The head of Hollow Special Operations Section 6, and the successor of a renowned martial art family in New Eridu. With her strong sense of responsibility towards guarding the principles and order within New Eridu, Miyabi aspires to build an unbreakable city management system... and to own a sizable collection of swords (her own words).
To learn more about Miyabi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Miyabi has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.5
Last profile update*
February 11th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Miyabi check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Searing Cold
When Hoshimi Miyabi deals Frost DMG, she applies Icefire to the target, lasting 30s. When accumulating Frost Anomaly Buildup against targets with Icefire, increases Frost Anomaly Buildup Rate by 100% of Hoshimi Miyabi's CRIT Rate, up to a maximum increase of 80%. As Hoshimi Miyabi accumulates Frost Anomaly Buildup, it has its own independent Attribute Anomaly Buildup gauge and triggers Freeze, Shatter, and Frostbite that can react with other Attribute Anomalies, including Ice Attribute Anomaly, to trigger Disorder.
When Hoshimi Miyabi applies Frostbite to enemies with Icefire, it will consume the Icefire to trigger Frostburn - Break, dealing Frost DMG equal to 750% of Hoshimi Miyabi's ATK and causing the target to enter the Frostburn state. All squad members accumulate 14% more Anomaly Buildup against enemies under the Frostburn state, but Hoshimi Miyabi cannot reapply Icefire to these enemies. The Frostburn state ends when Frostbite expires. While this state remains active, triggering another Attribute Anomaly will overwrite Frostbite and remove Frostburn.
Upon triggering Frostburn - Break, Hoshimi Miyabi obtains 1 point of Fallen Frost. This effect can trigger once every 10s.
Anomaly Proficiency: 0
Additional Ability Bask in Frost
When another character in your squad is a Support character or shares the same faction:
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki DMG increases by 60%. When any squad member triggers Disorder, Hoshimi Miyabi obtains 2 points of Fallen Frost and Basic Attack: Shimotsuki during the next Shimotsuki Stance will ignore 30% of the target's Ice Res.
Basic Attack: Kazahana
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki
Dodge: Mizutori
Dash Attack: Fuyubachi
Dodge Counter: Kan Suzume
Special Attack: Miyuki
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu
Chain Attack: Spring's Call
Ultimate: Lingering Snow
Quick Assist: Dancing Petals
Defensive Assist: Drifting Petals
Assist Follow-Up: Falling Petals
Frost Atop the Snow
Mindscape 1
Breath Technique
Mindscape 2
Martial Discipline
Mindscape 3
Mindscape 4
Mindscape 5
Prodigious Talent
Mindscape 6
Miyabi Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Miyabi images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Absurdly large damage multipliers giving "hit like a truck" a new meaning,
Huge AoE on many attacks, allowing her to quickly deal with big groups of monsters,
A good amount of team options for both spenders and F2P,
She sets a new bar for how strong a DPS can be in the game.
As one of the first CRIT Anomaly characters her W-Engine options outside her signature are limited,
Relies on applying Frost Anomaly at specific points in her combo for maximum effectiveness - disruption to this can cause issues,
Really wants to achieve 80% CRIT RATE for the 80% Anomaly Buildup to assist with the point above, making her stat-hungry,
Rotations and playstyle can drastically change based on team composition leading to a steep path to mastery,
Has many long animations which you'll want to Quick Swap to another squad member to alleviate. This introduces a new axis of skill for those looking for the best results.
Miyabi is an S-Rank Melee Frost Anomaly Agent and is the first (and perhaps the last) Frost character ZZZ will see. In addition to bringing a new element to the game, she is also the first Anomaly unit that specifically only wants a CRIT-based build. Yeah. Miyabi really is the odd character that breaks all the rules.
Now, what does she bring to the table? The answer is a simple one - an absurd amount of damage, more than any other character released so far to the point of setting a new bar for what to expect in the future. Similar to Yanagi and Jane, Miyabi continues the trend of Anomaly characters dealing huge burst damage up front, making her just as effective at immediate damage as any DPS character currently released. To understand how to get the most out of the powerhouse that is Miyabi let’s dive into her kit.
While in combat, her game plan is simple: she wants to execute her most powerful attack - Basic Attack: Shimotsuki at the right time, being fully charged and as frequently as possible. Shimotsuki is an enhanced version of her Basic Attack accessible by pressing and holding the button to charge. It can be charged up to 3 times based on her resources on hand and upon reaching max charges, it deals as much damage as most other characters' Ultimates. As such, the entirety of Miyabi’s kit and rotation will revolve around generating resources for fully charged Shimotsuki and timing them just right. So let's learn exactly how to do that.
Her unique resource is a special gauge consisting of 6 Orbs called “Fallen Frost”. “Fallen Frost” is how you access and charge her enhanced Basic Attack Shimotsuki, as such accumulating “Fallen Frost” is always of the utmost importance. Miyabi can generate “Fallen Frost” in the following ways:
3 Orbs upon entering the battle for the first time (only happens once).
3 Orbs upon releasing her Ultimate.
2 Orbs upon using either of her EX Special attacks (4 when both are used together).
2 Orbs when any squad member triggers Disorder.
1 Orb upon triggering Frostburn - Break via Frost Anomaly (10-second cooldown).
As you can see, that’s a lot of ways to gain Orbs but Miyabi needs all 6 filled before she can unleash her most powerful attack - something you’ll want to be saving for each time.
Miyabi’s Basic Attacks are how we’ll be not only spending “Fallen Frost” but also filling some downtime. Her Basic Attacks are split into two different abilities. The first is a standard 5 part combo consisting of 2 Physical attacks initially and 3 Frost attacks at the end. The second is her charged Basic Attack: Shimotsuki which can only be accessed when you have at least 2 Orbs of “Fallen Frost”. Each charge of Shimotsuki requires 2 additional Orbs of “Fallen Frost” to access, with the most powerful version requiring 6 Orbs (3 Charges). Outside of Shimotsuki, her rotations also make use of her standard Basic Attack combo albeit with some skips accessed via ability sequencing. The most common of these skips is being able to bypass using the first 2 Physical attacks of the combo by using an EX Special Attack immediately followed by Basic Attacks allowing for the following combo:
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu
Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
Basic Attack: Kazahana P5
This skip is important as we want to use her Frost Basic Attacks specifically in order to fully build up Frost Anomaly to gain the Orb of “Fallen Frost” that comes along with it. To sum it up - use her charged Basic Attack when you have 6 Orbs and use ability skips to access parts 3, 4, and 5 of her standard Basic Attack combo to build any additional Anomaly you need.
Speaking of Anomaly, it's time to talk about Frost. Frost works like every other Anomaly when it comes to buildup - that is, use abilities of the Frost type and you’ll gain Frost buildup. Frost has a lot of similarities with the Ice Anomaly. Fully filling the Frost gauge will apply Freeze, Frostbite, and upon Freeze ending a Shatter. Where it differs from Ice is that it has a higher Anomaly multiplier and most importantly of all is not Ice meaning its build-up and Anomaly are separate allowing you to trigger Disorders between Ice and Frost Anomalies (very handy when playing Miyabi with other Ice Agents).
As an Anomaly unit Miyabi needs some way to boost her Anomaly damage and that's where her Core Passive comes in. Whenever Miyabi hits an enemy with any Frost damage she applies Icefire to them increasing her Frost Anomaly buildup against them by 100% of her CRIT RATE up to a maximum of 80% (80% CRIT Rate = 80% Frost Anomaly Buildup Rate). Also when Miyabi triggers her Frost Anomaly she’ll consume all Icefire on the target to inflict a Frostburn - Break, dealing a large amount of damage which can be a Critical hit, generating an Orb of “Fallen Frost” and placing them in the Frostburn state. While in the Frostburn state, the target suffers 20% more Anomaly buildup from all your squad members at the cost of Miyabi being unable to apply Icefire during this time. Frostburn lasts as long as the enemy is afflicted with Frostbite, which can be removed by triggering a Disorder - something Miyabi just so happens to want to happen thanks to it granting 2 Orbs of Fallen Frost.
So it basically boils down to: aim for 80% CRIT RATE to get the maximum bonus, trigger Frost Anomaly as fast as you can for the orb of “Fallen Frost” and bonus damage from Frostburn - Break, and use another character to leverage Frostburn to trigger disorder for even more “Fallen Frost” Orbs.
Miyabi has two EX Specials both of which are standard Frost attacks with the exception being that they generate 2 Orbs of “Fallen Frost” each. Both attacks consume 40 Energy with the second only being usable immediately following the first. If you need a full 4 Orbs of “Fallen Frost” up front using both the initial and follow-up EX is effective, but if you only need two or want to leverage the ability to skip Basic Attacks using only the first EX is also a valid choice.
Miyabi’s Ultimate delivers massive Frost damage, grants her a 30% Ice DMG boost for 12 seconds (Applies to Frost Attacks), and generates 3 Orbs of “Fallen Frost” - you should aim to use this during the Stun window. Her Chain attack is even simpler; it just deals huge AoE Frost damage but unfortunately, no “Fallen Frost” Orbs are generated here.
Similar to her Chain Attack, Miyabi’s Dash Attacks, Dodge Counter, and Assists are simple and as standard as they come with no special effects or bonuses - use them as needed like you would on other agents.
Rounding out her kit is Miyabi’s Additional ability and it’s a big one. While active her Basic Attack: Shimotsuki gains a 60% DMG increase, ignores 30% Ice RES (works for Frost as well) and whenever any squad mate triggers Disorder she gains 2 “Fallen Frost” Orbs.
Now it’s time to bring it all together and cover how to combine these abilities alongside some optimizations you can make to take Miyabi’s damage to the next level.
When opening a fight we know Miyabi starts with 3 Orbs of “Fallen Frost”, we can use this to our advantage. Executing a single EX Special alongside the follow-up combo of 3 Basic Attacks can be enough to trigger the Frost Anomaly on many enemies allowing for an immediate activation of a fully charged Shimotsuki to kick the fight off.
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu P1 (5 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
Basic Attack: Kazahana P5 (Triggers Frost Anomaly 6 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Fully Charged)
Against enemies with higher Anomaly gauges this doesn’t work; you can add extra attacks to achieve a similar opening effect.
Without the assistance of her starting 3 Orbs, Miyabi instead has to rely on her energy and EX’s or her teammates and Disorder triggers in order to gain Fallen Frost. Here are a few examples of how that plays out.
Example 1:
Ally Applies Anomaly to Enemy
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu P1 (2 Orbs)
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu P2 (4 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
Basic Attack: Kazahana P5 (Triggers Frost Anomaly & Disorder 6 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Fully Charged)
Example 2:
Ally Applies Triggers Disorder & Applies Anomaly to Enemy (2 Orbs)
EX Special Attack: Hisetsu P1 (4 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
Basic Attack: Kazahana P5 (Triggers Frost Anomaly & Disorder 6 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Fully Charged)
In both examples Miyabi can easily access her fully charged Shimotsuki but bouncing back and forth between applying her Frost Anomaly and then consuming it with another team member to trigger Disorder allows for much greater energy efficiency.
Miyabi’s Ultimate should ideally always be used when the enemy is Stunned but thanks to the 3 “Fallen Frost” charges it grants it mixes up the possibilities a little bit. Like with the combos above, including a Disorder trigger or at the very least an Anomaly application from an ally is ideal. Here is what to shoot for:
Chain Attack
Ultimate (Triggers Frost Anomaly & Disorder 2 + 3 + 1 Orbs)
Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Fully Charged)
Many more combos are possible than just these with Miyabi and the examples above are only just that - examples.
One other thing to note when playing her is the possibility of Quick Swap. The animation time on Basic Attack: Shimotsuki is painfully slow and if you swap the character after fully charging it, Miyabi will in fact fully execute the attack even while you’re playing another character. Because of this performing a “Quick-Swap” after fully charging can save you a lot of time and boost her DPS massively (recommended for those looking to maximize performance).
To conclude Miyabi absolutely takes the word damage to a new level in ZZZ - she’s incredibly fun to play, has a heap of flavor with her charged attacks & Frost element, and has a lot of teams she’s viable in. If you’re after power she’s a good choice, if you’re a fan of her design you can rest easy as she’s a top performer at the time of her release.
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
CRIT DMG increases by 50/57/65/72/80%. When using an EX Special Attack or when any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly to an enemy, the equipper's Ice DMG increases by 20/23/26/29/32%, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 15s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.
For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Disc drive set designed for Miyabi and her best choice. Grants huge CRIT DMG bonuses that can be kept active at all times and a 12% CRIT RATE boost that will be up most of the time, aiding Miyabi greatly. Competitive with other sets in a world where 80% CRIT RATE is achievable easily but pulls ahead further the more you're struggling with CRIT RATE.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
A good choice considering how generic this set is. It grants Miyabi some much appreciated CRIT RATE and some semi-accessible Combat ATK%. Miyabi wont have the 4P bonus of this set fully active often but can maintain at the bare minimum 1 stack when it counts, making this set a useable option.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
A decent option for Miyabi owing to the unconditional 10% DMG, 20% Basic Attack DMG and reliably accessible additional 20% Basic Attack DMG when Freezing or Shattering - which Miyabi will be doing often. Has no CRIT though which will need to be made up for elsewhere in order to reach a comfortable level of Anomaly Build up.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Substats: CRIT RATE (Until 80%) >= CRIT DMG = ATK% > Anomaly Proficiency = ATK = PEN
ATK: 2500 - 3600+ (Depending on Disc Drive main stat choice)
HP: 10000+
DEF: 800+
Anomaly Mastery: 116+
Anomaly Proficiency: 240+
CRIT RATE: 75-95%
CRIT DMG: 150-190%
Basic Attack
Chain Attack
Special Attack
Rotation & Teams
Shares a Faction and serves as a veritable Fallen Frost super battery for Miyabi thanks to the fact each of the Disorder trigger - including those baked into her kit - grant Miyabi Fallen Frost orbs. The inclusion of Yanagi alongside Miyabi calls for drastic alternations to play style and rotation but with great change comes great potential - Yanagi + Miyabi is a force to be reckoned with and definitely worth trying if you have both characters. As an additional bonus Yanagi is an excellent main field option to Quick Swap to after Shimotsuki and is effective for when Miyabi is waiting on Energy or Fallen Frost Charges.
Two different incredibly potent stunning options to pair alongside Miyabi - both offering fantastic damage amplification. Lighter certainly has the edge in terms of raw boosting potential but Lycaon gets the consolation prize of having the option to remain on field a little more comfortably - something you may want for your team. Both are great but which is better will depend on your other team mate and playstyle.
Two great supports which have their own pros, cons and team compositions. Soukaku provides excellent buff for Miyabi but takes up a good chunk of field time - something you may or may not be ok with depending on your desired playstyle for Miyabi. Lucy has slightly less buffing potential but takes up significantly less field time than Soukaku. Soukaku is Ice, Lucy is fire - this is also a major factor when choosing as it will have a direct impact on your final team member options.
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Miyabi Hyper
Bangboo options:
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important. As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters.
About Mindscapes:
Important! Miyabi has Disorder baked into kit. For this reason we have performed her calculations with Disorder included to fully utilize her abilities - something that can only be achieved fully with the help of teammates (not something most other character calculations include). Because of this, comparing her DPS and Total Damage to other characters will not yield a fair 1 to 1 comparison. Miyabi has been granted 2 Disorder triggers in her baseline rotation.
Rotation time: 12.44s for Quick Swap for M0-M1 and 10.86s for M2+
Here are the rotations used in the calculations.
Miyabi Opener Rotation
At the start of combat Miyabi gains 3 Fallen Frost orbs allowing for a more potent first rotation. To take advantage of this we'll be combining an EX Special to generate 2 and triggering Frostburn for the remaining needed orb. The only requirement for this combo to work is that you build up enough Frost anomaly.
- EX Special Attack: Hisetsu (Slash)
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P5 (Anomaly Triggers)
- Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Level Three Slash) (Quick Swap)
Miyabi Stun Burst Rotation
When an enemy becomes Stunned we're executing the following rotation with the assumption the enemy is already suffering an Anomaly from an ally OR a Disorder has been triggered before the Stun is active. The result of this is Miyabi either starting with 2 Fallen Frost orbs or gaining and additional 2 mid rotation via a Disorder trigger of her own. These 2 combined with 3 from the Ultimate and 1 from Frostburn form the 6 needed for the rotation below.
- Chain Attack: Spring's Call
- Ultimate: Lingering Snow (Anomaly Triggers)
- Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Level Three Slash) (Quick Swap)
Miyabi Baseline Rotation
Putting both burst and general rotation together we're using the following rotation as representation of Miyabi's combat potential for the purpose of calculations. In real combat alternations to this rotation are expected. You can also expect Miyabi's rotation to change drastically dependant on the team she's played in.
- EX Special Attack: Hisetsu (Slash)
- EX Special Attack: Hisetsu (Follow-Up)
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P3
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P4
- Basic Attack: Kazahana P5 (Anomaly Triggers)
- Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Level Three Slash) (Quick Swap)
- Chain Attack: Spring's Call
- Ultimate: Lingering Snow (Anomaly Triggers)
- Basic Attack: Shimotsuki (Level Three Slash) (Quick Swap)
And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.
CRIT DMG increases by 50/57/65/72/80%. When using an EX Special Attack or when any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly to an enemy, the equipper's Ice DMG increases by 20/23/26/29/32%, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 15s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Substats: ATK (42%), CRIT Rate (28.8%), CRIT DMG (62.4%)
If you want to learn more about Anomaly characters and how the archetype works, check out this great video:
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Miyabi performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Miyabi in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Miyabi in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Miyabi in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Miyabi in the current SD cycle (3450) or in the current DA cycle (5234).
114 s.Mindscape 0
104 s.18.99%
87 s.3.62%
87 s.1.02%
83 s.0.28%
82 s.5.11%
61 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Miyabi in the current SD cycle (3450) or in the current DA cycle (5234).
112 s.CRIT DMG increases by 50/57/65/72/80%. When using an EX Special Attack or when any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly to an enemy, the equipper's Ice DMG increases by 20/23/26/29/32%, stacking up to 2 times and lasting 15s. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
138 s.For every 10 Energy consumed, the equipper gains a buff that increases ATK by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 10s, stacking up to 10 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
129 s.Increases ATK by 12/15/18/21/24%. When using a Special Attack or EX Special Attack, the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency is increased by 25/31/37/43/50 for 8s, stacking up to 3 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
132 s.Whenever a squad member inflicts an Attribute Anomaly on an enemy, the equipper gains a buff that increases Anomaly Proficiency by 30/34/38/42/46, stacking up to 4 times. This effect expires when the target recovers from Stun or is defeated. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
143 s.When EX Special Attack hits an enemy, one of three possible effects is randomly triggered for 5 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 0.3s. The same types of effects cannot stack. Repeated triggers reset the duration allowing several effects to be active at once:
increases the equipper's ATK by 8/9.2/10.4/11.6/12.8%,
increases the equipper's Anomaly Proficiency by 40/46/52/58/64,
increases the equipper's Anomaly Buildup Rate by 25/28/32/36/40%.
115 s.When there are enemies inflicted with Attribute Anomaly on the field, the equipper's ATK increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% and they deal an additional 15/17.5/20/22.5/25% more DMG to the target.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Miyabi in the current SD cycle (3450) or in the current DA cycle (5234).
115 s.14%
114 s.6.45%
104 s.1.53%
102 s.1.47%
94 s.0.7%
120 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg