It's too late! You're now officially invited to join me on my one-day escape plan. I'm gonna ditch work, run away, and make my way to Reverb Arena!
To learn more about Astra Yao check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Astra Yao has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.5
Last profile update*
January 22nd, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Astra Yao check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Graceful Andante
During the Idyllic Cadenza state, when other characters switch in through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, and when Astra Yao expends Energy to release Tremolo to attack, both Astra Yao and the incoming character's ATK are increased. The increase is equal to 22% of Astra Yao's initial ATK, up to a maximum of 1,200. The effect lasts for 20s and can be extended up to 30s with repeated triggers.
Additional Ability Moonlit Frenzy
When another character in your squad is an Attack or Anomaly character:
When Energy is consumed to trigger a Precise Assist or Basic Attack: Finale, Astra Yao will additionally follow up with 1 Tremolo and 3 Tone Clusters.
Basic Attack: "Capriccio"
Basic Attack: Interlude
Basic Attack: Chorus
Basic Attack: Finale
Dodge: "Mini Waltz"
Dash Attack: "Lunar Eclipse Melody"
Dodge Counter: "Umbrella Waltz"
Special Attack: "Windchimes & Oaths"
Idyllic Cadenza
Chain Attack: "Tipsy Concerto"
Ultimate: "Fantasian Sonata"
Quick Assist: "One Luminous Sky"
Evasive Assist: "Two Hearts"
Assist Follow-Up: "Three Lifetimes of Fate"
12-Tone Equal Temperament
Mindscape 1
Art of Greed
Mindscape 2
Interwoven Staff Notation
Mindscape 3
Hair Upon Your Nape
Mindscape 4
Proxy and Silk String
Mindscape 5
We Are the World
Mindscape 6
Astra Yao Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Astra Yao images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Universal support that can be played in almost any team composition.
Buffs affect the whole team, offering even greater power to double DPS teams than other supports.
Provides healing to teammates which is useful for content where sustain is relevant.
Allows incredibly frequent use of Quick Assissts and the use of Chain attack outside of stun windows.
Provides an incredible array of buffs, including one of the highest ATK buffs in the game.
Not reliant on her Signature W-Engine to perform well.
Effectively locks you into a 2 active Agent playstyle, due to her low field time playstyle - while competitive, it won't be for everyone.
As a part of the new "Stars of Lyra", no current DPS characters share her faction which can make building teams with older characters awkward.
Astra Yao is a S-Rank Ranged Ether Support Agent wielding a microphone and the power of her voice to buff allies and deal a bit of damage herself. As the first Limited Support unit, it’s no surprise that Astra’s buffs take things to the next level and set a new bar for team-wide boosts. With that said she is more than just a buff machine as she brings her own unique playstyle to the game, thanks to her powerful but somewhat unusual kit.
Astra is all about her Special Attack, an ability that renders her immobile and mostly inactive by placing her in a special singing state called “Idyllic Cadenza”. In this state, she remains on the field even when swapped off (is invulnerable for the duration), buffs allies, and allows them to expend her energy to trigger Quick Assists on demand taking the concept of “Quick-Swap” to an entirely new level. If all of that sounds a bit strange and maybe a bit too simple you’d be right so let's get into more detail.
Her kit is wordy and doesn’t read like a traditional character’s kit due to the nature of her “Idyllic Cadenza” state, but have no fear! She is in fact the simplest character to play in the entire game (and it’s not close), with her gameplay boiling down to the following:
Use her Special Attack to enter the “Idyllic Cadenza” state.
Use her Chain Attack when available.
Use her Ultimate when it makes sense.
And that’s it... There is no “traditional rotation” with her and whilst there are other actions you can perform such as Basic Attacks and Dodges, it’s usually not needed. With that said, while “How to Play” Astra is simple, understanding what she’s doing and her effects on teams is less so, and quite important to making full of her. And as such, it’s time to dive into the nitty gritty of her kit!
Her unique resource gauge is “Chords” which unlike other character’s resources doesn’t require you to do anything special to accumulate. “Chords” are simply a representation of her current energy for the purpose of tracking her potential ability usage more easily. For every 25 energy she has, it will show up as having 1 “Chord”, thus 100 energy = 4 “Chords”. Spending 25 of that on an ability will consume 1 “Chord” worth of energy.
First and most important of Astra’s abilities is her Special Attack which notably has no EX-Special alternative and Astra will be using that energy for something else. Using the Special Attack causes the following effects to happen all at once:
Astra enters the “Idyllic Cadenza” state.
Astra performs an attack called Tremolo.
She can optionally choose to press and hold to charge the Special Attack. Doing so draws enemies toward Astra and increases the Tremeloes triggered from the typically 1 up to a maximum of 4 instead (dependent on charge duration).
She triggers a Quick Assist in the same way as all other Support’s Special Attacks (Can be converted to a “Precise Assist”).
Tremolo is a special damage source triggered by multiple of Astra’s abilities, it deals a small amount of Ether DMG, but most importantly is considered EX-Special DMG which is important for the purpose of many W-Engine effects.
While in the “Idyllic Cadenza” state Astra gains access to a myriad of buffs, mechanics and ability changes. To get started and keep things simple here is a quick list of all of them:
Becomes immobile outside of Dashing.
Gains Anti-Interrupt Level and takes 40% reduced damage while on field.
Gains the ability to remain on the field in an Invulnerable state when switched out maintaining “Idyllic Cadenza” while not being the active Agent.
Grants all squad members 20% DMG and 25% CRIT DMG.
Enables Squad Members to trigger “Precise Assists” and gain access to Quick Assists at non-standard times.
Out of all of these, the last one is the one that needs explaining. While in “Idyllic Cadenza” state and having at least 1 “Chord”, whenever the on-field agent executes:
A hit on an enemy (CD: 3s).
A Heavy Attack on an enemy (CD: 1s).
She will grant that Agent a Quick Assist between them and your team's other Agent (not being Astra) immediately followed by a “Precise Assist” trigger and the “Chord” consumption related to it. Triggering Quick Assists in this way, follow the cooldowns listed above for their respective attack types.
“Precise Assists” trigger whenever any squad mate performs a:
Quick Assist
Chain Attack
Defensive Assist
Evasive Assist
And Astra has access to a “Chord” (25 energy). Triggering a “Precise Assist" consumes the “Chord” and causes Astra to launch 1 Tremolo (the same one as the initial cast of her Special Attack) followed immediately by 3 “Tone Clusters” which deal a small amount of Ether DMG each for even more damage.
Astra can remain in the “Idyllic Cadenza” state indefinitely even if her energy reaches 0 - a fact that many players take advantage of by using her ability at the start of battle and only ever switching back to her to use her Ultimate or Chain Attack.
Astra’s Additional Ability and Core Passive directly build on her Special Attack and “Idyllic Cadenza” state enhancing it further. Her Core Passive: “Graceful Andante” allows her to grant 35% of her own ATK as additional Flat ATK to both herself and any character that switches in after triggering a “Precise Assist” up to a cap of 1200 Flat ATK (Requires roughly 3430 ATK to max out at M0). Assuming you’re playing Astra normally and constantly alternating between your other two agents via Quick Assists you’ll have no issues maintaining this buff on your entire team indefinitely.
Whereas, while Active, her Additional Ability: “Moonlit Frenzy” causes her Tremolo and 3 Tone Clusters to double trigger every time a “Chord” is consumed, doubling her damage output from “Precise Assist” triggers.
Astra’s Chain Attack is a stock standard Ether DMG attack but her Ultimate is something special. Upon use, her Ultimate heals all squad members up to 2950 HP and causes the next two Quick Assists Astra grants to be Chain Attacks instead. With this Astra is ZZZ’s very first Healer and can also open up new potential combos with characters having particularly impactful Chain Attacks.
Because her role in battle is to remain in the “Idyllic Cadenza” state, off the field for almost all of the combat, it should be no surprise that her Basic Attacks, Dodge Attacks, and Assists aren’t of too much relevance or used that frequently. With that said her Dodge can be used to reposition if you end up with her as your active Agent and her Basic Attack can be pressed and held to perform an attack that causes her to exit the “Idyllic Cadenza” state. Some of her abilities in these categories also gain different versions while within “Idyllic Cadenza” state but aren’t impactful on her role as a Support and as a result aren’t frequently used.
In conclusion, Astra is perhaps one of the simplest characters to play in the game but also is someone who has some of the highest impact on teams she's present in. Astra teams are effectively 2 Agent teams as Astra is almost exclusively off-field buffing and offering her Quick Assists. While this playstyle is competitive it certainly won't be for everyone. It also heavily relies on the fact that those 2 Agents are strong enough to carry the extra weight. Ultimately, Astra has some of the best buffs in the game, offers a new twist on combat and team building and is a top tier meta choice at the time of her release.
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
When any squad member enters the field through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, the equipper gains 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Energy. This effect can trigger once every 5s.
When the equipper consumes 25 or more Energy, the DMG dealt by all squad members increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%, stacking up to 2 times, and lasting 20s. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Only one instance of this effect can exist in the same squad.
Increases Ice DMG by 15/17.5/20/22/24%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Retriggering refreshes duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
When any friendly unit in the squad attacks and hits an enemy, all friendly units' ATK increases by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 8s, stacking up to 4 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately, and each friendly unit can provide 1 stack of the buff. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Dealing Ether DMG using an EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate increases all squad members' DMG against the target by 15/17.5/20/22/24% and increases the equipper's Energy Regen by 0.5/0.58/0.65/0.72/0.8 per second for 2s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Astral Voice is Astra Yao's best set - by a long shot - beating out Swing Jazz in both buff potential and uptime. Astra can stack its effect quickly ,thanks to the Quick Assists she continually grants the team and maintain it indefinitely.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Substats: CRIT [ATK% > Flat ATK (Top Priorities Until Ability Cap) > CRIT RATE = CRIT DMG > PEN] or ANOMALY [ATK% > Flat ATK (Top Priorities Until Ability Cap) > Anomaly Proficiency > PEN]
Choose a sub stat priority depending on which damage profile you're aiming for on Astra Yao.
ATK: 3430+
Astra requires at minimum ~3430 ATK to get the maximum effect out of her Core Skill team-wide buff.
Because of the potency of this buff, reaching this ATK breakpoint is the most important thing Astra can do with her Set Bonus, Main Stats, Sub Stats, and W-Engine choice. Use each of these methods to stack ATK until you have enough.
HP: 10500+
DEF: 800+
Energy Regen: 0 - 130% (Dependant on Secondary Disc Set, Disc Main Stat and W-Engine)
Gaining more ER is equivalent to gaining more free Quick Assists. Because of this getting as much Energy Regen as possible is very beneficial and picking it up whenever it doesn't interfere with you reaching 3430 ATK or more is a top priority.
After achieving or exceeding all the stat goals above, you can aim to maximize Astra's damage potential by either stacking CRIT or Anomaly (not both) - any amount of either of the offensive stats is beneficial.
CRIT RATE: Any Amount
CRIT DMG: Any Amount
Anomaly Proficiency: Any Amount
Special Attack
Chain Attack
Basic Attack
Rotation & Teams
Thanks to Astra Yao powerful and mostly generic buffs alongside her all Quick Assist mechanic and literal zero field time commitment, she is a Universal Support and can be used in any team composition where the other two Agents are able to satisfy their Additional Ability or can do without it.
As generic as Astra is, she definitely has team compositions and Agents she shines with a little more than others. Astra is capable of buffing the whole team all at once - a feat that isn’t as accessible to some of her fellow supportive peers. This makes her particularly potent in teams featuring two DPS or a DPS and a Stunner, capable of outputting some decent damage. Some of the best examples are: Evelyn, Miyabi, Yanagi, Jane Doe and Burnice
Each of these characters, you would preferably play with another DPS, which in many cases ends up being each other and as such buffing both of them instead of just one is a huge boon. On a similar note, due to the fact that Astra requires no field time allows for others to take all of it instead, pushing double DPS teams or teams which just soak up a huge amount of field time even further ahead.
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Bangboo options (Bangboo will be determined by your core team):
For more team ideas, check this video:
This honestly will be the shortest How To Play guide ever as Astra Yao is literally a one button character - you use her Skill, then you switch. Everything else she does happens in the background. So there's no rotation to follow, no hidden techniques to learn. She's that simple.
Since Astra Yao is a support, it's hard to showcase number-wise how her Mindscapes impact her performance as there's too many factors to take into account - the teams you're using her in, etc. Instead, we will provide information here in text form, giving some information about the impact of the dupes passives on her and her teams.
Astra's Mindscape 1 adds an incredibly potent, quickly stackable, ALL RES Shred (totalling 18% at maximum stack). It also grants her 1000 free initial starting Decibels at the start of combat and unlocks an additional defensive bonus within her kit. When using her Ultimate Astra applies Song of Protection to all squadmates, granting them a 1 time invulnerability that last 1 second next time they're hit (this mitigates the hit that triggers the invulnerability as well). Mindscape 1's extra buffs, damage immunity and faster starts make it a good vertical investment option.
If you need to choose between her signature W-Engine and M1, M1 has much bigger impact on her performance.
Mindscape 2 improves her ATK buff from 1200 to 1600 and makes it far easier to achieve the maximum effect (2963 instead of 3430), including its higher maximum. Mindscape 2 also improves her Tremello damage, allowing it to trigger 3 times back to back - instead of the usual 2 that occur with the additional ability active. M2 improves Astra's biggest buff by 33%, makes it easier to achieve her stat goals and raises her off field damage output by 50%.
Mindscape 4 adds an additional effect to her Ultimate that allows Quick Assists to be continually triggered even while Astra has no cords available for 15 seconds. Additionally, the cooldown period between these Quick Assists is reduced from 3 seconds to 1 second. This allows your other 2 agents to quick spam-alternate between their Quick Assists if desired. Also on top of this Astra gains a new buffing effect which adds a bonus effect to Quick Sssists and which affects each character role differently:
The additional effects related to these quick assists can only trigger once every 3 seconds for the entire squad, all effects share a cooldown.
Massively boosts Astra Yao's damage output, making her damage contribution meaningful. Also makes building CRIT far more effective over Anomaly.
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Astra Yao performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Astra Yao in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Astra Yao in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Astra Yao in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Astra Yao in the current SD cycle (4022) or in the current DA cycle (4699).
111 s.Mindscape 0
86 s.2.46%
71 s.0.14%
72 s.0.08%
79 s.1%
600 s.0.66%
47 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Astra Yao in the current SD cycle (4022) or in the current DA cycle (4699).
112 s.Increases Ice DMG by 15/17.5/20/22/24%. When launching an EX Special Attack, all squad members' ATK increases by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2% for 12s, stacking up to 4 times. Retriggering refreshes duration. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
105 s.When any squad member enters the field through a Quick Assist, Chain Attack, Defensive Assist, or Evasive Assist, the equipper gains 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 Energy. This effect can trigger once every 5s.
When the equipper consumes 25 or more Energy, the DMG dealt by all squad members increases by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%, stacking up to 2 times, and lasting 20s. Repeated triggers refresh the duration. Only one instance of this effect can exist in the same squad.
109 s.When any friendly unit in the squad attacks and hits an enemy, all friendly units' ATK increases by 2.5/2.8/3.2/3.6/4% for 8s, stacking up to 4 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately, and each friendly unit can provide 1 stack of the buff. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
123 s.Dealing Ether DMG using an EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate increases all squad members' DMG against the target by 15/17.5/20/22/24% and increases the equipper's Energy Regen by 0.5/0.58/0.65/0.72/0.8 per second for 2s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
132 s.Any squad members' Dodge Counter, EX Special Attack, Assist Attack, or Chain Attack respectively generates 20/23/26/29/32 (Dodge) | 25/28.5/32/35.5/40 (Special) | 30/34.5/39/43.5/48 (Assist) | 35/40/45/50/55 (Chain) more Decibels and generates 0.7/0.8/0.9/1/1.1 Energy for the equipper. This effect can trigger once every 12s. The cooldown for each type of attack is independent of others. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
122 s.While off-field, Energy Regen increases by 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 per second. Attacks from the equipper enhance the squad's DMG against a struck target by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% for 3 seconds. During this period, this effect is further increased by 1.7/2/2.5/3/3.3% every 0.5s, up to a maximum additional increase of 10.2/12/15/18/19.8%. Repeated triggers only refresh its duration without refreshing the DMG increase effect. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Astra Yao in the current SD cycle (4022) or in the current DA cycle (4699).
111 s.12.57%
114 s.0.69%
118 s.0.68%
105 s.0.27%
162 s.0.2%
135 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg