Can resolve any matter. The most trusted of attendants, and solid support for any team. Rational and wise, a true gentleman who can't tolerate a single stain. Offers absolute loyalty to the one he decides to follow. Though outwardly sophisticated and rational, his innate feral character will reveal itself when faced with certain dangers.
To learn more about Lycaon check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
Lycaon has at least one video guide available, so if you prefer this sort of medium to learn more about a character, check it out:
Last review/pros & cons update
Patch 1.5
Last build/calcs update
Patch 1.5
Last teams/synergies update
Patch 1.5
Last profile update*
February 11th, 2025
*Profile update means smaller edits to disk drives, stats or other things that don't require new calculations.
To learn more about Lycaon check the sections below. Use the tabs to quickly switch to the kind of information you're looking for.
SD/DA Analytics
Rotation & Teams
Core Passive Metallic Paws
When Lycaon charges his Basic Attack to completion, the attack deals 40% increased Daze. When EX Special Attack or Assist Follow-Up hits an enemy, the target's Ice DMG RES decreases by 25% for 30s.
Impact 0
Additional Ability Elegant Predator
When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:
When Lycaon hits a Stunned enemy, the target's Stun DMG Multiplier increases by 35%.
Basic Attack: Moon Hunter
Dodge: Suitable Positioning
Dash Attack: Keep it Clean
Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual
Special Attack: Time to Hunt
EX Special Attack: Thrill of the Hunt
Chain Attack: As You Wish
Ultimate: Mission Complete
Quick Assist: Wolf Pack
Defensive Assist: Disrupted Hunt
Assist Follow-Up: Vengeful Counterattack
Full Moon Momentum
Mindscape 1
Energy Feedback
Mindscape 2
Attendant Training
Mindscape 3
Graceful Demeanor
Mindscape 4
Alpha Nature
Mindscape 5
Ruthless Hunter
Mindscape 6
Lycaon Stats at level 60 (including Core passive bonuses).
Lycaon images aren't available yet. They will be added soon!
Additional ability amplifies the standard Stun multiplier from 150% to 185% increasing team burst damage during the Stun window tremendously.
Core ability applies 25% Ice Res Shred for 30 seconds allowing for near infinite uptime on enemies boosting the damage of Ice characters by an incredible amount.
Deals massive amounts of Daze unconditionally with his charged basic attack combo allowing him to act as a main field Dazer delivering absurd Daze on the field while still having the option to support a Main DPS with Parries and EX’s when they are available.
Charging up basic attacks and chaining them together requires a mild amount of timing to ensure time isn’t wasted in between each attack.
Requires a noticeable amount of field time, while his best DPS units want to be on the field.
Limited usage out of Ice teams.
Lycaon review isn't available yet. It will be added soon!
This tier list assesses characters based on their combat potential in Zenless Zone Zero’s current most demanding content, Shiyu Defense (SD). SD is a mode similar to Genshin Impact’s Spiral Abyss or Honkai Star Rail’s Memory of Chaos and requires multiple teams, Disk Drives and good W-Engines. This mode offers a reasonable mix of Boss encounters (single target) and Elite packs (2-3 targets), allowing multiple characters to find a niche but in the end, there is a bias toward single target focused characters at the top-end and tier list ratings will reflect that.
Please keep in mind Zenless Zone Zero is a skill-based game and each character has a different playstyle, difficulty level and even special tricks and combos. Zenless Zone Zero is also a team based game and it's only by combining both these factors to the highest level a character can reach optimal performance.
Shiyu Defense
Build and teams
The W-Engines are listed in order of priority. Sometimes the percentages appearing near them won't reflect their performance as pure damage or Stun output isn't the only thing we're looking at - the utility of the W-Engine might be more important than the calculations imply.
The top number shows the performance of the W-Engine when applying Daze while the bottom number when dealing Damage. You can find more information about them in the Calculations tab.
When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
When off-field, the equipper's Energy Regen increases by 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 per second. When using an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Impact is increased by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% for 10s, stacking up to 2 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
For every 10 Energy accumulated, the equipper's Impact is increased by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2%, stacking up to 8 times. After Energy is consumed, this bonus remains for 8 more seconds. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
The equipper gains a Charge stack every 3s, stacking up to 6 times. When launching an EX Special Attack, consumes all Charge stacks, and each stack increases the Daze inflicted by 4/4.6/5.2/5.8/6.4%.
When the target's HP is no lower than 50%, the equipper inflicts 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% more Daze. When the target's HP is no lower than 75%, this bonus is further enhanced by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%.
The equipper's attacks inflict 8/9/10/11/12% more Daze on their main target.
Increases Electric DMG by 15/17.5/20/22/24%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 18/20.5/23/25/27.5% for 8s.
Best option for all Stun-focused characters granting 6% permanent Impact% from the 2-PPC and 20% increased Daze for Basic Attacks, Dash Attacks and Dodge Counters. As Stun characters top priority is dealing as much Daze as possible as fast as possible, no other set comes close to this one and the 4-PC should be pursued even at the cost of good sub-stats.
Best combined with your choice of 2-PC Set:
Impact: 169-190+
HP: 10500+
DEF: 850+
ATK: 2000-2200+ (Optional)
CRIT RATE: 50%-60%+ (Optional)
CRIT DMG: 100%-120%+ (Optional)
Special Attack
Basic Attack
Chain Attack
Rotation & Teams
Miyabi is the new premium Ice/Frost DPS who can take advantage of Lycaon's buffs.
With the release of Lighter, Lycaon lost the spot as BIS support for Ellen, but if you don't have Ligher, Lycaon will still work very well with her as he provides Ice RES shred and dishes out incredible amounts of Daze causing Stuns to enemies incredibly quick thereby allowing Ellen to unleash her full EX empowered Basic Combos better than any other character. On top of this Lycaon also increases the Stun multiplier on enemies from 150% to 185% further increasing Ellen’s burst damage. Finally Lycaon and Ellen both deal Ice Anomaly allowing for Freezes to occur more frequently locking up enemies and when lucky even extending Stun durations.
Corin is a character fully dedicated to the path of Charged Attacks - something that makes dealing damage outside of Stun windows incredibly difficult for her. On top of this her kit also grants bonus damage against Stunned targets. Thus, Corin is in dire need of a character not only who can Stun quickly but also activating her Additional Ability. Fortunately for her, Lycaon can solve both problems while also amplifying Corin’s damage during Stuns tremendously due to him increasing the Stun damage multiplier on enemies from 150% to 185%. Lycaon is the best raw Daze contributor in the game and has great synergy with Corin making the two a good pair as long as no other characters need Lycaon for their own team (looking at you Ellen).
If a column has multiple characters, the bigger one is the priority choice for the team while the smaller ones are alternatives. If they are the same size, either of them can be used.
Bangboo options:
Don't use the damage output calculations as an indication on who is worth pulling or investing as those are just simulations and in day-to-day gameplay there's a lot variables and also the skill of the player is important. As usual, don't compare the numbers between characters.
Rotation time: 16.2s.
Attention!!! Calculations between characters that use Quick Swap Daze vs Main Field Daze Rotations should not be compared as they are two different playstyles!
This rotation is a rough representation of the character's Main Field Daze Rotation for the purpose of calculations. In combat you may need to interrupt your Basic Attack sequences to perform Dodges and may also find you gain more or less Dodge Counters than represented here.
Attention!!! Calculations between characters that use Quick Swap Daze vs Main Field Daze Rotations should not be compared as they are two different playstyles!
Main Field Daze Rotation
- Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P1 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P2 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P3 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P4 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P5 (Charged Lvl 2)
- Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual
- EX Special Attack: Thirll of the Hunt (Charged)
- Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P1 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P2 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P3 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P4 (Charged)
- Basic Attack: Moon Hunter P5 (Charged Lvl 2)
- Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual
- EX Special Attack: Thirll of the Hunt (Charged)
And here are the W-Engines and Disk Drives used in the calculations.
When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
Substats: ATK (18%), CRIT Rate (33.6%), CRIT DMG (67.2%)
Shiyu Defense / Deadly Assault
This section contains information about Lycaon performance in the latest Shiyu Defense and Deadly Assault cycles (1.6.1). The page will be automatically updated every patch once enough data is gathered.
If you want to share your clear information with us, you simply need to fill the form below and provide us with your UID and make your Hoyo profile public - we will automatically parse the Shiyu Defense clear information from your profile after that!
Shiyu Defense Stats FormCharacters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Shiyu Defense by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
Characters are ranked with appearance rate, which is how often a character was used in Deadly Assault by the players who we have scanned, regardless of whether they own the character or not. Ownership rate currently cannot be obtained.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Lycaon in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
This section lists the characters that were most commonly paired with Lycaon in the current phase of Deadly Assault.
This section lists most popular teams featuring Lycaon in the current phase of Shiyu Defense.
Mindscapes data comes from players who used Lycaon in the current SD cycle (596) or in the current DA cycle (1715).
141 s.Mindscape 0
141 s.12.07%
143 s.4.2%
174 s.0.83%
139 s.0.32%
600 s.0.18%
600 s.W-Engines usage data comes from players who used Lycaon in the current SD cycle (596) or in the current DA cycle (1715).
146 s.When an attack hits an enemy, DMG and Daze from Basic Attacks increase by 6/7.5/9/10.5/12% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. This effect can trigger at most once during each skill. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
142 s.For every 10 Energy accumulated, the equipper's Impact is increased by 2/2.3/2.6/2.9/3.2%, stacking up to 8 times. After Energy is consumed, this bonus remains for 8 more seconds. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
140 s.When the target's HP is no lower than 50%, the equipper inflicts 10/11.5/13/14.5/16% more Daze. When the target's HP is no lower than 75%, this bonus is further enhanced by 10/11.5/13/14.5/16%.
134 s.When off-field, the equipper's Energy Regen increases by 0.6/0.75/0.9/1.05/1.2 per second. When using an EX Special Attack, the equipper's Impact is increased by 10/12.5/15/17.5/20% for 10s, stacking up to 2 times. The duration of each stack is calculated separately.
154 s.The equipper gains a Charge stack every 3s, stacking up to 6 times. When launching an EX Special Attack, consumes all Charge stacks, and each stack increases the Daze inflicted by 4/4.6/5.2/5.8/6.4%.
160 s.Increases Electric DMG by 15/17.5/20/22/24%. When the equipper hits an enemy with Dodge Counter or Assist Attack, their Energy Generation Rate increases by 18/20.5/23/25/27.5% for 8s.
Disk Drives usage data comes from players who used Lycaon in the current SD cycle (596) or in the current DA cycle (1715).
139 s.32.62%
148 s.4.96%
148 s.2.41%
172 s.2.28%
126 s.2.24%
138 s.Copyright © 2025 Prydwen.gg