 16 Burning Embers before the enemy is Stunned allowing you to execute multiple Chain Attacks back to back during their moment of vulnerability. When starting off a fight generating 3 Burning Tethers and 8 Burning Embers before the Stun Window might look like this:
Special Attack: Locked Position
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (1 Burning Tether)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1 OR Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (2 Burning Tethers)
Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form (3 Burning Tethers)
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1 OR Dash Attack: Piercing Ambush
Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5 (8 Burning Embers)
After this preparation we can enter the Stun window ready to execute a sizeable amount of burst damage consisting of 3 Chain Attacks using the following combo:
Enemy Is Stunned
[Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
[Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (-3 Burning Tethers)
Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Timbre (1 Burning Tether)
Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (2 Burning Tethers)
EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form (3 Burning Tethers)
[Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (-3 Burning Tethers)
Keep in mind after Evelyn’s first Ultimate thanks to the Dance of Awakened Fire state a significant portion of the prep work covered above can be completely bypassed thanks to the fact a Burning Tether is always refunded every time you trigger an additional Chain Attack while the state is active, meaning you only need to generate 2 per Chain instead of 3.
Evelyn can push her Chain Attack combos much further than 3 though, that’s just the beginning. If you’re interested in alternative combos, a 4 Chain and even 5 Chain Attack combo make sure to check out the rotation section of her profile.
As should be clear above, the majority of Evelyn’s combos don’t make use of her Dodge, Dodge Counter, Quick Assist or Assist Follow-Up and for the most part they’re stock standard outside of applying Binding Seal but they aren’t useless by any means. While they aren’t mission critical they can still be situationally useful depending on team composition, encounter and playstyle. Evelyn’s Quick Assist for example is very much used in Astra Yao teams while it’s used far less outside of them. Use each of these abilities as the situation arises.
To finish things off we have one final bonus for Evelyn thanks to her Additional Ability. While active, her Chain Attacks and Ultimate gain a generic 30% Damage Increase and as long as her Critical Rate is at or over 80%, the damage multiplier of her Chain Attack and Ultimate is also increased by 1.25 times their original value.This Additional ability is a must. Build your teams around it and ensure Evelyn has 80% Critical Rate at all times.
For players who enjoy preparation & execution, the builder, spender playstyle, and have an itch for Combo based gameplay with a higher-than-normal skill ceiling Evelyn might be exactly what you’re looking for. She shines the most in game modes that allow her to execute multiple rotations in order to leverage her powerful enhanced Ultimate State but is fully capable and even notorious for having the issue of simply killing enemies and endgame stages too fast to even make use of it.
With that said at the time of her release she currently suffers from somewhat lacklustre W-Engine options outside of her Signature, a distinct absence of a perfect Disc Drive Set and a noticeable drop in performance when played outside of her ideal team including Lighter and Astra Yao. But If you’re a Burst Damage Combo Enthusiast and can look past or solve these demerits the upsides are more than worth the trouble, especially if you’re a player capable of mastering all her advanced combos and tricks.
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
CRIT DMG increases by 50/57.5/65/72.5/80%. When the equipper enters the battlefield, or activates a Chain Attack or Ultimate, they gain 1 stack of Heartstring. Each stack of Heartstring allows the equipper's Chain Attack and Ultimate to ignore 12.5/14.5/16.5/18.5/20% of the target's Fire RES, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 30s. Repeated triggers reset the duration.
CRIT Rate increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%. Dash Attack Electric DMG increases by 40/46/52/58/64%. When any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly or Stuns an enemy, the equipper's CRIT Rate increases by an additional 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% for 15s.
Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, Dash Attack, or Dodge Counter, the equipper's ATK increases by 3.5/4.4/5.2/6/7% for 8s, stacking up to 8 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When an EX Special Attack or Chain Attack hits an enemy, the equipper's ATK increases by 6/6.9/7.8/8.7/9.6% for 8s. While the target is under an Attribute Anomaly, this effect is increased by an additional 6/6.9/7.8/8.7/9.6%.
Launching a Dodge Counter or Quick Assist increases the equipper's ATK by 12/13.8/15.6/17.4/19.2% for 12s.
Most consistent option for many of Evelyn's team compositions and playstyles. She will always be able to maintain at least 1 stack, but 2 should be possible a good amount of the time, thanks to both her EX Special and Charged Basic ATK being core parts of her rotation.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
An alternative option to 4P Woodpecker Electro with a greater emphasis on empowering Eveylyn's burst window while also granting her some PEN RATIO% and ULTIMATE DMG%. A strong option but slightly awkward to align with Evelyn's usual Multi-Chain Combos as she usually triggers a decent amount of her damage output before using her Ultimate.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
A volatile Disc Drive option with big ups and downs, depending on the encounter you're against, your team composition and how well you play around its effect. If you're able to consistently trigger this set's effect right before or during Evelyn's main damage combo it perform above it's current listing. When averaged out, this set performs as indicated but when completely ignored and triggered at the worst times it can perform even worse than listed.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
ATK: 2600 - 3400+
HP: 10000+
DEF: 800+
CRIT RATE: 80 - 100% (including core passive)
Evelyn requires 80% CRIT RATE in order to activate her Additional ability. Including the 25% CRIT RATE from her Core Passive, she'll need at least 55% in order to operate optimally - ensure you have at least this much.
CRIT DMG: 160 - 200%+
Chain Attack
Basic Attack
Special Attack
Rotation & Teams
Astra Yao allows Evelyn to frequently use Quick Assists, which helps accelerate her Burning Ember generation, grants her tremendous damage amplification buffs, increases the amount of Chain Attacks she can execute in a fight (something her kit is built around) and doesn't take up any field time. Astra Yao is definitely Evelyn's best Support team mate at the time of her release.
Lighter outputs solid amounts of Daze without taking up too much field time himself, allowing Evelyn and her other teammate as much time as needed in order to prepare for their next Burst Combo. In addition to this, Lighter grants tremendous team-wide damage amplification and most importantly, extends the Stun window. This gives Evelyn additional combo potential through the possibility of fitting in additional Chain attacks while the enemy is vulnerable.
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Bangboo options (Bangboo will be determined by your core team):
For more team ideas, check this video:
Evelyn is a character which has powerful burst windows but also requires some preparation before them - to ensure we capture her full damage profile we've included both in her calculations. The rotation below assumes Evelyn has used her Ultimate at least once already in the fight. You can see her OPENER Rotation below for how to play her before that. Evelyn is a skill and team-based character. We're using a 3 Chain burst rotation we're confident everyone will be able to achieve, but for those with the right team and who are willing to practice 4, 5 and even 6 Chain attacks per Stun window are possible against some enemies. raising her damage potential dramatically.
- Special Attack: Locked Position / Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1
- Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (Alt)
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (During Enemy Stun Window)
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
For Evelyn's first rotation, she requires an additional Burning Tether Charge in order to prepare for her Burst Window - this extends her preparation time.
- Special Attack: Locked Position / Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1
- Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (Alt)
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1
- Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (Alt)
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1
- Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (Alt)
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (During Enemy Stun Window)
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
For those looking to extend Evelyn's rotation by an addition Chain attack, the most straightforward way is to stockpile additional energy and extra Burning Embers. Your goal is to begin the Stun window with 3 Burning Tethers and maxed out Burning Embers in order to perform the following modified burst combo. If you've already used an Ultimate before this combo, you can further optimize it by lowering the amount of Burning Embers and Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form's needed.
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (During Enemy Stun Window)
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (Not Needed on 2nd Ult)
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form (Bind)
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form (Bind)
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
The easiest way to achieve 5 Chain attacks is to manipulate Chain Attack Cancelling in order to allow Evelyn to perform 2 of the teams Chain Attacks instead of the usual limit of 1. This strategy will require you to swap between characters in order to retrigger the Chain Attack optimally and wont be able to be performed against some enemies.
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (Cancel Chain After Using Eve's)
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (Swap Character After This
- - Retrigger Stun On Character You Swapped To -
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form (Not Needed on 2nd Ult)
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form (Bind)
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form (Bind)
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important. As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters.
About Mindscapes:
Rotation time: 16.15s for Burst
Here are the rotations used in the calculations.
Evelyn Rotation (3 Chain)
- Special Attack: Locked Position / Basic Attack: Razor Wire P1
- Special Attack: Binding Sunder - First Form
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P3 (Alt)
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P4
- Basic Attack: Razor Wire P5
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - Second Form
- [Standard] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare (During Enemy Stun Window)
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
- Ultimate: Lunalux Garrote - Shadow
- EX Special Attack: Binding Sunder - Final Form
- Basic Attack: Garrote - First Form
- [Bonus] Chain Attack: Lunalux - Snare
And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.
CRIT DMG increases by 50/57.5/65/72.5/80%. When the equipper enters the battlefield, or activates a Chain Attack or Ultimate, they gain 1 stack of Heartstring. Each stack of Heartstring allows the equipper's Chain Attack and Ultimate to ignore 12.5/14.5/16.5/18.5/20% of the target's Fire RES, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 30s. Repeated triggers reset the duration.
Substats: ATK (42%), CRIT Rate (26.4%), CRIT DMG (43.2%)
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Evelyn performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Evelyn in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Evelyn in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Evelyn in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Evelyn in the current SD cycle (2110) or in the current DA cycle (2718).
115 s.Mindscape 0
91 s.2.13%
79 s.0.65%
68 s.0.11%
74 s.0.12%
80 s.1.16%
44 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Evelyn in the current SD cycle (2110) or in the current DA cycle (2718).
105 s.CRIT DMG increases by 50/57.5/65/72.5/80%. When the equipper enters the battlefield, or activates a Chain Attack or Ultimate, they gain 1 stack of Heartstring. Each stack of Heartstring allows the equipper's Chain Attack and Ultimate to ignore 12.5/14.5/16.5/18.5/20% of the target's Fire RES, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 30s. Repeated triggers reset the duration.
131 s.When an EX Special Attack or Chain Attack hits an enemy, the equipper's ATK increases by 6/6.9/7.8/8.7/9.6% for 8s. While the target is under an Attribute Anomaly, this effect is increased by an additional 6/6.9/7.8/8.7/9.6%.
124 s.Upon hitting an enemy with a Basic Attack, Dash Attack, or Dodge Counter, the equipper's ATK increases by 3.5/4.4/5.2/6/7% for 8s, stacking up to 8 times. This effect can trigger once every 0.5s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
131 s.Launching a Dodge Counter or Quick Assist increases the equipper's ATK by 12/13.8/15.6/17.4/19.2% for 12s.
144 s.Increases ATK by 7.5/8.6/9.7/10.8/12%. Attacks that land a CRIT on an enemy will inflict an additional 200% of ATK as DMG. This effect can only be triggered once every 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s.
149 s.Increases Physical DMG by 20/25/30/35/40%. The equipper's DMG increases by 25/31.5/38/44/50% when attacking the enemy from behind.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Evelyn in the current SD cycle (2110) or in the current DA cycle (2718).
117 s.18.4%
116 s.4.02%
102 s.2.42%
129 s.2.16%
122 s.1.79%
102 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg